
48 lines
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import { expect, test } from "@playwright/test";
import { hasFirstUser } from "api/api";
import { Language } from "pages/CreateUserPage/CreateUserForm";
import { setupApiCalls } from "./api";
import * as constants from "./constants";
import { expectUrl } from "./expectUrl";
import { storageState } from "./playwright.config";
test("setup deployment", async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto("/", { waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" });
await setupApiCalls(page);
const exists = await hasFirstUser();
// First user already exists, abort early. All tests execute this as a dependency,
// if you run multiple tests in the UI, this will fail unless we check this.
if (exists) {
// Setup first user
await page.getByLabel(Language.usernameLabel).fill(constants.username);
await page.getByLabel(Language.emailLabel).fill(;
await page.getByLabel(Language.passwordLabel).fill(constants.password);
await page.getByTestId("create").click();
await expectUrl(page).toHavePathName("/workspaces");
await page.context().storageState({ path: storageState });
await page.getByTestId("button-select-template").isVisible();
// Setup license
if (constants.requireEnterpriseTests || constants.enterpriseLicense) {
// Make sure that we have something that looks like a real license
expect(constants.enterpriseLicense.length).toBeGreaterThan(92); // the signature alone should be this long
expect(constants.enterpriseLicense.split(".").length).toBe(3); // otherwise it's invalid
await page.goto("/deployment/licenses", { waitUntil: "domcontentloaded" });
await page.getByText("Add a license").click();
await page.getByRole("textbox").fill(constants.enterpriseLicense);
await page.getByText("Upload License").click();
await expect(
page.getByText("You have successfully added a license"),