
300 lines
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package clibase
import (
var (
_ yaml.Marshaler = new(OptionSet)
_ yaml.Unmarshaler = new(OptionSet)
// deepMapNode returns the mapping node at the given path,
// creating it if it doesn't exist.
func deepMapNode(n *yaml.Node, path []string, headComment string) *yaml.Node {
if len(path) == 0 {
return n
// Name is every two nodes.
for i := 0; i < len(n.Content)-1; i += 2 {
if n.Content[i].Value == path[0] {
// Found matching name, recurse.
return deepMapNode(n.Content[i+1], path[1:], headComment)
// Not found, create it.
nameNode := yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.ScalarNode,
Value: path[0],
HeadComment: headComment,
valueNode := yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.MappingNode,
n.Content = append(n.Content, &nameNode)
n.Content = append(n.Content, &valueNode)
return deepMapNode(&valueNode, path[1:], headComment)
// MarshalYAML converts the option set to a YAML node, that can be
// converted into bytes via yaml.Marshal.
// The node is returned to enable post-processing higher up in
// the stack.
// It is isomorphic with FromYAML.
func (optSet *OptionSet) MarshalYAML() (any, error) {
root := yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.MappingNode,
for _, opt := range *optSet {
if opt.YAML == "" {
defValue := opt.Default
if defValue == "" {
defValue = "<unset>"
comment := wordwrap.WrapString(
fmt.Sprintf("%s\n(default: %s, type: %s)", opt.Description, defValue, opt.Value.Type()),
nameNode := yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.ScalarNode,
Value: opt.YAML,
HeadComment: comment,
_, isValidator := opt.Value.(interface{ Underlying() pflag.Value })
var valueNode yaml.Node
if opt.Value == nil {
valueNode = yaml.Node{
Kind: yaml.ScalarNode,
Value: "null",
} else if m, ok := opt.Value.(yaml.Marshaler); ok && !isValidator {
// Validators do a wrap, and should be handled by the else statement.
v, err := m.MarshalYAML()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"marshal %q: %w", opt.Name, err,
valueNode, ok = v.(yaml.Node)
if !ok {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"marshal %q: unexpected underlying type %T",
opt.Name, v,
} else {
// The all-other types case.
// A bit of a hack, we marshal and then unmarshal to get
// the underlying node.
byt, err := yaml.Marshal(opt.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"marshal %q: %w", opt.Name, err,
var docNode yaml.Node
err = yaml.Unmarshal(byt, &docNode)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"unmarshal %q: %w", opt.Name, err,
if len(docNode.Content) != 1 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"unmarshal %q: expected one node, got %d",
opt.Name, len(docNode.Content),
valueNode = *docNode.Content[0]
var group []string
for _, g := range opt.Group.Ancestry() {
if g.YAML == "" {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf(
"group yaml name is empty for %q, groups: %+v",
group = append(group, g.YAML)
var groupDesc string
if opt.Group != nil {
groupDesc = wordwrap.WrapString(opt.Group.Description, 80)
parentValueNode := deepMapNode(
&root, group,
parentValueNode.Content = append(
return &root, nil
// mapYAMLNodes converts parent into a map with keys of form "group.subgroup.option"
// and values as the corresponding YAML nodes.
func mapYAMLNodes(parent *yaml.Node) (map[string]*yaml.Node, error) {
if parent.Kind != yaml.MappingNode {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("expected mapping node, got type %v", parent.Kind)
if len(parent.Content)%2 != 0 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("expected an even number of k/v pairs, got %d", len(parent.Content))
var (
key string
m = make(map[string]*yaml.Node, len(parent.Content)/2)
merr error
for i, child := range parent.Content {
if i%2 == 0 {
if child.Kind != yaml.ScalarNode {
// We immediately because the rest of the code is bound to fail
// if we don't know to expect a key or a value.
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("expected scalar node for key, got type %v", child.Kind)
key = child.Value
// We don't know if this is a grouped simple option or complex option,
// so we store both "key" and "group.key". Since we're storing pointers,
// the additional memory is of little concern.
m[key] = child
if child.Kind != yaml.MappingNode {
sub, err := mapYAMLNodes(child)
if err != nil {
merr = errors.Join(merr, xerrors.Errorf("mapping node %q: %w", key, err))
for k, v := range sub {
m[key+"."+k] = v
return m, nil
func (o *Option) setFromYAMLNode(n *yaml.Node) error {
o.ValueSource = ValueSourceYAML
if um, ok := o.Value.(yaml.Unmarshaler); ok {
return um.UnmarshalYAML(n)
switch n.Kind {
case yaml.ScalarNode:
return o.Value.Set(n.Value)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
// We treat empty values as nil for consistency with other option
// mechanisms.
if len(n.Content) == 0 {
o.Value = nil
return nil
return n.Decode(o.Value)
case yaml.MappingNode:
return xerrors.Errorf("mapping nodes must implement yaml.Unmarshaler")
return xerrors.Errorf("unexpected node kind %v", n.Kind)
// UnmarshalYAML converts the given YAML node into the option set.
// It is isomorphic with ToYAML.
func (optSet *OptionSet) UnmarshalYAML(rootNode *yaml.Node) error {
// The rootNode will be a DocumentNode if it's read from a file. We do
// not support multiple documents in a single file.
if rootNode.Kind == yaml.DocumentNode {
if len(rootNode.Content) != 1 {
return xerrors.Errorf("expected one node in document, got %d", len(rootNode.Content))
rootNode = rootNode.Content[0]
yamlNodes, err := mapYAMLNodes(rootNode)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("mapping nodes: %w", err)
matchedNodes := make(map[string]*yaml.Node, len(yamlNodes))
var merr error
for i := range *optSet {
opt := &(*optSet)[i]
if opt.YAML == "" {
var group []string
for _, g := range opt.Group.Ancestry() {
if g.YAML == "" {
return xerrors.Errorf(
"group yaml name is empty for %q, groups: %+v",
group = append(group, g.YAML)
delete(yamlNodes, strings.Join(group, "."))
key := strings.Join(append(group, opt.YAML), ".")
node, ok := yamlNodes[key]
if !ok {
matchedNodes[key] = node
if opt.ValueSource != ValueSourceNone {
if err := opt.setFromYAMLNode(node); err != nil {
merr = errors.Join(merr, xerrors.Errorf("setting %q: %w", opt.YAML, err))
// Remove all matched nodes and their descendants from yamlNodes so we
// can accurately report unknown options.
for k := range yamlNodes {
var key string
for _, part := range strings.Split(k, ".") {
if key != "" {
key += "."
key += part
if _, ok := matchedNodes[key]; ok {
delete(yamlNodes, k)
for k := range yamlNodes {
merr = errors.Join(merr, xerrors.Errorf("unknown option %q", k))
return merr