
119 lines
3.4 KiB

<div class="ip-info-wrapper">
<p class="ip-address">{{ ipAddr }}</p>
<div class="region-wrapper">
<img class="flag-image" :src="flagImg" alt="Flag" />
<div class="info-text">
<p class="isp-name">{{ ispName }}</p>
<a class="ip-location" :href="mapsUrl" title="🗺️ Open in Maps">
{{ location }}
import WidgetMixin from '@/mixins/WidgetMixin';
import { widgetApiEndpoints } from '@/utils/defaults';
import { getCountryFlag, getMapUrl } from '@/utils/MiscHelpers';
export default {
mixins: [WidgetMixin],
computed: {
endpoint() {
if (this.provider === 'ipgeolocation') {
return `${widgetApiEndpoints.publicIp2}?apiKey=${this.apiKey}`;
} else if (this.provider === 'ipapi') {
return widgetApiEndpoints.publicIp3;
return widgetApiEndpoints.publicIp;
apiKey() {
if (this.provider === 'ipgeolocation' && !this.options.apiKey) this.error('Missing API Key');
return this.options.apiKey;
provider() {
// Can be either `ip-api`, `ipapi.co` or `ipgeolocation`
return this.parseAsEnvVar(this.options.provider) || 'ipapi.co';
data() {
return {
ipAddr: null,
location: null,
ispName: null,
flagImg: null,
mapsUrl: null,
methods: {
/* Make GET request to CoinGecko API endpoint */
fetchData() {
/* Assign data variables to the returned data */
processData(ipInfo) {
if (this.provider === 'ipapi.co') {
this.ipAddr = ipInfo.ip;
this.ispName = ipInfo.org;
this.location = `${ipInfo.city}, ${ipInfo.region}`;
this.flagImg = getCountryFlag(ipInfo.country_code);
this.mapsUrl = getMapUrl({ lat: ipInfo.latitude, lon: ipInfo.longitude });
} else if (this.provider === 'ipgeolocation') {
this.ipAddr = ipInfo.ip;
this.ispName = ipInfo.organization || ipInfo.isp;
this.location = `${ipInfo.city}, ${ipInfo.country_name}`;
this.flagImg = ipInfo.country_flag;
this.mapsUrl = getMapUrl({ lat: ipInfo.latitude, lon: ipInfo.longitude });
} else if (this.provider === 'ip-api') {
this.ipAddr = ipInfo.query;
this.ispName = ipInfo.isp;
this.location = `${ipInfo.city}, ${ipInfo.regionName}`;
this.flagImg = getCountryFlag(ipInfo.countryCode);
this.mapsUrl = getMapUrl({ lat: ipInfo.lat, lon: ipInfo.lon });
} else {
this.error('Unknown API provider fo IP address');
<style scoped lang="scss">
.ip-info-wrapper {
cursor: default;
p.ip-address {
font-size: 1.6rem;
margin: 0.5rem auto;
color: var(--widget-text-color);
font-family: var(--font-monospace);
.region-wrapper {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
img.flag-image {
width: 2rem;
border-radius: var(--curve-factor-small);
margin: 0.25rem 0.5rem 0 0;
a.ip-location {
font-size: 1rem;
margin: 0;
text-decoration: none;
color: var(--widget-text-color);
opacity: var(--dimming-factor);
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
p.isp-name {
font-size: 1rem;
margin: 0.25rem 0 0 0;
color: var(--widget-text-color);