
28 lines
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from formspree.utils import next_url
from formspree.users.helpers import send_downgrade_email
def test_next_url(client):
# thanks route should have the referrer as its 'next'
assert '/thanks?' == next_url(referrer='')
# No referrer and relative next url should result in proper relative next url.
assert '/thank-you' == next_url(next='/thank-you')
# No referrer and absolute next url should result in proper absolute next url.
assert '' == next_url(next='')
# Referrer set and relative next url should result in proper absolute next url.
assert '' == next_url(referrer='', next='/')
assert '' == next_url(referrer='', next='thanks.html')
assert '' == next_url(referrer='', next='/thanks.html')
# Referrer set and absolute next url should result in proper absolute next url.
assert '' == next_url(referrer='', next='//')
assert '' == next_url(referrer='', next='//')
def test_send_downgrade_email(msend):
assert msend.called
assert msend.call_args[1]['to'] == ''
assert 'Successfully downgraded from' in msend.call_args[1]['subject']