
607 lines
18 KiB

package schedule_test
import (
agplschedule ""
func TestTemplateUpdateBuildDeadlines(t *testing.T) {
db, _ := dbtestutil.NewDB(t)
var (
quietUser = dbgen.User(t, db, database.User{
Username: "quiet",
noQuietUser = dbgen.User(t, db, database.User{
Username: "no-quiet",
file = dbgen.File(t, db, database.File{
CreatedBy: quietUser.ID,
templateJob = dbgen.ProvisionerJob(t, db, nil, database.ProvisionerJob{
FileID: file.ID,
InitiatorID: quietUser.ID,
Tags: database.StringMap{
"foo": "bar",
templateVersion = dbgen.TemplateVersion(t, db, database.TemplateVersion{
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
CreatedBy: quietUser.ID,
JobID: templateJob.ID,
organizationID = templateJob.OrganizationID
const userQuietHoursSchedule = "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 0 * * *" // midnight UTC
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
quietUser, err := db.UpdateUserQuietHoursSchedule(ctx, database.UpdateUserQuietHoursScheduleParams{
ID: quietUser.ID,
QuietHoursSchedule: userQuietHoursSchedule,
require.NoError(t, err)
realNow := time.Now().UTC()
nowY, nowM, nowD := realNow.Date()
buildTime := time.Date(nowY, nowM, nowD, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // noon today UTC
nextQuietHours := time.Date(nowY, nowM, nowD+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // midnight tomorrow UTC
// Workspace old max_deadline too soon
cases := []struct {
name string
now time.Time
deadline time.Time
maxDeadline time.Time
// Set to nil for no change.
newDeadline *time.Time
newMaxDeadline time.Time
noQuietHours bool
autostopReq *agplschedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement
name: "SkippedWorkspaceMaxDeadlineTooSoon",
now: buildTime,
deadline: buildTime,
maxDeadline: buildTime.Add(1 * time.Hour),
// Unchanged since the max deadline is too soon.
newDeadline: nil,
newMaxDeadline: buildTime.Add(1 * time.Hour),
name: "NewWorkspaceMaxDeadlineBeforeNow",
// After the new max deadline...
now: nextQuietHours.Add(6 * time.Hour),
deadline: buildTime,
// Far into the future...
maxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(24 * time.Hour),
newDeadline: nil,
// We will use now() + 2 hours if the newly calculated max deadline
// from the workspace build time is before now.
newMaxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(8 * time.Hour),
name: "NewWorkspaceMaxDeadlineSoon",
// Right before the new max deadline...
now: nextQuietHours.Add(-1 * time.Hour),
deadline: buildTime,
// Far into the future...
maxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(24 * time.Hour),
newDeadline: nil,
// We will use now() + 2 hours if the newly calculated max deadline
// from the workspace build time is within the next 2 hours.
newMaxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(1 * time.Hour),
name: "NewWorkspaceMaxDeadlineFuture",
// Well before the new max deadline...
now: nextQuietHours.Add(-6 * time.Hour),
deadline: buildTime,
// Far into the future...
maxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(24 * time.Hour),
newDeadline: nil,
newMaxDeadline: nextQuietHours,
name: "DeadlineAfterNewWorkspaceMaxDeadline",
// Well before the new max deadline...
now: nextQuietHours.Add(-6 * time.Hour),
// Far into the future...
deadline: nextQuietHours.Add(24 * time.Hour),
maxDeadline: nextQuietHours.Add(24 * time.Hour),
// The deadline should match since it is after the new max deadline.
newDeadline: ptr.Ref(nextQuietHours),
newMaxDeadline: nextQuietHours,
// There was a bug if a user has no quiet hours set, and autostop
// req is not turned on, then the max deadline is set to `time.Time{}`.
// This zero value was "in the past", so the workspace deadline would
// be set to "now" + 2 hours.
// This is a mistake because the max deadline being zero means
// there is no max deadline.
name: "MaxDeadlineShouldBeUnset",
now: buildTime,
deadline: buildTime.Add(time.Hour * 8),
maxDeadline: time.Time{}, // No max set
// Should be unchanged
newDeadline: ptr.Ref(buildTime.Add(time.Hour * 8)),
newMaxDeadline: time.Time{},
noQuietHours: true,
autostopReq: &agplschedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement{
DaysOfWeek: 0,
Weeks: 0,
// A bug existed where MaxDeadline could be set, but deadline was
// `time.Time{}`. This is a logical inconsistency because the "max"
// deadline was ignored.
name: "NoDeadline",
now: buildTime,
deadline: time.Time{},
maxDeadline: time.Time{}, // No max set
// Should be unchanged
newDeadline: ptr.Ref(time.Time{}),
newMaxDeadline: time.Time{},
noQuietHours: true,
autostopReq: &agplschedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement{
DaysOfWeek: 0,
Weeks: 0,
// Similar to 'NoDeadline' test. This has a MaxDeadline set, so
// the deadline of the workspace should now be set.
name: "WorkspaceDeadlineNowSet",
now: nextQuietHours.Add(-6 * time.Hour),
// Start with unset times
deadline: time.Time{},
maxDeadline: time.Time{},
newDeadline: ptr.Ref(nextQuietHours),
newMaxDeadline: nextQuietHours,
for _, c := range cases {
c := c
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
user := quietUser
if c.noQuietHours {
user = noQuietUser
t.Log("buildTime", buildTime)
t.Log("nextQuietHours", nextQuietHours)
t.Log("deadline", c.deadline)
t.Log("maxDeadline", c.maxDeadline)
t.Log("newDeadline", c.newDeadline)
t.Log("newMaxDeadline", c.newMaxDeadline)
var (
template = dbgen.Template(t, db, database.Template{
OrganizationID: organizationID,
ActiveVersionID: templateVersion.ID,
CreatedBy: user.ID,
ws = dbgen.Workspace(t, db, database.Workspace{
OrganizationID: organizationID,
OwnerID: user.ID,
TemplateID: template.ID,
job = dbgen.ProvisionerJob(t, db, nil, database.ProvisionerJob{
OrganizationID: organizationID,
FileID: file.ID,
InitiatorID: user.ID,
Provisioner: database.ProvisionerTypeEcho,
Tags: database.StringMap{ "yeah",
wsBuild = dbgen.WorkspaceBuild(t, db, database.WorkspaceBuild{
WorkspaceID: ws.ID,
BuildNumber: 1,
JobID: job.ID,
InitiatorID: user.ID,
TemplateVersionID: templateVersion.ID,
ProvisionerState: []byte(must(cryptorand.String(64))),
// Assert test invariant: workspace build state must not be empty
require.NotEmpty(t, wsBuild.ProvisionerState, "provisioner state must not be empty")
acquiredJob, err := db.AcquireProvisionerJob(ctx, database.AcquireProvisionerJobParams{
OrganizationID: job.OrganizationID,
StartedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: buildTime,
Valid: true,
WorkerID: uuid.NullUUID{
UUID: uuid.New(),
Valid: true,
Types: []database.ProvisionerType{database.ProvisionerTypeEcho},
Tags: json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf(`{%q: "yeah"}`,,
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job.ID, acquiredJob.ID)
err = db.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByID(ctx, database.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByIDParams{
ID: job.ID,
CompletedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: buildTime,
Valid: true,
UpdatedAt: buildTime,
require.NoError(t, err)
err = db.UpdateWorkspaceBuildDeadlineByID(ctx, database.UpdateWorkspaceBuildDeadlineByIDParams{
ID: wsBuild.ID,
UpdatedAt: buildTime,
Deadline: c.deadline,
MaxDeadline: c.maxDeadline,
require.NoError(t, err)
wsBuild, err = db.GetWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, wsBuild.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
userQuietHoursStore, err := schedule.NewEnterpriseUserQuietHoursScheduleStore(userQuietHoursSchedule, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
userQuietHoursStorePtr := &atomic.Pointer[agplschedule.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore]{}
// Set the template policy.
templateScheduleStore := schedule.NewEnterpriseTemplateScheduleStore(userQuietHoursStorePtr)
templateScheduleStore.TimeNowFn = func() time.Time {
autostopReq := agplschedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement{
// Every day
DaysOfWeek: 0b01111111,
Weeks: 0,
if c.autostopReq != nil {
autostopReq = *c.autostopReq
_, err = templateScheduleStore.Set(ctx, db, template, agplschedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{
UserAutostartEnabled: false,
UserAutostopEnabled: false,
DefaultTTL: 0,
AutostopRequirement: autostopReq,
FailureTTL: 0,
TimeTilDormant: 0,
TimeTilDormantAutoDelete: 0,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check that the workspace build has the expected deadlines.
newBuild, err := db.GetWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, wsBuild.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
if c.newDeadline == nil {
c.newDeadline = &wsBuild.Deadline
require.WithinDuration(t, *c.newDeadline, newBuild.Deadline, time.Second)
require.WithinDuration(t, c.newMaxDeadline, newBuild.MaxDeadline, time.Second)
// Check that the new build has the same state as before.
require.Equal(t, wsBuild.ProvisionerState, newBuild.ProvisionerState, "provisioner state mismatch")
func TestTemplateUpdateBuildDeadlinesSkip(t *testing.T) {
db, _ := dbtestutil.NewDB(t)
var (
user = dbgen.User(t, db, database.User{})
file = dbgen.File(t, db, database.File{
CreatedBy: user.ID,
templateJob = dbgen.ProvisionerJob(t, db, nil, database.ProvisionerJob{
FileID: file.ID,
InitiatorID: user.ID,
Tags: database.StringMap{
"foo": "bar",
templateVersion = dbgen.TemplateVersion(t, db, database.TemplateVersion{
CreatedBy: user.ID,
JobID: templateJob.ID,
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
template = dbgen.Template(t, db, database.Template{
ActiveVersionID: templateVersion.ID,
CreatedBy: user.ID,
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
otherTemplate = dbgen.Template(t, db, database.Template{
ActiveVersionID: templateVersion.ID,
CreatedBy: user.ID,
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
// Create a workspace that will be shared by two builds.
ws := dbgen.Workspace(t, db, database.Workspace{
OwnerID: user.ID,
TemplateID: template.ID,
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
const userQuietHoursSchedule = "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 0 * * *" // midnight UTC
ctx := testutil.Context(t, testutil.WaitLong)
user, err := db.UpdateUserQuietHoursSchedule(ctx, database.UpdateUserQuietHoursScheduleParams{
ID: user.ID,
QuietHoursSchedule: userQuietHoursSchedule,
require.NoError(t, err)
realNow := time.Now().UTC()
nowY, nowM, nowD := realNow.Date()
buildTime := time.Date(nowY, nowM, nowD, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // noon today UTC
now := time.Date(nowY, nowM, nowD, 18, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // 6pm today UTC
nextQuietHours := time.Date(nowY, nowM, nowD+1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // midnight tomorrow UTC
// A date very far in the future which would definitely be updated.
originalMaxDeadline := time.Date(nowY+1, nowM, nowD, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
_ = otherTemplate
builds := []struct {
name string
templateID uuid.UUID
// Nil workspaceID means create a new workspace.
workspaceID uuid.UUID
buildNumber int32
buildStarted bool
buildCompleted bool
buildError bool
shouldBeUpdated bool
// Set below:
wsBuild database.WorkspaceBuild
name: "DifferentTemplate",
templateID: otherTemplate.ID,
workspaceID: uuid.Nil,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: true,
buildError: false,
shouldBeUpdated: false,
name: "NonStartedBuild",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: uuid.Nil,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: false,
buildCompleted: false,
buildError: false,
shouldBeUpdated: false,
name: "InProgressBuild",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: uuid.Nil,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: false,
buildError: false,
shouldBeUpdated: false,
name: "FailedBuild",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: uuid.Nil,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: true,
buildError: true,
shouldBeUpdated: false,
name: "NonLatestBuild",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: ws.ID,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: true,
buildError: false,
// This build was successful but is not the latest build for this
// workspace, see the next build.
shouldBeUpdated: false,
name: "LatestBuild",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: ws.ID,
buildNumber: 2,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: true,
buildError: false,
shouldBeUpdated: true,
name: "LatestBuildOtherWorkspace",
templateID: template.ID,
workspaceID: uuid.Nil,
buildNumber: 1,
buildStarted: true,
buildCompleted: true,
buildError: false,
shouldBeUpdated: true,
for i, b := range builds {
wsID := b.workspaceID
if wsID == uuid.Nil {
ws := dbgen.Workspace(t, db, database.Workspace{
OwnerID: user.ID,
TemplateID: b.templateID,
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
wsID = ws.ID
job := dbgen.ProvisionerJob(t, db, nil, database.ProvisionerJob{
FileID: file.ID,
InitiatorID: user.ID,
Provisioner: database.ProvisionerTypeEcho,
Tags: database.StringMap{
wsID.String(): "yeah",
OrganizationID: templateJob.OrganizationID,
wsBuild := dbgen.WorkspaceBuild(t, db, database.WorkspaceBuild{
WorkspaceID: wsID,
BuildNumber: b.buildNumber,
JobID: job.ID,
InitiatorID: user.ID,
TemplateVersionID: templateVersion.ID,
ProvisionerState: []byte(must(cryptorand.String(64))),
// Assert test invariant: workspace build state must not be empty
require.NotEmpty(t, wsBuild.ProvisionerState, "provisioner state must not be empty")
err := db.UpdateWorkspaceBuildDeadlineByID(ctx, database.UpdateWorkspaceBuildDeadlineByIDParams{
ID: wsBuild.ID,
UpdatedAt: buildTime,
Deadline: originalMaxDeadline,
MaxDeadline: originalMaxDeadline,
require.NoError(t, err)
wsBuild, err = db.GetWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, wsBuild.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Assert test invariant: workspace build state must not be empty
require.NotEmpty(t, wsBuild.ProvisionerState, "provisioner state must not be empty")
builds[i].wsBuild = wsBuild
if !b.buildStarted {
acquiredJob, err := db.AcquireProvisionerJob(ctx, database.AcquireProvisionerJobParams{
OrganizationID: job.OrganizationID,
StartedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: buildTime,
Valid: true,
WorkerID: uuid.NullUUID{
UUID: uuid.New(),
Valid: true,
Types: []database.ProvisionerType{database.ProvisionerTypeEcho},
Tags: json.RawMessage(fmt.Sprintf(`{%q: "yeah"}`, wsID)),
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, job.ID, acquiredJob.ID)
if !b.buildCompleted {
buildError := ""
if b.buildError {
buildError = "error"
err = db.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByID(ctx, database.UpdateProvisionerJobWithCompleteByIDParams{
ID: job.ID,
CompletedAt: sql.NullTime{
Time: buildTime,
Valid: true,
Error: sql.NullString{
String: buildError,
Valid: b.buildError,
UpdatedAt: buildTime,
require.NoError(t, err)
userQuietHoursStore, err := schedule.NewEnterpriseUserQuietHoursScheduleStore(userQuietHoursSchedule, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
userQuietHoursStorePtr := &atomic.Pointer[agplschedule.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore]{}
// Set the template policy.
templateScheduleStore := schedule.NewEnterpriseTemplateScheduleStore(userQuietHoursStorePtr)
templateScheduleStore.TimeNowFn = func() time.Time {
return now
_, err = templateScheduleStore.Set(ctx, db, template, agplschedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{
UserAutostartEnabled: false,
UserAutostopEnabled: false,
DefaultTTL: 0,
AutostopRequirement: agplschedule.TemplateAutostopRequirement{
// Every day
DaysOfWeek: 0b01111111,
Weeks: 0,
FailureTTL: 0,
TimeTilDormant: 0,
TimeTilDormantAutoDelete: 0,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Check each build.
for i, b := range builds {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("build %d: %s", i,
newBuild, err := db.GetWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, b.wsBuild.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
if b.shouldBeUpdated {
assert.WithinDuration(t, nextQuietHours, newBuild.Deadline, time.Second, msg)
assert.WithinDuration(t, nextQuietHours, newBuild.MaxDeadline, time.Second, msg)
} else {
assert.WithinDuration(t, originalMaxDeadline, newBuild.Deadline, time.Second, msg)
assert.WithinDuration(t, originalMaxDeadline, newBuild.MaxDeadline, time.Second, msg)
assert.Equal(t, builds[i].wsBuild.ProvisionerState, newBuild.ProvisionerState, "provisioner state mismatch")
func must[V any](v V, err error) V {
if err != nil {
return v