
95 lines
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import React from "react"
import { SWRConfig } from "swr"
import { screen, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"
import { User, UserProvider, useUser } from "./UserContext"
import { history, MockUser, render } from "../test_helpers"
namespace Helpers {
// Helper component that renders out the state of the `useUser` hook.
// It just renders simple text in the 'error', 'me', and 'loading' states,
// so that the test can get a peak at the state of the hook.
const TestComponent: React.FC<{ redirectOnFailure: boolean }> = ({ redirectOnFailure }) => {
const { me, error } = useUser(redirectOnFailure)
if (error) {
return <div>{`Error: ${error.toString()}`}</div>
if (me) {
return <div>{`Me: ${me.toString()}`}</div>
return <div>Loading</div>
// Helper to render a userContext, and all the scaffolding needed
// (an SWRConfig as well as a UserPRovider)
export const renderUserContext = (
simulatedRequest: () => Promise<User>,
redirectOnFailure: boolean,
): React.ReactElement => {
return (
// Set up an SWRConfig that works for testing - we'll simulate a request,
// and set up the cache to reset every test.
fetcher: simulatedRequest,
// Reset cache for every test. Without this, requests will be cached between test cases.
provider: () => new Map(),
<TestComponent redirectOnFailure={redirectOnFailure} />
describe("UserContext", () => {
const failingRequest = () => Promise.reject("Failed to load user")
const successfulRequest = () => Promise.resolve(MockUser)
// Reset the router to '/' before every test
beforeEach(() => {
it("shouldn't redirect if user fails to load and redirectOnFailure is false", async () => {
// When
render(Helpers.renderUserContext(failingRequest, false))
// Then
// Verify we get an error message
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.queryByText("Error:", { exact: false })).toBeDefined()
// ...and the route should be unchanged
it("should redirect if user fails to load and redirectOnFailure is true", async () => {
// When
render(Helpers.renderUserContext(failingRequest, true))
// Then
// Verify we route to the login page
await waitFor(() => expect(history.location.pathname).toEqual("/login"))
await waitFor(() => expect("?redirect=%2F"))
it("should not redirect if user loads and redirectOnFailure is true", async () => {
// When
render(Helpers.renderUserContext(successfulRequest, true))
// Then
// Verify the user is rendered
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.queryByText("Me:", { exact: false })).toBeDefined()
// ...and the route should be unchanged