
305 lines
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import PerformanceObserver from "@fastly/performance-observer-polyfill";
import axios from "axios";
import { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from "react";
import type { Region } from "api/typesGenerated";
import { generateRandomString } from "utils/random";
const proxyIntervalSeconds = 30; // seconds
export interface ProxyLatencyReport {
// accurate identifies if the latency was calculated using the
// PerformanceResourceTiming API. If this is false, then the
// latency is calculated using the total duration of the request
// and will be off by a good margin.
accurate: boolean;
latencyMS: number;
// at is when the latency was recorded.
at: Date;
interface ProxyLatencyAction {
proxyID: string;
// cached indicates if the latency was loaded from a cache (local storage)
cached: boolean;
report: ProxyLatencyReport;
const proxyLatenciesReducer = (
state: Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport>,
action: ProxyLatencyAction,
): Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport> => {
// Always return the new report. We have some saved latencies, but until we have a better
// way to utilize them, we will ignore them for all practical purposes.
return {
export const useProxyLatency = (
proxies?: readonly Region[],
): {
// Refetch can be called to refetch the proxy latencies.
// Until the new values are loaded, the old values will still be used.
refetch: () => Date;
proxyLatencies: Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport>;
} => {
// maxStoredLatencies is the maximum number of latencies to store per proxy in local storage.
let maxStoredLatencies = 1;
// The reason we pull this from local storage is so for development purposes, a user can manually
// set a larger number to collect data in their normal usage. This data can later be analyzed to come up
// with some better magic numbers.
const maxStoredLatenciesVar = localStorage.getItem(
if (maxStoredLatenciesVar) {
maxStoredLatencies = Number(maxStoredLatenciesVar);
const [proxyLatencies, dispatchProxyLatencies] = useReducer(
// This latestFetchRequest is used to trigger a refetch of the proxy latencies.
const [latestFetchRequest, setLatestFetchRequest] = useState(
// The initial state is the current time minus the interval. Any proxies that have a latency after this
// in the cache are still valid.
new Date(new Date().getTime() - proxyIntervalSeconds * 1000).toISOString(),
// Refetch will always set the latestFetchRequest to the current time, making all the cached latencies
// stale and triggering a refetch of all proxies in the list.
const refetch = () => {
const d = new Date();
return d;
// Only run latency updates when the proxies change.
useEffect(() => {
if (!proxies) {
const storedLatencies = loadStoredLatencies();
// proxyMap is a map of the proxy path_app_url to the proxy object.
// This is for the observer to know which requests are important to
// record.
const proxyChecks = proxies.reduce(
(acc, proxy) => {
// Only run the latency check on healthy proxies.
if (!proxy.healthy) {
return acc;
// Do not run latency checks if a cached check exists below the latestFetchRequest Date.
// This prevents fetching latencies too often.
// 1. Fetch the latest stored latency for the given proxy.
// 2. If the latest latency is after the latestFetchRequest, then skip the latency check.
if (
storedLatencies &&
storedLatencies[] &&
storedLatencies[].length > 0
) {
const fetchRequestDate = new Date(latestFetchRequest);
const latest = storedLatencies[].reduce((prev, next) => > ? prev : next,
if (latest && > fetchRequestDate) {
// dispatch the cached latency. This latency already went through the
// guard logic below, so we can just dispatch it again directly.
cached: true,
report: latest,
return acc;
// Add a random query param to the url to make sure we don't get a cached response.
// This is important in case there is some caching layer between us and the proxy.
const url = new URL(
acc[url.toString()] = proxy;
return acc;
{} as Record<string, Region>,
// dispatchProxyLatenciesGuarded will assign the latency to the proxy
// via the reducer. But it will only do so if the performance entry is
// a resource entry that we care about.
const dispatchProxyLatenciesGuarded = (entry: PerformanceEntry) => {
if (entry.entryType !== "resource") {
// We should never get these, but just in case.
// The is the url of the request.
const check = proxyChecks[];
if (!check) {
// This is not a proxy request, so ignore it.
// These docs are super useful.
let latencyMS = 0;
let accurate = false;
if (
"requestStart" in entry &&
(entry as PerformanceResourceTiming).requestStart !== 0
) {
// This is the preferred logic to get the latency.
const timingEntry = entry as PerformanceResourceTiming;
latencyMS = timingEntry.responseStart - timingEntry.requestStart;
accurate = true;
} else {
// This is the total duration of the request and will be off by a good margin.
// This is a fallback if the better timing is not available.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console -- We can remove this when we display the "accurate" bool on the UI
`Using fallback latency calculation for "${}". Latency will be incorrect and larger then actual.`,
latencyMS = entry.duration;
const update = {
cached: false,
report: {
at: new Date(),
// Also save to local storage to persist the latency across page refreshes.
// Start a new performance observer to record of all the requests
// to the proxies.
const observer = new PerformanceObserver((list) => {
// If we get entries via this callback, then dispatch the events to the latency reducer.
list.getEntries().forEach((entry) => {
// The resource requests include xmlhttp requests.
observer.observe({ entryTypes: ["resource"] });
const proxyRequests = Object.keys(proxyChecks).map((latencyURL) => {
return axios.get(latencyURL, {
withCredentials: false,
// Must add a custom header to make the request not a "simple request".
// We want to force a preflight request.
headers: { "X-LATENCY-CHECK": "true" },
// When all the proxy requests finish
void Promise.all(proxyRequests)
// TODO: If there is an error on any request, we might want to store some indicator of that?
.finally(() => {
// takeRecords will return any entries that were not called via the callback yet.
// We want to call this before we disconnect the observer to make sure we get all the
// proxy requests recorded.
observer.takeRecords().forEach((entry) => {
// At this point, we can be confident that all the proxy requests have been recorded
// via the performance observer. So we can disconnect the observer.
// Local storage cleanup
garbageCollectStoredLatencies(proxies, maxStoredLatencies);
}, [proxies, latestFetchRequest, maxStoredLatencies]);
return {
// Local storage functions
// loadStoredLatencies will load the stored latencies from local storage.
// Latencies are stored in local storage to minimize the impact of outliers.
// If a single request is slow, we want to omit that latency check, and go with
// a more accurate latency check.
const loadStoredLatencies = (): Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport[]> => {
const str = localStorage.getItem("workspace-proxy-latencies");
if (!str) {
return {};
return JSON.parse(str, (key, value) => {
// By default json loads dates as strings. We want to convert them back to 'Date's.
if (key === "at") {
return new Date(value);
return value;
const updateStoredLatencies = (action: ProxyLatencyAction): void => {
const latencies = loadStoredLatencies();
const reports = latencies[action.proxyID] || [];
latencies[action.proxyID] = reports;
localStorage.setItem("workspace-proxy-latencies", JSON.stringify(latencies));
// garbageCollectStoredLatencies will remove any latencies that are older then 1 week or latencies of proxies
// that no longer exist. This is intended to keep the size of local storage down.
const garbageCollectStoredLatencies = (
regions: readonly Region[],
maxStored: number,
): void => {
const latencies = loadStoredLatencies();
const now =;
const cleaned = cleanupLatencies(
new Date(now),
localStorage.setItem("workspace-proxy-latencies", JSON.stringify(cleaned));
const cleanupLatencies = (
stored: Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport[]>,
regions: readonly Region[],
now: Date,
maxStored: number,
): Record<string, ProxyLatencyReport[]> => {
Object.keys(stored).forEach((proxyID) => {
if (!regions.find((region) => === proxyID)) {
delete stored[proxyID];
const reports = stored[proxyID];
const nowMS = now.getTime();
stored[proxyID] = reports.filter((report) => {
// Only keep the reports that are less then 1 week old.
return new Date( > nowMS - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
// Only keep the 5 latest
stored[proxyID] = stored[proxyID].slice(-1 * maxStored);
return stored;