
1592 lines
46 KiB

package tailnet
import (
gProto ""
agpl ""
const (
EventHeartbeats = "tailnet_coordinator_heartbeat"
eventPeerUpdate = "tailnet_peer_update"
eventTunnelUpdate = "tailnet_tunnel_update"
HeartbeatPeriod = time.Second * 2
MissedHeartbeats = 3
numQuerierWorkers = 10
numBinderWorkers = 10
numTunnelerWorkers = 10
dbMaxBackoff = 10 * time.Second
cleanupPeriod = time.Hour
// pgCoord is a postgres-backed coordinator
// ┌──────────┐
// ┌────────────► tunneler ├──────────┐
// │ └──────────┘ │
// │ │
// ┌────────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌───▼───┐
// │ connIO ├───────► binder ├────────► store │
// └───▲────┘ │ │ │ │
// │ └────────┘ ┌──────┤ │
// │ │ └───────┘
// │ │
// │ ┌──────────▼┐ ┌────────┐
// │ │ │ │ │
// └────────────┤ querier ◄─────┤ pubsub │
// │ │ │ │
// └───────────┘ └────────┘
// each incoming connection (websocket) from a peer is wrapped in a connIO which handles reading & writing
// from it. Node updates from a connIO are sent to the binder, which writes them to the database.Store. Tunnel
// updates from a connIO are sent to the tunneler, which writes them to the database.Store. The querier is responsible
// for querying the store for the nodes the connection needs. The querier receives pubsub notifications about changes,
// which trigger queries for the latest state.
// The querier also sends the coordinator's heartbeat, and monitors the heartbeats of other coordinators. When
// heartbeats cease for a coordinator, it stops using any nodes discovered from that coordinator and pushes an update
// to affected connIOs.
// This package uses the term "binding" to mean the act of registering an association between some connection
// and a *proto.Node. It uses the term "mapping" to mean the act of determining the nodes that the connection
// needs to receive (i.e. the nodes of all peers it shares a tunnel with).
type pgCoord struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
pubsub pubsub.Pubsub
store database.Store
bindings chan binding
newConnections chan *connIO
closeConnections chan *connIO
tunnelerCh chan tunnel
id uuid.UUID
cancel context.CancelFunc
closeOnce sync.Once
closed chan struct{}
binder *binder
tunneler *tunneler
querier *querier
var pgCoordSubject = rbac.Subject{
ID: uuid.Nil.String(),
Roles: rbac.Roles([]rbac.Role{
Name: "tailnetcoordinator",
DisplayName: "Tailnet Coordinator",
Site: rbac.Permissions(map[string][]rbac.Action{
rbac.ResourceTailnetCoordinator.Type: {rbac.WildcardSymbol},
Org: map[string][]rbac.Permission{},
User: []rbac.Permission{},
Scope: rbac.ScopeAll,
// NewPGCoord creates a high-availability coordinator that stores state in the PostgreSQL database and
// receives notifications of updates via the pubsub.
func NewPGCoord(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, ps pubsub.Pubsub, store database.Store) (agpl.Coordinator, error) {
return newPGCoordInternal(ctx, logger, ps, store)
func newPGCoordInternal(
ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, ps pubsub.Pubsub, store database.Store,
) (
*pgCoord, error,
) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(dbauthz.As(ctx, pgCoordSubject))
id := uuid.New()
logger = logger.Named("pgcoord").With(slog.F("coordinator_id", id))
bCh := make(chan binding)
// used for opening connections
cCh := make(chan *connIO)
// used for closing connections
ccCh := make(chan *connIO)
// for communicating subscriptions with the tunneler
sCh := make(chan tunnel)
// signals when first heartbeat has been sent, so it's safe to start binding.
fHB := make(chan struct{})
// we need to arrange for the querier to stop _after_ the tunneler and binder, since we delete
// the coordinator when the querier stops (via the heartbeats). If the tunneler and binder are
// still running, they could run afoul of foreign key constraints.
querierCtx, querierCancel := context.WithCancel(dbauthz.As(context.Background(), pgCoordSubject))
c := &pgCoord{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
logger: logger,
pubsub: ps,
store: store,
binder: newBinder(ctx, logger, id, store, bCh, fHB),
bindings: bCh,
newConnections: cCh,
closeConnections: ccCh,
tunneler: newTunneler(ctx, logger, id, store, sCh, fHB),
tunnelerCh: sCh,
id: id,
querier: newQuerier(querierCtx, logger, id, ps, store, id, cCh, ccCh, numQuerierWorkers, fHB),
closed: make(chan struct{}),
go func() {
// when the main context is canceled, or the coordinator closed, the binder and tunneler
// always eventually stop. Once they stop it's safe to cancel the querier context, which
// has the effect of deleting the coordinator from the database and ceasing heartbeats.
logger.Info(ctx, "starting coordinator")
return c, nil
func (c *pgCoord) ServeMultiAgent(id uuid.UUID) agpl.MultiAgentConn {
return agpl.ServeMultiAgent(c, c.logger, id)
func (c *pgCoord) Node(id uuid.UUID) *agpl.Node {
// We're going to directly query the database, since we would only have the mapping stored locally if we had
// a tunnel peer connected, which is not always the case.
peers, err :=, id)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Error(c.ctx, "failed to query peers", slog.Error(err))
return nil
mappings := make([]mapping, 0, len(peers))
for _, peer := range peers {
pNode := new(proto.Node)
err := gProto.Unmarshal(peer.Node, pNode)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Critical(c.ctx, "failed to unmarshal node", slog.F("bytes", peer.Node), slog.Error(err))
return nil
mappings = append(mappings, mapping{
peer: peer.ID,
coordinator: peer.CoordinatorID,
updatedAt: peer.UpdatedAt,
node: pNode,
mappings = c.querier.heartbeats.filter(mappings)
var bestT time.Time
var bestN *proto.Node
for _, m := range mappings {
if m.updatedAt.After(bestT) {
bestN = m.node
bestT = m.updatedAt
if bestN == nil {
return nil
node, err := agpl.ProtoToNode(bestN)
if err != nil {
c.logger.Critical(c.ctx, "failed to convert node", slog.F("node", bestN), slog.Error(err))
return nil
return node
func (c *pgCoord) ServeClient(conn net.Conn, id uuid.UUID, agent uuid.UUID) error {
return agpl.ServeClientV1(c.ctx, c.logger, c, conn, id, agent)
func (c *pgCoord) ServeAgent(conn net.Conn, id uuid.UUID, name string) error {
return agpl.ServeAgentV1(c.ctx, c.logger, c, conn, id, name)
func (c *pgCoord) Close() error {
c.logger.Info(c.ctx, "closing coordinator")
c.closeOnce.Do(func() { close(c.closed) })
return nil
func (c *pgCoord) Coordinate(
ctx context.Context, id uuid.UUID, name string, a agpl.CoordinateeAuth,
) (
chan<- *proto.CoordinateRequest, <-chan *proto.CoordinateResponse,
) {
logger := c.logger.With(slog.F("peer_id", id))
reqs := make(chan *proto.CoordinateRequest, agpl.RequestBufferSize)
resps := make(chan *proto.CoordinateResponse, agpl.ResponseBufferSize)
cIO := newConnIO(c.ctx, ctx, logger, c.bindings, c.tunnelerCh, reqs, resps, id, name, a)
err := agpl.SendCtx(c.ctx, c.newConnections, cIO)
if err != nil {
// this can only happen if the context is canceled, no need to log
return reqs, resps
go func() {
_ = agpl.SendCtx(c.ctx, c.closeConnections, cIO)
return reqs, resps
type tKey struct {
src uuid.UUID
dst uuid.UUID
type tunnel struct {
// whether the subscription should be active. if true, the subscription is
// added. if false, the subscription is removed.
active bool
type tunneler struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
coordinatorID uuid.UUID
store database.Store
updates <-chan tunnel
mu sync.Mutex
latest map[uuid.UUID]map[uuid.UUID]tunnel
workQ *workQ[tKey]
workerWG sync.WaitGroup
func newTunneler(ctx context.Context,
logger slog.Logger,
id uuid.UUID,
store database.Store,
updates <-chan tunnel,
startWorkers <-chan struct{},
) *tunneler {
s := &tunneler{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger,
coordinatorID: id,
store: store,
updates: updates,
latest: make(map[uuid.UUID]map[uuid.UUID]tunnel),
workQ: newWorkQ[tKey](ctx),
go s.handle()
// add to the waitgroup immediately to avoid any races waiting for it before
// the workers start.
go func() {
for i := 0; i < numTunnelerWorkers; i++ {
go s.worker()
return s
func (t *tunneler) handle() {
for {
select {
case <-t.ctx.Done():
t.logger.Debug(t.ctx, "tunneler exiting", slog.Error(t.ctx.Err()))
case tun := <-t.updates:
func (t *tunneler) worker() {
defer t.workerWG.Done()
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, t.ctx)
for {
tk, err := t.workQ.acquire()
if err != nil {
// context expired
err = backoff.Retry(func() error {
tun := t.retrieve(tk)
return t.writeOne(tun)
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
func (t *tunneler) cache(update tunnel) {
if {
if _, ok := t.latest[update.src]; !ok {
t.latest[update.src] = map[uuid.UUID]tunnel{}
t.latest[update.src][update.dst] = update
} else {
// If inactive and dst is nil, it means clean up all tunnels.
if update.dst == uuid.Nil {
delete(t.latest, update.src)
} else {
delete(t.latest[update.src], update.dst)
// clean up the tunnel map if all the tunnels are gone.
if len(t.latest[update.src]) == 0 {
delete(t.latest, update.src)
// retrieveBinding gets the latest tunnel for a key.
func (t *tunneler) retrieve(k tKey) tunnel {
dstMap, ok := t.latest[k.src]
if !ok {
return tunnel{
tKey: k,
active: false,
tun, ok := dstMap[k.dst]
if !ok {
return tunnel{
tKey: k,
active: false,
return tun
func (t *tunneler) writeOne(tun tunnel) error {
var err error
switch {
case tun.dst == uuid.Nil:
err =, database.DeleteAllTailnetTunnelsParams{
SrcID: tun.src,
CoordinatorID: t.coordinatorID,
t.logger.Debug(t.ctx, "deleted all tunnels",
slog.F("src_id", tun.src),
_, err =, database.UpsertTailnetTunnelParams{
CoordinatorID: t.coordinatorID,
SrcID: tun.src,
DstID: tun.dst,
t.logger.Debug(t.ctx, "upserted tunnel",
slog.F("src_id", tun.src),
slog.F("dst_id", tun.dst),
case !
_, err =, database.DeleteTailnetTunnelParams{
CoordinatorID: t.coordinatorID,
SrcID: tun.src,
DstID: tun.dst,
t.logger.Debug(t.ctx, "deleted tunnel",
slog.F("src_id", tun.src),
slog.F("dst_id", tun.dst),
// writeOne should be idempotent
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
err = nil
if err != nil && !database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
t.logger.Error(t.ctx, "write tunnel to database",
slog.F("src_id", tun.src),
slog.F("dst_id", tun.dst),
return err
// bKey, or "binding key" identifies a peer in a binding
type bKey uuid.UUID
// binding represents an association between a peer and a Node.
type binding struct {
node *proto.Node
kind proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_Kind
// binder reads node bindings from the channel and writes them to the database. It handles retries with a backoff.
type binder struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
coordinatorID uuid.UUID
store database.Store
bindings <-chan binding
mu sync.Mutex
latest map[bKey]binding
workQ *workQ[bKey]
workerWG sync.WaitGroup
func newBinder(ctx context.Context,
logger slog.Logger,
id uuid.UUID,
store database.Store,
bindings <-chan binding,
startWorkers <-chan struct{},
) *binder {
b := &binder{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger,
coordinatorID: id,
store: store,
bindings: bindings,
latest: make(map[bKey]binding),
workQ: newWorkQ[bKey](ctx),
go b.handleBindings()
// add to the waitgroup immediately to avoid any races waiting for it before
// the workers start.
go func() {
for i := 0; i < numBinderWorkers; i++ {
go b.worker()
return b
func (b *binder) handleBindings() {
for {
select {
case <-b.ctx.Done():
b.logger.Debug(b.ctx, "binder exiting", slog.Error(b.ctx.Err()))
case bnd := <-b.bindings:
func (b *binder) worker() {
defer b.workerWG.Done()
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, b.ctx)
for {
bk, err := b.workQ.acquire()
if err != nil {
// context expired
err = backoff.Retry(func() error {
bnd := b.retrieveBinding(bk)
return b.writeOne(bnd)
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
func (b *binder) writeOne(bnd binding) error {
var err error
if bnd.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_DISCONNECTED {
_, err =, database.DeleteTailnetPeerParams{
ID: uuid.UUID(bnd.bKey),
CoordinatorID: b.coordinatorID,
// writeOne is idempotent
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
err = nil
} else {
var nodeRaw []byte
nodeRaw, err = gProto.Marshal(bnd.node)
if err != nil {
// this is very bad news, but it should never happen because the node was Unmarshalled or converted by this
// process earlier.
b.logger.Critical(b.ctx, "failed to marshal node", slog.Error(err))
return err
status := database.TailnetStatusOk
if bnd.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST {
status = database.TailnetStatusLost
_, err =, database.UpsertTailnetPeerParams{
ID: uuid.UUID(bnd.bKey),
CoordinatorID: b.coordinatorID,
Node: nodeRaw,
Status: status,
if err != nil && !database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
b.logger.Error(b.ctx, "failed to write binding to database",
slog.F("binding_id", bnd.bKey),
slog.F("node", bnd.node),
return err
// storeBinding stores the latest binding, where we interpret kind == DISCONNECTED as removing the binding. This keeps the map
// from growing without bound.
func (b *binder) storeBinding(bnd binding) {
switch bnd.kind {
case proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
b.latest[bnd.bKey] = bnd
case proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_DISCONNECTED:
delete(b.latest, bnd.bKey)
case proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST:
// we need to coalesce with the previously stored node, since it must
// be non-nil in the database
old, ok := b.latest[bnd.bKey]
if !ok {
// lost before we ever got a node update. No action
bnd.node = old.node
b.latest[bnd.bKey] = bnd
// retrieveBinding gets the latest binding for a key.
func (b *binder) retrieveBinding(bk bKey) binding {
bnd, ok := b.latest[bk]
if !ok {
bnd = binding{
bKey: bk,
node: nil,
kind: proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_DISCONNECTED,
return bnd
// mapper tracks data sent to a peer, and sends updates based on changes read from the database.
type mapper struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
// reads from this channel trigger recomputing the set of mappings to send, and sending any updates. It is used when
// coordinators are added or removed
update chan struct{}
mappings chan []mapping
c *connIO
// latest is the most recent, unfiltered snapshot of the mappings we know about
latest []mapping
// sent is the state of mappings we have actually enqueued; used to compute diffs for updates.
sent map[uuid.UUID]mapping
// called to filter mappings to healthy coordinators
heartbeats *heartbeats
func newMapper(c *connIO, logger slog.Logger, h *heartbeats) *mapper {
logger = logger.With(
slog.F("peer_id", c.UniqueID()),
m := &mapper{
ctx: c.peerCtx, // mapper has same lifetime as the underlying connection it serves
logger: logger,
c: c,
update: make(chan struct{}),
mappings: make(chan []mapping),
heartbeats: h,
sent: make(map[uuid.UUID]mapping),
return m
func (m *mapper) run() {
for {
var best map[uuid.UUID]mapping
select {
case <-m.ctx.Done():
case mappings := <-m.mappings:
m.logger.Debug(m.ctx, "got new mappings")
m.latest = mappings
best = m.bestMappings(mappings)
case <-m.update:
m.logger.Debug(m.ctx, "triggered update")
best = m.bestMappings(m.latest)
update := m.bestToUpdate(best)
if update == nil {
m.logger.Debug(m.ctx, "skipping nil node update")
if err := m.c.Enqueue(update); err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
m.logger.Error(m.ctx, "failed to enqueue node update", slog.Error(err))
// bestMappings takes a set of mappings and resolves the best set of nodes. We may get several mappings for a
// particular connection, from different coordinators in the distributed system. Furthermore, some coordinators
// might be considered invalid on account of missing heartbeats. We take the most recent mapping from a valid
// coordinator as the "best" mapping.
func (m *mapper) bestMappings(mappings []mapping) map[uuid.UUID]mapping {
mappings = m.heartbeats.filter(mappings)
best := make(map[uuid.UUID]mapping, len(mappings))
for _, mpng := range mappings {
bestM, ok := best[mpng.peer]
switch {
case !ok:
// no current best
best[mpng.peer] = mpng
// NODE always beats LOST mapping, since the LOST could be from a coordinator that's
// slow updating the DB, and the peer has reconnected to a different coordinator and
// given a NODE mapping.
case bestM.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
best[mpng.peer] = mpng
case mpng.updatedAt.After(bestM.updatedAt) && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
// newer, and it's a NODE update.
best[mpng.peer] = mpng
return best
func (m *mapper) bestToUpdate(best map[uuid.UUID]mapping) *proto.CoordinateResponse {
resp := new(proto.CoordinateResponse)
for k, mpng := range best {
var reason string
sm, ok := m.sent[k]
switch {
case !ok && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST:
// we don't need to send a "lost" update if we've never sent an update about this peer
case !ok && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
reason = "new"
case ok && sm.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST:
// was lost and remains lost, no update needed
case ok && sm.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
reason = "found"
case ok && sm.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST:
reason = "lost"
case ok && sm.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE && mpng.kind == proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE:
eq, err := sm.node.Equal(mpng.node)
if err != nil {
m.logger.Critical(m.ctx, "failed to compare nodes", slog.F("old", sm.node), slog.F("new", mpng.node))
if eq {
reason = "update"
resp.PeerUpdates = append(resp.PeerUpdates, &proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate{
Id: agpl.UUIDToByteSlice(k),
Node: mpng.node,
Kind: mpng.kind,
Reason: reason,
m.sent[k] = mpng
for k := range m.sent {
if _, ok := best[k]; !ok {
resp.PeerUpdates = append(resp.PeerUpdates, &proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate{
Id: agpl.UUIDToByteSlice(k),
Kind: proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_DISCONNECTED,
Reason: "disconnected",
delete(m.sent, k)
if len(resp.PeerUpdates) == 0 {
return nil
return resp
// querier is responsible for monitoring pubsub notifications and querying the database for the
// mappings that all connected peers need. It also checks heartbeats and withdraws mappings from
// coordinators that have failed heartbeats.
// There are two kinds of pubsub notifications it listens for and responds to.
// 1. Tunnel updates --- a tunnel was added or removed. In this case we need
// to recompute the mappings for peers on both sides of the tunnel.
// 2. Peer updates --- a peer got a new binding. When a peer gets a new
// binding, we need to update all the _other_ peers it shares a tunnel with.
// However, we don't keep tunnels in memory (to avoid the
// complexity of synchronizing with the database), so we first have to query
// the database to learn the tunnel peers, then schedule an update on each
// one.
type querier struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
coordinatorID uuid.UUID
pubsub pubsub.Pubsub
store database.Store
newConnections chan *connIO
closeConnections chan *connIO
workQ *workQ[querierWorkKey]
heartbeats *heartbeats
updates <-chan hbUpdate
mu sync.Mutex
mappers map[mKey]*mapper
healthy bool
func newQuerier(ctx context.Context,
logger slog.Logger,
coordinatorID uuid.UUID,
ps pubsub.Pubsub,
store database.Store,
self uuid.UUID,
newConnections chan *connIO,
closeConnections chan *connIO,
numWorkers int,
firstHeartbeat chan struct{},
) *querier {
updates := make(chan hbUpdate)
q := &querier{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger.Named("querier"),
coordinatorID: coordinatorID,
pubsub: ps,
store: store,
newConnections: newConnections,
closeConnections: closeConnections,
workQ: newWorkQ[querierWorkKey](ctx),
heartbeats: newHeartbeats(ctx, logger, ps, store, self, updates, firstHeartbeat),
mappers: make(map[mKey]*mapper),
updates: updates,
healthy: true, // assume we start healthy
go func() {
go q.handleIncoming()
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go q.worker()
go q.handleUpdates()
return q
func (q *querier) handleIncoming() {
for {
select {
case <-q.ctx.Done():
case c := <-q.newConnections:
case c := <-q.closeConnections:
func (q *querier) newConn(c *connIO) {
if !q.healthy {
err := c.Close()
q.logger.Info(q.ctx, "closed incoming connection while unhealthy",
slog.F("peer_id", c.UniqueID()),
mpr := newMapper(c, q.logger, q.heartbeats)
mk := mKey(c.UniqueID())
dup, ok := q.mappers[mk]
if ok {
// duplicate, overwrite and close the old one
atomic.StoreInt64(&c.overwrites, dup.c.Overwrites()+1)
err := dup.c.CoordinatorClose()
if err != nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "failed to close duplicate mapper", slog.F("peer_id", dup.c.UniqueID()), slog.Error(err))
q.mappers[mk] = mpr
mappingQuery: mk,
func (q *querier) cleanupConn(c *connIO) {
logger := q.logger.With(slog.F("peer_id", c.UniqueID()))
mk := mKey(c.UniqueID())
mpr, ok := q.mappers[mk]
if !ok {
if mpr.c != c {
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "attempt to cleanup for duplicate connection, ignoring")
err := c.CoordinatorClose()
if err != nil {
logger.Error(q.ctx, "failed to close connIO", slog.Error(err))
delete(q.mappers, mk)
q.logger.Debug(q.ctx, "removed mapper")
func (q *querier) worker() {
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, q.ctx)
for {
qk, err := q.workQ.acquire()
if err != nil {
// context expired
err = backoff.Retry(func() error {
return q.query(qk)
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
func (q *querier) query(qk querierWorkKey) error {
if uuid.UUID(qk.mappingQuery) != uuid.Nil {
return q.mappingQuery(qk.mappingQuery)
if qk.peerUpdate != uuid.Nil {
return q.peerUpdate(qk.peerUpdate)
q.logger.Critical(q.ctx, "bad querierWorkKey", slog.F("work_key", qk))
return backoff.Permanent(xerrors.Errorf("bad querierWorkKey %v", qk))
// peerUpdate is work scheduled in response to a new peer->binding. We need to find out all the
// other peers that share a tunnel with the indicated peer, and then schedule a mapping update on
// each, so that they can find out about the new binding.
func (q *querier) peerUpdate(peer uuid.UUID) error {
logger := q.logger.With(slog.F("peer_id", peer))
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "querying peers that share a tunnel")
others, err :=, peer)
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return err
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "queried peers that share a tunnel", slog.F("num_peers", len(others)))
for _, other := range others {
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "got tunnel peer", slog.F("other_id", other.PeerID))
q.workQ.enqueue(querierWorkKey{mappingQuery: mKey(other.PeerID)})
return nil
// mappingQuery queries the database for all the mappings that the given peer should know about,
// that is, all the peers that it shares a tunnel with and their current node mappings (if they
// exist). It then sends the mapping snapshot to the corresponding mapper, where it will get
// transmitted to the peer.
func (q *querier) mappingQuery(peer mKey) error {
logger := q.logger.With(slog.F("peer_id", uuid.UUID(peer)))
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "querying mappings")
bindings, err :=, uuid.UUID(peer))
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "queried mappings", slog.F("num_mappings", len(bindings)))
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return err
mappings, err := q.bindingsToMappings(bindings)
if err != nil {
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "failed to convert mappings", slog.Error(err))
return err
mpr, ok := q.mappers[peer]
if !ok {
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "query for missing mapper")
return nil
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "sending mappings", slog.F("mapping_len", len(mappings)))
return agpl.SendCtx(q.ctx, mpr.mappings, mappings)
func (q *querier) bindingsToMappings(bindings []database.GetTailnetTunnelPeerBindingsRow) ([]mapping, error) {
mappings := make([]mapping, 0, len(bindings))
for _, binding := range bindings {
node := new(proto.Node)
err := gProto.Unmarshal(binding.Node, node)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "failed to unmarshal node", slog.Error(err))
return nil, backoff.Permanent(err)
kind := proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_NODE
if binding.Status == database.TailnetStatusLost {
kind = proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_LOST
mappings = append(mappings, mapping{
peer: binding.PeerID,
coordinator: binding.CoordinatorID,
updatedAt: binding.UpdatedAt,
node: node,
kind: kind,
return mappings, nil
// subscribe starts our subscriptions to peer and tunnnel updates in a new goroutine, and returns once we are subscribed
// or the querier context is canceled.
func (q *querier) subscribe() {
subscribed := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(subscribed)
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, q.ctx)
var cancelPeer context.CancelFunc
err := backoff.Retry(func() error {
cancelFn, err := q.pubsub.SubscribeWithErr(eventPeerUpdate, q.listenPeer)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "failed to subscribe to peer updates", slog.Error(err))
return err
cancelPeer = cancelFn
return nil
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
if q.ctx.Err() == nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "code bug: retry failed before context canceled", slog.Error(err))
defer func() {
q.logger.Info(q.ctx, "canceling peer updates subscription")
q.logger.Info(q.ctx, "subscribed to peer updates")
var cancelTunnel context.CancelFunc
err = backoff.Retry(func() error {
cancelFn, err := q.pubsub.SubscribeWithErr(eventTunnelUpdate, q.listenTunnel)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "failed to subscribe to tunnel updates", slog.Error(err))
return err
cancelTunnel = cancelFn
return nil
}, bkoff)
if err != nil {
if q.ctx.Err() == nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "code bug: retry failed before context canceled", slog.Error(err))
defer func() {
q.logger.Info(q.ctx, "canceling tunnel updates subscription")
q.logger.Info(q.ctx, "subscribed to tunnel updates")
// unblock the outer function from returning
subscribed <- struct{}{}
// hold subscriptions open until context is canceled
func (q *querier) listenPeer(_ context.Context, msg []byte, err error) {
if xerrors.Is(err, pubsub.ErrDroppedMessages) {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "pubsub may have dropped peer updates")
// we need to schedule a full resync of peer mappings
if err != nil {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "unhandled pubsub error", slog.Error(err))
peer, err := parsePeerUpdate(string(msg))
if err != nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "failed to parse peer update",
slog.F("msg", string(msg)), slog.Error(err))
logger := q.logger.With(slog.F("peer_id", peer))
logger.Debug(q.ctx, "got peer update")
// we know that this peer has an updated node mapping, but we don't yet know who to send that
// update to. We need to query the database to find all the other peers that share a tunnel with
// this one, and then run mapping queries against all of them.
q.workQ.enqueue(querierWorkKey{peerUpdate: peer})
func (q *querier) listenTunnel(_ context.Context, msg []byte, err error) {
if xerrors.Is(err, pubsub.ErrDroppedMessages) {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "pubsub may have dropped tunnel updates")
// we need to schedule a full resync of peer mappings
if err != nil {
q.logger.Warn(q.ctx, "unhandled pubsub error", slog.Error(err))
peers, err := parseTunnelUpdate(string(msg))
if err != nil {
q.logger.Error(q.ctx, "failed to parse tunnel update", slog.F("msg", string(msg)), slog.Error(err))
q.logger.Debug(q.ctx, "got tunnel update", slog.F("peers", peers))
for _, peer := range peers {
mk := mKey(peer)
_, ok := q.mappers[mk]
if !ok {
q.logger.Debug(q.ctx, "ignoring tunnel update because we have no mapper",
slog.F("peer_id", peer))
q.workQ.enqueue(querierWorkKey{mappingQuery: mk})
func (q *querier) resyncPeerMappings() {
for mk := range q.mappers {
q.workQ.enqueue(querierWorkKey{mappingQuery: mk})
func (q *querier) handleUpdates() {
for {
select {
case <-q.ctx.Done():
case u := <-q.updates:
if u.filter == filterUpdateUpdated {
if == healthUpdateUnhealthy {
if == healthUpdateHealthy {
func (q *querier) updateAll() {
for _, mpr := range q.mappers {
// send on goroutine to avoid holding the Heartbeat failures come asynchronously with respect to
// other kinds of work, so it's fine to deliver the command to refresh async.
go func(m *mapper) {
// make sure we send on the _mapper_ context, not our own in case the mapper is
// shutting down or shut down.
_ = agpl.SendCtx(m.ctx, m.update, struct{}{})
// unhealthyCloseAll marks the coordinator unhealthy and closes all connections. We do this so that peers
// are forced to reconnect to the coordinator, and will hopefully land on a healthy coordinator.
func (q *querier) unhealthyCloseAll() {
q.healthy = false
for _, mpr := range q.mappers {
// close connections async so that we don't block the querier routine that responds to updates
go func(c *connIO) {
err := c.Close()
if err != nil {
q.logger.Debug(q.ctx, "error closing conn while unhealthy", slog.Error(err))
// NOTE: we don't need to remove the connection from the map, as that will happen async in q.cleanupConn()
func (q *querier) setHealthy() {
q.healthy = true
func parseTunnelUpdate(msg string) ([]uuid.UUID, error) {
parts := strings.Split(msg, ",")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("expected 2 parts separated by comma")
peers := make([]uuid.UUID, 2)
var err error
for i, part := range parts {
peers[i], err = uuid.Parse(part)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse UUID: %w", err)
return peers, nil
func parsePeerUpdate(msg string) (peer uuid.UUID, err error) {
peer, err = uuid.Parse(msg)
if err != nil {
return uuid.Nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to parse peer update message UUID: %w", err)
return peer, nil
// mKey identifies a set of node mappings we want to query.
type mKey uuid.UUID
// mapping associates a particular peer, and its respective coordinator with a node.
type mapping struct {
peer uuid.UUID
coordinator uuid.UUID
updatedAt time.Time
node *proto.Node
kind proto.CoordinateResponse_PeerUpdate_Kind
// querierWorkKey describes two kinds of work the querier needs to do. If peerUpdate
// is not uuid.Nil, then the querier needs to find all tunnel peers of the given peer and
// mark them for a mapping query. If mappingQuery is not uuid.Nil, then the querier has to
// query the mappings of the tunnel peers of the given peer.
type querierWorkKey struct {
peerUpdate uuid.UUID
mappingQuery mKey
type queueKey interface {
bKey | tKey | querierWorkKey
// workQ allows scheduling work based on a key. Multiple enqueue requests for the same key are coalesced, and
// only one in-progress job per key is scheduled.
type workQ[K queueKey] struct {
ctx context.Context
cond *sync.Cond
pending []K
inProgress map[K]bool
func newWorkQ[K queueKey](ctx context.Context) *workQ[K] {
q := &workQ[K]{
ctx: ctx,
cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
inProgress: make(map[K]bool),
// wake up all waiting workers when context is done
go func() {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
return q
// enqueue adds the key to the workQ if it is not already pending.
func (q *workQ[K]) enqueue(key K) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
for _, mk := range q.pending {
if mk == key {
// already pending, no-op
q.pending = append(q.pending, key)
// acquire gets a new key to begin working on. This call blocks until work is available. After acquiring a key, the
// worker MUST call done() with the same key to mark it complete and allow new pending work to be acquired for the key.
// An error is returned if the workQ context is canceled to unblock waiting workers.
func (q *workQ[K]) acquire() (key K, err error) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
for !q.workAvailable() && q.ctx.Err() == nil {
if q.ctx.Err() != nil {
return key, q.ctx.Err()
for i, mk := range q.pending {
_, ok := q.inProgress[mk]
if !ok {
q.pending = append(q.pending[:i], q.pending[i+1:]...)
q.inProgress[mk] = true
return mk, nil
// this should not be possible because we are holding the lock when we exit the loop that waits
panic("woke with no work available")
// workAvailable returns true if there is work we can do. Must be called while holding q.cond.L
func (q workQ[K]) workAvailable() bool {
for _, mk := range q.pending {
_, ok := q.inProgress[mk]
if !ok {
return true
return false
// done marks the key completed; MUST be called after acquire() for each key.
func (q *workQ[K]) done(key K) {
defer q.cond.L.Unlock()
delete(q.inProgress, key)
type filterUpdate int
const (
filterUpdateNone filterUpdate = iota
type healthUpdate int
const (
healthUpdateNone healthUpdate = iota
// hbUpdate is an update sent from the heartbeats to the querier. Zero values of the fields mean no update of that
// kind.
type hbUpdate struct {
filter filterUpdate
health healthUpdate
// heartbeats sends heartbeats for this coordinator on a timer, and monitors heartbeats from other coordinators. If a
// coordinator misses their heartbeat, we remove it from our map of "valid" coordinators, such that we will filter out
// any mappings for it when filter() is called, and we send a signal on the update channel, which triggers all mappers
// to recompute their mappings and push them out to their connections.
type heartbeats struct {
ctx context.Context
logger slog.Logger
pubsub pubsub.Pubsub
store database.Store
self uuid.UUID
update chan<- hbUpdate
firstHeartbeat chan<- struct{}
failedHeartbeats int
lock sync.RWMutex
coordinators map[uuid.UUID]time.Time
timer *time.Timer
// overwritten in tests, but otherwise constant
cleanupPeriod time.Duration
func newHeartbeats(
ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger,
ps pubsub.Pubsub, store database.Store,
self uuid.UUID, update chan<- hbUpdate,
firstHeartbeat chan<- struct{},
) *heartbeats {
h := &heartbeats{
ctx: ctx,
logger: logger,
pubsub: ps,
store: store,
self: self,
update: update,
firstHeartbeat: firstHeartbeat,
coordinators: make(map[uuid.UUID]time.Time),
cleanupPeriod: cleanupPeriod,
go h.subscribe()
go h.sendBeats()
go h.cleanupLoop()
return h
func (h *heartbeats) filter(mappings []mapping) []mapping {
out := make([]mapping, 0, len(mappings))
defer h.lock.RUnlock()
for _, m := range mappings {
ok := m.coordinator == h.self
if !ok {
_, ok = h.coordinators[m.coordinator]
if ok {
out = append(out, m)
return out
func (h *heartbeats) subscribe() {
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
eb.MaxInterval = dbMaxBackoff
bkoff := backoff.WithContext(eb, h.ctx)
var cancel context.CancelFunc
bErr := backoff.Retry(func() error {
cancelFn, err := h.pubsub.SubscribeWithErr(EventHeartbeats, h.listen)
if err != nil {
h.logger.Warn(h.ctx, "failed to tunnel to heartbeats", slog.Error(err))
return err
cancel = cancelFn
return nil
}, bkoff)
if bErr != nil {
if h.ctx.Err() == nil {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "code bug: retry failed before context canceled", slog.Error(bErr))
// cancel subscription when context finishes
defer cancel()
func (h *heartbeats) listen(_ context.Context, msg []byte, err error) {
if err != nil {
// in the context of heartbeats, if we miss some messages it will be OK as long
// as we aren't disconnected for multiple beats. Still, even if we are disconnected
// for longer, there isn't much to do except log. Once we reconnect we will reinstate
// any expired coordinators that are still alive and continue on.
h.logger.Warn(h.ctx, "heartbeat notification error", slog.Error(err))
id, err := uuid.Parse(string(msg))
if err != nil {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "unable to parse heartbeat", slog.F("msg", string(msg)), slog.Error(err))
if id == h.self {
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "ignoring our own heartbeat")
func (h *heartbeats) recvBeat(id uuid.UUID) {
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "got heartbeat", slog.F("other_coordinator_id", id))
defer h.lock.Unlock()
if _, ok := h.coordinators[id]; !ok {
h.logger.Info(h.ctx, "heartbeats (re)started", slog.F("other_coordinator_id", id))
// send on a separate goroutine to avoid holding lock. Triggering update can be async
go func() {
_ = agpl.SendCtx(h.ctx, h.update, hbUpdate{filter: filterUpdateUpdated})
h.coordinators[id] = time.Now()
if h.timer == nil {
// this can only happen for the very first beat
h.timer = time.AfterFunc(MissedHeartbeats*HeartbeatPeriod, h.checkExpiry)
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "set initial heartbeat timeout")
func (h *heartbeats) resetExpiryTimerWithLock() {
var oldestTime time.Time
for _, t := range h.coordinators {
if oldestTime.IsZero() || t.Before(oldestTime) {
oldestTime = t
d := time.Until(oldestTime.Add(MissedHeartbeats * HeartbeatPeriod))
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "computed oldest heartbeat", slog.F("oldest", oldestTime), slog.F("time_to_expiry", d))
// only reschedule if it's in the future.
if d > 0 {
func (h *heartbeats) checkExpiry() {
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "checking heartbeat expiry")
defer h.lock.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
expired := false
for id, t := range h.coordinators {
lastHB := now.Sub(t)
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "last heartbeat from coordinator", slog.F("other_coordinator_id", id), slog.F("last_heartbeat", lastHB))
if lastHB > MissedHeartbeats*HeartbeatPeriod {
expired = true
delete(h.coordinators, id)
h.logger.Info(h.ctx, "coordinator failed heartbeat check", slog.F("other_coordinator_id", id), slog.F("last_heartbeat", lastHB))
if expired {
// send on a separate goroutine to avoid holding lock. Triggering update can be async
go func() {
_ = agpl.SendCtx(h.ctx, h.update, hbUpdate{filter: filterUpdateUpdated})
// we need to reset the timer for when the next oldest coordinator will expire, if any.
func (h *heartbeats) sendBeats() {
// send an initial heartbeat so that other coordinators can start using our bindings right away.
close(h.firstHeartbeat) // signal binder it can start writing
defer h.sendDelete()
tkr := time.NewTicker(HeartbeatPeriod)
defer tkr.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-h.ctx.Done():
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "ending heartbeats", slog.Error(h.ctx.Err()))
case <-tkr.C:
func (h *heartbeats) sendBeat() {
_, err :=, h.self)
if database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
if err != nil {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "failed to send heartbeat", slog.Error(err))
if h.failedHeartbeats == 3 {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "coordinator failed 3 heartbeats and is unhealthy")
_ = agpl.SendCtx(h.ctx, h.update, hbUpdate{health: healthUpdateUnhealthy})
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "sent heartbeat")
if h.failedHeartbeats >= 3 {
h.logger.Info(h.ctx, "coordinator sent heartbeat and is healthy")
_ = agpl.SendCtx(h.ctx, h.update, hbUpdate{health: healthUpdateHealthy})
h.failedHeartbeats = 0
func (h *heartbeats) sendDelete() {
// here we don't want to use the main context, since it will have been canceled
ctx := dbauthz.As(context.Background(), pgCoordSubject)
err :=, h.self)
if err != nil {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "failed to send coordinator delete", slog.Error(err))
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "deleted coordinator")
func (h *heartbeats) cleanupLoop() {
tkr := time.NewTicker(h.cleanupPeriod)
defer tkr.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-h.ctx.Done():
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "ending cleanupLoop", slog.Error(h.ctx.Err()))
case <-tkr.C:
// cleanup issues a DB command to clean out any old expired coordinators or lost peer state. The
// cleanup is idempotent, so no need to synchronize with other coordinators.
func (h *heartbeats) cleanup() {
// the records we are attempting to clean up do no serious harm other than
// accumulating in the tables, so we don't bother retrying if it fails.
err :=
if err != nil && !database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "failed to cleanup old coordinators", slog.Error(err))
err =
if err != nil && !database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "failed to cleanup lost peers", slog.Error(err))
err =
if err != nil && !database.IsQueryCanceledError(err) {
h.logger.Error(h.ctx, "failed to cleanup abandoned tunnels", slog.Error(err))
h.logger.Debug(h.ctx, "completed cleanup")