import { unmarshal, bytesToString } from "@padloc/core/src/encoding"; import { PBES2Container } from "@padloc/core/src/container"; import { validateLegacyContainer, parseLegacyContainer } from "@padloc/core/src/legacy"; import { VaultItem, Field, createVaultItem, FieldType } from "@padloc/core/src/item"; import { Err, ErrorCode } from "@padloc/core/src/error"; import { uuid } from "@padloc/core/src/util"; import { translate as $l } from "@padloc/locale/src/translate"; import { readFileAsText, readFileAsArrayBuffer } from "@padloc/core/src/attachment"; import { OnePuxItem } from "./1pux-parser"; export interface ImportFormat { value: "csv" | "padlock-legacy" | "lastpass" | "padloc" | "1pux"; label: string; } export const CSV: ImportFormat = { value: "csv", label: "CSV", }; export const PADLOCK_LEGACY: ImportFormat = { value: "padlock-legacy", label: "Padlock (v2)", }; export const LASTPASS: ImportFormat = { value: "lastpass", label: "LastPass", }; export const PBES2: ImportFormat = { value: "padloc", label: "Encrypted Container", }; export const ONEPUX: ImportFormat = { value: "1pux", label: "1Password (1pux)", }; export const supportedFormats: ImportFormat[] = [CSV, PADLOCK_LEGACY, LASTPASS, PBES2, ONEPUX]; export function loadPapa(): Promise { return import(/* webpackChunkName: "papaparse" */ "papaparse"); } /** * Takes a data table (represented by a two-dimensional array) and converts it * into an array of items * @param Array data Two-dimensional array containing tabular item data; The first 'row' * should contain field names. All other rows represent items, containing * the item name, field values and optionally a list of tags. * @param Integer nameColIndex Index of the column containing the item names. Defaults to 0 * @param Integer tagsColIndex Index of the column containing the item categories. If left empty * no categories will be used */ export async function fromTable(data: string[][], nameColIndex?: number, tagsColIndex?: number): Promise { // Use first row for column names const colNames = data[0]; if (nameColIndex === undefined) { const i = colNames.indexOf("name"); nameColIndex = i !== -1 ? i : 0; } if (tagsColIndex === undefined) { tagsColIndex = colNames.indexOf("tags"); if (tagsColIndex === -1) { tagsColIndex = colNames.indexOf("category"); } } // All subsequent rows should contain values let items = data.slice(1).map(function (row) { // Construct an array of field object from column names and values let fields: Field[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < row.length; i++) { // Skip name column, category column (if any) and empty fields if (i != nameColIndex && i != tagsColIndex && row[i]) { const name = colNames[i]; const value = row[i]; fields.push( new Field().fromRaw({ name, value, }) ); } } const name = row[nameColIndex!]; const tags = row[tagsColIndex!]; return createVaultItem(name, fields, (tags && tags.split(",")) || []); }); return Promise.all(items); } export async function isCSV(data: string): Promise { const papa = await loadPapa(); return papa.parse(data).errors.length === 0; } export async function asCSV(file: File, nameColIndex?: number, tagsColIndex?: number): Promise { const data = await readFileAsText(file); const papa = await loadPapa(); const parsed = papa.parse(data); if (parsed.errors.length) { throw new Err(ErrorCode.INVALID_CSV, "Failed to parse .csv file."); } return fromTable(, nameColIndex, tagsColIndex); } export async function isPadlockV1(file: File): Promise { try { const data = await readFileAsText(file); return validateLegacyContainer(unmarshal(data)); } catch (e) { return false; } } export async function asPadlockLegacy(file: File, password: string): Promise { const data = await readFileAsText(file); const container = parseLegacyContainer(unmarshal(data)); await container.unlock(password); return importLegacyContainer(container); } export async function importLegacyContainer(container: PBES2Container) { const records = unmarshal(bytesToString(await container.getData())) as any[]; const items = records .filter(({ removed }) => !removed) .map(async ({ name = "Unnamed", fields = [], tags, category, updated }) => { return new VaultItem().fromRaw({ id: await uuid(), name, fields, tags: tags || [category], updated, updatedBy: "", attachments: [], }); }); return Promise.all(items); } export async function isPBES2Container(file: File) { try { const data = await readFileAsText(file); new PBES2Container().fromRaw(unmarshal(data)); return true; } catch (error) { return false; } } export async function asPBES2Container(file: File, password: string): Promise { const data = await readFileAsText(file); const container = new PBES2Container().fromRaw(unmarshal(data)); await container.unlock(password); const raw = unmarshal(bytesToString(await container.getData())) as any; const items = any) => { // Due to a bug in < v1.3.4 items were not serialized properly, so we may // need this additional step if (typeof item === "string") { try { item = unmarshal(item); } catch (e) {} } return new VaultItem().fromRaw(item); }); return items; } /* * Lastpass secure notes are exported by putting non-standard fields into the 'extra' column. Every line * represents a field in the following format: * * field_name:data * * We're parsing that information to retrieve the individual fields */ function lpParseNotes(str: string): Field[] { let lines = str.split("\n"); let fields = lines .filter((line) => !!line) .map((line) => { let split = line.indexOf(":"); return new Field({ name: line.substring(0, split), value: line.substring(split + 1), type: FieldType.Text, }); }); return fields; } /* * Parses a single row in a LastPass CSV file. Apart from extracting the default fields, we also parse * the 'extra' column for 'special notes' and remove any special fields that are not needed outside of * LastPass */ async function lpParseRow(row: string[]): Promise { const nameIndex = 4; const categoryIndex = 5; const urlIndex = 0; const usernameIndex = 1; const passwordIndex = 2; const notesIndex = 3; let fields: Field[] = [ new Field({ name: $l("Username"), value: row[usernameIndex], type: FieldType.Username }), new Field({ name: $l("Password"), value: row[passwordIndex], type: FieldType.Password }), new Field({ name: $l("URL"), value: row[urlIndex], type: FieldType.Url }), ]; let notes = row[notesIndex]; if (row[urlIndex] === "http://sn") { // The 'http://sn' url indicates that this line represents a 'secure note', which means // we'll have to parse the 'extra' column to retrieve the individual fields fields.push(...lpParseNotes(notes)); // In case of 'secure notes' we don't want the url and NoteType field fields = fields.filter((f) => != "url" && != "NoteType"); } else { // We've got a regular 'site' item, so the 'extra' column simply contains notes fields.push(new Field({ name: $l("Notes"), value: notes, type: FieldType.Note })); } const dir = row[categoryIndex]; // Create a basic item using the standard fields return createVaultItem(row[nameIndex], fields, dir ? [dir] : []); } export async function asLastPass(file: File): Promise { const data = await readFileAsText(file); const papa = await loadPapa(); let items = papa .parse(data) .data // Remove first row as it only contains field names .slice(1) // Filter out empty rows .filter((row: string[]) => row.length > 1) .map(lpParseRow); return Promise.all(items); } export async function isLastPass(file: File): Promise { try { const data = await readFileAsText(file); return data.split("\n")[0] === "url,username,password,extra,name,grouping,fav"; } catch (error) { return false; } } async function parse1PuxItem( accountName: string, vaultName: string, item: OnePuxItem["item"] ): Promise { if (!item) { return; } const { parseToRowData } = await import("./1pux-parser"); const rowData = parseToRowData(item, [accountName, vaultName]); if (!rowData) { return; } const itemName =; const tags = rowData.tags.split(","); if (item.trashed) { tags.push("trashed"); } let fields: Field[] = [ new Field({ name: $l("Username"), value: rowData.username, type: FieldType.Username }), new Field({ name: $l("Password"), value: rowData.password, type: FieldType.Password }), new Field({ name: $l("URL"), value: rowData.url, type: FieldType.Url }), ]; if (rowData.notes) { fields.push(new Field({ name: $l("Notes"), value: rowData.notes, type: FieldType.Note })); } for (const extraField of rowData.extraFields) { if (extraField.type === "totp") { // Extract just the secret try { const secret = new URL(extraField.value).searchParams.get("secret"); if (secret) { fields.push(new Field({ name:, value: secret, type: FieldType.Totp })); } } catch (error) { // Do nothing } } else { fields.push( new Field({ name:, value: extraField.value, type: extraField.type as FieldType }) ); } } return createVaultItem(itemName, fields, tags); } export async function as1Pux(file: File): Promise { try { const { parse1PuxFile } = await import("./1pux-parser"); const data = await readFileAsArrayBuffer(file); const dataExport = await parse1PuxFile(data); const items = []; for (const account of { for (const vault of account.vaults) { for (const vaultItem of vault.items) { if (vaultItem.item) { const parsedItem = await parse1PuxItem(,, vaultItem.item); if (parsedItem) { items.push(parsedItem); } } } } } return items; } catch (error) { throw new Err(ErrorCode.INVALID_1PUX, "Failed to parse .1pux file."); } } /** * Checks if a given file name ends with .1pux to avoid trying to parse unnecessarily */ export function is1Pux(file: File): boolean { return".1pux"); } export async function guessFormat(file: File): Promise { // Try to guess sync first (won't need parsing) if (is1Pux(file)) { return ONEPUX; } if (await isPBES2Container(file)) { return PBES2; } if (await isPadlockV1(file)) { return PADLOCK_LEGACY; } if (await isLastPass(file)) { return LASTPASS; } return CSV; }