
1111 lines
36 KiB

package main
import (
var (
// baseDirs are the directories to introspect for types to generate.
baseDirs = [...]string{"./codersdk", "./codersdk/healthsdk"}
// externalTypes are types that are not in the baseDirs, but we want to
// support. These are usually types that are used in the baseDirs.
// Do not include things like "Database", as that would break the idea
// of splitting db and api types.
// Only include dirs that are client facing packages.
externalTypePkgs = [...]string{
// CLI option types:
indent = " "
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stderr))
external := []*Generator{}
for _, dir := range externalTypePkgs {
extGen, err := ParseDirectory(ctx, log, dir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("parse external directory %s: %s", dir, err.Error()))
extGen.onlyOptIn = true
external = append(external, extGen)
_, _ = fmt.Print("// Code generated by 'make site/src/api/typesGenerated.ts'. DO NOT EDIT.\n\n")
for _, baseDir := range baseDirs {
_, _ = fmt.Printf("// The code below is generated from %s.\n\n", strings.TrimPrefix(baseDir, "./"))
output, err := Generate(baseDir, external...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, err.Error())
// Just cat the output to a file to capture it
_, _ = fmt.Print(output, "\n\n")
for i, ext := range external {
var ts *TypescriptTypes
for {
var err error
start := len(ext.allowList)
ts, err = ext.generateAll()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("generate external: %s", err.Error()))
if len(ext.allowList) != start {
// This is so dumb, but basically the allowList can grow, and if
// it does, we need to regenerate.
dir := externalTypePkgs[i]
_, _ = fmt.Printf("// The code below is generated from %s.\n\n", strings.TrimPrefix(dir, "./"))
_, _ = fmt.Print(ts.String(), "\n\n")
func Generate(directory string, externals ...*Generator) (string, error) {
ctx := context.Background()
log := slog.Make(sloghuman.Sink(os.Stderr))
gen, err := GenerateFromDirectory(ctx, log, directory, externals...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Just cat the output to a file to capture it
return gen.cachedResult.String(), nil
// TypescriptTypes holds all the code blocks created.
type TypescriptTypes struct {
// Each entry is the type name, and it's typescript code block.
Types map[string]string
Enums map[string]string
Generics map[string]string
// String just combines all the codeblocks.
func (t TypescriptTypes) String() string {
var s strings.Builder
sortedTypes := make([]string, 0, len(t.Types))
sortedEnums := make([]string, 0, len(t.Enums))
sortedGenerics := make([]string, 0, len(t.Generics))
for k := range t.Types {
sortedTypes = append(sortedTypes, k)
for k := range t.Enums {
sortedEnums = append(sortedEnums, k)
for k := range t.Generics {
sortedGenerics = append(sortedGenerics, k)
for _, k := range sortedTypes {
v := t.Types[k]
_, _ = s.WriteString(v)
_, _ = s.WriteRune('\n')
for _, k := range sortedEnums {
v := t.Enums[k]
_, _ = s.WriteString(v)
_, _ = s.WriteRune('\n')
for _, k := range sortedGenerics {
v := t.Generics[k]
_, _ = s.WriteString(v)
_, _ = s.WriteRune('\n')
return strings.TrimRight(s.String(), "\n")
func ParseDirectory(ctx context.Context, log slog.Logger, directory string, externals ...*Generator) (*Generator, error) {
g := &Generator{
log: log,
builtins: make(map[string]string),
externals: externals,
err := g.parsePackage(ctx, directory)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse package %q: %w", directory, err)
return g, nil
// GenerateFromDirectory will return all the typescript code blocks for a directory
func GenerateFromDirectory(ctx context.Context, log slog.Logger, directory string, externals ...*Generator) (*Generator, error) {
g, err := ParseDirectory(ctx, log, directory, externals...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
codeBlocks, err := g.generateAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("generate package %q: %w", directory, err)
g.cachedResult = codeBlocks
return g, nil
type Generator struct {
// Package we are scanning.
pkg *packages.Package
log slog.Logger
// allowList if set only generates types in the allow list.
// This is kinda a hack to get around the fact that external types
// only should generate referenced types, and multiple packages can
// reference the same external types.
onlyOptIn bool
allowList []string
// externals are other packages referenced. Optional
externals []*Generator
// builtins is kinda a hack to get around the fact that using builtin
// generic constraints is common. We want to support them even though
// they are external to our package.
// It is also a string because the builtins are not proper go types. Meaning
// if you inspect the types, they are not "correct". Things like "comparable"
// cannot be implemented in go. So they are a first class thing that we just
// have to make a static string for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
builtins map[string]string
cachedResult *TypescriptTypes
// parsePackage takes a list of patterns such as a directory, and parses them.
func (g *Generator) parsePackage(ctx context.Context, patterns ...string) error {
cfg := &packages.Config{
// Just accept the fact we need these flags for what we want. Feel free to add
// more, it'll just increase the time it takes to parse.
Mode: packages.NeedTypes | packages.NeedName | packages.NeedTypesInfo |
packages.NeedTypesSizes | packages.NeedSyntax,
Tests: false,
Context: ctx,
pkgs, err := packages.Load(cfg, patterns...)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("load package: %w", err)
// Only support 1 package for now. We can expand it if we need later, we
// just need to hook up multiple packages in the generator.
if len(pkgs) != 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("expected 1 package, found %d", len(pkgs))
g.pkg = pkgs[0]
return nil
// generateAll will generate for all types found in the pkg
func (g *Generator) generateAll() (*TypescriptTypes, error) {
m := &Maps{
Structs: make(map[string]string),
Generics: make(map[string]string),
Enums: make(map[string]types.Object),
EnumConsts: make(map[string][]*types.Const),
IgnoredTypes: make(map[string]struct{}),
AllowedTypes: make(map[string]struct{}),
for _, a := range g.allowList {
m.AllowedTypes[strings.TrimSpace(a)] = struct{}{}
// Look for comments that indicate to ignore a type for typescript generation.
ignoreRegex := regexp.MustCompile("@typescript-ignore[:]?(?P<ignored_types>.*)")
for _, file := range g.pkg.Syntax {
for _, comment := range file.Comments {
for _, line := range comment.List {
text := line.Text
matches := ignoreRegex.FindStringSubmatch(text)
ignored := ignoreRegex.SubexpIndex("ignored_types")
if len(matches) >= ignored && matches[ignored] != "" {
arr := strings.Split(matches[ignored], ",")
for _, s := range arr {
m.IgnoredTypes[strings.TrimSpace(s)] = struct{}{}
// This allows opt-in generation, instead of opt-out.
allowRegex := regexp.MustCompile("@typescript-generate[:]?(?P<allowed_types>.*)")
for _, file := range g.pkg.Syntax {
for _, comment := range file.Comments {
for _, line := range comment.List {
text := line.Text
matches := allowRegex.FindStringSubmatch(text)
allowed := allowRegex.SubexpIndex("allowed_types")
if len(matches) >= allowed && matches[allowed] != "" {
arr := strings.Split(matches[allowed], ",")
for _, s := range arr {
m.AllowedTypes[strings.TrimSpace(s)] = struct{}{}
for _, n := range g.pkg.Types.Scope().Names() {
obj := g.pkg.Types.Scope().Lookup(n)
err := g.generateOne(m, obj)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("%q: %w", n, err)
// Add the builtins
for n, value := range g.builtins {
if value != "" {
m.Generics[n] = value
// Write all enums
enumCodeBlocks := make(map[string]string)
for name, v := range m.Enums {
var values []string
for _, elem := range m.EnumConsts[name] {
// TODO: If we have non string constants, we need to handle that
// here.
values = append(values, elem.Val().String())
var s strings.Builder
_, _ = s.WriteString(g.posLine(v))
joined := strings.Join(values, " | ")
if joined == "" {
// It's possible an enum has no values.
joined = "never"
_, _ = s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("export type %s = %s\n",
name, joined,
var pluralName string
if strings.HasSuffix(name, "s") {
pluralName = name + "es"
} else {
pluralName = name + "s"
// Generate array used for enumerating all possible values.
_, _ = s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("export const %s: %s[] = [%s]\n",
pluralName, name, strings.Join(values, ", "),
enumCodeBlocks[name] = s.String()
return &TypescriptTypes{
Types: m.Structs,
Enums: enumCodeBlocks,
Generics: m.Generics,
}, nil
type Maps struct {
Structs map[string]string
Generics map[string]string
Enums map[string]types.Object
EnumConsts map[string][]*types.Const
IgnoredTypes map[string]struct{}
AllowedTypes map[string]struct{}
// objName prepends the package name of a type if it is outside of codersdk.
func objName(obj types.Object) string {
if pkgName := obj.Pkg().Name(); pkgName != "codersdk" && pkgName != "healthsdk" {
return cases.Title(language.English).String(pkgName) + obj.Name()
return obj.Name()
func (g *Generator) generateOne(m *Maps, obj types.Object) error {
if obj == nil || obj.Type() == nil {
// This would be weird, but it is if the package does not have the type def.
return nil
// Exclude ignored types
if _, ok := m.IgnoredTypes[obj.Name()]; ok {
return nil
// If we have allowed types, only allow those to be generated.
if _, ok := m.AllowedTypes[obj.Name()]; (len(m.AllowedTypes) > 0 || g.onlyOptIn) && !ok {
// Allow constants to pass through, they are only included if the enum
// is allowed.
_, ok := obj.(*types.Const)
if !ok {
return nil
objectName := objName(obj)
switch obj := obj.(type) {
// All named types are type declarations
case *types.TypeName:
named, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
panic("all typename should be named types")
switch underNamed := named.Underlying().(type) {
case *types.Struct:
// type <Name> struct
// Structs are obvious.
codeBlock, err := g.buildStruct(obj, underNamed)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("generate %q: %w", objectName, err)
m.Structs[objectName] = codeBlock
case *types.Basic:
// type <Name> string
// These are enums. Store to expand later.
m.Enums[objectName] = obj
case *types.Map, *types.Array, *types.Slice:
// Declared maps that are not structs are still valid codersdk objects.
// Handle them custom by calling 'typescriptType' directly instead of
// iterating through each struct field.
// These types support no json/typescript tags.
// These are **NOT** enums, as a map in Go would never be used for an enum.
ts, err := g.typescriptType(obj.Type().Underlying())
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("(map) generate %q: %w", objectName, err)
var str strings.Builder
_, _ = str.WriteString(g.posLine(obj))
if ts.AboveTypeLine != "" {
_, _ = str.WriteString(ts.AboveTypeLine)
_, _ = str.WriteRune('\n')
// Use similar output syntax to enums.
_, _ = str.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("export type %s = %s\n", objectName, ts.ValueType))
m.Structs[objectName] = str.String()
case *types.Interface:
// Interfaces are used as generics. Non-generic interfaces are
// not supported.
if underNamed.NumEmbeddeds() == 1 {
union, ok := underNamed.EmbeddedType(0).(*types.Union)
if !ok {
// If the underlying is not a union, but has 1 type. It's
// just that one type.
union = types.NewUnion([]*types.Term{
// Set the tilde to true to support underlying.
// Doesn't actually affect our generation.
types.NewTerm(true, underNamed.EmbeddedType(0)),
block, err := g.buildUnion(obj, union)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("generate union %q: %w", objectName, err)
m.Generics[objectName] = block
case *types.Signature:
// Ignore named functions.
// If you hit this error, you added a new unsupported named type.
// The easiest way to solve this is add a new case above with
// your type and a TODO to implement it.
return xerrors.Errorf("unsupported named type %q", underNamed.String())
case *types.Var:
// TODO: Are any enums var declarations? This is also codersdk.Me.
case *types.Const:
// We only care about named constant types, since they are enums
if named, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named); ok {
enumObjName := objName(named.Obj())
m.EnumConsts[enumObjName] = append(m.EnumConsts[enumObjName], obj)
case *types.Func:
// Noop
_, _ = fmt.Println(objectName)
return nil
func (g *Generator) posLine(obj types.Object) string {
file := g.pkg.Fset.File(obj.Pos())
// Do not use filepath, as that changes behavior based on OS
return fmt.Sprintf("// From %s\n", path.Join(obj.Pkg().Name(), filepath.Base(file.Name())))
// buildStruct just prints the typescript def for a type.
func (g *Generator) buildUnion(obj types.Object, st *types.Union) (string, error) {
var s strings.Builder
_, _ = s.WriteString(g.posLine(obj))
allTypes := make([]string, 0, st.Len())
var optional bool
for i := 0; i < st.Len(); i++ {
term := st.Term(i)
scriptType, err := g.typescriptType(term.Type())
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("union %q for %q failed to get type: %w", st.String(), obj.Name(), err)
allTypes = append(allTypes, scriptType.ValueType)
optional = optional || scriptType.Optional
if optional {
allTypes = append(allTypes, "null")
allTypes = slice.Unique(allTypes)
_, _ = s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("export type %s = %s\n", objName(obj), strings.Join(allTypes, " | ")))
return s.String(), nil
type structTemplateState struct {
PosLine string
Name string
Fields []string
Generics []string
Extends string
AboveLine string
const structTemplate = `{{ .PosLine -}}
{{ if .AboveLine }}{{ .AboveLine }}
{{ end }}export interface {{ .Name }}{{ if .Generics }}<{{ join .Generics ", " }}>{{ end }}{{ if .Extends }} extends {{ .Extends }}{{ end }} {
{{ join .Fields "\n"}}
// buildStruct just prints the typescript def for a type.
func (g *Generator) buildStruct(obj types.Object, st *types.Struct) (string, error) {
state := structTemplateState{}
tpl := template.New("struct")
"join": strings.Join,
tpl, err := tpl.Parse(structTemplate)
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("parse struct template: %w", err)
state.PosLine = g.posLine(obj)
state.Name = objName(obj)
// Handle named embedded structs in the codersdk package via extension.
var extends []string
extendedFields := make(map[int]bool)
for i := 0; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
field := st.Field(i)
tag := reflect.StructTag(st.Tag(i))
// Adding a json struct tag causes the json package to consider
// the field unembedded.
if field.Embedded() && tag.Get("json") == "" && field.Pkg().Name() == "codersdk" {
extendedFields[i] = true
extends = append(extends, field.Name())
if len(extends) > 0 {
state.Extends = strings.Join(extends, ", ")
genericsUsed := make(map[string]string)
// For each field in the struct, we print 1 line of the typescript interface
for i := 0; i < st.NumFields(); i++ {
if extendedFields[i] {
field := st.Field(i)
tag := reflect.StructTag(st.Tag(i))
tags, err := structtag.Parse(string(tag))
if err != nil {
panic("invalid struct tags on type " + obj.String())
if !field.Exported() {
// Use the json name if present
jsonTag, err := tags.Get("json")
var (
jsonName string
jsonOptional bool
if err == nil {
if jsonTag.Name == "-" {
// Completely ignore this field.
jsonName = jsonTag.Name
if len(jsonTag.Options) > 0 && jsonTag.Options[0] == "omitempty" {
jsonOptional = true
if jsonName == "" {
jsonName = field.Name()
// Infer the type.
tsType, err := g.typescriptType(field.Type())
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("typescript type: %w", err)
// If a `typescript:"string"` exists, we take this, and ignore what we
// inferred.
typescriptTag, err := tags.Get("typescript")
if err == nil {
if err == nil && typescriptTag.Name == "-" {
// Completely ignore this field.
} else if typescriptTag.Name != "" {
tsType = TypescriptType{
ValueType: typescriptTag.Name,
// If you specify `typescript:",notnull"` then mark the type as not
// optional.
if len(typescriptTag.Options) > 0 && typescriptTag.Options[0] == "notnull" {
tsType.Optional = false
optional := ""
if jsonOptional || tsType.Optional {
optional = "?"
valueType := tsType.ValueType
if tsType.GenericValue != "" {
valueType = tsType.GenericValue
// This map we are building is just gathering all the generics used
// by our fields. We will use this map for our export type line.
// This isn't actually required since we can get it from the obj
// itself, but this ensures we actually use all the generic fields
// we place in the export line. If we are missing one from this map,
// that is a developer error. And we might as well catch it.
for name, constraint := range tsType.GenericTypes {
if _, ok := genericsUsed[name]; ok {
// Don't add a generic twice
// TODO: We should probably check that the generic mapping is
// not a different type. Like 'T' being referenced to 2 different
// constraints. I don't think this is possible though in valid
// go, so I'm going to ignore this for now.
genericsUsed[name] = constraint
if tsType.AboveTypeLine != "" {
// Just append these as fields. We should fix this later.
state.Fields = append(state.Fields, tsType.AboveTypeLine)
state.Fields = append(state.Fields, fmt.Sprintf("%sreadonly %s%s: %s", indent, jsonName, optional, valueType))
// This is implemented to ensure the correct order of generics on the
// top level structure. Ordering of generic fields is important, and
// we want to match the same order as Golang. The gathering of generic types
// from our fields does not guarantee the order.
named, ok := obj.(*types.TypeName)
if !ok {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("generic param ordering undefined on %q", obj.Name())
namedType, ok := named.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("generic param %q unexpected type %q", obj.Name(), named.Type().String())
// Ensure proper generic param ordering
params := namedType.TypeParams()
for i := 0; i < params.Len(); i++ {
param := params.At(i)
name := param.String()
constraint, ok := genericsUsed[param.String()]
if !ok {
// If this error is thrown, it is because you have defined a
// generic field on a structure, but did not use it in your
// fields. If this happens, remove the unused generic on
// the top level structure. We **technically** can implement
// this still, but it's not a case we need to support.
// Example:
// type Foo[A any] struct {
// Bar string
// }
return "", xerrors.Errorf("generic param %q missing on %q, fix your data structure", name, obj.Name())
state.Generics = append(state.Generics, fmt.Sprintf("%s extends %s", name, constraint))
data := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
err = tpl.Execute(data, state)
if err != nil {
return "", xerrors.Errorf("execute struct template: %w", err)
return data.String(), nil
type TypescriptType struct {
// GenericTypes is a map of generic name to actual constraint.
// We return these, so we can bubble them up if we are recursively traversing
// a nested structure. We duplicate these at the top level.
// Example: 'C = comparable'.
GenericTypes map[string]string
// GenericValue is the value using the Generic name, rather than the constraint.
// This is only useful if you can use the generic syntax. Things like maps
// don't currently support this, and will use the ValueType instead.
// Example:
// Given the Golang
// type Foo[C comparable] struct {
// Bar C
// }
// The field `Bar` will return:
// TypescriptType {
// ValueType: "comparable",
// GenericValue: "C",
// GenericTypes: map[string]string{
// "C":"comparable"
// }
// }
GenericValue string
// ValueType is the typescript value type. This is the actual type or
// generic constraint. This can **always** be used without special handling.
ValueType string
// AboveTypeLine lets you put whatever text you want above the typescript
// type line.
AboveTypeLine string
// Optional indicates the value is an optional field in typescript.
Optional bool
// typescriptType this function returns a typescript type for a given
// golang type.
// Eg:
// []byte returns "string"
func (g *Generator) typescriptType(ty types.Type) (TypescriptType, error) {
switch ty := ty.(type) {
case *types.Basic:
bs := ty
// All basic literals (string, bool, int, etc).
switch {
case bs.Info()&types.IsNumeric > 0:
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "number"}, nil
case bs.Info()&types.IsBoolean > 0:
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "boolean"}, nil
case bs.Kind() == types.Byte:
// TODO: @emyrk What is a byte for typescript? A string? A uint8?
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "number", AboveTypeLine: indentedComment("This is a byte in golang")}, nil
return TypescriptType{ValueType: bs.Name()}, nil
case *types.Struct:
// This handles anonymous structs. This should never happen really.
// If you require this, either change your datastructures, or implement
// anonymous structs here.
// Such as:
// type Name struct {
// Embedded struct {
// Field string `json:"field"`
// }
// }
return TypescriptType{
ValueType: "any",
AboveTypeLine: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s",
indentedComment("Embedded anonymous struct, please fix by naming it"),
// Linter needs to be disabled here, or else it will complain about the "any" type.
indentedComment("eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Anonymously embedded struct"),
}, nil
case *types.Map:
// map[string][string] -> Record<string, string>
m := ty
keyType, err := g.typescriptType(m.Key())
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("map key: %w", err)
valueType, err := g.typescriptType(m.Elem())
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("map key: %w", err)
aboveTypeLine := keyType.AboveTypeLine
if aboveTypeLine != "" && valueType.AboveTypeLine != "" {
aboveTypeLine = aboveTypeLine + "\n"
aboveTypeLine = aboveTypeLine + valueType.AboveTypeLine
mergeGens := keyType.GenericTypes
for k, v := range valueType.GenericTypes {
mergeGens[k] = v
return TypescriptType{
ValueType: fmt.Sprintf("Record<%s, %s>", keyType.ValueType, valueType.ValueType),
AboveTypeLine: aboveTypeLine,
GenericTypes: mergeGens,
}, nil
case *types.Slice, *types.Array:
// Slice/Arrays are pretty much the same.
type hasElem interface {
Elem() types.Type
arr, _ := ty.(hasElem)
switch {
// When type checking here, just use the string. You can cast it
// to a types.Basic and get the kind if you want too :shrug:
case arr.Elem().String() == "byte":
// All byte arrays are strings on the typescript.
// Is this ok?
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
// By default, just do an array of the underlying type.
underlying, err := g.typescriptType(arr.Elem())
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("array: %w", err)
genValue := ""
// Always wrap in parentheses for proper scoped types.
// Running prettier on this output will remove redundant parenthesis,
// so this makes our decision-making easier.
// The example that breaks without this is:
// readonly readonly string[][]
if underlying.GenericValue != "" {
genValue = "(readonly " + underlying.GenericValue + "[])"
return TypescriptType{
ValueType: "(readonly " + underlying.ValueType + "[])",
GenericValue: genValue,
AboveTypeLine: underlying.AboveTypeLine,
GenericTypes: underlying.GenericTypes,
}, nil
case *types.Named:
n := ty
// These are external named types that we handle uniquely.
// This is unfortunate, but our current code assumes all defined
// types are enums, but these are really just basic primitives.
// We would need to add more logic to determine this, but for now
// just hard code them.
switch n.String() {
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "":
// Custom marshal json to be a string
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string[]"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string[]"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "number"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "boolean"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "number"}, nil
case "net/url.URL":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "time.Time":
// We really should come up with a standard for time.
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "time.Duration":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "number"}, nil
case "database/sql.NullTime":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string", Optional: true}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string", Optional: true}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string", Optional: true}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
case "encoding/json.RawMessage":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "Record<string, string>"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "string"}, nil
// XXX: For some reason, the type generator generates these as `any`
// so explicitly specifying the correct generic TS type.
case "[]":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "RegionsResponse<WorkspaceProxy>"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "HealthMessage"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "HealthSeverity"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "HealthSection"}, nil
case "":
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "ProvisionerDaemon"}, nil
// Some hard codes are a bit trickier.
//nolint:gocritic,revive // I prefer the switch for extensibility later.
switch {
// Struct is a generic, so the type has generic constraints in the string.
case regexp.MustCompile(`github\.com/coder/serpent.Struct\[.*\]`).MatchString(n.String()):
// The marshal json just marshals the underlying value.
str, ok := ty.Underlying().(*types.Struct)
if ok {
return g.typescriptType(str.Field(0).Type())
// Then see if the type is defined elsewhere. If it is, we can just
// put the objName as it will be defined in the typescript codeblock
// we generate.
objName := objName(n.Obj())
genericName := ""
genericTypes := make(map[string]string)
obj, objGen, local := g.lookupNamedReference(n)
if obj != nil {
if g.onlyOptIn && !slices.Contains(g.allowList, n.Obj().Name()) {
// This is kludgy, but if we are an external package,
// we need to also include dependencies. There is no
// good way to return all extra types we need to include,
// so just add them to the allow list and hope the caller notices
// the slice grew...
g.allowList = append(g.allowList, n.Obj().Name())
if !local {
objGen.allowList = append(objGen.allowList, n.Obj().Name())
g.log.Debug(context.Background(), "found external type",
"name", objName,
"ext_pkg", objGen.pkg.String(),
// Sweet! Using other typescript types as fields. This could be an
// enum or another struct
if args := n.TypeArgs(); args != nil && args.Len() > 0 {
genericConstraints := make([]string, 0, args.Len())
genericNames := make([]string, 0, args.Len())
for i := 0; i < args.Len(); i++ {
genType, err := g.typescriptType(args.At(i))
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("generic field %q<%q>: %w", objName, args.At(i).String(), err)
if param, ok := args.At(i).(*types.TypeParam); ok {
// Using a generic defined by the parent.
gname := param.Obj().Name()
genericNames = append(genericNames, gname)
genericTypes[gname] = genType.ValueType
} else {
// Defining a generic
genericNames = append(genericNames, genType.ValueType)
genericConstraints = append(genericConstraints, genType.ValueType)
genericName = objName + fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", strings.Join(genericNames, ", "))
objName += fmt.Sprintf("<%s>", strings.Join(genericConstraints, ", "))
cmt := ""
return TypescriptType{
GenericTypes: genericTypes,
GenericValue: genericName,
ValueType: objName,
AboveTypeLine: cmt,
}, nil
// If it's a struct, just use the name of the struct type
if _, ok := n.Underlying().(*types.Struct); ok {
// External structs cannot be introspected, as we only parse the codersdk package.
// You can handle your type manually in the switch list above, otherwise "any" will be used.
// An easy way to fix this is to pull your external type into `codersdk` package, then it will
// be known by the generator.
return TypescriptType{ValueType: "any", AboveTypeLine: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s",
indentedComment(fmt.Sprintf("Named type %q unknown, using \"any\"", n.String())),
// Linter needs to be disabled here, or else it will complain about the "any" type.
indentedComment("eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- External type"),
)}, nil
// Defer to the underlying type.
ts, err := g.typescriptType(ty.Underlying())
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("named underlying: %w", err)
if ts.AboveTypeLine == "" {
// If no comment exists explaining where this type comes from, add one.
ts.AboveTypeLine = indentedComment(fmt.Sprintf("This is likely an enum in an external package (%q)", n.String()))
return ts, nil
case *types.Pointer:
// Dereference pointers.
pt := ty
resp, err := g.typescriptType(pt.Elem())
if err != nil {
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("pointer: %w", err)
resp.Optional = true
return resp, nil
case *types.Interface:
// only handle the empty interface (interface{}) for now
intf := ty
if intf.Empty() {
// This field is 'interface{}'. We can't infer any type from 'interface{}'
// so just use "any" as the type.
return TypescriptType{
ValueType: "any",
AboveTypeLine: fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s",
indentedComment("Empty interface{} type, cannot resolve the type."),
// Linter needs to be disabled here, or else it will complain about the "any" type.
indentedComment("eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- interface{}"),
}, nil
// Interfaces are difficult to determine the JSON type, so just return
// an 'any'.
return TypescriptType{
ValueType: "any",
AboveTypeLine: indentedComment("eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any -- Golang interface, unable to resolve type."),
Optional: false,
}, nil
case *types.TypeParam:
_, ok := ty.Underlying().(*types.Interface)
if !ok {
// If it's not an interface, it is likely a usage of generics that
// we have not hit yet. Feel free to add support for it.
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.New("type param must be an interface")
generic := ty.Constraint()
// We don't mess with multiple packages, so just trim the package path
// from the name.
pkgPath := ty.Obj().Pkg().Path()
name := strings.TrimPrefix(generic.String(), pkgPath+".")
referenced := g.pkg.Types.Scope().Lookup(name)
if referenced == nil {
include, builtinString := g.isBuiltIn(name)
if !include {
// If we don't have the type constraint defined somewhere in the package,
// then we have to resort to using any.
return TypescriptType{
GenericTypes: map[string]string{
ty.Obj().Name(): "any",
GenericValue: ty.Obj().Name(),
ValueType: "any",
AboveTypeLine: fmt.Sprintf("// %q is an external type, so we use any", name),
Optional: false,
}, nil
// Include the builtin for this type to reference
g.builtins[name] = builtinString
return TypescriptType{
GenericTypes: map[string]string{
ty.Obj().Name(): name,
GenericValue: ty.Obj().Name(),
ValueType: name,
AboveTypeLine: "",
Optional: false,
}, nil
// These are all the other types we need to support.
// time.Time, uuid, etc.
return TypescriptType{}, xerrors.Errorf("unknown type: %s", ty.String())
func (g *Generator) lookupNamedReference(n *types.Named) (obj types.Object, generator *Generator, local bool) {
pkgName := n.Obj().Pkg().Name()
if obj := g.pkg.Types.Scope().Lookup(n.Obj().Name()); g.pkg.Name == pkgName && obj != nil {
return obj, g, true
for _, ext := range g.externals {
if obj := ext.pkg.Types.Scope().Lookup(n.Obj().Name()); ext.pkg.Name == pkgName && obj != nil {
return obj, ext, false
return nil, nil, false
// isBuiltIn returns the string for a builtin type that we want to support
// if the name is a reserved builtin type. This is for types like 'comparable'.
// These types are not implemented in golang, so we just have to hardcode it.
func (Generator) isBuiltIn(name string) (bool, string) {
// Note: @emyrk If we use constraints like Ordered, we can pull those
// dynamically from their respective packages. This is a method on Generator
// so if someone wants to implement that, they can find the respective package
// and type.
switch name {
case "comparable":
// To be complete, we include "any". Kinda sucks :(
return true, "export type comparable = boolean | number | string | any"
case "any":
// This is supported in typescript, we don't need to write anything
return true, ""
return false, ""
func indentedComment(comment string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s// %s", indent, comment)