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DoTheEvo 2023-01-02 13:38:34 +01:00
parent af0a70ffed
commit 00a792417e
1 changed files with 50 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -75,41 +75,47 @@ with the HBA card, I would be buying Fujitsu 9211-8i from ebay.
If there are issues with the time... enable ssh service, ssh in to the truenas
check few things
* `timedatectl`
* `ntpq -p`
* `sudo ntpq -c sysinfo`
* `systemctl status ntp.service`
* `sudo journalctl -u ntp.service`
* `cat /etc/ntp.conf`
* `sudo hwclock --systohc --utc`
* `timedatectl` - general time info
* `sudo ntpq -p` - lists configured ntp servers, the symbols in the first column
`+, -, *` [note the use](
* `sudo ntpq -c sysinfo` - operational summary
* `sudo sntp -t 1` - force sync to a pool, timeout after 1 sec
* `systemctl status ntp.service` - check service status
* `sudo journalctl -u ntp.service` - check journal info of the service
* `systemctl restart ntp.service` - restart the service
* `cat /etc/ntp.conf` - check the config
* `sudo hwclock --systohc --utc` - set utc time to rtc clock, hardware clock runnin in bios
For the issue I faced, I think what did the trick was sync time through dashboard
when I had notice of wrong time for like 4th time.
Then I set the UTC time in bios using `hwclock --systohc --utc`
and then I started `sudo systemctl start ntp` which previously was failing,
after that `ntpq -p` worked.
I faced an issue of time being out of sync after restarts and ntpq command
failing to connect. What I think did the trick was force sync time through dashboard,
or through use of `sntp` command, then restart the ntp service.
Then set the UTC time in bios using `hwclock --systohc --utc`
### Pools and Datasets
##### First a Pool
##### Pool
[The official documentation.](
I think of a pool as of a virtual unformated hard rive. You cant mount it,
you cant use it without partitioning it first.
Pool is like a virtual unformated hard drive. Can't be mounted,
cant be used without *"partitioning"* it first.
But it is at the creation of pool where "raid" is set.
* create a pool in the Storage section, name it, I prefer to not encrypt,
that comes later with Datasets
* assign disks to the pool's default VDev, if needed more VDevs can be added
* in vdev select "raid" type stripe, mirror,
* finish
* start creating a pool<br>
Storage > Create Pool button<br>
name it; I prefer to not encrypt, that comes with datasets
* assign physical disks to the pool's default VDev,
if needed, more VDevs can be added<br>
select "raid" type for the VDev - stripe, mirror
* Create
##### Second comes Dataset
For destruction of a pool - Storage > Export/Disconnect button
##### Dataset
[The official documentation.](
@ -117,8 +123,9 @@ you cant use it without partitioning it first.
actually comes to play, with all the good stuff like mount, access, quotas,
compression, snapshots,...
* create a dataset in Datasets > Add Dataset, name it,
I prefer to turn off compression
* start creating a dataset<br>
Datasets > Add Dataset button<br>
name it; I prefer to turn off compression
* set encryption to passphrase if desired<br>
this encryption prevents access to the data after shutdown,
nothing to do with sharing
@ -126,14 +133,15 @@ compression, snapshots,...
* set Share Type to `SMB` if planning to share with SMB, which is the most used
way to share, especially for windows or mixed access
Theres also a direct alterantive to dataset - `Zvol` when one desires
iScsi and the mounting of a network storage as a block device.
Which provides great speeds with small files, but at the cost of space.
##### Zvol
For destruction of datasets - Datasets > select one > delete button right side<br>
For destruction of pools - Storage > Export/Disconnect button
`Zvol` is a direct alternative to dataset.<br>
When planning to use iScsi with its approach of mounting network storage
as a block device.
This provides great speeds with small files, but at the cost of space.
### SMB share
<summary><h1>SMB share</h1></summary>
Should be go-to for most cases, as all systems(win, linux, mac,
android, ios) have mature reliable smb clients.
@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ should allow full access to the share.
Worth noting that it's the UID number that identifies users,
not the username.
#### SMB share for everyone
### SMB share for everyone
One might think that just allowing group `everyone@` access is enough.
But when someone connects to a share, there must be a username used.
@ -178,7 +186,7 @@ which under the hood is named `nobody`
* in Shares > Windows (SMB) Shares > edit the share
* Advanced Options > Allow Guest Access
#### Mounting network share at boot
### Mounting network share at boot
Using systemd. And the instructions from [arch wiki.](
@ -209,9 +217,13 @@ Where=/mnt/bigdisk
### NFS share
<summary><h1>NFS share</h1></summary>
Linux to linux file sharing. Simple.
@ -252,7 +264,7 @@ Test mounting on client machine, in my case arch linux machine,
* mount the share `sudo mount ~/temp`
* should work can check version using `nfsstat -m` or `rpcinfo -p`
#### Mounting network share at boot
### Mounting network share at boot
Using systemd. And the instructions from [arch wiki.](
@ -284,11 +296,12 @@ Where=/mnt/truenas
handy commands
* `lsof ~/temp` - find what uses files when trying to unmount
### iSCSI share
# iSCSI share
### Data protection settings