# @padloc/tauri Native cross-platform app, powered by [Tauri](https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri). ## Setup The `@padloc/tauri` package is meant to be used from within the [Padloc monorepo](../../README.md). ```sh git clone git@github.com:padloc/padloc.git cd padloc npm ci cd packages/tauri ``` You also need to follow [Tauri's setup guide](https://tauri.studio/docs/getting-started/intro/#setting-up-your-environment) ## Building To build the app, run: ```sh npm run build ``` The resulting build can be fund in the `dist` folder. You can also build a debug version of the app, useful for - well - debugging: ```sh npm run build:debug ``` ### Build options All build options are provided as environment variables: | Variable Name | Description | Default | | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | -------- | | `PL_SERVER_URL` | URL to the [server component](../server/README.md) | `./dist` | ## Development For rapid development, there is also dev mode: ```sh npm run dev ``` ## Contributing For info on how to contribute to Padloc, please refer to the [monorepo readme](../../README.md#contributing).