
101 lines
3.8 KiB

import { assert } from "chai";
import { suite, test } from "mocha";
import { ErrorCode } from "../src/error";
import { stringToBytes, bytesToString } from "../src/encoding";
import { SimpleContainer, PBES2Container, SharedContainer } from "../src/container";
import { RSAKeyParams } from "../src/crypto";
import { StubCryptoProvider } from "../src/stub-crypto-provider";
import { assertReject } from "../src/spec/spec";
const provider = new StubCryptoProvider();
suite("Container", () => {
test("SimpleContainer", async () => {
const key = await provider.randomBytes(32);
const testData = "I'm a very important, very secret message!";
let container = new SimpleContainer();
// set encryption key
await container.unlock(key);
// encrypt data
await container.setData(stringToBytes(testData));
// Make sure no information gets lost during serialization / deserialization
container = new SimpleContainer().fromRaw(container.toRaw());
// Trying to decrypt with a different key should throw an error
await container.unlock(await provider.randomBytes(32));
await assertReject(assert, async () => container.getData(), ErrorCode.DECRYPTION_FAILED);
// Using the correct key should allow us to retreive the original message
await container.unlock(key);
const data = bytesToString(await container.getData());
assert.equal(data, testData);
test("PBES2Container", async () => {
const password = "correct battery horse staple";
const testData = "I'm a very important, very secret message!";
let container = new PBES2Container();
// set password
await container.unlock(password);
// encrypt data
await container.setData(stringToBytes(testData));
// Make sure no information gets lost during serialization / deserialization
container = new PBES2Container().fromRaw(container.toRaw());
// Trying to decrypt with a different key should throw an error
await assertReject(assert, async () => container.unlock("wrong password"), ErrorCode.DECRYPTION_FAILED);
// Using the correct key should allow us to retreive the original message
await container.unlock(password);
const data = bytesToString(await container.getData());
assert.equal(data, testData);
test("SharedContainer", async () => {
const testData = "I'm a very important, very secret message!";
const accessors: { id: string; privateKey: Uint8Array; publicKey: Uint8Array }[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
accessors.push(Object.assign({ id: i.toString() }, await provider.generateKey(new RSAKeyParams())));
let container = new SharedContainer();
// set accessors (this will generate the shared key and encrypt it with the respective public keys)
await container.updateAccessors(accessors);
// encrypt data
await container.setData(stringToBytes(testData));
for (const each of accessors) {
// Make sure no information gets lost during serialization / deserialization
container = container.clone();
// Decrypt shared key via private key
await container.unlock(each);
// Decrypt actual data
const data = bytesToString(await container.getData());
assert.equal(data, testData);
// Lets remove one accessor
await container.updateAccessors(accessors.slice(1));
container = container.clone();
// Trying to unlock with the wrong accessor should throw an error
await assertReject(assert, async () => container.unlock(accessors[0]), ErrorCode.MISSING_ACCESS);