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* @fileoverview This file contains a development configuration for webpack
* meant for webpack-dev-server.
import ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin from "@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin"
import { Configuration } from "webpack"
import "webpack-dev-server"
import { commonWebpackConfig } from "./webpack.common"
const commonPlugins = commonWebpackConfig.plugins || []
const config: Configuration = {
// devtool controls how source maps are generated. In development, we want
// more details (less optimized) for more readability and an easier time
// debugging
devtool: "eval-source-map",
// devServer is the configuration for webpack-dev-server.
// REMARK: needs webpack-dev-server import at top of file for typings
devServer: {
// allowedHosts are services that can access the running server.
// Setting allowedHosts sets up the development server to spend specific headers to allow cross-origin requests.
// In v1, we use CODERD_HOST for the allowed host and origin in order to mitigate security risks.
// We don't have an equivalent in v2 - but we can allow localhost and,
// so that the site is accessible through dev urls.
// We don't want to use 'all' or '*' and risk a security hole in our dev environments.
allowedHosts: ["localhost", ""],
// client configures options that are observed in the browser/web-client.
client: {
// automatically sets the browser console to verbose when using HMR
logging: "verbose",
// errors will display as a full-screen overlay
overlay: true,
// build % progress will display in the browser
progress: true,
// webpack-dev-server uses a webSocket to communicate with the browser
// for HMR. By setting this to auto://, we allow the browser
// to set the protocal, hostname and port automatically for us.
webSocketURL: "auto://",
devMiddleware: {
publicPath: "/",
headers: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
// historyApiFallback is required when using history (react-router) for
// properly serving index.html on 404s.
historyApiFallback: true,
hot: true,
port: 8080,
proxy: {
"/api": "http://localhost:3000",
static: ["./static"],
// Development mode - see:
mode: "development",
output: {
// The chunk name will be used as-is for the bundle output
// This is simpler than production, to improve performance
// (no need to calculate hashes in development)
filename: "[name].js",
plugins: [
// The ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin enables hot-module reloading:
new ReactRefreshWebpackPlugin({
overlay: true,
export default config