
366 lines
10 KiB

//go:build !slim
// +build !slim
package site
import (
"text/template" // html/template escapes some nonces
// The `embed` package ignores recursively including directories
// that prefix with `_`. Wildcarding nested is janky, but seems to
// work quite well for edge-cases.
//go:embed out
//go:embed out/bin/*
var site embed.FS
func DefaultHandler() http.Handler {
// the out directory is where webpack builds are created. It is in the same
// directory as this file (package site).
siteFS, err := fs.Sub(site, "out")
if err != nil {
// This can't happen... Go would throw a compilation error.
return Handler(siteFS)
// Handler returns an HTTP handler for serving the static site.
func Handler(fileSystem fs.FS) http.Handler {
// html files are handled by a text/template. Non-html files
// are served by the default file server.
// REMARK: text/template is needed to inject values on each request like
// CSRF.
files, err := htmlFiles(fileSystem)
if err != nil {
panic(xerrors.Errorf("Failed to return handler for static files. Html files failed to load: %w", err))
return secureHeaders(&handler{
fs: fileSystem,
htmlFiles: files,
h: http.FileServer(http.FS(fileSystem)), // All other non-html static files
type handler struct {
fs fs.FS
// htmlFiles is the text/template for all *.html files.
// This is needed to support Content Security Policy headers.
// Due to material UI, we are forced to use a nonce to allow inline
// scripts, and that nonce is passed through a template.
// We only do this for html files to reduce the amount of in memory caching
// of duplicate files as `fs`.
htmlFiles *htmlTemplates
h http.Handler
// filePath returns the filepath of the requested file.
func filePath(p string) string {
if !strings.HasPrefix(p, "/") {
p = "/" + p
return strings.TrimPrefix(path.Clean(p), "/")
func (h *handler) exists(filePath string) bool {
f, err := h.fs.Open(filePath)
if err == nil {
_ = f.Close()
return err == nil
type htmlState struct {
CSP cspState
CSRF csrfState
type cspState struct {
Nonce string
type csrfState struct {
Token string
func ShouldCacheFile(reqFile string) bool {
// Images, favicons and uniquely content hashed bundle assets should be
// cached. By default, we cache everything in the site/out directory except
// for deny-listed items enumerated here. The reason for this approach is
// that cache invalidation techniques should be used by default for all
// webpack-processed assets. The scenarios where we don't use cache
// invalidation techniques are one-offs or things that should have
// invalidation in the future.
denyListedSuffixes := []string{
// ALL *.html files
// ALL *worker.js files (including service-worker.js)
// REMARK(Grey): I'm unsure if there's a desired setting in Workbox for
// content hashing these, or if doing so is a risk for
// users that have a PWA installed.
for _, suffix := range denyListedSuffixes {
if strings.HasSuffix(reqFile, suffix) {
return false
return true
func (h *handler) ServeHTTP(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// reqFile is the static file requested
reqFile := filePath(req.URL.Path)
state := htmlState{
// Token is the CSRF token for the given request
CSRF: csrfState{Token: nosurf.Token(req)},
// First check if it's a file we have in our templates
if h.serveHTML(resp, req, reqFile, state) {
// If the original file path exists we serve it.
if h.exists(reqFile) {
if ShouldCacheFile(reqFile) {
resp.Header().Add("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable")
h.h.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
// Serve the file assuming it's an html file
// This matches paths like `/app/terminal.html`
req.URL.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(req.URL.Path, "/")
req.URL.Path += ".html"
reqFile = filePath(req.URL.Path)
// All html files should be served by the htmlFile templates
if h.serveHTML(resp, req, reqFile, state) {
// If we don't have the file... we should redirect to `/`
// for our single-page-app.
req.URL.Path = "/"
if h.serveHTML(resp, req, "", state) {
// This will send a correct 404
h.h.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
func (h *handler) serveHTML(resp http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, reqPath string, state htmlState) bool {
if data, err := h.htmlFiles.renderWithState(reqPath, state); err == nil {
if reqPath == "" {
// Pass "index.html" to the ServeContent so the ServeContent sets the right content headers.
reqPath = "index.html"
http.ServeContent(resp, request, reqPath, time.Time{}, bytes.NewReader(data))
return true
return false
type htmlTemplates struct {
tpls *template.Template
// renderWithState will render the file using the given nonce if the file exists
// as a template. If it does not, it will return an error.
func (t *htmlTemplates) renderWithState(filePath string, state htmlState) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if filePath == "" {
filePath = "index.html"
err := t.tpls.ExecuteTemplate(&buf, filePath, state)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
// CSPDirectives is a map of all csp fetch directives to their values.
// Each directive is a set of values that is joined by a space (' ').
// All directives are semi-colon separated as a single string for the csp header.
type CSPDirectives map[CSPFetchDirective][]string
func (s CSPDirectives) Append(d CSPFetchDirective, values ...string) {
if _, ok := s[d]; !ok {
s[d] = make([]string, 0)
s[d] = append(s[d], values...)
// CSPFetchDirective is the list of all constant fetch directives that
// can be used/appended to.
type CSPFetchDirective string
const (
CSPDirectiveDefaultSrc = "default-src"
CSPDirectiveConnectSrc = "connect-src"
CSPDirectiveChildSrc = "child-src"
CSPDirectiveScriptSrc = "script-src"
CSPDirectiveFontSrc = "font-src"
CSPDirectiveStyleSrc = "style-src"
CSPDirectiveObjectSrc = "object-src"
CSPDirectiveManifestSrc = "manifest-src"
CSPDirectiveFrameSrc = "frame-src"
CSPDirectiveImgSrc = "img-src"
CSPDirectiveReportURI = "report-uri"
CSPDirectiveFormAction = "form-action"
CSPDirectiveMediaSrc = "media-src"
CSPFrameAncestors = "frame-ancestors"
// secureHeaders is only needed for statically served files. We do not need this for api endpoints.
// It adds various headers to enforce browser security features.
func secureHeaders(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
// Content-Security-Policy disables loading certain content types and can prevent XSS injections.
// This site helps eval your policy for syntax and other common issues:
// If we ever want to render something like a PDF, we need to adjust "object-src"
// The list of CSP options:
cspSrcs := CSPDirectives{
// All omitted fetch csp srcs default to this.
CSPDirectiveDefaultSrc: {"'self'"},
CSPDirectiveConnectSrc: {"'self' ws: wss:"},
CSPDirectiveChildSrc: {"'self'"},
CSPDirectiveScriptSrc: {"'self'"},
CSPDirectiveFontSrc: {"'self'"},
CSPDirectiveStyleSrc: {"'self' 'unsafe-inline'"},
// object-src is needed to support code-server
CSPDirectiveObjectSrc: {"'self'"},
// blob: for loading the pwa manifest for code-server
CSPDirectiveManifestSrc: {"'self' blob:"},
CSPDirectiveFrameSrc: {"'self'"},
// data: for loading base64 encoded icons for generic applications.
CSPDirectiveImgSrc: {"'self' data:"},
CSPDirectiveFormAction: {"'self'"},
CSPDirectiveMediaSrc: {"'self'"},
// Report all violations back to the server to log
CSPDirectiveReportURI: {"/api/private/csp/reports"},
CSPFrameAncestors: {"'none'"},
// Only scripts can manipulate the dom. This prevents someone from
// naming themselves something like '<svg onload="alert(/cross-site-scripting/)" />'.
// TODO: @emyrk we need to make FE changes to enable this. We get 'TrustedHTML' and 'TrustedURL' errors
// that require FE changes to work.
// "require-trusted-types-for" : []string{"'script'"},
var csp strings.Builder
for src, vals := range cspSrcs {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&csp, "%s %s; ", src, strings.Join(vals, " "))
// Permissions-Policy can be used to disabled various browser features that we do not use.
// This can prevent an embedded iframe from accessing these features.
// If we support arbitrary iframes such as generic applications, we might need to add permissions
// based on the app here.
permissions := strings.Join([]string{
// =() means it is disabled
}, ", ")
return secure.New(secure.Options{
// Set to ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly for testing, as all errors are printed to the console log
// but are not enforced.
ContentSecurityPolicy: csp.String(),
PermissionsPolicy: permissions,
// Prevent the browser from sending Referer header with requests
ReferrerPolicy: "no-referrer",
// htmlFiles recursively walks the file system passed finding all *.html files.
// The template returned has all html files parsed.
func htmlFiles(files fs.FS) (*htmlTemplates, error) {
// root is the collection of html templates. All templates are named by their pathing.
// So './404.html' is named '404.html'. './subdir/index.html' is 'subdir/index.html'
root := template.New("")
rootPath := "."
err := fs.WalkDir(files, rootPath, func(filePath string, directory fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if directory.IsDir() {
return nil
if filepath.Ext(directory.Name()) != ".html" {
return nil
file, err := files.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return err
data, err := io.ReadAll(file)
if err != nil {
return err
tPath := strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, rootPath+string(filepath.Separator))
_, err = root.New(tPath).Parse(string(data))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &htmlTemplates{
tpls: root,
}, nil