
207 lines
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import { Serializable, AsBytes } from "./encoding";
// Default number of pbkdf2 iterations
export const PBKDF2_ITER_DEFAULT = 1e5;
// Maximum number of pbkdf2 iterations
export const PBKDF2_ITER_MAX = 1e7;
export type AESKey = Uint8Array;
export type HMACKey = Uint8Array;
export type SymmetricKey = AESKey | HMACKey;
export type RSAPublicKey = Uint8Array;
export type RSAPrivateKey = Uint8Array;
export class AESEncryptionParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "AES-GCM" | "AES-CCM" = "AES-GCM";
tagSize: 64 | 96 | 128 = 128;
keySize: 256 = 256;
iv: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array();
additionalData = new Uint8Array();
validate() {
return (
["AES-GCM", "AES-CCM"].includes(this.algorithm) &&
[64, 96, 128].includes(this.tagSize) &&
export class AESKeyParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "AES" = "AES";
keySize: 256 = 256;
validate() {
return this.algorithm === "AES" && this.keySize === 256;
export class HMACKeyParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "HMAC" = "HMAC";
keySize: 256 = 256;
validate() {
return this.algorithm === "HMAC" && this.keySize === 256;
export class RSAKeyParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "RSA" = "RSA";
modulusLength: 2048 = 2048;
hash: "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
publicExponent: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([0x01, 0x00, 0x01]);
validate() {
return (
this.algorithm === "RSA" &&
this.modulusLength === 2048 &&
this.hash === "SHA-256" &&
this.publicExponent instanceof Uint8Array
export class PBKDF2Params extends Serializable {
algorithm: "PBKDF2" = "PBKDF2";
hash: "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
keySize: 256 = 256;
iterations: number = PBKDF2_ITER_DEFAULT;
salt: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array();
constructor(props?: Partial<PBKDF2Params>) {
props && Object.assign(this, props);
validate() {
return (
this.algorithm === "PBKDF2" &&
this.hash === "SHA-256" &&
this.keySize === 256 &&
typeof this.iterations === "number" &&
this.iterations < PBKDF2_ITER_MAX &&
this.salt instanceof Uint8Array
export class RSAEncryptionParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "RSA-OAEP" = "RSA-OAEP";
hash: "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
validate() {
return this.algorithm === "RSA-OAEP" && this.hash === "SHA-256";
export class RSASigningParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "RSA-PSS" = "RSA-PSS";
hash: "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
saltLength: 32 = 32;
validate() {
return this.algorithm === "RSA-PSS" && this.hash === "SHA-256" && this.saltLength === 32;
export class HMACParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "HMAC" = "HMAC";
hash: "SHA-1" | "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
keySize: number = 256;
constructor(props?: Partial<HMACParams>) {
props && Object.assign(this, props);
validate() {
return this.algorithm === "HMAC" && this.hash === "SHA-256" && this.keySize === 256;
export class HashParams extends Serializable {
algorithm: "SHA-1" | "SHA-256" = "SHA-256";
constructor(props?: Partial<HashParams>) {
props && Object.assign(this, props);
validate() {
return ["SHA-1", "SHA-256"].includes(this.algorithm);
* CryptoProvider provides a unified interface for cryptographic primitives
* accross all platforms. This is usually a thin wrapper around the
* native crypto module provided by the platform.
export interface CryptoProvider {
* Generates an Array of `n` random bytes
randomBytes(n: number): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Creates a digest of the provided **input** using the algorithm specified in **params**
* For algorithms that should be supported, see [[HashParams]].
hash(input: Uint8Array, params: HashParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Generates a random key or key pair for the algorithm specified in **params**
generateKey(params: AESKeyParams): Promise<AESKey>;
generateKey(params: HMACKeyParams): Promise<HMACKey>;
generateKey(params: RSAKeyParams): Promise<{ privateKey: RSAPrivateKey; publicKey: RSAPublicKey }>;
* Derives a key from a given `password` using the provided key derivation **params**
* `password` should be the byte array representation of a UTF-8 encoded password.
deriveKey(password: Uint8Array, params: PBKDF2Params): Promise<SymmetricKey>;
* Encrypts `data` with `key` using the cipher and parameters specified in `params`
encrypt(key: AESKey, data: Uint8Array, params: AESEncryptionParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
encrypt(publicKey: RSAPublicKey, data: Uint8Array, params: RSAEncryptionParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Decrypts `data` with `key` using the cipher and parameters specified in `params`
decrypt(key: AESKey, data: Uint8Array, params: AESEncryptionParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
decrypt(privateKey: RSAPrivateKey, data: Uint8Array, params: RSAEncryptionParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Creates a signature from `data` with `key` using the algorithm and parameters specified in `params`
sign(key: HMACKey, data: Uint8Array, params: HMACParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
sign(key: RSAPrivateKey, data: Uint8Array, params: RSASigningParams): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Verifies `signature` with `data` and `key` using the algorithm and parameters specified in `params`
verify(key: HMACKey, signature: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, params: HMACParams): Promise<boolean>;
verify(key: RSAPublicKey, signature: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, params: RSASigningParams): Promise<boolean>;
* Creates a fingerprint from a given rsa public key
fingerprint(key: RSAPublicKey): Promise<Uint8Array>;
* Compares two values without leaking timing information that would allow an attacker to guess one of the values
timingSafeEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): Promise<boolean>;