
1352 lines
40 KiB

//go:build !slim
package cli
import (
const scaletestTracerName = "coder_scaletest"
func (r *RootCmd) scaletestCmd() *clibase.Cmd {
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "scaletest",
Short: "Run a scale test against the Coder API",
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
return inv.Command.HelpHandler(inv)
Children: []*clibase.Cmd{
return cmd
type scaletestTracingFlags struct {
traceEnable bool
traceCoder bool
traceHoneycombAPIKey string
tracePropagate bool
func (s *scaletestTracingFlags) attach(opts *clibase.OptionSet) {
*opts = append(
Flag: "trace",
Description: "Whether application tracing data is collected. It exports to a backend configured by environment variables. See:",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&s.traceEnable),
Flag: "trace-coder",
Description: "Whether opentelemetry traces are sent to Coder. We recommend keeping this disabled unless we advise you to enable it.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&s.traceCoder),
Flag: "trace-honeycomb-api-key",
Description: "Enables trace exporting to using the provided API key.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&s.traceHoneycombAPIKey),
Flag: "trace-propagate",
Description: "Enables trace propagation to the Coder backend, which will be used to correlate server-side spans with client-side spans. Only enable this if the server is configured with the exact same tracing configuration as the client.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&s.tracePropagate),
// provider returns a trace.TracerProvider, a close function and a bool showing
// whether tracing is enabled or not.
func (s *scaletestTracingFlags) provider(ctx context.Context) (trace.TracerProvider, func(context.Context) error, bool, error) {
shouldTrace := s.traceEnable || s.traceCoder || s.traceHoneycombAPIKey != ""
if !shouldTrace {
tracerProvider := trace.NewNoopTracerProvider()
return tracerProvider, func(_ context.Context) error { return nil }, false, nil
tracerProvider, closeTracing, err := tracing.TracerProvider(ctx, scaletestTracerName, tracing.TracerOpts{
Default: s.traceEnable,
Honeycomb: s.traceHoneycombAPIKey,
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, false, xerrors.Errorf("initialize tracing: %w", err)
var closeTracingOnce sync.Once
return tracerProvider, func(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
closeTracingOnce.Do(func() {
// Allow time to upload traces even if ctx is canceled
traceCtx, traceCancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer traceCancel()
err = closeTracing(traceCtx)
return err
}, true, nil
type scaletestStrategyFlags struct {
cleanup bool
concurrency int64
timeout time.Duration
timeoutPerJob time.Duration
func (s *scaletestStrategyFlags) attach(opts *clibase.OptionSet) {
concurrencyLong, concurrencyEnv, concurrencyDescription := "concurrency", "CODER_SCALETEST_CONCURRENCY", "Number of concurrent jobs to run. 0 means unlimited."
timeoutLong, timeoutEnv, timeoutDescription := "timeout", "CODER_SCALETEST_TIMEOUT", "Timeout for the entire test run. 0 means unlimited."
jobTimeoutLong, jobTimeoutEnv, jobTimeoutDescription := "job-timeout", "CODER_SCALETEST_JOB_TIMEOUT", "Timeout per job. Jobs may take longer to complete under higher concurrency limits."
if s.cleanup {
concurrencyLong, concurrencyEnv, concurrencyDescription = "cleanup-"+concurrencyLong, "CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_CONCURRENCY", strings.ReplaceAll(concurrencyDescription, "jobs", "cleanup jobs")
timeoutLong, timeoutEnv, timeoutDescription = "cleanup-"+timeoutLong, "CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT", strings.ReplaceAll(timeoutDescription, "test", "cleanup")
jobTimeoutLong, jobTimeoutEnv, jobTimeoutDescription = "cleanup-"+jobTimeoutLong, "CODER_SCALETEST_CLEANUP_JOB_TIMEOUT", strings.ReplaceAll(jobTimeoutDescription, "jobs", "cleanup jobs")
*opts = append(
Flag: concurrencyLong,
Env: concurrencyEnv,
Description: concurrencyDescription,
Default: "1",
Value: clibase.Int64Of(&s.concurrency),
Flag: timeoutLong,
Env: timeoutEnv,
Description: timeoutDescription,
Default: "30m",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&s.timeout),
Flag: jobTimeoutLong,
Env: jobTimeoutEnv,
Description: jobTimeoutDescription,
Default: "5m",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&s.timeoutPerJob),
func (s *scaletestStrategyFlags) toStrategy() harness.ExecutionStrategy {
var strategy harness.ExecutionStrategy
if s.concurrency == 1 {
strategy = harness.LinearExecutionStrategy{}
} else if s.concurrency == 0 {
strategy = harness.ConcurrentExecutionStrategy{}
} else {
strategy = harness.ParallelExecutionStrategy{
Limit: int(s.concurrency),
if s.timeoutPerJob > 0 {
strategy = harness.TimeoutExecutionStrategyWrapper{
Timeout: s.timeoutPerJob,
Inner: strategy,
return strategy
func (s *scaletestStrategyFlags) toContext(ctx context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
if s.timeout > 0 {
return context.WithTimeout(ctx, s.timeout)
return context.WithCancel(ctx)
type scaleTestOutputFormat string
const (
scaleTestOutputFormatText scaleTestOutputFormat = "text"
scaleTestOutputFormatJSON scaleTestOutputFormat = "json"
// TODO: html format
type scaleTestOutput struct {
format scaleTestOutputFormat
// Zero or one (the first) path will have the path set to "-" to indicate
// stdout.
path string
func (o *scaleTestOutput) write(res harness.Results, stdout io.Writer) error {
var (
w = stdout
c io.Closer
if o.path != "-" {
f, err := os.Create(o.path)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create output file: %w", err)
w, c = f, f
switch o.format {
case scaleTestOutputFormatText:
case scaleTestOutputFormatJSON:
err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(res)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("encode JSON: %w", err)
// Sync the file to disk if it's a file.
if s, ok := w.(interface{ Sync() error }); ok {
err := s.Sync()
// On Linux, EINVAL is returned when calling fsync on /dev/stdout. We
// can safely ignore this error.
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, syscall.EINVAL) {
return xerrors.Errorf("flush output file: %w", err)
if c != nil {
err := c.Close()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("close output file: %w", err)
return nil
type scaletestOutputFlags struct {
outputSpecs []string
func (s *scaletestOutputFlags) attach(opts *clibase.OptionSet) {
*opts = append(*opts, clibase.Option{
Flag: "output",
Description: `Output format specs in the format "<format>[:<path>]". Not specifying a path will default to stdout. Available formats: text, json.`,
Default: "text",
Value: clibase.StringArrayOf(&s.outputSpecs),
func (s *scaletestOutputFlags) parse() ([]scaleTestOutput, error) {
var stdoutFormat scaleTestOutputFormat
validFormats := map[scaleTestOutputFormat]struct{}{
scaleTestOutputFormatText: {},
scaleTestOutputFormatJSON: {},
var out []scaleTestOutput
for i, o := range s.outputSpecs {
parts := strings.SplitN(o, ":", 2)
format := scaleTestOutputFormat(parts[0])
if _, ok := validFormats[format]; !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid output format %q in output flag %d", parts[0], i)
if len(parts) == 1 {
if stdoutFormat != "" {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("multiple output flags specified for stdout")
stdoutFormat = format
if len(parts) != 2 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid output flag %d: %q", i, o)
out = append(out, scaleTestOutput{
format: format,
path: parts[1],
// Default to --output text
if stdoutFormat == "" && len(out) == 0 {
stdoutFormat = scaleTestOutputFormatText
if stdoutFormat != "" {
out = append([]scaleTestOutput{{
format: stdoutFormat,
path: "-",
}}, out...)
return out, nil
type scaletestPrometheusFlags struct {
Address string
Wait time.Duration
func (s *scaletestPrometheusFlags) attach(opts *clibase.OptionSet) {
*opts = append(*opts,
Flag: "scaletest-prometheus-address",
Default: "",
Description: "Address on which to expose scaletest Prometheus metrics.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&s.Address),
Flag: "scaletest-prometheus-wait",
Default: "15s",
Description: "How long to wait before exiting in order to allow Prometheus metrics to be scraped.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&s.Wait),
func requireAdmin(ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client) (codersdk.User, error) {
me, err := client.User(ctx, codersdk.Me)
if err != nil {
return codersdk.User{}, xerrors.Errorf("fetch current user: %w", err)
// Only owners can do scaletests. This isn't a very strong check but there's
// not much else we can do. Ratelimits are enforced for non-owners so
// hopefully that limits the damage if someone disables this check and runs
// it against a non-owner account on a production deployment.
ok := false
for _, role := range me.Roles {
if role.Name == "owner" {
ok = true
if !ok {
return me, xerrors.Errorf("Not logged in as a site owner. Scale testing is only available to site owners.")
return me, nil
// userCleanupRunner is a runner that deletes a user in the Run phase.
type userCleanupRunner struct {
client *codersdk.Client
userID uuid.UUID
var _ harness.Runnable = &userCleanupRunner{}
// Run implements Runnable.
func (r *userCleanupRunner) Run(ctx context.Context, _ string, _ io.Writer) error {
if r.userID == uuid.Nil {
return nil
ctx, span := tracing.StartSpan(ctx)
defer span.End()
err := r.client.DeleteUser(ctx, r.userID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("delete user %q: %w", r.userID, err)
return nil
func (r *RootCmd) scaletestCleanup() *clibase.Cmd {
cleanupStrategy := &scaletestStrategyFlags{cleanup: true}
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "cleanup",
Short: "Cleanup scaletest workspaces, then cleanup scaletest users.",
Long: "The strategy flags will apply to each stage of the cleanup process.",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
_, err := requireAdmin(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &headerTransport{
transport: http.DefaultTransport,
header: map[string][]string{
codersdk.BypassRatelimitHeader: {"true"},
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Fetching scaletest workspaces...")
workspaces, err := getScaletestWorkspaces(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
cliui.Errorf(inv.Stderr, "Found %d scaletest workspaces\n", len(workspaces))
if len(workspaces) != 0 {
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Deleting scaletest workspaces...")
harness := harness.NewTestHarness(cleanupStrategy.toStrategy(), harness.ConcurrentExecutionStrategy{})
for i, w := range workspaces {
const testName = "cleanup-workspace"
r := workspacebuild.NewCleanupRunner(client, w.ID)
harness.AddRun(testName, strconv.Itoa(i), r)
ctx, cancel := cleanupStrategy.toContext(ctx)
defer cancel()
err := harness.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("run test harness to delete workspaces (harness failure, not a test failure): %w", err)
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Done deleting scaletest workspaces:")
res := harness.Results()
if res.TotalFail > 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to delete scaletest workspaces")
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Fetching scaletest users...")
users, err := getScaletestUsers(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
cliui.Errorf(inv.Stderr, "Found %d scaletest users\n", len(users))
if len(users) != 0 {
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Deleting scaletest users...")
harness := harness.NewTestHarness(cleanupStrategy.toStrategy(), harness.ConcurrentExecutionStrategy{})
for i, u := range users {
const testName = "cleanup-users"
r := &userCleanupRunner{
client: client,
userID: u.ID,
harness.AddRun(testName, strconv.Itoa(i), r)
ctx, cancel := cleanupStrategy.toContext(ctx)
defer cancel()
err := harness.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("run test harness to delete users (harness failure, not a test failure): %w", err)
cliui.Infof(inv.Stdout, "Done deleting scaletest users:")
res := harness.Results()
if res.TotalFail > 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("failed to delete scaletest users")
return nil
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) scaletestCreateWorkspaces() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
count int64
template string
noCleanup bool
// TODO: implement this flag
// noCleanupFailures bool
noWaitForAgents bool
runCommand string
runTimeout time.Duration
runExpectTimeout bool
runExpectOutput string
runLogOutput bool
// TODO: customizable agent, currently defaults to the first agent found
// if there are multiple
connectURL string // http://localhost:4/
connectMode string // derp or direct
connectHold time.Duration
connectInterval time.Duration
connectTimeout time.Duration
useHostUser bool
parameterFlags workspaceParameterFlags
tracingFlags = &scaletestTracingFlags{}
strategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{}
cleanupStrategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{cleanup: true}
output = &scaletestOutputFlags{}
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "create-workspaces",
Short: "Creates many users, then creates a workspace for each user and waits for them finish building and fully come online. Optionally runs a command inside each workspace, and connects to the workspace over WireGuard.",
Long: `It is recommended that all rate limits are disabled on the server before running this scaletest. This test generates many login events which will be rate limited against the (most likely single) IP.`,
Middleware: r.InitClient(client),
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
me, err := requireAdmin(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return err
client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &headerTransport{
transport: http.DefaultTransport,
header: map[string][]string{
codersdk.BypassRatelimitHeader: {"true"},
if count <= 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("--count is required and must be greater than 0")
outputs, err := output.parse()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not parse --output flags")
var tpl codersdk.Template
if template == "" {
return xerrors.Errorf("--template is required")
if id, err := uuid.Parse(template); err == nil && id != uuid.Nil {
tpl, err = client.Template(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get template by ID %q: %w", template, err)
} else {
// List templates in all orgs until we find a match.
for _, orgID := range me.OrganizationIDs {
tpls, err := client.TemplatesByOrganization(ctx, orgID)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("list templates in org %q: %w", orgID, err)
for _, t := range tpls {
if t.Name == template {
tpl = t
break orgLoop
if tpl.ID == uuid.Nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not find template %q in any organization", template)
cliRichParameters, err := asWorkspaceBuildParameters(parameterFlags.richParameters)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("can't parse given parameter values: %w", err)
richParameters, err := prepWorkspaceBuild(inv, client, prepWorkspaceBuildArgs{
Action: WorkspaceCreate,
Template: tpl,
NewWorkspaceName: "scaletest-N", // TODO: the scaletest runner will pass in a different name here. Does this matter?
RichParameterFile: parameterFlags.richParameterFile,
RichParameters: cliRichParameters,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("prepare build: %w", err)
tracerProvider, closeTracing, tracingEnabled, err := tracingFlags.provider(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create tracer provider: %w", err)
defer func() {
// Allow time for traces to flush even if command context is
// canceled. This is a no-op if tracing is not enabled.
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "\nUploading traces...")
if err := closeTracing(ctx); err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "\nError uploading traces: %+v\n", err)
tracer := tracerProvider.Tracer(scaletestTracerName)
th := harness.NewTestHarness(strategy.toStrategy(), cleanupStrategy.toStrategy())
for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ {
const name = "workspacebuild"
id := strconv.Itoa(i)
config := createworkspaces.Config{
User: createworkspaces.UserConfig{
// TODO: configurable org
OrganizationID: me.OrganizationIDs[0],
Workspace: workspacebuild.Config{
OrganizationID: me.OrganizationIDs[0],
// UserID is set by the test automatically.
Request: codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest{
TemplateID: tpl.ID,
RichParameterValues: richParameters,
NoWaitForAgents: noWaitForAgents,
NoCleanup: noCleanup,
if useHostUser {
config.User.SessionToken = client.SessionToken()
} else {
config.User.Username, config.User.Email, err = newScaleTestUser(id)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create scaletest username and email: %w", err)
config.Workspace.Request.Name, err = newScaleTestWorkspace(id)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create scaletest workspace name: %w", err)
if runCommand != "" {
config.ReconnectingPTY = &reconnectingpty.Config{
// AgentID is set by the test automatically.
Init: codersdk.WorkspaceAgentReconnectingPTYInit{
ID: uuid.Nil,
Height: 24,
Width: 80,
Command: runCommand,
Timeout: httpapi.Duration(runTimeout),
ExpectTimeout: runExpectTimeout,
ExpectOutput: runExpectOutput,
LogOutput: runLogOutput,
if connectURL != "" {
config.AgentConn = &agentconn.Config{
// AgentID is set by the test automatically.
// The ConnectionMode gets validated by the Validate()
// call below.
ConnectionMode: agentconn.ConnectionMode(connectMode),
HoldDuration: httpapi.Duration(connectHold),
Connections: []agentconn.Connection{
URL: connectURL,
Interval: httpapi.Duration(connectInterval),
Timeout: httpapi.Duration(connectTimeout),
err = config.Validate()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("validate config: %w", err)
var runner harness.Runnable = createworkspaces.NewRunner(client, config)
if tracingEnabled {
runner = &runnableTraceWrapper{
tracer: tracer,
spanName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", name, id),
runner: runner,
th.AddRun(name, id, runner)
// TODO: live progress output
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "Running load test...")
testCtx, testCancel := strategy.toContext(ctx)
defer testCancel()
err = th.Run(testCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("run test harness (harness failure, not a test failure): %w", err)
res := th.Results()
for _, o := range outputs {
err = o.write(res, inv.Stdout)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("write output %q to %q: %w", o.format, o.path, err)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "\nCleaning up...")
cleanupCtx, cleanupCancel := cleanupStrategy.toContext(ctx)
defer cleanupCancel()
err = th.Cleanup(cleanupCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("cleanup tests: %w", err)
if res.TotalFail > 0 {
return xerrors.New("load test failed, see above for more details")
return nil
cmd.Options = clibase.OptionSet{
Flag: "count",
FlagShorthand: "c",
Default: "1",
Description: "Required: Number of workspaces to create.",
Value: clibase.Int64Of(&count),
Flag: "template",
FlagShorthand: "t",
Description: "Required: Name or ID of the template to use for workspaces.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&template),
Flag: "no-cleanup",
Description: "Do not clean up resources after the test completes. You can cleanup manually using coder scaletest cleanup.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&noCleanup),
Flag: "no-wait-for-agents",
Description: `Do not wait for agents to start before marking the test as succeeded. This can be useful if you are running the test against a template that does not start the agent quickly.`,
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&noWaitForAgents),
Flag: "run-command",
Description: "Command to run inside each workspace using reconnecting-pty (i.e. web terminal protocol). " + "If not specified, no command will be run.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&runCommand),
Flag: "run-timeout",
Default: "5s",
Description: "Timeout for the command to complete.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&runTimeout),
Flag: "run-expect-timeout",
Description: "Expect the command to timeout." + " If the command does not finish within the given --run-timeout, it will be marked as succeeded." + " If the command finishes before the timeout, it will be marked as failed.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&runExpectTimeout),
Flag: "run-expect-output",
Description: "Expect the command to output the given string (on a single line). " + "If the command does not output the given string, it will be marked as failed.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&runExpectOutput),
Flag: "run-log-output",
Description: "Log the output of the command to the test logs. " + "This should be left off unless you expect small amounts of output. " + "Large amounts of output will cause high memory usage.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&runLogOutput),
Flag: "connect-url",
Description: "URL to connect to inside the the workspace over WireGuard. " + "If not specified, no connections will be made over WireGuard.",
Value: clibase.StringOf(&connectURL),
Flag: "connect-mode",
Default: "derp",
Description: "Mode to use for connecting to the workspace.",
Value: clibase.EnumOf(&connectMode, "derp", "direct"),
Flag: "connect-hold",
Default: "30s",
Description: "How long to hold the WireGuard connection open for.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&connectHold),
Flag: "connect-interval",
Default: "1s",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&connectInterval),
Description: "How long to wait between making requests to the --connect-url once the connection is established.",
Flag: "connect-timeout",
Default: "5s",
Description: "Timeout for each request to the --connect-url.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&connectTimeout),
Flag: "use-host-login",
Default: "false",
Description: "Use the user logged in on the host machine, instead of creating users.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&useHostUser),
cmd.Options = append(cmd.Options, parameterFlags.cliParameters()...)
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) scaletestWorkspaceTraffic() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
tickInterval time.Duration
bytesPerTick int64
ssh bool
client = &codersdk.Client{}
tracingFlags = &scaletestTracingFlags{}
strategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{}
cleanupStrategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{cleanup: true}
output = &scaletestOutputFlags{}
prometheusFlags = &scaletestPrometheusFlags{}
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "workspace-traffic",
Short: "Generate traffic to scaletest workspaces through coderd",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
ctx := inv.Context()
reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()
metrics := workspacetraffic.NewMetrics(reg, "username", "workspace_name", "agent_name")
logger := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(io.Discard))
prometheusSrvClose := ServeHandler(ctx, logger, promhttp.HandlerFor(reg, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}), prometheusFlags.Address, "prometheus")
defer prometheusSrvClose()
// Bypass rate limiting
client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &headerTransport{
transport: http.DefaultTransport,
header: map[string][]string{
codersdk.BypassRatelimitHeader: {"true"},
workspaces, err := getScaletestWorkspaces(inv.Context(), client)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(workspaces) == 0 {
return xerrors.Errorf("no scaletest workspaces exist")
tracerProvider, closeTracing, tracingEnabled, err := tracingFlags.provider(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create tracer provider: %w", err)
defer func() {
// Allow time for traces to flush even if command context is
// canceled. This is a no-op if tracing is not enabled.
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "\nUploading traces...")
if err := closeTracing(ctx); err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "\nError uploading traces: %+v\n", err)
// Wait for prometheus metrics to be scraped
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "Waiting %s for prometheus metrics to be scraped\n", prometheusFlags.Wait)
tracer := tracerProvider.Tracer(scaletestTracerName)
outputs, err := output.parse()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not parse --output flags")
th := harness.NewTestHarness(strategy.toStrategy(), cleanupStrategy.toStrategy())
for idx, ws := range workspaces {
var (
agentID uuid.UUID
agentName string
name = "workspace-traffic"
id = strconv.Itoa(idx)
for _, res := range ws.LatestBuild.Resources {
if len(res.Agents) == 0 {
agentID = res.Agents[0].ID
agentName = res.Agents[0].Name
if agentID == uuid.Nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "WARN: skipping workspace %s: no agent\n", ws.Name)
// Setup our workspace agent connection.
config := workspacetraffic.Config{
AgentID: agentID,
BytesPerTick: bytesPerTick,
Duration: strategy.timeout,
TickInterval: tickInterval,
ReadMetrics: metrics.ReadMetrics(ws.OwnerName, ws.Name, agentName),
WriteMetrics: metrics.WriteMetrics(ws.OwnerName, ws.Name, agentName),
SSH: ssh,
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("validate config: %w", err)
var runner harness.Runnable = workspacetraffic.NewRunner(client, config)
if tracingEnabled {
runner = &runnableTraceWrapper{
tracer: tracer,
spanName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", name, id),
runner: runner,
th.AddRun(name, id, runner)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "Running load test...")
testCtx, testCancel := strategy.toContext(ctx)
defer testCancel()
err = th.Run(testCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("run test harness (harness failure, not a test failure): %w", err)
res := th.Results()
for _, o := range outputs {
err = o.write(res, inv.Stdout)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("write output %q to %q: %w", o.format, o.path, err)
if res.TotalFail > 0 {
return xerrors.New("load test failed, see above for more details")
return nil
cmd.Options = []clibase.Option{
Flag: "bytes-per-tick",
Default: "1024",
Description: "How much traffic to generate per tick.",
Value: clibase.Int64Of(&bytesPerTick),
Flag: "tick-interval",
Default: "100ms",
Description: "How often to send traffic.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&tickInterval),
Flag: "ssh",
Default: "",
Description: "Send traffic over SSH.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&ssh),
return cmd
func (r *RootCmd) scaletestDashboard() *clibase.Cmd {
var (
interval time.Duration
jitter time.Duration
headless bool
randSeed int64
client = &codersdk.Client{}
tracingFlags = &scaletestTracingFlags{}
strategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{}
cleanupStrategy = &scaletestStrategyFlags{cleanup: true}
output = &scaletestOutputFlags{}
prometheusFlags = &scaletestPrometheusFlags{}
cmd := &clibase.Cmd{
Use: "dashboard",
Short: "Generate traffic to the HTTP API to simulate use of the dashboard.",
Middleware: clibase.Chain(
Handler: func(inv *clibase.Invocation) error {
if !(interval > 0) {
return xerrors.Errorf("--interval must be greater than zero")
if !(jitter < interval) {
return xerrors.Errorf("--jitter must be less than --interval")
ctx := inv.Context()
logger := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(inv.Stdout)).Leveled(slog.LevelInfo)
if r.verbose {
logger = logger.Leveled(slog.LevelDebug)
tracerProvider, closeTracing, tracingEnabled, err := tracingFlags.provider(ctx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create tracer provider: %w", err)
defer func() {
// Allow time for traces to flush even if command context is
// canceled. This is a no-op if tracing is not enabled.
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "\nUploading traces...")
if err := closeTracing(ctx); err != nil {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "\nError uploading traces: %+v\n", err)
// Wait for prometheus metrics to be scraped
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stderr, "Waiting %s for prometheus metrics to be scraped\n", prometheusFlags.Wait)
tracer := tracerProvider.Tracer(scaletestTracerName)
outputs, err := output.parse()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("could not parse --output flags")
reg := prometheus.NewRegistry()
prometheusSrvClose := ServeHandler(ctx, logger, promhttp.HandlerFor(reg, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}), prometheusFlags.Address, "prometheus")
defer prometheusSrvClose()
metrics := dashboard.NewMetrics(reg)
th := harness.NewTestHarness(strategy.toStrategy(), cleanupStrategy.toStrategy())
users, err := getScaletestUsers(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get scaletest users")
for _, usr := range users {
//nolint:gosec // not used for cryptographic purposes
rndGen := rand.New(rand.NewSource(randSeed))
name := fmt.Sprintf("dashboard-%s", usr.Username)
userTokResp, err := client.CreateToken(ctx, usr.ID.String(), codersdk.CreateTokenRequest{
Lifetime: 30 * 24 * time.Hour,
Scope: "",
TokenName: fmt.Sprintf("scaletest-%d", time.Now().Unix()),
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create token for user: %w", err)
userClient := codersdk.New(client.URL)
config := dashboard.Config{
Interval: interval,
Jitter: jitter,
Trace: tracingEnabled,
Logger: logger.Named(name),
Headless: headless,
RandIntn: rndGen.Intn,
// Only take a screenshot if we're in verbose mode.
// This could be useful for debugging, but it will blow up the disk.
if r.verbose {
config.Screenshot = dashboard.Screenshot
logger.Info(ctx, "runner config", slog.F("interval", interval), slog.F("jitter", jitter), slog.F("headless", headless), slog.F("trace", tracingEnabled))
if err := config.Validate(); err != nil {
logger.Fatal(ctx, "validate config", slog.Error(err))
return err
var runner harness.Runnable = dashboard.NewRunner(userClient, metrics, config)
if tracingEnabled {
runner = &runnableTraceWrapper{
tracer: tracer,
spanName: name,
runner: runner,
th.AddRun("dashboard", name, runner)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stderr, "Running load test...")
testCtx, testCancel := strategy.toContext(ctx)
defer testCancel()
err = th.Run(testCtx)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("run test harness (harness failure, not a test failure): %w", err)
res := th.Results()
for _, o := range outputs {
err = o.write(res, inv.Stdout)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("write output %q to %q: %w", o.format, o.path, err)
if res.TotalFail > 0 {
return xerrors.New("load test failed, see above for more details")
return nil
cmd.Options = []clibase.Option{
Flag: "interval",
Default: "10s",
Description: "Interval between actions.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&interval),
Flag: "jitter",
Default: "5s",
Description: "Jitter between actions.",
Value: clibase.DurationOf(&jitter),
Flag: "headless",
Default: "true",
Description: "Controls headless mode. Setting to false is useful for debugging.",
Value: clibase.BoolOf(&headless),
Flag: "rand-seed",
Default: "0",
Description: "Seed for the random number generator.",
Value: clibase.Int64Of(&randSeed),
return cmd
type runnableTraceWrapper struct {
tracer trace.Tracer
spanName string
runner harness.Runnable
span trace.Span
var (
_ harness.Runnable = &runnableTraceWrapper{}
_ harness.Cleanable = &runnableTraceWrapper{}
func (r *runnableTraceWrapper) Run(ctx context.Context, id string, logs io.Writer) error {
ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, r.spanName, trace.WithNewRoot())
defer span.End()
r.span = span
traceID := "unknown trace ID"
spanID := "unknown span ID"
if span.SpanContext().HasTraceID() {
traceID = span.SpanContext().TraceID().String()
if span.SpanContext().HasSpanID() {
spanID = span.SpanContext().SpanID().String()
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(logs, "Trace ID: %s\n", traceID)
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(logs, "Span ID: %s\n\n", spanID)
// Make a separate span for the run itself so the sub-spans are grouped
// neatly. The cleanup span is also a child of the above span so this is
// important for readability.
ctx2, span2 := r.tracer.Start(ctx, r.spanName+" run")
defer span2.End()
return r.runner.Run(ctx2, id, logs)
func (r *runnableTraceWrapper) Cleanup(ctx context.Context, id string, logs io.Writer) error {
c, ok := r.runner.(harness.Cleanable)
if !ok {
return nil
if r.span != nil {
ctx = trace.ContextWithSpanContext(ctx, r.span.SpanContext())
ctx, span := r.tracer.Start(ctx, r.spanName+" cleanup")
defer span.End()
return c.Cleanup(ctx, id, logs)
// newScaleTestUser returns a random username and email address that can be used
// for scale testing. The returned username is prefixed with "scaletest-" and
// the returned email address is suffixed with "@scaletest.local".
func newScaleTestUser(id string) (username string, email string, err error) {
randStr, err := cryptorand.String(8)
return fmt.Sprintf("scaletest-%s-%s", randStr, id), fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s@scaletest.local", randStr, id), err
// newScaleTestWorkspace returns a random workspace name that can be used for
// scale testing. The returned workspace name is prefixed with "scaletest-" and
// suffixed with the given id.
func newScaleTestWorkspace(id string) (name string, err error) {
randStr, err := cryptorand.String(8)
return fmt.Sprintf("scaletest-%s-%s", randStr, id), err
func isScaleTestUser(user codersdk.User) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(user.Email, "@scaletest.local")
func isScaleTestWorkspace(workspace codersdk.Workspace) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(workspace.OwnerName, "scaletest-") ||
strings.HasPrefix(workspace.Name, "scaletest-")
func getScaletestWorkspaces(ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client) ([]codersdk.Workspace, error) {
var (
pageNumber = 0
limit = 100
workspaces []codersdk.Workspace
for {
page, err := client.Workspaces(ctx, codersdk.WorkspaceFilter{
Name: "scaletest-",
Offset: pageNumber * limit,
Limit: limit,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("fetch scaletest workspaces page %d: %w", pageNumber, err)
if len(page.Workspaces) == 0 {
pageWorkspaces := make([]codersdk.Workspace, 0, len(page.Workspaces))
for _, w := range page.Workspaces {
if isScaleTestWorkspace(w) {
pageWorkspaces = append(pageWorkspaces, w)
workspaces = append(workspaces, pageWorkspaces...)
return workspaces, nil
func getScaletestUsers(ctx context.Context, client *codersdk.Client) ([]codersdk.User, error) {
var (
pageNumber = 0
limit = 100
users []codersdk.User
for {
page, err := client.Users(ctx, codersdk.UsersRequest{
Search: "scaletest-",
Pagination: codersdk.Pagination{
Offset: pageNumber * limit,
Limit: limit,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("fetch scaletest users page %d: %w", pageNumber, err)
if len(page.Users) == 0 {
pageUsers := make([]codersdk.User, 0, len(page.Users))
for _, u := range page.Users {
if isScaleTestUser(u) {
pageUsers = append(pageUsers, u)
users = append(users, pageUsers...)
return users, nil