import crypto from 'crypto'; import * as jose from 'jose'; import { Client, TokenSet } from 'openid-client'; import saml from '@boxyhq/saml20'; import * as dbutils from '../db/utils'; import type { ConnectionType, OAuthErrorHandlerParams, SAMLSSOConnectionWithEncodedMetadata, SAMLSSOConnectionWithRawMetadata, OIDCSSOConnectionWithDiscoveryUrl, OIDCSSOConnectionWithMetadata, Profile, SAMLSSORecord, OIDCSSORecord, Directory, } from '../typings'; import { JacksonError } from './error'; import * as redirect from './oauth/redirect'; export enum IndexNames { EntityID = 'entityID', TenantProduct = 'tenantProduct', OIDCProviderClientID = 'OIDCProviderClientID', SSOClientID = 'SSOClientID', Product = 'product', // For Setup link Service = 'service', SetupToken = 'token', ProductService = 'productService', TenantProductService = 'tenantProductService', } // The namespace prefix for the database store export const storeNamespacePrefix = { dsync: { config: 'dsync:config', logs: 'dsync:logs', users: 'dsync:users', groups: 'dsync:groups', members: 'dsync:members', providers: 'dsync:providers', events: 'dsync:events', lock: 'dsync:lock', }, saml: { config: 'saml:config', }, }; export const relayStatePrefix = 'boxyhq_jackson_'; export const clientIDFederatedPrefix = 'fed_'; export const clientIDOIDCPrefix = 'oidc_'; export const validateAbsoluteUrl = (url, message) => { try { new URL(url); } catch (err) { throw new JacksonError(message ? message : 'Invalid url', 400); } }; export const OAuthErrorResponse = ({ error, error_description, redirect_uri, state, }: OAuthErrorHandlerParams) => { return redirect.success(redirect_uri, { error, error_description, state }); }; // export function getErrorMessage(error: unknown) { if (error instanceof saml.WrapError) { return error.message + ' ' + error.inner.message; } if (error instanceof Error) { return error.message; } return String(error); } export const createRandomSecret = async (length: number) => { return crypto .randomBytes(length) .toString('base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=/g, ''); }; export async function loadJWSPrivateKey(key: string, alg: string): Promise { const pkcs8 = Buffer.from(key, 'base64').toString('ascii'); const privateKey = await jose.importPKCS8(pkcs8, alg); return privateKey; } export function isJWSKeyPairLoaded(jwsKeyPair: { private: string; public: string }) { if (!jwsKeyPair.private || !jwsKeyPair.public) { return false; } return true; } export const importJWTPublicKey = async (key: string, jwsAlg: string): Promise => { const spki = Buffer.from(key, 'base64').toString('ascii'); const publicKey = await jose.importSPKI(spki, jwsAlg); return publicKey; }; export const exportPublicKeyJWK = async (key: jose.KeyLike): Promise => { const publicJWK = await jose.exportJWK(key); return publicJWK; }; export const generateJwkThumbprint = async (jwk: jose.JWK): Promise => { const thumbprint = await jose.calculateJwkThumbprint(jwk); return thumbprint; }; export const validateSSOConnection = ( body: | SAMLSSOConnectionWithRawMetadata | SAMLSSOConnectionWithEncodedMetadata | OIDCSSOConnectionWithDiscoveryUrl | OIDCSSOConnectionWithMetadata, strategy: ConnectionType ): void => { const { defaultRedirectUrl, redirectUrl, tenant, product, description } = body; const encodedRawMetadata = 'encodedRawMetadata' in body ? body.encodedRawMetadata : undefined; const rawMetadata = 'rawMetadata' in body ? body.rawMetadata : undefined; const oidcDiscoveryUrl = 'oidcDiscoveryUrl' in body ? body.oidcDiscoveryUrl : undefined; const oidcMetadata = 'oidcMetadata' in body ? body.oidcMetadata : undefined; const oidcClientId = 'oidcClientId' in body ? body.oidcClientId : undefined; const oidcClientSecret = 'oidcClientSecret' in body ? body.oidcClientSecret : undefined; const metadataUrl = 'metadataUrl' in body ? body.metadataUrl : undefined; if (strategy !== 'saml' && strategy !== 'oidc') { throw new JacksonError(`Strategy: ${strategy} not supported`, 400); } if (strategy === 'saml') { if (!rawMetadata && !encodedRawMetadata && !metadataUrl) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide rawMetadata or encodedRawMetadata or metadataUrl', 400); } } if (strategy === 'oidc') { if (!oidcClientId) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide the clientId from OpenID Provider', 400); } if (!oidcClientSecret) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide the clientSecret from OpenID Provider', 400); } if (!oidcDiscoveryUrl && !oidcMetadata) { throw new JacksonError( 'Please provide the discoveryUrl or issuer metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400 ); } if (!oidcDiscoveryUrl && oidcMetadata) { const { issuer, authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, userinfo_endpoint, jwks_uri } = oidcMetadata; if (!issuer) { throw new JacksonError('"issuer" missing in the metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400); } if (!authorization_endpoint) { throw new JacksonError( '"authorization_endpoint" missing in the metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400 ); } if (!token_endpoint) { throw new JacksonError('"token_endpoint" missing in the metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400); } if (!userinfo_endpoint) { throw new JacksonError('"userinfo_endpoint" missing in the metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400); } if (!jwks_uri) { throw new JacksonError('"jwks_uri" missing in the metadata for the OpenID Provider', 400); } } } if (!defaultRedirectUrl) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide a defaultRedirectUrl', 400); } if (!redirectUrl) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide redirectUrl', 400); } if (!tenant) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide tenant', 400); } if (!product) { throw new JacksonError('Please provide product', 400); } if (description && description.length > 100) { throw new JacksonError('Description should not exceed 100 characters', 400); } }; export const validateRedirectUrl = ({ redirectUrlList, defaultRedirectUrl }) => { if (redirectUrlList) { if (redirectUrlList.length > 100) { throw new JacksonError('Exceeded maximum number of allowed redirect urls', 400); } for (const url of redirectUrlList) { validateAbsoluteUrl(url, 'redirectUrl is invalid'); } } if (defaultRedirectUrl) { validateAbsoluteUrl(defaultRedirectUrl, 'defaultRedirectUrl is invalid'); } }; export const extractRedirectUrls = (urls: string[] | string): string[] => { if (!urls) { return []; } if (typeof urls === 'string') { if (urls.startsWith('[')) { // redirectUrl is a stringified array return JSON.parse(urls); } // redirectUrl is a single URL return [urls]; } // redirectUrl is an array of URLs return urls; }; export const extractHostName = (url: string): string | null => { try { const pUrl = new URL(url); if (pUrl.hostname.startsWith('www.')) { return pUrl.hostname.substring(4); } return pUrl.hostname; } catch (err) { return null; } }; export const extractOIDCUserProfile = async (tokenSet: TokenSet, oidcClient: Client) => { const idTokenClaims =; const userinfo = await oidcClient.userinfo(tokenSet); const profile: { claims: Partial }> } = { claims: {} }; = idTokenClaims.sub; = ??; = idTokenClaims.given_name ?? userinfo.given_name; = idTokenClaims.family_name ?? userinfo.family_name; = idTokenClaims.roles ?? (userinfo.roles as any); = idTokenClaims.groups ?? (userinfo.groups as any); = userinfo; return profile; }; export const getScopeValues = (scope?: string): string[] => { return typeof scope === 'string' ? scope.split(' ').filter((s) => s.length > 0) : []; }; export const getEncodedTenantProduct = ( param: string ): { tenant: string | null; product: string | null } | null => { try { const sp = new URLSearchParams(param); const tenant = sp.get('tenant'); const product = sp.get('product'); if (tenant && product) { return { tenant: sp.get('tenant'), product: sp.get('product'), }; } return null; } catch (err) { return null; } }; export const validateTenantAndProduct = (tenant: string, product: string) => { if (tenant.indexOf(':') !== -1) { throw new JacksonError('tenant cannot contain the character :', 400); } if (product.indexOf(':') !== -1) { throw new JacksonError('product cannot contain the character :', 400); } }; export const appID = (tenant: string, product: string) => { return dbutils.keyDigest(dbutils.keyFromParts(tenant, product)); }; export const fedAppID = (tenant: string, product: string, type?: string) => { return (type === 'oidc' ? clientIDOIDCPrefix : '') + appID(tenant, product); }; // List of well known providers const wellKnownProviders = { '': 'Okta', '': 'Azure AD', '': 'MockSAML', '': 'OneLogin', '': 'Keycloak', '': 'JumpCloud', '': 'Google', '': 'Auth0', '': 'PingOne', } as const; // Find the friendly name of the provider from the entityID export const findFriendlyProviderName = (providerName: string): keyof typeof wellKnownProviders | 'null' => { const provider = Object.keys(wellKnownProviders).find((provider) => providerName.includes(provider)); return provider ? wellKnownProviders[provider] : null; }; export const transformConnections = (connections: Array) => { if (connections.length === 0) { return connections; } return; }; export const transformConnection = (connection: SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord) => { if ('idpMetadata' in connection) { connection.idpMetadata.friendlyProviderName = findFriendlyProviderName(connection.idpMetadata.provider); } if ('oidcProvider' in connection) { connection.oidcProvider.friendlyProviderName = findFriendlyProviderName(connection.oidcProvider.provider); } if (!('deactivated' in connection)) { connection.deactivated = false; } return connection; }; export const isLocalhost = (url: string) => { let givenURL: URL; try { givenURL = new URL(url); } catch (error) { return false; } return givenURL.hostname === 'localhost' || givenURL.hostname === ''; }; export const isConnectionActive = (connection: SAMLSSORecord | OIDCSSORecord | Directory) => { if ('deactivated' in connection) { return connection.deactivated === false; } return true; }; export const validateSortOrder = (sortOrder: unknown) => { if (sortOrder === null || sortOrder === '') { return; } const _sortOrder = parseInt(sortOrder as string); if (isNaN(_sortOrder)) { throw new JacksonError('The field `sortOrder` must be a number.', 400); } if (_sortOrder < 0) { throw new JacksonError('The field `sortOrder` must be a number greater than or equal to 0.', 400); } };