Update tests

This commit is contained in:
Martin Kleinschrodt 2013-11-15 00:58:50 +01:00
parent 230dbd316b
commit 44842e5eb2
1 changed files with 60 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -1,47 +1,35 @@
QUnit.config.autostart = false;
require(["safe/crypto", "safe/util", "safe/model"], function(crypto, util, model) {
test("key generation", function() {
var keyLength = 256, pwd = "password";
var key = crypto.genKey(pwd, null, keyLength);
var p = crypto.genKey(pwd);
var p2 = crypto.genKey(pwd, p.salt);
// Make sure key is the right size
// equal(key.key.length, keyLength/32);
equal(p.key, p2.key, "Two keys created with the same password and salt should be equal.");
equal(p.salt, p2.salt, "The correct salt should be passed back with the key object.");
var newKey = crypto.genKey(pwd, key.salt, keyLength, key.iter);
p2 = crypto.genKey(pwd);
// Using the same password and salt should result in the same key
equal(key.key, newKey.key);
equal(key.salt, newKey.salt);
newKey = crypto.genKey(pwd, null, keyLength);
// A key generated with new salt should turn out differently.
notEqual(newKey.key, key.key);
notEqual(p.key, p2.key, "A key generated with new salt should turn out differently.");
test("encrypt/decrypt roundtrip", function() {
var pwd = "password", pt = "Hello World!";
var key = crypto.genKey(pwd);
var p = crypto.genKey(pwd);
var c = crypto.encrypt(key.key, pt);
var c = crypto.encrypt(p.key, pt);
// We should get back a _crypto.container_ object
var newC = crypto.encrypt(p.key, pt);
notEqual(newC.ct, c.ct, "Encrypting the same value twice with the same key should result " +
"in two different cipher texts.");
// Encrypting the same value twice with the same key should
// result in two different cipher texts, since a new iv is randomly
// generated each time
var newC = crypto.encrypt(key.key, pt);
notEqual(newC.ct, c.ct);
// Decrypted value should be equal to the original value
var dec = crypto.decrypt(key.key, c);
equal(dec, pt);
var dec = crypto.decrypt(p.key, c);
equal(dec, pt, "The decrypted value should be equal to the original value");
test("pwdEncrypt/pwdDecrypt roundtrip", function() {
@ -50,12 +38,10 @@ require(["safe/crypto", "safe/util", "safe/model"], function(crypto, util, model
var c = crypto.pwdEncrypt(pwd, pt);
var pt2 = crypto.pwdDecrypt(pwd, c);
// Decrypted value should be equal to original value
equal(pt2, pt);
equal(pt2, pt, "The decrypted value should be equal to original value.");
// Same plaintext/password pair should not result in the same cypher text
c2 = crypto.pwdEncrypt(pwd, pt);
notEqual(c2.ct, c.ct);
notEqual(c2.ct, c.ct, "The same plaintext/password pair should not result in the same cypher text");
@ -104,37 +90,61 @@ require(["safe/crypto", "safe/util", "safe/model"], function(crypto, util, model
deepEqual(e, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]);
module("safe/model", {
setup: function() {
// console.log("*** setup ***");
teardown: function() {
// console.log("*** teardown ***");
test("add records", function() {
var coll = new model.Collection();
var rec = {name: "Hello", value: "World"};
equal(coll.records.length, 1);
equal(coll.records[0], rec);
var rec2 = {name: "Orang", value: "Utan"}, rec3 = {name: "John", value: "Travolta"};
coll.add([rec2, rec3]);
equal(coll.records.length, 3);
equal(coll.records[1], rec2);
equal(coll.records[2], rec3);
test("create new collection", function() {
test("remove records", function() {
var coll = new model.Collection();
var recs = [];
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
recs.push({name: "name", value: "value"});
equal(coll.records.length, recs.length);
equal(coll.records.length, recs.length-1);
ok(coll.records.indexOf(recs[2]) == -1);
equal(coll.records.length, recs.length-2);
ok(coll.records.indexOf(recs[3]) == -1);
test("save collection", function() {
var collName = "test";
// First, make sure that the collection in question does not exist yet
localStorage.setItem("coll_" + collName, null);
localStorage.removeItem("coll_" + collName);
var coll = Object.create(model.collection);
coll.name = collName;
var coll = new model.Collection(collName);
deepEqual(coll.records, []);
deepEqual(coll.records, [], "Collection should be empty initially.");
notEqual(localStorage.getItem("coll_" + collName), null, "There should be something in the localStorage now.");
test("add record", function() {
var coll = Object.create(model.collection);
var record = Object.create(model.record);
equal(coll.records.length, 1);
equal(coll.records[0], record);
var recs = ["one", "two", "three"];
var newColl = new model.Collection(collName);
deepEqual(newColl.records, coll.records, "After fetching, the collection should be populated with the correct records.");