Helmut K. C. Tessarek d2d07ad345
feat(server): improve random_url config handling (#122)
* feat(server): improve random_url config handling

* log deprecation warnings after hot reload of config

* refactor(config): adjust config files

* tests(config): add test for deprecation codepath

* remove unnecessary to_string()

* style: delete empty line

* refactor(server): clean up random_url config handling

* refactor(config): update configs accordingly to deprecated random_url.enabled


Co-authored-by: Orhun Parmaksız <>
2023-08-20 20:32:41 +02:00
config.toml feat(server): improve random_url config handling (#122) 2023-08-20 20:32:41 +02:00 feat(server): add random suffix mode (#69) 2023-07-01 00:11:16 +02:00