# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [0.15.0] - 2024-03-27 ### Added - Allow to override filename when using `random_url` by @tessus in [#233](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/233) Now you can use the `filename` header to override the name of the uploaded file. For example: ```sh curl -F "file=@x.txt" -H "filename:override.txt" http://localhost:8000 ``` Even if `random_url` is set, the filename will be override.txt [`rustypaste-cli`](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste-cli) also has a new argument for overriding the file name: ```sh rpaste -n filename-on-server.txt awesome.txt ``` - Use more specific HTTP status codes by @tessus in [#262](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/262) `rustypaste` now returns more appropriate status codes in the following 2 cases (instead of a generic 500 code): - If the mime type is on the blacklist: `UnsupportedMediaType` (415) - If the file already exists: `Conflict` (409) ### Changed - Do path joins more safely by @RealOrangeOne in [#247](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/247) - Gracefully exit when there is no config file found by @orhun - Switch to cargo-llvm-cov for code coverage by @orhun in [#260](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/260) - Replace unmaintained action by @tessus in [#266](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/266) - Set up mergify by @orhun - Apply clippy suggestions by @orhun - Update funding options by @orhun - Update the copyright years by @orhun - Bump dependencies ### Fixed - Improve logging for deleted file by @tessus in [#235](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/235) - Fix deployment by @tessus in [#236](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/236) - Return the correct file on multiple files with same name by @tessus in [#234](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/234) - Update the hash of the example file by @tessus in [#254](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/254) - Error on upload with the same filename by @tessus in [#258](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/258) ### New Contributors - @RealOrangeOne made their first contribution in [#247](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/pull/247) ## [0.14.4] - 2023-12-20 ### Removed - Remove excessive warning messages when auth tokens are not found (#210) ## [0.14.3] - 2023-12-12 ### Changed - Return `404` for not exposed endpoints instead of `403` - Disallow blank `delete_tokens` and `auth_tokens` - Bump dependencies ## [0.14.2] - 2023-12-05 ### Added - Add installation instructions for FreeBSD (#177) - Add auth token handling to HTML form example (#183) - Add release instructions ### Changed - Bump Shuttle to `0.34.1` - Bump dependencies ## [0.14.1] - 2023-11-02 ### Changed - Switch to `tracing` for logging (#163) - Bump Shuttle to `0.31.0` - Bump dependencies ## [0.14.0] - 2023-09-05 ### Added - Add delete endpoint (#136) Now you can delete files from the server with sending a [`DELETE`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Methods/DELETE) request. To enable this, set the `delete_tokens` array in the configuration file or use the `DELETE_TOKEN` environment variable. ```toml [server] delete_tokens = [ "may_the_force_be_with_you" ] ``` And then you can send a `DELETE` request as follows: ```sh $ curl -H "Authorization: may_the_force_be_with_you" -X DELETE "/file.txt" file deleted ``` You can also use [`rpaste`](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste-cli#delete-files-from-server) (the command line tool) to delete files: ```sh $ rpaste -d awesome.UA86.txt ``` ### Changed - Update crates and rustls deps (#135) - Bump Shuttle to `0.25.0` ## [0.13.0] - 2023-08-26 ### Added - Support handling spaces in filenames (#107) Now you can replace the whitespaces with either underscore or encoded space (`%20`) character in the filenames. For example: ```toml [server] handle_spaces = "replace" ``` ```sh $ curl -F "file=@test file.txt" /test_file.txt ``` Or you can use encoded spaces: ```toml [server] handle_spaces = "encode" ``` ```sh $ curl -F "file=@test file.txt" /test%20file.txt ``` Please note that `random_url` should not be configured to use the original file names. ### Changed - Improve random_url config handling (#122) `[paste].random_url.enabled` is deprecated. You can now disable random URLs by commenting out `[paste].random_url`. ```toml # enabled random_url = { type = "petname", words = 2, separator = "-" } # disabled # random_url = { type = "petname", words = 2, separator = "-" } ``` - Replace unmaintained actions (#116) - Bump Shuttle to `0.24.0` - Bump dependencies ### Fixed - Don't log invalid token in release builds (#112) Before, invalid tokens were logged as follows: ``` [2023-08-13T19:24:30Z WARN rustypaste::auth] authorization failure for a.b.c.d (header: invalid_token) ``` Now, we print the token only in debug mode. In release mode, the log entry will look like this: ``` [2023-08-13T19:24:30Z WARN rustypaste::auth] authorization failure for a.b.c.d ``` ## [0.12.1] - 2023-08-11 ### Fixed - Do not list expired files (#109) ## [0.12.0] - 2023-08-07 ### Added - Add an endpoint for retrieving a list of files (#94) Set the `expose_list` option to `true` in the configuration file for enabling this feature. It is disabled as default. ```toml [server] expose_list = true ``` Then you can receive the list of files as JSON via `/list` endpoint: ```sh $ curl "http:///list" | jq . [ { "file_name": "accepted-cicada.txt", "file_size": 241, "expires_at_utc": null }, { "file_name": "evolving-ferret.txt", "file_size": 111, "expires_at_utc": "2023-08-07 10:51:14" } ] ``` - Support multiple auth tokens (#84) `auth_token` option is now deprecated and replaced with `auth_tokens` which supports an array of authentication tokens. For example: ```toml [server] auth_tokens = [ "super_secret_token1", "super_secret_token2", ] ``` - Add new line character to most prominent messages (#97) This is a follow-up to #72 for making the terminal output better: ```sh $ curl http://localhost:8000/sweeping-tahr unauthorized ``` ### Changed - Bump Shuttle to `0.23.0` - Bump dependencies ### Fixed - Deploy the Shuttle service when a new tag is created ## [0.11.1] - 2023-07-01 This is a hotfix release for supporting the use of deprecated `[server].landing_page*` fields. ### Fixed - Allow using deprecated landing page fields ## [0.11.0] - 2023-07-01 ### Added - Add a new section for the landing page - Also, support a file for the landing page (#64) Migration path: Old: ```toml [server] landing_page = "Landing page text." landing_page_file = "index.html" landing_page_content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" ``` New: ```toml [landing_page] text = "Landing page text." file = "index.html" content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" ``` The configuration is backwards compatible but we recommend using the new `landing_page` section as shown above since the other fields are now deprecated. - Add random suffix mode (#69) - Support appending a random suffix to the filename before the extension. For example, `foo.tar.gz` will result in `foo.eu7f92x1.tar.gz` To enable, set `suffix_mode` to `true`: ```toml [paste] random_url = { enabled = true, type = "alphanumeric", length = 6, suffix_mode = true } ``` - Honor X-Forward-\* headers (`X-Forwarded-For` / `X-Forwarded-Host` / `X-Forwarded-Proto`) (#61) - This would be really useful to have for setups where the service is running behind a reverse-proxy or gateway and the possibility to adjust the logging output based on their availability, to have the real IP addresses of the clients available in the log. - Add new line character to the 404 message (#72) Terminal output will look better when the file is not found: ```sh $ curl http://localhost:8000/sweeping-tahr file is not found or expired :( ``` - Add editorconfig for correctly formatting the test fixture files - Add pull request template ### Changed - Bump Shuttle to `0.20.0` - List all the supported units in the documentation (#63) - Note that the Alpine Linux package is moved to the community - - Bump dependencies ### Fixed - Use the static folder for the Shuttle config (#70) - There was a regression in the previous release that has caused the static folder to be not present in Shuttle deployments. This shouldn't be an issue anymore and the deployment should be live. - Also, it is now possible to trigger a deployment manually via GitHub Actions. Thanks to [@tessus](https://github.com/tessus) for his contributions to this release! ## [0.10.1] - 2023-06-05 ### Added - Add a middleware for checking the content length - Before, the upload size was checked after full upload which was clearly wrong. - With this change, total amount of bytes to upload is checked via [`Content-Length`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Length) header before the upload. ### Changed - Bump Shuttle to `0.18.0` - Bump hotwatch to 0.5.0 - Fixes [`RUSTSEC-2020-0016`](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2020-0016.html) ### Fixed - Do not drop the config watcher - Since `0.9.0`, the configuration watcher was dropped early which caused for it to not work and resulted in mysterious spikes in CPU usage. - With this version, this issue is fixed. ## [0.10.0] - 2023-05-31 ### Added - Support one shot URLs With using the `oneshot_url` multipart field, you can now shorten an URL and make it disappear after viewed once: ```sh curl -F "oneshot_url=https://example.com" "" ``` - Allow configuring the content type for the landing page `landing_page_content_type` is added as a configuration option for setting the [`Content-Type`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Type) header: ```toml [server] landing_page = "" landing_page_content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" ``` - Add information/example about using HTML forms With utilizing the newly added option for the content type, you can now use HTML forms for the landing page: ```toml [server] landing_page = "" landing_page_content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8" ``` There is an example added to the repository: [html_form.toml](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/blob/1a8958966972f2afb04a12cb2f5537a1d971561c/examples/html_form.toml) Also, there is an ongoing discussion about refactoring the usage of landing page fields in the configuration file. See [#52](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/issues/52) - An informative log message is added for showing the server address at startup ## [0.9.1] - 2023-05-24 ### Changed - Bump Shuttle to `0.17.0` - Tweak public instance settings - Increase the default expiry time to 24 hours - Increase the max content length to 20MB - Bump dependencies ## [0.9.0] - 2023-05-17 The public instance is now available at [https://rustypaste.shuttleapp.rs](https://rustypaste.shuttleapp.rs) 🚀 Read the blog post about `rustypaste` and Shuttle deployments: [https://blog.orhun.dev/blazingly-fast-file-sharing](https://blog.orhun.dev/blazingly-fast-file-sharing) ### Added - Deploy on Shuttle.rs - Support setting a default expiry time You can now specify a expiry time for uploaded files. For example, if you want all the files to expire after one hour: ```toml [paste] default_expiry = "1h" ``` - Support overriding the server URL If you are using `rustypaste` with a redirect or reverse proxy, it is now possible to set a different URL for the returned results: ```toml [server] url = "https://rustypaste.shuttleapp.rs" ``` - Add instructions for installing on Alpine Linux `rustypaste` is now available in [testing](https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/packages?name=rustypaste&branch=edge) repositories. - Add new crate features - `shuttle`: enable an entry point for deploying on Shuttle - `openssl`: use distro OpenSSL (binary size is reduced ~20% in release mode) - `rustls`: use [rustls](https://github.com/rustls/rustls) (enabled as default) ### Changed - Make the default landing page fancier - Generate SBOM attestation for the Docker image ### Updated - Bump dependencies - Update the funding options - Consider donating if you liked `rustypaste`: [https://donate.orhun.dev](https://donate.orhun.dev) 💖 ## [0.8.4] - 2023-01-31 ### Added - Allow downloading files via `?download=true` parameter - If you specify this for a file (e.g. `/file?download=true`), `rustypaste` will override the MIME type to `application/octet-stream` and this will force your browser to download the file. - This is useful when e.g. you want to be able to share the link to a file that would play in the browser (like `.mp4`) but also share a link that will auto-download as well. ## [0.8.3] - 2023-01-30 ### Updated - Bump dependencies - Switch to [Rust](https://hub.docker.com/_/rust) image for the Dockerfile - Remove unused `clap` dependency ## [0.8.2] - 2022-10-04 ### Updated - Don't expose version endpoint in default config - Set `expose_version` to `false` in the configuration file ## [0.8.1] - 2022-10-04 ### Added - Add `/version` endpoint for retrieving the server version ```toml [server] expose_version=true ``` If `expose_version` entry is not present in the configuration file, `/version` is not exposed. It is recommended to use this feature with authorization enabled. ### Fixed - Replace unmaintained `dotenv` crate with `dotenvy` - Fixes [RUSTSEC-2021-0141](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2021-0141.html) ## [0.8.0] - 2022-10-03 ### Added - Support adding a landing page You can now specify a landing page text in the configuration file as follows: ```toml [server] landing_page = """ boo 👻 ====== welcome! """ ``` If the landing page entry is not present in the configuration file, visiting the index page will redirect to the repository. ### Updated - Do not check for duplicate files by default - Set `duplicate_files` to `true` in the configuration file - It is an expensive operation to do on slower hardware and can take an unreasonable amount of time for bigger files - Enable [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/orhun) for funding - Consider supporting me for my open-source work 💖 ## [0.7.1] - 2022-05-21 ### Added - Aggressively test everything - Add the missing unit tests for the server endpoints (code coverage is increased to 84%) - Create a custom testing framework (written in Bash) for adding [test fixtures](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/tree/master/fixtures) ## [0.7.0] - 2022-03-26 ### Added - Support auto-deletion of expired files `rustypaste` can now delete the expired files by itself. To enable this feature, add the following line to the `[paste]` section in the configuration file: ```toml # expired files will be cleaned up hourly delete_expired_files = { enabled = true, interval = "1h" } ``` For users who want to have this feature disabled, there is an alternative [shell script](README.md#cleaning-up-expired-files) recommended in the documentation. - Add systemd service files - [systemd files](./extra/systemd/) have been added to serve files from `/var/lib/rustypaste`, create `rustypaste` user automatically via `systemd-sysusers` and configure `AUTH_TOKEN` via `rustypaste.env`. - For the installation and usage, see the Arch Linux [PKGBUILD](https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-community/blob/packages/rustypaste/trunk/PKGBUILD). ### Updated - Upgrade Actix dependencies - `actix-web` is updated to [`4.0.*`](https://github.com/actix/actix-web/blob/master/actix-web/CHANGES.md#401---2022-02-25) - Strip the binaries during automated builds - Size of the Docker image is reduced by ~20% ### Fixed - Prevent invalid attempts of serving directories - This fixes an issue where requesting a directory was possible via e.g. `curl --path-as-is` - This issue had no security impact (path traversal wasn't possible) since internal server error was returned. ## [0.6.5] - 2022-03-13 ### Added - Add instructions for installing [rustypaste](https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/rustypaste/) on Arch Linux - `pacman -S rustypaste` 🎉 ### Fixed - Fix a bug where the use of `CONFIG` environment variable causes a conflict between the configuration file path and `[config]` section ## [0.6.4] - 2022-03-11 ### Added - Support setting the refresh rate for hot-reloading the configuration file. ```toml [config] refresh_rate="1s" ``` - Support setting the timeout for HTTP requests. ```toml [server] timeout="30s" ``` ### Security - Bump [regex crate](https://github.com/rust-lang/regex) to **1.5.5** - Fixes [CVE-2022-24713](https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-m5pq-gvj9-9vr8) ## [0.6.3] - 2022-02-24 ### Added - Support setting the authentication token in the configuration file. - This is an alternative (but not recommended) way of setting up authentication when the use of `AUTH_TOKEN` environment variable is not applicable. ```toml [server] auth_token="hunter2" ``` ## [0.6.2] - 2021-12-05 ### Updated - Improve the concurrency - Shrink the scope of non-suspendable types (`#[must_not_suspend]`) for dropping them before reaching a suspend point (`.await` call). This avoids possible deadlocks, delays, and situations where `Future`s not implementing `Send`. - Reference: https://rust-lang.github.io/rfcs/3014-must-not-suspend-lint.html ## [0.6.1] - 2021-11-16 ### Fixed - Gracefully handle the hot-reloading errors. - Errors that may occur while locking the [Mutex](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/struct.Mutex.html) are handled properly hence a single configuration change cannot take down the whole service due to [poisoning](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/struct.Mutex.html#poisoning). ## [0.6.0] - 2021-11-07 ### Added - Support pasting files from remote URLs (via `remote=` form field) - `{server.max_content_length}` is used for download limit - See [README.md#paste-file-from-remote-url](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste#paste-file-from-remote-url) - Hot reload configuration file to apply configuration changes instantly without restarting the server ### Changed - Library: Switch to Rust 2021 edition ### Security - Prevent serving an already expired file In the previous versions, it was possible to view an expired file by using the correct extension (timestamp). e.g. `paste.com/expired_file.txt.1630094518049` will serve the file normally although `paste.com/expired_file.txt` says that it is expired. This version fixes this vulnerability by regex-checking the requested file's extension. reference: [f078a9afa74f8608ee3f2a6e705159df15915c78](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/commit/f078a9afa74f8608ee3f2a6e705159df15915c78) ## [0.5.0] - 2021-10-12 ### Added - Added an entry in the configuration file to disable "duplicate uploads": ```toml [paste] # default: true duplicate_files = false ``` Under the hood, it checks the SHA256 digest of the uploaded files. ## [0.4.1] - 2021-09-19 ### Changed - Update README.md: - Mention the new standalone tool: [rustypaste-cli](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste-cli) - Add [installation](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste#installation) section. ## [0.4.0] - 2021-08-27 ### Added - Support [expiring links](README.md#expiration) (via `expire:` header) - Timestamps are used as extension for expiring files - Expired files can be cleaned up with [this command](README.md#cleaning-up-expired-files) - Support [one shot links](README.md#one-shot) (via `oneshot=` form field) - `{server.upload_path}/oneshot` is used for storage ## [0.3.1] - 2021-08-10 ### Fixed - Switch to [upload-release-action](https://github.com/svenstaro/upload-release-action) for uploading releases ## [0.3.0] - 2021-08-09 ### Added - Support overriding MIME types (config: `mime_override`) - Support blacklisting MIME types (config: `mime_blacklist`) ## [0.2.0] - 2021-08-04 ### Added - Support shortening URLs (via `url=` form field) - `{server.upload_path}/url` is used for storage ## [0.1.3] - 2021-07-28 ### Fixed - Prevent sending empty file name and zero bytes - Prevent path traversal on upload directory ([#2](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/issues/2)) - Check the content length while reading bytes for preventing OOM ([#1](https://github.com/orhun/rustypaste/issues/1)) ## [0.1.2] - 2021-07-27 ### Changed - Update Continuous Deployment workflow to publish Docker images ## [0.1.1] - 2021-07-27 Initial release.