
424 lines
13 KiB

package dbauthz_test
import (
var errMatchAny = xerrors.New("match any error")
var skipMethods = map[string]string{
"InTx": "Not relevant",
"Ping": "Not relevant",
"Wrappers": "Not relevant",
"AcquireLock": "Not relevant",
"TryAcquireLock": "Not relevant",
// TestMethodTestSuite runs MethodTestSuite.
// In order for 'go test' to run this suite, we need to create
// a normal test function and pass our suite to suite.Run
// nolint: paralleltest
func TestMethodTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(MethodTestSuite))
// MethodTestSuite runs all methods tests for querier. We use
// a test suite so we can account for all functions tested on the querier.
// We can then assert all methods were tested and asserted for proper RBAC
// checks. This forces RBAC checks to be written for all methods.
// Additionally, the way unit tests are written allows for easily executing
// a single test for debugging.
type MethodTestSuite struct {
// methodAccounting counts all methods called by a 'RunMethodTest'
methodAccounting map[string]int
// SetupSuite sets up the suite by creating a map of all methods on querier
// and setting their count to 0.
func (s *MethodTestSuite) SetupSuite() {
ctrl := gomock.NewController(s.T())
mockStore := dbmock.NewMockStore(ctrl)
// We intentionally set no expectations apart from this.
az := dbauthz.New(mockStore, nil, slog.Make(), coderdtest.AccessControlStorePointer())
// Take the underlying type of the interface.
azt := reflect.TypeOf(az)
require.Greater(s.T(), azt.NumMethod(), 0, "no methods found on querier")
s.methodAccounting = make(map[string]int)
for i := 0; i < azt.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := azt.Method(i)
if _, ok := skipMethods[method.Name]; ok {
// We can't use s.T().Skip as this will skip the entire suite.
s.T().Logf("Skipping method %q: %s", method.Name, skipMethods[method.Name])
s.methodAccounting[method.Name] = 0
// TearDownSuite asserts that all methods were called at least once.
func (s *MethodTestSuite) TearDownSuite() {
s.Run("Accounting", func() {
t := s.T()
notCalled := []string{}
for m, c := range s.methodAccounting {
if c <= 0 {
notCalled = append(notCalled, m)
for _, m := range notCalled {
t.Errorf("Method never called: %q", m)
// Subtest is a helper function that returns a function that can be passed to
// s.Run(). This function will run the test case for the method that is being
// tested. The check parameter is used to assert the results of the method.
// If the caller does not use the `check` parameter, the test will fail.
func (s *MethodTestSuite) Subtest(testCaseF func(db database.Store, check *expects)) func() {
return func() {
t := s.T()
testName := s.T().Name()
names := strings.Split(testName, "/")
methodName := names[len(names)-1]
db := dbmem.New()
fakeAuthorizer := &coderdtest.FakeAuthorizer{
AlwaysReturn: nil,
rec := &coderdtest.RecordingAuthorizer{
Wrapped: fakeAuthorizer,
az := dbauthz.New(db, rec, slog.Make(), coderdtest.AccessControlStorePointer())
actor := rbac.Subject{
ID: uuid.NewString(),
Roles: rbac.RoleNames{rbac.RoleOwner()},
Groups: []string{},
Scope: rbac.ScopeAll,
ctx := dbauthz.As(context.Background(), actor)
var testCase expects
testCaseF(db, &testCase)
// Check the developer added assertions. If there are no assertions,
// an empty list should be passed.
s.Require().False(testCase.assertions == nil, "rbac assertions not set, use the 'check' parameter")
// Find the method with the name of the test.
var callMethod func(ctx context.Context) ([]reflect.Value, error)
azt := reflect.TypeOf(az)
for i := 0; i < azt.NumMethod(); i++ {
method := azt.Method(i)
if method.Name == methodName {
methodF := reflect.ValueOf(az).Method(i)
callMethod = func(ctx context.Context) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
resp := methodF.Call(append([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(ctx)}, testCase.inputs...))
return splitResp(t, resp)
break MethodLoop
require.NotNil(t, callMethod, "method %q does not exist", methodName)
if len(testCase.assertions) > 0 {
// Only run these tests if we know the underlying call makes
// rbac assertions.
s.NotAuthorizedErrorTest(ctx, fakeAuthorizer, callMethod)
if len(testCase.assertions) > 0 ||
}, methodName) {
// Some methods do not make RBAC assertions because they use
// SQL. We still want to test that they return an error if the
// actor is not set.
// Always run
s.Run("Success", func() {
fakeAuthorizer.AlwaysReturn = nil
outputs, err := callMethod(ctx)
if testCase.err == nil {
s.NoError(err, "method %q returned an error", methodName)
} else {
if errors.Is(testCase.err, errMatchAny) {
// This means we do not care exactly what the error is.
s.Error(err, "method %q returned an error", methodName)
} else {
s.EqualError(err, testCase.err.Error(), "method %q returned an unexpected error", methodName)
// Some tests may not care about the outputs, so we only assert if
// they are provided.
if testCase.outputs != nil {
// Assert the required outputs
s.Equal(len(testCase.outputs), len(outputs), "method %q returned unexpected number of outputs", methodName)
for i := range outputs {
a, b := testCase.outputs[i].Interface(), outputs[i].Interface()
if reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() == reflect.Slice || reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() == reflect.Array {
// Order does not matter
s.ElementsMatch(a, b, "method %q returned unexpected output %d", methodName, i)
} else {
s.Equal(a, b, "method %q returned unexpected output %d", methodName, i)
var pairs []coderdtest.ActionObjectPair
for _, assrt := range testCase.assertions {
for _, action := range assrt.Actions {
pairs = append(pairs, coderdtest.ActionObjectPair{
Action: action,
Object: assrt.Object,
rec.AssertActor(s.T(), actor, pairs...)
s.NoError(rec.AllAsserted(), "all rbac calls must be asserted")
func (s *MethodTestSuite) NoActorErrorTest(callMethod func(ctx context.Context) ([]reflect.Value, error)) {
s.Run("AsRemoveActor", func() {
// Call without any actor
_, err := callMethod(context.Background())
s.ErrorIs(err, dbauthz.NoActorError, "method should return NoActorError error when no actor is provided")
// NotAuthorizedErrorTest runs the given method with an authorizer that will fail authz.
// Asserts that the error returned is a NotAuthorizedError.
func (s *MethodTestSuite) NotAuthorizedErrorTest(ctx context.Context, az *coderdtest.FakeAuthorizer, callMethod func(ctx context.Context) ([]reflect.Value, error)) {
s.Run("NotAuthorized", func() {
az.AlwaysReturn = rbac.ForbiddenWithInternal(xerrors.New("Always fail authz"), rbac.Subject{}, "", rbac.Object{}, nil)
// If we have assertions, that means the method should FAIL
// if RBAC will disallow the request. The returned error should
// be expected to be a NotAuthorizedError.
resp, err := callMethod(ctx)
// This is unfortunate, but if we are using `Filter` the error returned will be nil. So filter out
// any case where the error is nil and the response is an empty slice.
if err != nil || !hasEmptySliceResponse(resp) {
s.ErrorContainsf(err, "unauthorized", "error string should have a good message")
s.Errorf(err, "method should an error with disallow authz")
s.ErrorAs(err, &dbauthz.NotAuthorizedError{}, "error should be NotAuthorizedError")
s.Run("Canceled", func() {
// Pass in a canceled context
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
az.AlwaysReturn = rbac.ForbiddenWithInternal(&topdown.Error{Code: topdown.CancelErr},
rbac.Subject{}, "", rbac.Object{}, nil)
// If we have assertions, that means the method should FAIL
// if RBAC will disallow the request. The returned error should
// be expected to be a NotAuthorizedError.
resp, err := callMethod(ctx)
// This is unfortunate, but if we are using `Filter` the error returned will be nil. So filter out
// any case where the error is nil and the response is an empty slice.
if err != nil || !hasEmptySliceResponse(resp) {
s.Errorf(err, "method should an error with cancellation")
s.ErrorIsf(err, context.Canceled, "error should match context.Cancelled")
func hasEmptySliceResponse(values []reflect.Value) bool {
for _, r := range values {
if r.Kind() == reflect.Slice || r.Kind() == reflect.Array {
if r.Len() == 0 {
return true
return false
func splitResp(t *testing.T, values []reflect.Value) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
outputs := []reflect.Value{}
for _, r := range values {
if r.Type().Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()) {
if r.IsNil() {
// Error is found, but it's nil!
return outputs, nil
err, ok := r.Interface().(error)
if !ok {
t.Fatal("error is not an error?!")
return outputs, err
outputs = append(outputs, r)
t.Fatal("no expected error value found in responses (error can be nil)")
return nil, nil // unreachable, required to compile
// expects is used to build a test case for a method.
// It includes the expected inputs, rbac assertions, and expected outputs.
type expects struct {
inputs []reflect.Value
assertions []AssertRBAC
// outputs is optional. Can assert non-error return values.
outputs []reflect.Value
err error
// Asserts is required. Asserts the RBAC authorize calls that should be made.
// If no RBAC calls are expected, pass an empty list: 'm.Asserts()'
func (m *expects) Asserts(pairs ...any) *expects {
m.assertions = asserts(pairs...)
return m
// Args is required. The arguments to be provided to the method.
// If there are no arguments, pass an empty list: 'm.Args()'
// The first context argument should not be included, as the test suite
// will provide it.
func (m *expects) Args(args ...any) *expects {
m.inputs = values(args...)
return m
// Returns is optional. If it is never called, it will not be asserted.
func (m *expects) Returns(rets ...any) *expects {
m.outputs = values(rets...)
return m
// Errors is optional. If it is never called, it will not be asserted.
func (m *expects) Errors(err error) *expects {
m.err = err
return m
// AssertRBAC contains the object and actions to be asserted.
type AssertRBAC struct {
Object rbac.Object
Actions []rbac.Action
// values is a convenience method for creating []reflect.Value.
// values(workspace, template, ...)
// is equivalent to
// []reflect.Value{
// reflect.ValueOf(workspace),
// reflect.ValueOf(template),
// ...
// }
func values(ins ...any) []reflect.Value {
out := make([]reflect.Value, 0)
for _, input := range ins {
input := input
out = append(out, reflect.ValueOf(input))
return out
// asserts is a convenience method for creating AssertRBACs.
// The number of inputs must be an even number.
// asserts() will panic if this is not the case.
// Even-numbered inputs are the objects, and odd-numbered inputs are the actions.
// Objects must implement rbac.Objecter.
// Inputs can be a single rbac.Action, or a slice of rbac.Action.
// asserts(workspace, rbac.ActionRead, template, slice(rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ActionWrite), ...)
// is equivalent to
// []AssertRBAC{
// {Object: workspace, Actions: []rbac.Action{rbac.ActionRead}},
// {Object: template, Actions: []rbac.Action{rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ActionWrite)}},
// ...
// }
func asserts(inputs ...any) []AssertRBAC {
if len(inputs)%2 != 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Must be an even length number of args, found %d", len(inputs)))
out := make([]AssertRBAC, 0)
for i := 0; i < len(inputs); i += 2 {
obj, ok := inputs[i].(rbac.Objecter)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("object type '%T' does not implement rbac.Objecter", inputs[i]))
rbacObj := obj.RBACObject()
var actions []rbac.Action
actions, ok = inputs[i+1].([]rbac.Action)
if !ok {
action, ok := inputs[i+1].(rbac.Action)
if !ok {
// Could be the string type.
actionAsString, ok := inputs[i+1].(string)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("action '%q' not a supported action", actionAsString))
action = rbac.Action(actionAsString)
actions = []rbac.Action{action}
out = append(out, AssertRBAC{
Object: rbacObj,
Actions: actions,
return out
type emptyPreparedAuthorized struct{}
func (emptyPreparedAuthorized) Authorize(_ context.Context, _ rbac.Object) error { return nil }
func (emptyPreparedAuthorized) CompileToSQL(_ context.Context, _ regosql.ConvertConfig) (string, error) {
return "", nil