# Kopia ###### guide-by-example ![logo](https://i.imgur.com/A2mosM6.png) WORK IN PROGRESS
# Purpose & Overview Backups. * [Official site](https://kopia.io/) * [Github](https://github.com/kopia/kopia) Kopia is an open source backup utility with basicly all modern features.
Cross-platform, deduplication, encryption, compression, multithreaded speed, cloud storage support, CLI and GUI versions, snapshots mounting,... Written in golang, In this setup kopia cli is installed directly on the host system.
A script is created that backs up the entire docker directory and /etc locally.
Cronjob is set to execute this script daily. The repository is also pruned on each run of the script - old archives are deleted while keeping the ones fitting the retention rules in the script.
One backup per day for last 7 days, last 4 weeks, last 6 months are kept. # Files and directory structure ``` /home/ ├── ~/ │ └── docker/ │ ├── container-setup #2 │ ├── container-setup #1 │ ├── ... │ /mnt/ └── mirror/ └── docker_host_kopia/ ``` * `docker_backup/` - borg repository directory containg the backups * `borg_backup.sh` - the backup script that adds new archive in to the repository * `borg_backup.log` - log file with the dates of backups Only `borg_backup.sh` has to be provided.
Repo directory is created by `borg init` command and the log file is created on the first run. # The setup #### Install kopia for arch linux, kopia is on AUR `yay kopia-bin` #### Backing up using kopia use of sudo so that kopia has access everywhere
config files are therefore in `/root/config/kopia` - `mkdir /mnt/mirror/docker_host_kopia`
- `sudo kopia repository create filesystem --path /mnt/mirror/docker_host_kopia`
- `sudo kopia repository connect filesystem --path /mnt/mirror/docker_host_kopia`
- `sudo kopia snapshot create /home/spravca/docker`
- `sudo kopia snapshot list`
- `sudo kopia mount k7e2b0a503edd7604ff61c68655cd5ad7 /mnt/tmp &`
- `sudo umount /mnt/tmp`
#### The backup script ### Manual run ### Automatic execution # Accessing the backup files # Extra info # Remote backup