
213 lines
6.5 KiB

import { EntityRepository, QueryOrder, UniqueConstraintViolationException } from '@mikro-orm/core';
import { InjectRepository } from '@mikro-orm/nestjs';
import { BadRequestException, ConflictException, ForbiddenException, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cron, CronExpression } from '@nestjs/schedule';
import bcrypt from 'bcryptjs';
import dedent from 'dedent';
import handlebars from 'handlebars';
import ms from 'ms';
import { nanoid } from 'nanoid';
import { config, rootHost } from '../../config.js';
import type { Permission } from '../../constants.js';
import { generateContentId } from '../../helpers/generate-content-id.helper.js';
import { sendMail } from '../../helpers/send-mail.helper.js';
import { File } from '../file/file.entity.js';
import type { Invite } from '../invite/invite.entity.js';
import { InviteService } from '../invite/invite.service.js';
import { Paste } from '../paste/paste.entity.js';
import type { CreateUserDto } from './dto/create-user.dto.js';
import type { Pagination } from './dto/pagination.dto.js';
import { UserVerification } from './user-verification.entity.js';
import { User } from './user.entity.js';
<h1>Verify Your Email</h1>
<p>Thanks for signing up to micro. Click the link below to verify your email and activate your account.</p>
<a href="{{verifyUrl}}">{{verifyUrl}}</a>
<p><i>If you did not sign up for micro, ignore this email.</i></p>
export class UserService {
private static readonly VERIFICATION_EXPIRY = ms('6 hours');
private static readonly EMAIL_TEMPLATE = handlebars.compile<{ verifyUrl: string }>(EMAIL_TEMPLATE_SOURCE);
@InjectRepository(User) private readonly userRepo: EntityRepository<User>,
@InjectRepository(UserVerification) private readonly verificationRepo: EntityRepository<UserVerification>,
@InjectRepository(File) private readonly fileRepo: EntityRepository<File>,
@InjectRepository(Paste) private readonly pasteRepo: EntityRepository<Paste>,
private readonly inviteService: InviteService,
) {}
async getUser(id: string, verified: boolean) {
const user = await this.userRepo.findOneOrFail(id);
if (verified && config.email && !user.verifiedEmail) {
throw new ForbiddenException('You must verify your email first.');
return user;
getUserFiles(userId: string, pagination: Pagination) {
return this.fileRepo.find(
owner: userId,
limit: pagination.limit,
offset: pagination.offset,
orderBy: {
createdAt: QueryOrder.DESC,
getUserPastes(userId: string, pagination: Pagination) {
return this.pasteRepo.find(
owner: userId,
limit: pagination.limit,
offset: pagination.offset,
orderBy: {
createdAt: QueryOrder.DESC,
async deleteUser(id: string) {
const user = this.userRepo.getReference(id);
await this.userRepo.removeAndFlush(user);
checkPermissions(permissions: Permission | number, permission: Permission | number) {
return (permissions & permission) === permission;
addPermissions(permissions: Permission | number, permission: Permission | number) {
permissions |= permission;
clearPermissions(permissions: Permission | number, permission: Permission | number) {
permissions &= ~permission;
* @warning you must persist the user on your own after calling this
async sendVerificationEmail(user: User) {
if (!user.email) {
throw new BadRequestException('User has no email address');
const verification = this.verificationRepo.create({
user: user,
expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + UserService.VERIFICATION_EXPIRY),
const verifyUrl = `${rootHost.url}/api/user/${verification.user.id}/verify/${verification.id}`;
const html = UserService.EMAIL_TEMPLATE({ verifyUrl });
await sendMail({
to: user.email,
subject: 'Verify your account | micro',
html: html,
async createUser(data: CreateUserDto, invite: Invite) {
if (!data.email && config.email) {
throw new ConflictException('You must provide an email address to create a user.');
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(data.password, 12);
const user = this.userRepo.create({
id: generateContentId(),
secret: nanoid(),
email: data.email,
password: hashedPassword,
username: data.username,
invite: invite.id,
permissions: invite.permissions ?? 0,
otpEnabled: false,
if (data.email) {
await this.checkEmail(data.email);
await this.sendVerificationEmail(user);
try {
await this.inviteService.consume(invite, user);
await this.userRepo.flush();
return user;
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof UniqueConstraintViolationException) {
throw new ConflictException('Username or email already exists');
throw error;
async verifyUser(userId: string, verificationId: string) {
const verification = await this.verificationRepo.findOne(
user: userId,
id: verificationId,
expiresAt: {
$gt: new Date(),
{ populate: ['user'] },
if (!verification) {
throw new BadRequestException('Invalid or expired verification code');
verification.user.$.verifiedEmail = true;
await this.userRepo.persistAndFlush(verification.user);
await this.verificationRepo.nativeDelete({
user: userId,
async checkEmail(email: string) {
const existingByLowerEmail = await this.userRepo.findOne({
email: {
$ilike: email.toLowerCase(),
if (existingByLowerEmail) {
throw new ConflictException('Username or email already exists.');
async changePassword(userId: string, currentPassword: string, newPassword: string) {
const user = await this.userRepo.findOneOrFail(userId);
const passwordMatches = await bcrypt.compare(currentPassword, user.password);
if (!passwordMatches) {
throw new BadRequestException('Invalid password');
user.password = await bcrypt.hash(newPassword, 12);
await this.userRepo.persistAndFlush(user);
async deleteExpiredVerifications() {
await this.verificationRepo.nativeDelete({
expiresAt: {
$lt: new Date(),