
45 lines
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* NOTE: No data is EVER sent to any external service without your explicit consent.
* In the case of error reporting, Sentry will not even be initialized unless
* you have purposely set appConfig.enableErrorReporting: true.
* It is false by default.
* You may want to enable error reporting if you have encountered a bug,
* as access to the console errors enable it to be triaged an fixed effectively
/* eslint-disable global-require */
import $store from '@/store';
import { sentryDsn } from '@/utils/defaults';
const ErrorReporting = (Vue, router) => {
// Fetch users config
const appConfig = $store.getters.appConfig || {};
// Check if error reporting is enabled. Only proceed if user has turned it on.
if (appConfig.enableErrorReporting) {
// Get current app version
const appVersion = process.env.VUE_APP_VERSION ? `Dashy@${process.env.VUE_APP_VERSION}` : '';
// Import Sentry
const Sentry = require('@sentry/vue');
const { Integrations } = require('@sentry/tracing');
// Get the Data Source Name for your or Dashy's Sentry instance
const dsn = appConfig.sentryDsn || sentryDsn;
// Initialize Sentry
integrations: [
new Integrations.BrowserTracing({
routingInstrumentation: Sentry.vueRouterInstrumentation(router),
tracesSampleRate: 1.0,
release: appVersion,
} else {
// Error reporting has not been enabled by the user. Do Nothing.
export default ErrorReporting;