
218 lines
17 KiB

/* eslint-disable */
import * as types from './graphql';
import type { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';
* Map of all GraphQL operations in the project.
* This map has several performance disadvantages:
* 1. It is not tree-shakeable, so it will include all operations in the project.
* 2. It is not minifiable, so the string of a GraphQL query will be multiple times inside the bundle.
* 3. It does not support dead code elimination, so it will add unused operations.
* Therefore it is highly recommended to use the babel or swc plugin for production.
const documents = {
'\n mutation ResendVerificationEmail($data: ResendVerificationEmailDto) {\n resendVerificationEmail(data: $data)\n }\n':
'\n fragment FileCard on File {\n id\n type\n displayName\n sizeFormatted\n thumbnail {\n width\n height\n }\n paths {\n thumbnail\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n':
'\n fragment PasteCard on Paste {\n id\n title\n encrypted\n burn\n type\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n':
'\n query GetFiles($after: String) {\n user {\n files(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...FileCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n query GetPastes($after: String) {\n user {\n pastes(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...PasteCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n query Config {\n config {\n allowTypes\n inquiriesEmail\n requireEmails\n uploadLimit\n currentHost {\n normalised\n redirect\n }\n rootHost {\n normalised\n url\n }\n hosts {\n normalised\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n fragment RegularUser on User {\n id\n username\n email\n verifiedEmail\n }\n':
'\n query GetUser {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n': types.GetUserDocument,
'\n mutation Login($username: String!, $password: String!, $otp: String) {\n login(username: $username, password: $password, otpCode: $otp) {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation Logout {\n logout\n }\n': types.LogoutDocument,
'\n query GenerateOTP {\n generateOTP {\n recoveryCodes\n qrauthUrl\n secret\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation ConfirmOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n confirmOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n': types.ConfirmOtpDocument,
'\n mutation RefreshToken {\n refreshToken {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n': types.RefreshTokenDocument,
'\n mutation DisableOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n disableOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n': types.DisableOtpDocument,
'\n query UserQueryWithToken {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n token\n otpEnabled\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation ChangePassword($oldPassword: String!, $newPassword: String!) {\n changePassword(currentPassword: $oldPassword, newPassword: $newPassword)\n }\n':
'\n query GetFile($fileId: ID!) {\n file(fileId: $fileId) {\n id\n type\n displayName\n size\n sizeFormatted\n textContent\n isOwner\n metadata {\n height\n width\n }\n paths {\n view\n thumbnail\n direct\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation DeleteFile($fileId: ID!, $deleteKey: String) {\n deleteFile(fileId: $fileId, key: $deleteKey)\n }\n':
'\n query GetInvite($inviteId: ID!) {\n invite(inviteId: $inviteId) {\n id\n expiresAt\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation CreateUser($user: CreateUserDto!) {\n createUser(data: $user) {\n id\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation CreatePaste($input: CreatePasteDto!) {\n createPaste(partial: $input) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n query GetPaste($pasteId: ID!) {\n paste(pasteId: $pasteId) {\n id\n title\n type\n extension\n content\n encrypted\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n burnt\n burn\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n':
'\n mutation Shorten($link: String!, $host: String) {\n createLink(destination: $link, host: $host) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n':
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
* @example
* ```ts
* const query = graphql(`query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { name } }`);
* ```
* The query argument is unknown!
* Please regenerate the types.
export function graphql(source: string): unknown;
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation ResendVerificationEmail($data: ResendVerificationEmailDto) {\n resendVerificationEmail(data: $data)\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation ResendVerificationEmail($data: ResendVerificationEmailDto) {\n resendVerificationEmail(data: $data)\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n fragment FileCard on File {\n id\n type\n displayName\n sizeFormatted\n thumbnail {\n width\n height\n }\n paths {\n thumbnail\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n fragment FileCard on File {\n id\n type\n displayName\n sizeFormatted\n thumbnail {\n width\n height\n }\n paths {\n thumbnail\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n fragment PasteCard on Paste {\n id\n title\n encrypted\n burn\n type\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n fragment PasteCard on Paste {\n id\n title\n encrypted\n burn\n type\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetFiles($after: String) {\n user {\n files(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...FileCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetFiles($after: String) {\n user {\n files(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...FileCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetPastes($after: String) {\n user {\n pastes(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...PasteCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetPastes($after: String) {\n user {\n pastes(first: 24, after: $after) {\n pageInfo {\n endCursor\n hasNextPage\n }\n edges {\n node {\n id\n ...PasteCard\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query Config {\n config {\n allowTypes\n inquiriesEmail\n requireEmails\n uploadLimit\n currentHost {\n normalised\n redirect\n }\n rootHost {\n normalised\n url\n }\n hosts {\n normalised\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query Config {\n config {\n allowTypes\n inquiriesEmail\n requireEmails\n uploadLimit\n currentHost {\n normalised\n redirect\n }\n rootHost {\n normalised\n url\n }\n hosts {\n normalised\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n fragment RegularUser on User {\n id\n username\n email\n verifiedEmail\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n fragment RegularUser on User {\n id\n username\n email\n verifiedEmail\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetUser {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetUser {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation Login($username: String!, $password: String!, $otp: String) {\n login(username: $username, password: $password, otpCode: $otp) {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation Login($username: String!, $password: String!, $otp: String) {\n login(username: $username, password: $password, otpCode: $otp) {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation Logout {\n logout\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation Logout {\n logout\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GenerateOTP {\n generateOTP {\n recoveryCodes\n qrauthUrl\n secret\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GenerateOTP {\n generateOTP {\n recoveryCodes\n qrauthUrl\n secret\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation ConfirmOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n confirmOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation ConfirmOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n confirmOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation RefreshToken {\n refreshToken {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation RefreshToken {\n refreshToken {\n ...RegularUser\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation DisableOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n disableOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation DisableOTP($otpCode: String!) {\n disableOTP(otpCode: $otpCode)\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query UserQueryWithToken {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n token\n otpEnabled\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query UserQueryWithToken {\n user {\n ...RegularUser\n token\n otpEnabled\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation ChangePassword($oldPassword: String!, $newPassword: String!) {\n changePassword(currentPassword: $oldPassword, newPassword: $newPassword)\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation ChangePassword($oldPassword: String!, $newPassword: String!) {\n changePassword(currentPassword: $oldPassword, newPassword: $newPassword)\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetFile($fileId: ID!) {\n file(fileId: $fileId) {\n id\n type\n displayName\n size\n sizeFormatted\n textContent\n isOwner\n metadata {\n height\n width\n }\n paths {\n view\n thumbnail\n direct\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetFile($fileId: ID!) {\n file(fileId: $fileId) {\n id\n type\n displayName\n size\n sizeFormatted\n textContent\n isOwner\n metadata {\n height\n width\n }\n paths {\n view\n thumbnail\n direct\n }\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation DeleteFile($fileId: ID!, $deleteKey: String) {\n deleteFile(fileId: $fileId, key: $deleteKey)\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation DeleteFile($fileId: ID!, $deleteKey: String) {\n deleteFile(fileId: $fileId, key: $deleteKey)\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetInvite($inviteId: ID!) {\n invite(inviteId: $inviteId) {\n id\n expiresAt\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetInvite($inviteId: ID!) {\n invite(inviteId: $inviteId) {\n id\n expiresAt\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation CreateUser($user: CreateUserDto!) {\n createUser(data: $user) {\n id\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation CreateUser($user: CreateUserDto!) {\n createUser(data: $user) {\n id\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation CreatePaste($input: CreatePasteDto!) {\n createPaste(partial: $input) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation CreatePaste($input: CreatePasteDto!) {\n createPaste(partial: $input) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n query GetPaste($pasteId: ID!) {\n paste(pasteId: $pasteId) {\n id\n title\n type\n extension\n content\n encrypted\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n burnt\n burn\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n query GetPaste($pasteId: ID!) {\n paste(pasteId: $pasteId) {\n id\n title\n type\n extension\n content\n encrypted\n createdAt\n expiresAt\n burnt\n burn\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n'];
* The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.
export function graphql(
source: '\n mutation Shorten($link: String!, $host: String) {\n createLink(destination: $link, host: $host) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n',
): (typeof documents)['\n mutation Shorten($link: String!, $host: String) {\n createLink(destination: $link, host: $host) {\n id\n urls {\n view\n }\n }\n }\n'];
export function graphql(source: string) {
return (documents as any)[source] ?? {};
export type DocumentType<TDocumentNode extends DocumentNode<any, any>> =
TDocumentNode extends DocumentNode<infer TType, any> ? TType : never;