
179 lines
5.8 KiB

import axios from 'axios';
import { randomUUID } from 'crypto';
import { WithExponentialBackoff } from '../classes';
import { Logger, Sink } from '../interfaces';
import { sleep } from '../helper';
export class SplunkHecLogs extends WithExponentialBackoff implements Sink {
private endpoint: string;
private defaultToken: string;
private indexingAckEnabled: boolean;
private logger: Logger = console;
opts: { defaultToken: string; endpoint: string; indexingAckEnabled?: boolean },
customLogger?: Logger
) {
if (customLogger) {
this.logger = customLogger;
if (!opts.endpoint) {
throw new Error('endpoint is required');
if (!opts.defaultToken) {
throw new Error('defaultToken is required');
this.indexingAckEnabled = opts.indexingAckEnabled ? opts.indexingAckEnabled : false;
this.endpoint = opts.endpoint;
this.defaultToken = opts.defaultToken;
* Checks the health of the Splunk HEC endpoint.
* @returns A promise that resolves to true if the health check is successful, or rejects with an error if it fails.
public async healthCheck(): Promise<boolean> {
try {
const config = {
method: 'get',
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: `${this.endpoint}/services/collector/health/1.0`,
const response = await axios.request(config);
if (response.status === 200) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (error: any) {
this.logger.info(error ? error.message : 'Something went wrong with the health check');
return false;
* Transforms a single event into the expected format.
* @param event The event to transform.
* @param batched Indicates whether the event is part of a batch.
* @returns The transformed event.
public transformEvent(event: any, batched = false): any {
if (batched) {
return event.map((e) => JSON.stringify({ event: e })).join('\n');
} else {
return {
* Sends a single event to the Splunk HEC endpoint.
* @param event The event to send.
* @returns A promise that resolves to true if the event is successfully sent and indexed, or false otherwise.
public async sendEvent(event: any): Promise<boolean> {
if (!event) {
throw new Error('event is required');
let backoff = 100;
const retry = true;
do {
try {
const transformedEvent = this.transformEvent(event);
const channel = this.indexingAckEnabled ? randomUUID() : undefined;
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: `Splunk ${this.defaultToken}`,
'X-Splunk-Request-Channel': channel,
const response = await axios.post(`${this.endpoint}/services/collector/event`, transformedEvent, {
if (response.status === 200) {
return true;
} else {
await sleep(backoff);
backoff = this.getNextExponentialBackoff(backoff);
} catch (ex) {
await sleep(backoff);
backoff = this.getNextExponentialBackoff(backoff);
} while (retry);
return false;
* Sends multiple events to the Splunk HEC endpoint.
* @param events The events to send.
* @returns A promise that resolves to true if all events are successfully sent and indexed, or false otherwise.
public async sendEvents(events: any[], batchSize = 100): Promise<boolean> {
if (!events || !Array.isArray(events)) {
throw new Error('events must be an array');
if (events.length === 0) {
return true;
const batchedEvents = this.getBatchedEvents(events, batchSize);
let index = 0;
const channel = this.indexingAckEnabled ? randomUUID() : undefined;
const headers = {
Authorization: `Splunk ${this.defaultToken}`,
'X-Splunk-Request-Channel': channel,
let backoff = 100;
`Sending batch${this.indexingAckEnabled ? `(${channel})` : ''} of ${batchedEvents.length} batches and ${
} events to Splunk`
do {
try {
const transformedEvent = this.transformEvent(batchedEvents[index], true);
const response = await axios.post(`${this.endpoint}/services/collector/event`, transformedEvent, {
if (response.status === 200) {
this.logger.info(`Batch ${index} of ${batchedEvents[index].length} events sent to Splunk`);
backoff = 100;
await sleep(backoff);
} else {
this.logger.info(`Splunk HEC returned status code ${response.status}. Retrying in ${backoff}ms...`);
await sleep(backoff);
backoff = this.getNextExponentialBackoff(backoff);
} catch (ex: any) {
`Splunk HEC returned status code ${ex.response.status}. Retrying in ${backoff}ms...`
await sleep(backoff);
backoff = this.getNextExponentialBackoff(backoff);
} while (index < batchedEvents.length);
`Batch${this.indexingAckEnabled ? `(${channel})` : ''} of ${events.length} events sent to Splunk`
return true;
* Splits an array of events into batches of a specified size.
* @param {any[]} events - The array of events to be batched.
* @param {number} batchSize - The size of each batch.
* @returns {any[]} - An array of batches.
private getBatchedEvents(events: any[], batchSize: number): any[] {
const batchedEvents: any[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += batchSize) {
batchedEvents.push(events.slice(i, i + batchSize));
return batchedEvents;