
160 lines
5.0 KiB

use anyhow::anyhow;
use bytes::Bytes;
use uuid::Uuid;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use scylla::IntoTypedRows;
use crate::config::ImageKind;
use crate::controller::get_bucket_by_id;
use crate::StorageBackend;
pub struct ScyllaBackend {
table: String,
connection: session::Session,
impl ScyllaBackend {
pub async fn connect(
keyspace: String,
table: Option<String>,
known_nodes: &[String],
user: Option<String>,
password: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let mut cfg = scylla::SessionConfig::new();
cfg.auth_password = user;
cfg.auth_password = password;
let base = scylla::Session::connect(cfg).await?;
base.use_keyspace(keyspace, false).await?;
let connection = session::Session::from(base);
let table = table.unwrap_or_else(|| "lust_image".to_string());
let qry = format!("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} (bucket_id bigint, sizing_id bigint, image_id uuid, kind text, data blob)", table);
connection.query(&qry, &[]).await?;
Ok(Self {
impl StorageBackend for ScyllaBackend {
async fn store(&self, bucket_id: u32, image_id: Uuid, kind: ImageKind, sizing_id: u32, data: Bytes) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let qry = format!("INSERT INTO {table} (bucket_id, sizing_id, image_id, kind, data) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", table = self.table);
.query_prepared(&qry, (bucket_id as i64, image_id, kind.as_file_extension(), sizing_id as i64, data.to_vec()))
async fn fetch(&self, bucket_id: u32, image_id: Uuid, kind: ImageKind, sizing_id: u32) -> anyhow::Result<Option<Bytes>> {
let qry = format!("SELECT data FROM {table} WHERE bucket_id = ? AND image_id = ? AND kind = ? AND sizing_id = ?;", table = self.table);
let buff = self.connection
.query_prepared(&qry, (bucket_id as i64, image_id, kind.as_file_extension(), sizing_id as i64))
.map(|v| Bytes::from(v.0));
async fn delete(&self, bucket_id: u32, image_id: Uuid) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<(u32, ImageKind)>> {
let qry = format!("DELETE FROM {table} WHERE bucket_id = ? AND image_id = ? AND kind = ? AND sizing_id = ?;", table = self.table);
let bucket = get_bucket_by_id(bucket_id)
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Bucket does not exist."))?
let mut hit_entries = vec![];
for sizing_id in bucket.sizing_preset_ids().iter().copied() {
for kind in ImageKind::variants() {
let values = (bucket_id as i64, image_id, kind.as_file_extension(), sizing_id as i64);
debug!("Purging image @ {:?}", &values);
.query_prepared(&qry, values)
hit_entries.push((sizing_id, *kind))
mod session {
use std::fmt::Debug;
use scylla::frame::value::ValueList;
use scylla::query::Query;
use scylla::transport::errors::{DbError, QueryError};
use scylla::QueryResult;
pub struct Session(scylla::CachingSession);
impl From<scylla::Session> for Session {
fn from(s: scylla::Session) -> Self {
Self(scylla::CachingSession::from(s, 100))
impl AsRef<scylla::Session> for Session {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &scylla::Session {
impl Session {
#[instrument(skip(self, query), level = "debug")]
pub async fn query(
query: &str,
values: impl ValueList + Debug,
) -> Result<QueryResult, QueryError> {
debug!("executing query {}", query);
let result = self.0.execute(query, &values).await;
if let Err(ref e) = result {
#[instrument(skip(self, query), level = "debug")]
pub async fn query_prepared(
query: &str,
values: impl ValueList + Debug,
) -> Result<QueryResult, QueryError> {
debug!("preparing new statement: {}", query);
let result = self.0.execute(Query::from(query), &values).await;
match result {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(e) => {
fn consider_logging_error(e: &QueryError) {
if let QueryError::DbError(DbError::AlreadyExists { .. }, ..) = e {
info!("Keyspace already exists, skipping...");