
80 lines
2.6 KiB

import { writableStreamFromWriter } from "";
const indexFileName = "index.html";
const html = await Deno.readTextFile(`./${indexFileName}`);
const regExp = /(?:<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content=")([^">]+)">/gi;
const matches = regExp.exec(html);
if (!matches || !matches[1]) {
console.error("Could not find CSP meta tag. Please make sure you've downloaded a correct index.html file.");
console.log("Found CSP meta tag. Parsing rules...");
const cspString = matches[1];
const filesInCsp = new Set<string>();
const cspRuleStrings = cspString.split(";").map((cspRule) => cspRule.trim());
// Parse all rules appropriately, with the files per rule
for (const cspRuleString of cspRuleStrings) {
const cspParts = cspRuleString.split(" ");
if (cspParts.length === 0) {
console.error("Found invalid CSP rule. Please make sure you've downloaded a correct index.html file.");
// Skip empty set (we get one at the end)
if (cspParts.length === 1 && cspParts[0] === "") {
// Remove the rule name
for (const cspPart of cspParts) {
if (cspPart.startsWith("https://")) {
// Confirm we're downloading a file and not a server URL, for example
const urlParts = cspPart.split("/");
const fileName = urlParts.pop() || "";
const fileExtension = fileName.split(".").pop();
if (urlParts.length > 2 && fileName && fileExtension) {
console.log("Parsed all the rules. Downloading files...");
// Download all files, in parallel
await Promise.all(
Array.from(filesInCsp).map(async (fileUrl) => {
try {
const fileName = fileUrl.split("/").pop() || "";
const response = await fetch(fileUrl);
// Stream instead of waiting for the response to finish before saving, as it's faster, even if the files should be small
if (response.body) {
const file = await`./${fileName}`, { write: true, create: true });
const writableStream = writableStreamFromWriter(file);
await response.body.pipeTo(writableStream);
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to fetch file");
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to download "${fileUrl}": ${error}`);
"Finished downloading files. You can now download the latest checksum and run the sha256sum command to verify them."