
331 lines
9.4 KiB

package cli
import (
var (
caret = cliui.Styles.Prompt.String()
// Applied as annotations to workspace commands
// so they display in a separated "help" section.
workspaceCommand = map[string]string{
"workspaces": " ",
const (
varURL = "url"
varToken = "token"
varAgentToken = "agent-token"
varAgentURL = "agent-url"
varGlobalConfig = "global-config"
varNoOpen = "no-open"
varForceTty = "force-tty"
notLoggedInMessage = "You are not logged in. Try logging in using 'coder login <url>'."
func init() {
// Customizes the color of headings to make subcommands more visually
// appealing.
header := cliui.Styles.Placeholder
cobra.AddTemplateFunc("usageHeader", func(s string) string {
return header.Render(s)
func Root() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "coder",
SilenceErrors: true,
SilenceUsage: true,
Long: `Coder — A tool for provisioning self-hosted development environments.
Example: ` Start a Coder server.
` + cliui.Styles.Code.Render("$ coder server") + `
Get started by creating a template from an example.
` + cliui.Styles.Code.Render("$ coder templates init"),
cmd.PersistentFlags().String(varURL, "", "Specify the URL to your deployment.")
cmd.PersistentFlags().String(varToken, "", "Specify an authentication token.")
cliflag.String(cmd.PersistentFlags(), varAgentToken, "", "CODER_AGENT_TOKEN", "", "Specify an agent authentication token.")
_ = cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(varAgentToken)
cliflag.String(cmd.PersistentFlags(), varAgentURL, "", "CODER_AGENT_URL", "", "Specify the URL for an agent to access your deployment.")
_ = cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(varAgentURL)
cliflag.String(cmd.PersistentFlags(), varGlobalConfig, "", "CODER_CONFIG_DIR", configdir.LocalConfig("coderv2"), "Specify the path to the global `coder` config directory.")
cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(varForceTty, false, "Force the `coder` command to run as if connected to a TTY.")
_ = cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(varForceTty)
cmd.PersistentFlags().Bool(varNoOpen, false, "Block automatically opening URLs in the browser.")
_ = cmd.PersistentFlags().MarkHidden(varNoOpen)
return cmd
// versionCmd prints the coder version
func versionCmd() *cobra.Command {
return &cobra.Command{
Use: "version",
Short: "Show coder version",
Example: "coder version",
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var str strings.Builder
_, _ = str.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Coder %s", buildinfo.Version()))
buildTime, valid := buildinfo.Time()
if valid {
_, _ = str.WriteString(" " + buildTime.Format(time.UnixDate))
_, _ = str.WriteString("\r\n" + buildinfo.ExternalURL() + "\r\n")
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(cmd.OutOrStdout(), str.String())
return nil
// createClient returns a new client from the command context.
// It reads from global configuration files if flags are not set.
func createClient(cmd *cobra.Command) (*codersdk.Client, error) {
root := createConfig(cmd)
rawURL, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(varURL)
if err != nil || rawURL == "" {
rawURL, err = root.URL().Read()
if err != nil {
// If the configuration files are absent, the user is logged out
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, xerrors.New(notLoggedInMessage)
return nil, err
serverURL, err := url.Parse(strings.TrimSpace(rawURL))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
token, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(varToken)
if err != nil || token == "" {
token, err = root.Session().Read()
if err != nil {
// If the configuration files are absent, the user is logged out
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, xerrors.New(notLoggedInMessage)
return nil, err
client := codersdk.New(serverURL)
client.SessionToken = strings.TrimSpace(token)
return client, nil
// createAgentClient returns a new client from the command context.
// It works just like createClient, but uses the agent token and URL instead.
func createAgentClient(cmd *cobra.Command) (*codersdk.Client, error) {
rawURL, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(varAgentURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
serverURL, err := url.Parse(rawURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
token, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(varAgentToken)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client := codersdk.New(serverURL)
client.SessionToken = token
return client, nil
// currentOrganization returns the currently active organization for the authenticated user.
func currentOrganization(cmd *cobra.Command, client *codersdk.Client) (codersdk.Organization, error) {
orgs, err := client.OrganizationsByUser(cmd.Context(), codersdk.Me)
if err != nil {
return codersdk.Organization{}, nil
// For now, we won't use the config to set this.
// Eventually, we will support changing using "coder switch <org>"
return orgs[0], nil
// namedWorkspace fetches and returns a workspace by an identifier, which may be either
// a bare name (for a workspace owned by the current user) or a "user/workspace" combination,
// where user is either a username or UUID.
func namedWorkspace(cmd *cobra.Command, client *codersdk.Client, identifier string) (codersdk.Workspace, error) {
parts := strings.Split(identifier, "/")
var owner, name string
switch len(parts) {
case 1:
owner = codersdk.Me
name = parts[0]
case 2:
owner = parts[0]
name = parts[1]
return codersdk.Workspace{}, xerrors.Errorf("invalid workspace name: %q", identifier)
return client.WorkspaceByOwnerAndName(cmd.Context(), owner, name, codersdk.WorkspaceOptions{})
// createConfig consumes the global configuration flag to produce a config root.
func createConfig(cmd *cobra.Command) config.Root {
globalRoot, err := cmd.Flags().GetString(varGlobalConfig)
if err != nil {
return config.Root(globalRoot)
// isTTY returns whether the passed reader is a TTY or not.
// This accepts a reader to work with Cobra's "InOrStdin"
// function for simple testing.
func isTTY(cmd *cobra.Command) bool {
// If the `--force-tty` command is available, and set,
// assume we're in a tty. This is primarily for cases on Windows
// where we may not be able to reliably detect this automatically (ie, tests)
forceTty, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool(varForceTty)
if forceTty && err == nil {
return true
file, ok := cmd.InOrStdin().(*os.File)
if !ok {
return false
return isatty.IsTerminal(file.Fd())
// isTTYOut returns whether the passed reader is a TTY or not.
// This accepts a reader to work with Cobra's "OutOrStdout"
// function for simple testing.
func isTTYOut(cmd *cobra.Command) bool {
// If the `--force-tty` command is available, and set,
// assume we're in a tty. This is primarily for cases on Windows
// where we may not be able to reliably detect this automatically (ie, tests)
forceTty, err := cmd.Flags().GetBool(varForceTty)
if forceTty && err == nil {
return true
file, ok := cmd.OutOrStdout().(*os.File)
if !ok {
return false
return isatty.IsTerminal(file.Fd())
func usageTemplate() string {
// usageHeader is defined in init().
return `{{usageHeader "Usage:"}}
{{- if .Runnable}}
{{- if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
{{.CommandPath}} [command]
{{- if gt (len .Aliases) 0}}
{{usageHeader "Aliases:"}}
{{- if .HasExample}}
{{usageHeader "Get Started:"}}
{{- if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
{{usageHeader "Commands:"}}
{{- range .Commands}}
{{- if (or (and .IsAvailableCommand (eq (len .Annotations) 0)) (eq .Name "help"))}}
{{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if and (not .HasParent) .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
{{usageHeader "Workspace Commands:"}}
{{- range .Commands}}
{{- if (and .IsAvailableCommand (ne (index .Annotations "workspaces") ""))}}
{{rpad .Name .NamePadding }} {{.Short}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .HasAvailableLocalFlags}}
{{usageHeader "Flags:"}}
{{.LocalFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}
{{- if .HasAvailableInheritedFlags}}
{{usageHeader "Global Flags:"}}
{{.InheritedFlags.FlagUsages | trimTrailingWhitespaces}}
{{- if .HasHelpSubCommands}}
{{usageHeader "Additional help topics:"}}
{{- range .Commands}}
{{- if .IsAdditionalHelpTopicCommand}}
{{rpad .CommandPath .CommandPathPadding}} {{.Short}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{- if .HasAvailableSubCommands}}
Use "{{.CommandPath}} [command] --help" for more information about a command.
// FormatCobraError colorizes and adds "--help" docs to cobra commands.
func FormatCobraError(err error, cmd *cobra.Command) string {
helpErrMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Run '%s --help' for usage.", cmd.CommandPath())
return cliui.Styles.Error.Render(err.Error() + "\n" + helpErrMsg)