jackson/e2e/ui/Enterprise SSO/saml.spec.ts

88 lines
3.3 KiB

import { test as baseTest, expect } from '@playwright/test';
import { Portal, SSOPage } from 'e2e/support/fixtures';
type MyFixtures = {
ssoPage: SSOPage;
portal: Portal;
ssoPageWithoutDelete: SSOPage;
export const test = baseTest.extend<MyFixtures>({
ssoPage: async ({ page, baseURL }, use, testInfo) => {
const ssoPage = new SSOPage(page);
const ssoName = `saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}`;
await ssoPage.goto();
await ssoPage.addSSOConnection({ name: ssoName, type: 'saml', baseURL: baseURL! });
await use(ssoPage);
await ssoPage.deleteAllSSOConnections();
portal: async ({ page }, use) => {
const portal = new Portal(page);
await use(portal);
ssoPageWithoutDelete: async ({ page, baseURL }, use, testInfo) => {
const ssoPage = new SSOPage(page);
const ssoName = `saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}`;
await ssoPage.goto();
await ssoPage.addSSOConnection({ name: ssoName, type: 'saml', baseURL: baseURL! });
await use(ssoPage);
test('OAuth2 wrapper + SAML provider', async ({ ssoPage, portal, page, baseURL }, testInfo) => {
// check if the first added connection appears in the connection list
await expect(page.getByText(`saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}-1`)).toBeVisible();
// Logout of magic link login
await ssoPage.logout();
await ssoPage.signInWithSSO();
// Login using MockSAML
await ssoPage.signInWithMockSAML();
// Wait for browser to redirect back to admin portal
await page.waitForURL((url) => url.origin === baseURL);
// Assert logged in state
await portal.isLoggedIn();
test('OAuth2 wrapper + SAML provider + wrong redirectUrl', async ({
}, testInfo) => {
// check if the first added connection appears in the connection list
await expect(page.getByText(`saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}-1`)).toBeVisible();
await ssoPageWithoutDelete.updateSSOConnection({
name: `saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}-1`,
url: 'https://invalid-url.com',
// Logout of magic link login
await ssoPageWithoutDelete.logout();
await ssoPageWithoutDelete.signInWithSSO();
// // Login using MockSAML
// await ssoPage.signInWithMockSAML();
// Wait for browser to redirect to error page
await page.waitForURL((url) => url.origin === baseURL && url.pathname === '/error');
// Assert error text
await expect(page.getByText(`SSO error: Redirect URL is not allowed.`)).toBeVisible();
test('OAuth2 wrapper + 2 SAML providers', async ({ ssoPage, portal, page, baseURL }, testInfo) => {
const ssoName = `saml-${testInfo.workerIndex}`;
// check if the first added connection appears in the connection list
await expect(page.getByText(`${ssoName}-1`)).toBeVisible();
// Add second SAML connection
await ssoPage.addSSOConnection({ name: ssoName, type: 'saml', baseURL: baseURL! });
// check if the second added connection appears in the connection list
await expect(page.getByText(`${ssoName}-2`)).toBeVisible();
// Logout of magic link login
await ssoPage.logout();
// Login using MockSAML
await ssoPage.signInWithSSO();
// Select IdP from selection screen
await ssoPage.selectIdP(`${ssoName}-2`);
await ssoPage.signInWithMockSAML();
// Wait for browser to redirect back to admin portal
await page.waitForURL((url) => url.origin === baseURL);
// Assert logged in state
await portal.isLoggedIn();