
287 lines
7.7 KiB

package prometheusmetrics
import (
agentproto ""
const (
// MetricHelpForAgent is a help string that replaces all agent metric help
// messages. This is because a registry cannot have conflicting
// help messages for the same metric in a "gather". If our coder agents are
// on different versions, this is a possible scenario.
metricHelpForAgent = "Metrics are forwarded from workspace agents connected to this instance of coderd."
const (
loggerName = "prometheusmetrics"
sizeCollectCh = 10
sizeUpdateCh = 1024
defaultMetricsCleanupInterval = 2 * time.Minute
type MetricsAggregator struct {
queue []annotatedMetric
log slog.Logger
metricsCleanupInterval time.Duration
collectCh chan (chan []prometheus.Metric)
updateCh chan updateRequest
updateHistogram prometheus.Histogram
cleanupHistogram prometheus.Histogram
type updateRequest struct {
username string
workspaceName string
agentName string
templateName string
metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric
timestamp time.Time
type annotatedMetric struct {
username string
workspaceName string
agentName string
templateName string
expiryDate time.Time
var _ prometheus.Collector = new(MetricsAggregator)
func (am *annotatedMetric) is(req updateRequest, m *agentproto.Stats_Metric) bool {
return am.username == req.username && am.workspaceName == req.workspaceName && am.agentName == req.agentName && am.Name == m.Name && slices.Equal(am.Labels, m.Labels)
func (am *annotatedMetric) asPrometheus() (prometheus.Metric, error) {
labels := make([]string, 0, len(agentMetricsLabels)+len(am.Labels))
labelValues := make([]string, 0, len(agentMetricsLabels)+len(am.Labels))
labels = append(labels, agentMetricsLabels...)
labelValues = append(labelValues, am.username, am.workspaceName, am.agentName, am.templateName)
for _, l := range am.Labels {
labels = append(labels, l.Name)
labelValues = append(labelValues, l.Value)
desc := prometheus.NewDesc(am.Name, metricHelpForAgent, labels, nil)
valueType, err := asPrometheusValueType(am.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(desc, valueType, am.Value, labelValues...), nil
func NewMetricsAggregator(logger slog.Logger, registerer prometheus.Registerer, duration time.Duration) (*MetricsAggregator, error) {
metricsCleanupInterval := defaultMetricsCleanupInterval
if duration > 0 {
metricsCleanupInterval = duration
updateHistogram := prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "coderd",
Subsystem: "prometheusmetrics",
Name: "metrics_aggregator_execution_update_seconds",
Help: "Histogram for duration of metrics aggregator update in seconds.",
Buckets: []float64{0.001, 0.005, 0.010, 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, 0.500, 1, 5, 10, 30},
err := registerer.Register(updateHistogram)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cleanupHistogram := prometheus.NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "coderd",
Subsystem: "prometheusmetrics",
Name: "metrics_aggregator_execution_cleanup_seconds",
Help: "Histogram for duration of metrics aggregator cleanup in seconds.",
Buckets: []float64{0.001, 0.005, 0.010, 0.025, 0.050, 0.100, 0.500, 1, 5, 10, 30},
err = registerer.Register(cleanupHistogram)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &MetricsAggregator{
log: logger.Named(loggerName),
metricsCleanupInterval: metricsCleanupInterval,
collectCh: make(chan (chan []prometheus.Metric), sizeCollectCh),
updateCh: make(chan updateRequest, sizeUpdateCh),
updateHistogram: updateHistogram,
cleanupHistogram: cleanupHistogram,
}, nil
func (ma *MetricsAggregator) Run(ctx context.Context) func() {
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
done := make(chan struct{})
cleanupTicker := time.NewTicker(ma.metricsCleanupInterval)
go func() {
defer close(done)
defer cleanupTicker.Stop()
for {
select {
case req := <-ma.updateCh:
ma.log.Debug(ctx, "update metrics")
timer := prometheus.NewTimer(ma.updateHistogram)
for _, m := range req.metrics {
for i, q := range ma.queue {
if, m) {
ma.queue[i].Stats_Metric.Value = m.Value
ma.queue[i].expiryDate = req.timestamp.Add(ma.metricsCleanupInterval)
continue UpdateLoop
ma.queue = append(ma.queue, annotatedMetric{
Stats_Metric: m,
username: req.username,
workspaceName: req.workspaceName,
agentName: req.agentName,
templateName: req.templateName,
expiryDate: req.timestamp.Add(ma.metricsCleanupInterval),
case outputCh := <-ma.collectCh:
ma.log.Debug(ctx, "collect metrics")
output := make([]prometheus.Metric, 0, len(ma.queue))
for _, m := range ma.queue {
promMetric, err := m.asPrometheus()
if err != nil {
ma.log.Error(ctx, "can't convert Prometheus value type", slog.F("name", m.Name), slog.F("type", m.Type), slog.F("value", m.Value), slog.Error(err))
output = append(output, promMetric)
outputCh <- output
case <-cleanupTicker.C:
ma.log.Debug(ctx, "clean expired metrics")
timer := prometheus.NewTimer(ma.cleanupHistogram)
now := time.Now()
var hasExpiredMetrics bool
for _, m := range ma.queue {
if now.After(m.expiryDate) {
hasExpiredMetrics = true
if hasExpiredMetrics {
fresh := make([]annotatedMetric, 0, len(ma.queue))
for _, m := range ma.queue {
if m.expiryDate.After(now) {
fresh = append(fresh, m)
ma.queue = fresh
case <-ctx.Done():
ma.log.Debug(ctx, "metrics aggregator is stopped")
return func() {
// Describe function does not have any knowledge about the metrics schema,
// so it does not emit anything.
func (*MetricsAggregator) Describe(_ chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
var agentMetricsLabels = []string{usernameLabel, workspaceNameLabel, agentNameLabel, templateNameLabel}
// AgentMetricLabels are the labels used to decorate an agent's metrics.
// This list should match the list of labels in agentMetricsLabels.
type AgentMetricLabels struct {
Username string
WorkspaceName string
AgentName string
TemplateName string
func (ma *MetricsAggregator) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
output := make(chan []prometheus.Metric, 1)
select {
case ma.collectCh <- output:
ma.log.Error(context.Background(), "collect queue is full")
for s := range output {
for _, m := range s {
ch <- m
func (ma *MetricsAggregator) Update(ctx context.Context, labels AgentMetricLabels, metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric) {
select {
case ma.updateCh <- updateRequest{
username: labels.Username,
workspaceName: labels.WorkspaceName,
agentName: labels.AgentName,
templateName: labels.TemplateName,
metrics: metrics,
timestamp: time.Now(),
case <-ctx.Done():
ma.log.Debug(ctx, "update request is canceled")
ma.log.Error(ctx, "update queue is full")
func asPrometheusValueType(metricType agentproto.Stats_Metric_Type) (prometheus.ValueType, error) {
switch metricType {
case agentproto.Stats_Metric_GAUGE:
return prometheus.GaugeValue, nil
case agentproto.Stats_Metric_COUNTER:
return prometheus.CounterValue, nil
return -1, xerrors.Errorf("unsupported value type: %s", metricType)