
457 lines
13 KiB

package cli
import (
func (r *RootCmd) workspaceProxy() *clibase.Cmd {
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "workspace-proxy",
Short: "Workspace proxies provide low-latency experiences for geo-distributed teams.",
Long: "Workspace proxies provide low-latency experiences for geo-distributed teams. " +
"It will act as a connection gateway to your workspace. " +
"Best used if Coder and your workspace are deployed in different regions.",
Aliases: []string{"wsproxy"},
Hidden: true,
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
return inv.Command.HelpHandler(inv)
Children: []*clibase.Cmd{
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) regenerateProxyToken() *clibase.Cmd {
formatter := newUpdateProxyResponseFormatter()
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "regenerate-token <name|id>",
Short: "Regenerate a workspace proxy authentication token. " +
"This will invalidate the existing authentication token.",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
formatter.primaryAccessURL = client.URL.String()
// This is cheeky, but you can also use a uuid string in
// 'DeleteWorkspaceProxyByName' and it will work.
proxy, err := client.WorkspaceProxyByName(ctx, inv.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
// Only regenerate the token
updated, err := client.PatchWorkspaceProxy(ctx, codersdk.PatchWorkspaceProxy{
ID: proxy.ID,
Name: proxy.Name,
DisplayName: proxy.DisplayName,
Icon: proxy.IconURL,
RegenerateToken: true,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
output, err := formatter.Format(ctx, updated)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, output)
return err
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) patchProxy() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
proxyName string
displayName string
proxyIcon string
formatter = cliui.NewOutputFormatter(
// Text formatter should be human readable.
cliui.ChangeFormatterData(cliui.TextFormat(), func(data any) (any, error) {
response, ok := data.(codersdk.WorkspaceProxy)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", data)
return fmt.Sprintf("Workspace Proxy %q updated successfully.", response.Name), nil
// Table formatter expects a slice, make a slice of one.
cliui.ChangeFormatterData(cliui.TableFormat([]codersdk.WorkspaceProxy{}, []string{"proxy name", "proxy url"}),
func(data any) (any, error) {
response, ok := data.(codersdk.WorkspaceProxy)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", data)
return []codersdk.WorkspaceProxy{response}, nil
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "edit <name|id>",
Short: "Edit a workspace proxy",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
if proxyIcon == "" && displayName == "" && proxyName == "" {
_ = inv.Command.HelpHandler(inv)
return xerrors.Errorf("specify at least one field to update")
// This is cheeky, but you can also use a uuid string in
// 'DeleteWorkspaceProxyByName' and it will work.
proxy, err := client.WorkspaceProxyByName(ctx, inv.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
// Use the existing values if the user didn't specify them.
if proxyName == "" {
proxyName = proxy.Name
if displayName == "" {
displayName = proxy.DisplayName
if proxyIcon == "" {
proxyIcon = proxy.IconURL
updated, err := client.PatchWorkspaceProxy(ctx, codersdk.PatchWorkspaceProxy{
ID: proxy.ID,
Name: proxyName,
DisplayName: displayName,
Icon: proxyIcon,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
output, err := formatter.Format(ctx, updated.Proxy)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("format response: %w", err)
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, output)
return err
Flag: "name",
Description: "(Optional) Name of the proxy. This is used to identify the proxy.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&proxyName),
Flag: "display-name",
Description: "(Optional) Display of the proxy. A more human friendly name to be displayed.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&displayName),
Flag: "icon",
Description: "(Optional) Display icon of the proxy.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&proxyIcon),
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) deleteProxy() *clibase.Cmd {
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "delete <name|id>",
Short: "Delete a workspace proxy",
Options: clibase.OptionSet{
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
wsproxy, err := client.WorkspaceProxyByName(ctx, inv.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
// Confirm deletion of the template.
_, err = cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{
Text: fmt.Sprintf("Delete this workspace proxy: %s?", pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Code, wsproxy.DisplayName)),
IsConfirm: true,
Default: cliui.ConfirmNo,
if err != nil {
return err
err = client.DeleteWorkspaceProxyByName(ctx, inv.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("delete workspace proxy %q: %w", inv.Args[0], err)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stdout, "Workspace proxy %q deleted successfully\n", inv.Args[0])
return nil
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) createProxy() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
proxyName string
displayName string
proxyIcon string
noPrompts bool
formatter = newUpdateProxyResponseFormatter()
validateIcon := func(s *clibase.String) error {
if !(strings.HasPrefix(s.Value(), "/emojis/") || strings.HasPrefix(s.Value(), "http")) {
return xerrors.New("icon must be a relative path to an emoji or a publicly hosted image URL")
return nil
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "create",
Short: "Create a workspace proxy",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
formatter.primaryAccessURL = client.URL.String()
var err error
if proxyName == "" && !noPrompts {
proxyName, err = cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{
Text: "Proxy Name:",
if err != nil {
return err
if displayName == "" && !noPrompts {
displayName, err = cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{
Text: "Display Name:",
Default: proxyName,
if err != nil {
return err
if proxyIcon == "" && !noPrompts {
proxyIcon, err = cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{
Text: "Icon URL:",
Default: "/emojis/1f5fa.png",
Validate: func(s string) error {
return validateIcon(clibase.StringOf(&s))
if err != nil {
return err
if proxyName == "" {
return xerrors.New("proxy name is required")
resp, err := client.CreateWorkspaceProxy(ctx, codersdk.CreateWorkspaceProxyRequest{
Name: proxyName,
DisplayName: displayName,
Icon: proxyIcon,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create workspace proxy: %w", err)
output, err := formatter.Format(ctx, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, output)
return err
Flag: "name",
Description: "Name of the proxy. This is used to identify the proxy.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&proxyName),
Flag: "display-name",
Description: "Display of the proxy. If omitted, the name is reused as the display name.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&displayName),
Flag: "icon",
Description: "Display icon of the proxy.",
Value: clibase.Validate(clibase.StringOf(&proxyIcon), validateIcon),
Flag: "no-prompt",
Description: "Disable all input prompting, and fail if any required flags are missing.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&noPrompts),
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) listProxies() *clibase.Cmd {
formatter := cliui.NewOutputFormatter(
cliui.TableFormat([]codersdk.WorkspaceProxy{}, []string{"name", "url", "proxy status"}),
cliui.ChangeFormatterData(cliui.TextFormat(), func(data any) (any, error) {
resp, ok := data.([]codersdk.WorkspaceProxy)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", data)
var str strings.Builder
_, _ = str.WriteString("Workspace Proxies:\n")
sep := ""
for i, proxy := range resp {
_, _ = str.WriteString(sep)
_, _ = str.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s %s %s", i, proxy.Name, proxy.PathAppURL, proxy.Status.Status))
for _, errMsg := range proxy.Status.Report.Errors {
_, _ = str.WriteString(color.RedString("\n\tErr: %s", errMsg))
for _, warnMsg := range proxy.Status.Report.Errors {
_, _ = str.WriteString(color.YellowString("\n\tWarn: %s", warnMsg))
sep = "\n"
return str.String(), nil
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "ls",
Aliases: []string{"list"},
Short: "List all workspace proxies",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
proxies, err := client.WorkspaceProxies(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("list workspace proxies: %w", err)
output, err := formatter.Format(ctx, proxies.Regions)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, output)
return err
return cmd
// updateProxyResponseFormatter is used for both create and regenerate proxy commands.
type updateProxyResponseFormatter struct {
onlyToken bool
formatter *cliui.OutputFormatter
primaryAccessURL string
func (f *updateProxyResponseFormatter) Format(ctx context.Context, data codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceProxyResponse) (string, error) {
if f.onlyToken {
return data.ProxyToken, nil
return f.formatter.Format(ctx, data)
func (f *updateProxyResponseFormatter) AttachOptions(opts *clibase.OptionSet) {
Flag: "only-token",
Description: "Only print the token. This is useful for scripting.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&f.onlyToken),
func newUpdateProxyResponseFormatter() *updateProxyResponseFormatter {
up := &updateProxyResponseFormatter{
onlyToken: false,
up.formatter = cliui.NewOutputFormatter(
// Text formatter should be human readable.
cliui.ChangeFormatterData(cliui.TextFormat(), func(data any) (any, error) {
response, ok := data.(codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceProxyResponse)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", data)
return fmt.Sprintf("Workspace Proxy %[1]q updated successfully.\n"+
pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Placeholder, "—————————————————————————————————————————————————")+"\n"+
"Save this authentication token, it will not be shown again.\n"+
"Token: %[2]s\n"+
"Start the proxy by running:\n"+
cliui.Code("CODER_PROXY_SESSION_TOKEN=%[2]s coder wsproxy server --primary-access-url %[3]s --http-address=")+
// This is required to turn off the code style. Otherwise it appears in the code block until the end of the line.
pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Placeholder, ""),
response.Proxy.Name, response.ProxyToken, up.primaryAccessURL), nil
// Table formatter expects a slice, make a slice of one.
cliui.ChangeFormatterData(cliui.TableFormat([]codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceProxyResponse{}, []string{"proxy name", "proxy url", "proxy token"}),
func(data any) (any, error) {
response, ok := data.(codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceProxyResponse)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unexpected type %T", data)
return []codersdk.UpdateWorkspaceProxyResponse{response}, nil
return up