
328 lines
9.3 KiB

/*eslint no-constant-condition: ["error", { "checkLoops": false }]*/
import { DatabaseDriver, DatabaseOption, Index, Encrypted, Records } from '../../typings';
import { DataSource, DataSourceOptions, In, IsNull } from 'typeorm';
import * as dbutils from '../utils';
import * as mssql from './mssql';
class Sql implements DatabaseDriver {
private options: DatabaseOption;
private dataSource!: DataSource;
private storeRepository;
private indexRepository;
private ttlRepository;
private ttlCleanup;
private timerId;
private JacksonStore;
private JacksonIndex;
private JacksonTTL;
constructor(options: DatabaseOption) {
this.options = options;
async init({ JacksonStore, JacksonIndex, JacksonTTL }): Promise<Sql> {
const sqlType = this.options.engine === 'planetscale' ? 'mysql' : this.options.type!;
// Synchronize by default for non-planetscale engines only if migrations are not set to run
const synchronize = this.options.engine !== 'planetscale' && !this.options.manualMigration;
while (true) {
try {
const baseOpts = {
type: sqlType,
logging: ['error'],
entities: [JacksonStore, JacksonIndex, JacksonTTL],
if (sqlType === 'mssql') {
const mssqlOpts = mssql.parseURL(this.options.url);
this.dataSource = new DataSource(<DataSourceOptions>{
host: mssqlOpts.host,
port: mssqlOpts.port,
database: mssqlOpts.database,
username: mssqlOpts.username,
password: mssqlOpts.password,
options: mssqlOpts.options,
} else {
this.dataSource = new DataSource(<DataSourceOptions>{
url: this.options.url,
ssl: this.options.ssl,
await this.dataSource.initialize();
} catch (err) {
console.error(`error connecting to engine: ${this.options.engine}, type: ${sqlType} db: ${err}`);
await dbutils.sleep(1000);
this.JacksonStore = JacksonStore;
this.JacksonIndex = JacksonIndex;
this.JacksonTTL = JacksonTTL;
this.storeRepository = this.dataSource.getRepository(JacksonStore);
this.indexRepository = this.dataSource.getRepository(JacksonIndex);
this.ttlRepository = this.dataSource.getRepository(JacksonTTL);
while (true) {
try {
if (synchronize) {
await this.indexNamespace();
} catch (err) {
`error in index namespace execution for engine: ${this.options.engine}, type: ${sqlType} err: ${err}`
await dbutils.sleep(1000);
if (this.options.ttl && this.options.cleanupLimit) {
this.ttlCleanup = async () => {
const now = Date.now();
while (true) {
const ids = await this.ttlRepository
.where('jackson_ttl.expiresAt <= :expiresAt', {
expiresAt: now,
if (ids.length <= 0) {
const delIds = ids.map((id) => {
return id.key;
await this.storeRepository.remove(ids);
await this.ttlRepository.delete(delIds);
this.timerId = setTimeout(this.ttlCleanup, this.options.ttl! * 1000);
this.timerId = setTimeout(this.ttlCleanup, this.options.ttl! * 1000);
} else {
'Warning: ttl cleanup not enabled, set both "ttl" and "cleanupLimit" options to enable it!'
return this;
async indexNamespace() {
const res = await this.storeRepository.find({
where: {
namespace: IsNull(),
select: ['key'],
const searchTerm = ':';
for (const r of res) {
const key = r.key;
const tokens2 = key.split(searchTerm).slice(0, 2);
const value = tokens2.join(searchTerm);
await this.storeRepository.update({ key }, { namespace: value });
async get(namespace: string, key: string): Promise<any> {
const res = await this.storeRepository.findOneBy({
key: dbutils.key(namespace, key),
if (res && res.value) {
return {
value: res.value,
iv: res.iv,
tag: res.tag,
return null;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
async getAll(namespace: string, pageOffset?: number, pageLimit?: number, _?: string): Promise<Records> {
const skipOffsetAndLimitValue = !dbutils.isNumeric(pageOffset) && !dbutils.isNumeric(pageLimit);
const res = await this.storeRepository.find({
where: { namespace: namespace },
select: ['value', 'iv', 'tag'],
order: {
['createdAt']: 'DESC',
take: skipOffsetAndLimitValue ? this.options.pageLimit : pageLimit,
skip: skipOffsetAndLimitValue ? 0 : pageOffset,
return { data: res || [] };
async getByIndex(
namespace: string,
idx: Index,
pageOffset?: number,
pageLimit?: number,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
_?: string
): Promise<Records> {
const skipOffsetAndLimitValue = !dbutils.isNumeric(pageOffset) && !dbutils.isNumeric(pageLimit);
const res = skipOffsetAndLimitValue
? await this.indexRepository.findBy({
key: dbutils.keyForIndex(namespace, idx),
: await this.indexRepository.find({
where: { key: dbutils.keyForIndex(namespace, idx) },
take: skipOffsetAndLimitValue ? this.options.pageLimit : pageLimit,
skip: skipOffsetAndLimitValue ? 0 : pageOffset,
order: {
['id']: 'DESC',
const ret: Encrypted[] = [];
if (res) {
for (const r of res) {
let value = r.store;
if (this.options.engine === 'planetscale') {
value = await this.storeRepository.findOneBy({
key: r.storeKey,
value: value.value,
iv: value.iv,
tag: value.tag,
return { data: ret };
async put(namespace: string, key: string, val: Encrypted, ttl = 0, ...indexes: any[]): Promise<void> {
await this.dataSource.transaction(async (transactionalEntityManager) => {
const dbKey = dbutils.key(namespace, key);
const store = new this.JacksonStore();
store.key = dbKey;
store.value = val.value;
store.iv = val.iv;
store.tag = val.tag;
store.modifiedAt = new Date().toISOString();
store.namespace = namespace;
await transactionalEntityManager.save(store);
if (ttl) {
const ttlRec = new this.JacksonTTL();
ttlRec.key = dbKey;
ttlRec.expiresAt = Date.now() + ttl * 1000;
await transactionalEntityManager.save(ttlRec);
// no ttl support for secondary indexes
for (const idx of indexes || []) {
const key = dbutils.keyForIndex(namespace, idx);
const rec = await transactionalEntityManager.findOneBy(this.JacksonIndex, {
storeKey: store.key,
if (!rec) {
const ji = new this.JacksonIndex();
ji.key = key;
if (this.options.engine === 'planetscale') {
ji.storeKey = store.key;
} else {
ji.store = store;
await transactionalEntityManager.save(ji);
async delete(namespace: string, key: string): Promise<any> {
const dbKey = dbutils.key(namespace, key);
await this.ttlRepository.remove({ key: dbKey });
if (this.options.engine === 'planetscale') {
const response = await this.indexRepository.find({
where: { storeKey: dbKey },
select: ['id'],
const returnValue = response || [];
for (const r of returnValue) {
await this.indexRepository.remove({
id: r.id,
return await this.storeRepository.remove({
key: dbKey,
async deleteMany(namespace: string, keys: string[]): Promise<void> {
if (keys.length === 0) {
const dbKeys = keys.map((key) => dbutils.key(namespace, key));
const queryRunner = this.dataSource.createQueryRunner();
await queryRunner.connect();
await queryRunner.startTransaction();
try {
await queryRunner.manager.delete(this.JacksonTTL, dbKeys);
if (this.options.engine === 'planetscale') {
const records = (await queryRunner.manager.find(this.JacksonIndex, {
where: { storeKey: In(dbKeys) },
})) as any[];
await queryRunner.manager.delete(
records.map((record) => record.id)
await queryRunner.manager.delete(this.JacksonStore, dbKeys);
await queryRunner.commitTransaction();
} catch (err) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction();
throw err;
} finally {
await queryRunner.release();
export default {
new: async (options: DatabaseOption, entities): Promise<Sql> => {
return await new Sql(options).init(entities);