
373 lines
13 KiB

/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, prefer-destructuring */
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import axios from 'axios';
import yaml from 'js-yaml';
import Keys from '@/utils/StoreMutations';
import { makePageName, formatConfigPath, componentVisibility } from '@/utils/ConfigHelpers';
import { applyItemId } from '@/utils/SectionHelpers';
import filterUserSections from '@/utils/CheckSectionVisibility';
import ErrorHandler, { InfoHandler, InfoKeys } from '@/utils/ErrorHandler';
import { isUserAdmin } from '@/utils/Auth';
import { localStorageKeys, theme as defaultTheme } from './utils/defaults';
const {
} = Keys;
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
config: {}, // The current config being used, and rendered to the UI
rootConfig: null, // Always the content of main config file, never used directly
currentConfigId: null, // When on sub-page, this will be page ID / name. null = root config
editMode: false, // While true, the user can drag and edit items + sections
modalOpen: false, // KB shortcut functionality will be disabled when modal is open
currentConfigInfo: undefined, // For multi-page support, will store info about config file
navigateConfToTab: undefined, // Used to switch active tab in config modal
getters: {
config(state) {
return state.config;
pageInfo(state) {
if (!state.config) return {};
return state.config.pageInfo || {};
appConfig(state) {
if (!state.config) return {};
return state.config.appConfig || {};
sections(state) {
return filterUserSections(state.config.sections || []);
pages(state) {
return state.config.pages || [];
theme(state) {
const localStorageKey = state.currentConfigId
? `${localStorageKeys.THEME}-${state.currentConfigId}` : localStorageKeys.THEME;
const localTheme = localStorage[localStorageKey];
// Return either theme from local storage, or from appConfig
return localTheme || state.config.appConfig.theme || defaultTheme;
webSearch(state, getters) {
return getters.appConfig.webSearch || {};
visibleComponents(state, getters) {
return componentVisibility(getters.appConfig);
/* Make config read/ write permissions object */
permissions(state, getters) {
const appConfig = getters.appConfig;
const perms = {
allowWriteToDisk: true,
allowSaveLocally: true,
allowViewConfig: true,
// Disable saving changes locally, only
if (appConfig.preventLocalSave) {
perms.allowSaveLocally = false;
// Disable saving changes to disk, only
if (appConfig.preventWriteToDisk || !isUserAdmin()) {
perms.allowWriteToDisk = false;
// Legacy Option: Will be removed in V 2.1.0
if (appConfig.allowConfigEdit === false) {
perms.allowWriteToDisk = false;
// Disable everything
if (appConfig.disableConfiguration) {
perms.allowWriteToDisk = false;
perms.allowSaveLocally = false;
perms.allowViewConfig = false;
return perms;
// eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style
getSectionByIndex: (state, getters) => (index) => {
return getters.sections[index];
getItemById: (state, getters) => (id) => {
let item;
getters.sections.forEach(sec => {
if (sec.items) {
const foundItem = sec.items.find((itm) => itm.id === id);
if (foundItem) item = foundItem;
return item;
getParentSectionOfItem: (state, getters) => (itemId) => {
let foundSection;
getters.sections.forEach((section) => {
(section.items || []).forEach((item) => {
if (item.id === itemId) foundSection = section;
return foundSection;
layout(state) {
return state.config.appConfig.layout || 'auto';
iconSize(state) {
return state.config.appConfig.iconSize || 'medium';
mutations: {
/* Set the master config */
[SET_ROOT_CONFIG](state, config) {
if (!config.appConfig) config.appConfig = {};
state.config = config;
/* The config to display and edit. Will differ from ROOT_CONFIG when using multi-page */
[SET_CONFIG](state, config) {
if (!config.appConfig) config.appConfig = {};
state.config = config;
/* When using multi-page, this is the ID of currently displayed config */
[SET_CONFIG_ID](state, subConfigId) {
state.currentConfigId = subConfigId;
[SET_LANGUAGE](state, lang) {
const newConfig = state.config;
newConfig.appConfig.language = lang;
state.config = newConfig;
[SET_MODAL_OPEN](state, modalOpen) {
state.modalOpen = modalOpen;
[SET_EDIT_MODE](state, editMode) {
if (editMode !== state.editMode) {
InfoHandler(editMode ? 'Edit session started' : 'Edit session ended', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
state.editMode = editMode;
[UPDATE_ITEM](state, payload) {
const { itemId, newItem } = payload;
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
newConfig.sections.forEach((section, secIndex) => {
(section.items || []).forEach((item, itemIndex) => {
if (item.id === itemId) {
newConfig.sections[secIndex].items[itemIndex] = newItem;
InfoHandler('Item updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
state.config = newConfig;
[SET_PAGE_INFO](state, newPageInfo) {
const newConfig = state.config;
newConfig.pageInfo = newPageInfo;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('Page info updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[SET_APP_CONFIG](state, newAppConfig) {
const newConfig = state.config;
newConfig.appConfig = newAppConfig;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('App config updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[SET_PAGES](state, multiPages) {
const newConfig = state.config;
newConfig.pages = multiPages;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('Pages updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[SET_SECTIONS](state, newSections) {
const newConfig = state.config;
newConfig.sections = newSections;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('Sections updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[UPDATE_SECTION](state, payload) {
const { sectionIndex, sectionData } = payload;
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
newConfig.sections[sectionIndex] = sectionData;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('Section updated', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[INSERT_SECTION](state, newSection) {
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
newSection.items = [];
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('New section added', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
[REMOVE_SECTION](state, payload) {
const { sectionIndex, sectionName } = payload;
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
if (newConfig.sections[sectionIndex].name === sectionName) {
newConfig.sections.splice(sectionIndex, 1);
InfoHandler('Section removed', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
state.config = newConfig;
[INSERT_ITEM](state, payload) {
const { newItem, targetSection } = payload;
const config = { ...state.config };
config.sections.forEach((section) => {
if (section.name === targetSection) {
if (!section.items) section.items = [];
InfoHandler('New item added', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
config.sections = applyItemId(config.sections);
state.config = config;
[COPY_ITEM](state, payload) {
const { item, toSection, appendTo } = payload;
const config = { ...state.config };
const newItem = { ...item };
config.sections.forEach((section) => {
if (section.name === toSection) {
if (!section.items) section.items = [];
if (appendTo === 'beginning') {
} else {
InfoHandler('Item copied', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
config.sections = applyItemId(config.sections);
state.config = config;
[REMOVE_ITEM](state, payload) {
const { itemId, sectionName } = payload;
const config = { ...state.config };
config.sections.forEach((section) => {
if (section.name === sectionName && section.items) {
section.items.forEach((item, index) => {
if (item.id === itemId) {
section.items.splice(index, 1);
InfoHandler('Item removed', InfoKeys.EDITOR);
config.sections = applyItemId(config.sections);
state.config = config;
[SET_THEME](state, theme) {
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
newConfig.appConfig.theme = theme;
state.config = newConfig;
const pageId = state.currentConfigId;
const themeStoreKey = pageId
? `${localStorageKeys.THEME}-${pageId}` : localStorageKeys.THEME;
localStorage.setItem(themeStoreKey, theme);
InfoHandler('Theme updated', InfoKeys.VISUAL);
[SET_CUSTOM_COLORS](state, customColors) {
const newConfig = { ...state.config };
newConfig.appConfig.customColors = customColors;
state.config = newConfig;
InfoHandler('Color palette updated', InfoKeys.VISUAL);
[SET_ITEM_LAYOUT](state, layout) {
state.config.appConfig.layout = layout;
InfoHandler('Layout updated', InfoKeys.VISUAL);
[SET_ITEM_SIZE](state, iconSize) {
state.config.appConfig.iconSize = iconSize;
InfoHandler('Item size updated', InfoKeys.VISUAL);
[UPDATE_CUSTOM_CSS](state, customCss) {
state.config.appConfig.customCss = customCss;
InfoHandler('Custom colors updated', InfoKeys.VISUAL);
[CONF_MENU_INDEX](state, index) {
state.navigateConfToTab = index;
/* Set config to rootConfig, by calling initialize with no params */
async [USE_MAIN_CONFIG]() {
actions: {
/* Fetches the root config file, only ever called by INITIALIZE_CONFIG */
async [INITIALIZE_ROOT_CONFIG]({ commit }) {
// Load and parse config from root config file
const data = await yaml.load((await axios.get('/conf.yml')).data);
// Replace missing root properties with empty objects
if (!data.appConfig) data.appConfig = {};
if (!data.pageInfo) data.pageInfo = {};
if (!data.sections) data.sections = [];
// Set the state, and return data
commit(SET_ROOT_CONFIG, data);
return data;
* Fetches config and updates state
* If not on sub-page, will trigger the fetch of main config, then use that
* If using sub-page config, then fetch that sub-config, then
* override certain fields (appConfig, pages) and update config
async [INITIALIZE_CONFIG]({ commit, state }, subConfigId) {
const rootConfig = state.rootConfig || await this.dispatch(Keys.INITIALIZE_ROOT_CONFIG);
if (!subConfigId) { // Use root config as config
commit(SET_CONFIG, rootConfig);
commit(SET_CONFIG_ID, null);
return rootConfig;
} else {
// Find and format path to fetch sub-config from
const subConfigPath = formatConfigPath(rootConfig?.pages?.find(
(page) => makePageName(page.name) === subConfigId,
if (!subConfigPath) {
ErrorHandler(`Unable to find config for '${subConfigId}'`);
return null;
axios.get(subConfigPath).then((response) => {
const configContent = yaml.load(response.data);
// Certain values must be inherited from root config
const theme = configContent?.appConfig?.theme || rootConfig?.appConfig?.theme;
configContent.appConfig = rootConfig.appConfig;
configContent.pages = rootConfig.pages;
configContent.appConfig.theme = theme;
commit(SET_CONFIG, configContent);
commit(SET_CONFIG_ID, subConfigId);
return configContent;
}).catch((err) => {
ErrorHandler(`Unable to load config from '${subConfigPath}'`, err);
return null;
modules: {},
export default store;