
389 lines
12 KiB

<!-- If no items, show message -->
<div v-if="isEmpty" class="no-items">
{{ $t('home.no-items-section') }}
<!-- Item Container -->
<div v-if="hasItems"
:class="`there-are-items ${isGridLayout? 'item-group-grid': ''} inner-size-${itemSize}`"
:style="gridStyle" :id="`section-${groupId}`"
> <!-- Show for each item -->
<template v-for="(item) in sortedItems">
<!-- When in edit mode, show additional item, for Add New item -->
<Item v-if="isEditMode"
icon: ':heavy_plus_sign:',
title: 'Add New Item',
description: 'Click to add new item',
id: 'add-new',
:class="`widget-list ${isWide? 'wide' : ''}`">
v-for="(widget, widgetIndx) in widgets"
<!-- Modal for opening in modal view -->
<!-- Edit item menu -->
<!-- Right-click item options context menu -->
import router from '@/router';
import Item from '@/components/LinkItems/Item.vue';
import SubItemGroup from '@/components/LinkItems/SubItemGroup.vue';
import WidgetBase from '@/components/Widgets/WidgetBase';
import Collapsable from '@/components/LinkItems/Collapsable.vue';
import IframeModal from '@/components/LinkItems/IframeModal.vue';
import EditSection from '@/components/InteractiveEditor/EditSection.vue';
import ContextMenu from '@/components/LinkItems/SectionContextMenu.vue';
import ErrorHandler from '@/utils/ErrorHandler';
import StoreKeys from '@/utils/StoreMutations';
import {
sortOrder as defaultSortOrder,
} from '@/utils/defaults';
export default {
name: 'Section',
props: {
groupId: String,
title: String,
icon: String,
displayData: Object,
items: Array,
widgets: Array,
index: Number,
isWide: Boolean,
components: {
data() {
return {
editMenuOpen: false,
contextMenuOpen: false,
contextPos: {
posX: undefined,
posY: undefined,
sectionWidth: 0,
resizeObserver: null,
computed: {
appConfig() {
return this.$store.getters.appConfig;
isEditMode() {
return this.$store.state.editMode;
itemSize() {
return this.displayData.itemSize || this.$store.getters.iconSize;
sortOrder() {
return this.displayData.sortBy || defaultSortOrder;
hasItems() {
if (this.isEditMode) return true;
return this.items && this.items.length > 0;
hasWidgets() {
return this.widgets && this.widgets.length > 0;
isEmpty() {
return !this.hasItems && !this.hasWidgets;
sectionRef() {
return `section-outer-${this.groupId}`;
/* If the sortBy attribute is specified, then return sorted data */
sortedItems() {
let { items } = this;
if (this.appConfig.disableSmartSort) return items;
if (this.sortOrder === 'alphabetical') {
} else if (this.sortOrder === 'reverse-alphabetical') {
} else if (this.sortOrder === 'most-used') {
items = this.sortByMostUsed(items);
} else if (this.sortOrder === 'last-used') {
items = this.sortByLastUsed(items);
} else if (this.sortOrder === 'random') {
items = this.sortRandomly(items);
} else if (this.sortOrder && this.sortOrder !== 'default') {
ErrorHandler(`Unknown Sort order '${this.sortOrder}' under '${this.title}'`);
return items;
isGridLayout() {
return this.displayData.sectionLayout === 'grid'
|| !!(this.displayData.itemCountX || this.displayData.itemCountY);
gridStyle() {
let styles = '';
if (document.body.clientWidth > 600) { // Only proceed if not on tiny screen
styles += this.displayData.itemCountX
? `grid-template-columns: repeat(${this.displayData.itemCountX}, minmax(0, 1fr));` : '';
styles += this.displayData.itemCountY
? `grid-template-rows: repeat(${this.displayData.itemCountY}, minmax(0, 1fr));` : '';
return styles;
methods: {
/* Opens the iframe modal */
triggerModal(url) {
/* Sorts items alphabetically using the title attribute */
sortAlphabetically(items) {
return items.sort((a, b) => (a.title.toLowerCase() > b.title.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1));
/* Sorts items by most used to least used, based on click-count */
sortByMostUsed(items) {
const usageCount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys.MOST_USED) || '{}');
const gmu = (item) => usageCount[item.id] || 0;
items.reverse().sort((a, b) => (gmu(a) < gmu(b) ? 1 : -1));
return items;
/* Sorts items by most recently used */
sortByLastUsed(items) {
const usageCount = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys.LAST_USED) || '{}');
const glu = (item) => usageCount[item.id] || 0;
items.reverse().sort((a, b) => (glu(a) < glu(b) ? 1 : -1));
return items;
/* Sorts items randomly */
sortRandomly(items) {
return items
.map((value) => ({ value, sort: Math.random() }))
.sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort)
.map(({ value }) => value);
/* Navigate to the section's single-section view page */
navigateToSection() {
if (!this.title) {
ErrorHandler('Cannot open section without a valid name');
const parse = (section) => section.replace(' ', '-').toLowerCase().trim();
const sectionIdentifier = parse(this.title);
router.push({ path: `/home/${sectionIdentifier}` });
/* Open the Section Edit Menu */
openEditSection() {
this.editMenuOpen = true;
this.$store.commit(StoreKeys.SET_MODAL_OPEN, true);
/* Close the section edit menu */
closeEditSection() {
this.editMenuOpen = false;
this.$store.commit(StoreKeys.SET_MODAL_OPEN, false);
/* Deletes current section, in local state */
removeSection() {
const confirmMsg = this.$t('interactive-editor.edit-section.remove-confirm');
const youSure = confirm(confirmMsg); // eslint-disable-line no-alert, no-restricted-globals
if (youSure) {
const payload = { sectionIndex: this.index, sectionName: this.title };
this.$store.commit(StoreKeys.REMOVE_SECTION, payload);
/* Open custom context menu, and set position */
openContextMenu(e) {
this.contextMenuOpen = true; // Open context menu
// If mouse position not set, use section coordinates
const sectionOuterId = `section-outer-${this.groupId}`;
const sectionPosition = document.getElementById(sectionOuterId).getBoundingClientRect();
this.contextPos = {
posX: (e.clientX || sectionPosition.right - 10) + window.pageXOffset,
posY: (e.clientY || sectionPosition.top + 30) + window.pageYOffset,
/* Hide the right-click context menu */
closeContextMenu() {
this.contextMenuOpen = false;
/* Calculate width of section, used to dynamically set number of columns */
calculateSectionWidth() {
const secElem = this.$refs[this.sectionRef];
if (secElem) this.sectionWidth = secElem.$el.clientWidth;
mounted() {
// Set the section width, and recalculate when section resized
this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(this.calculateSectionWidth)
beforeDestroy() {
// If resize observer set, and element still present, then de-register
if (this.resizeObserver && this.$refs[this.sectionRef]) {
<style scoped lang="scss">
@import '@/styles/media-queries.scss';
@import '@/styles/style-helpers.scss';
.no-items {
width: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0.8rem;
text-align: center;
cursor: default;
color: var(--primary);
background: var(--item-background);
border-radius: var(--curve-factor);
box-shadow: var(--item-shadow);
.there-are-items {
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
&.item-group-grid {
display: grid;
overflow: auto;
@extend .scroll-bar;
@include phone { --item-col-count: 1; }
@include tablet { --item-col-count: 2; }
@include laptop { --item-col-count: 2; }
@include monitor { --item-col-count: 3; }
@include big-screen { --item-col-count: 4; }
@include big-screen-up { --item-col-count: 5; }
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--item-col-count, 2), minmax(0, 1fr));
.orientation-horizontal:not(.single-section-view) {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.there-are-items {
display: grid;
@include phone { --item-col-count: 2; }
@include tablet { --item-col-count: 4; }
@include laptop { --item-col-count: 6; }
@include monitor { --item-col-count: 8; }
@include big-screen { --item-col-count: 10; }
@include big-screen-up { --item-col-count: 12; }
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--item-col-count, 2), minmax(0, 1fr));
.there-are-items.inner-size-large {
display: grid;
@include phone { --item-col-count: 1; }
@include tablet { --item-col-count: 2; }
@include laptop { --item-col-count: 3; }
@include monitor { --item-col-count: 5; }
@include big-screen { --item-col-count: 6; }
@include big-screen-up { --item-col-count: 8; }
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--item-col-count, 2), minmax(0, 1fr));
.add-new-item {
display: flex;
a {
border-style: dashed;
.widget-list {
&.wide {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-start;
justify-content: space-around;
.widget-base {
min-width: 10rem;
width: -webkit-fill-available;