
337 lines
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import Link from "@mui/material/Link";
import cronstrue from "cronstrue";
import cronParser from "cron-parser";
import dayjs, { type Dayjs } from "dayjs";
import duration from "dayjs/plugin/duration";
import relativeTime from "dayjs/plugin/relativeTime";
import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone";
import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc";
import { type ReactNode } from "react";
import { Link as RouterLink } from "react-router-dom";
import type { Template, Workspace } from "api/typesGenerated";
import { HelpTooltipTitle } from "components/HelpTooltip/HelpTooltip";
import type { WorkspaceActivityStatus } from "modules/workspaces/activity";
import { isWorkspaceOn } from "./workspace";
// REMARK: some plugins depend on utc, so it's listed first. Otherwise they're
// sorted alphabetically.
* @fileoverview Client-side counterpart of the coderd/autostart/schedule Go
* package. This package is a variation on crontab that uses minute, hour and
* day of week.
* DEFAULT_TIMEZONE is the default timezone that crontab assumes unless one is
* specified.
* stripTimezone strips a leading timezone from a schedule string
export const stripTimezone = (raw: string): string => {
return raw.replace(/CRON_TZ=\S*\s/, "");
* extractTimezone returns a leading timezone from a schedule string if one is
* specified; otherwise the specified defaultTZ
export const extractTimezone = (
raw: string,
): string => {
const matches = raw.match(/CRON_TZ=\S*\s/g);
if (matches && matches.length > 0) {
return matches[0].replace(/CRON_TZ=/, "").trim();
} else {
return defaultTZ;
/** Language used in the schedule components */
export const Language = {
manual: "Manual",
workspaceShuttingDownLabel: "Workspace is shutting down",
afterStart: "after start",
autostartLabel: "Starts at",
autostopLabel: "Stops at",
export const autostartDisplay = (schedule: string | undefined): string => {
if (schedule) {
return (
.toString(stripTimezone(schedule), {
throwExceptionOnParseError: false,
// We don't want to keep the At because it is on the label
.replace("At", "")
} else {
return Language.manual;
export const isShuttingDown = (
workspace: Workspace,
deadline?: Dayjs,
): boolean => {
if (!deadline) {
if (!workspace.latest_build.deadline) {
return false;
deadline = dayjs(workspace.latest_build.deadline).utc();
const now = dayjs().utc();
return isWorkspaceOn(workspace) && now.isAfter(deadline);
export const autostopDisplay = (
workspace: Workspace,
activityStatus: WorkspaceActivityStatus,
template: Template,
): {
message: ReactNode;
tooltip?: ReactNode;
danger?: boolean;
} => {
const ttl = workspace.ttl_ms;
if (isWorkspaceOn(workspace) && workspace.latest_build.deadline) {
// Workspace is on --> derive from latest_build.deadline. Note that the
// user may modify their workspace object (ttl) while the workspace is
// running and depending on system semantics, the deadline may still
// represent the previously defined ttl. Thus, we always derive from the
// deadline as the source of truth.
const deadline = dayjs(workspace.latest_build.deadline).tz(,
const now = dayjs(workspace.latest_build.deadline);
if (activityStatus === "connected") {
const hasMaxDeadline = Boolean(workspace.latest_build.max_deadline);
const maxDeadline = dayjs(workspace.latest_build.max_deadline);
if (hasMaxDeadline && maxDeadline.isBefore(now.add(2, "hour"))) {
return {
message: `Required to stop soon`,
tooltip: (
<HelpTooltipTitle>Upcoming stop required</HelpTooltipTitle>
This workspace will be required to stop by{" "}
"MMMM D [at] h:mm A",
. You can restart your workspace before then to avoid
danger: true,
if (isShuttingDown(workspace, deadline)) {
return {
message: Language.workspaceShuttingDownLabel,
} else {
let title = (
<HelpTooltipTitle>Template Autostop requirement</HelpTooltipTitle>
let reason: ReactNode = ` because the ${template.display_name} template has an autostop requirement.`;
if (template.autostop_requirement && template.allow_user_autostop) {
title = <HelpTooltipTitle>Autostop schedule</HelpTooltipTitle>;
reason = (
{" "}
because this workspace has enabled autostop. You can disable
autostop from this workspace&apos;s{" "}
<Link component={RouterLink} to="settings/schedule">
schedule settings
return {
message: `Stop ${deadline.fromNow()}`,
tooltip: (
This workspace will be stopped on{" "}
{deadline.format("MMMM D [at] h:mm A")}
danger: isShutdownSoon(workspace),
} else if (!ttl || ttl < 1) {
// If the workspace is not on, and the ttl is 0 or undefined, then the
// workspace is set to manually shutdown.
return {
message: Language.manual,
} else {
// The workspace has a ttl set, but is either in an unknown state or is
// not running. Therefore, we derive from workspace.ttl.
const duration = dayjs.duration(ttl, "milliseconds");
return {
message: `Stop ${duration.humanize()} ${Language.afterStart}`,
const isShutdownSoon = (workspace: Workspace): boolean => {
const deadline = workspace.latest_build.deadline;
if (!deadline) {
return false;
const deadlineDate = new Date(deadline);
const now = new Date();
const diff = deadlineDate.getTime() - now.getTime();
const oneHour = 1000 * 60 * 60;
return diff < oneHour;
export const deadlineExtensionMin = dayjs.duration(30, "minutes");
export const deadlineExtensionMax = dayjs.duration(24, "hours");
* Depends on the time the workspace was last updated and a global constant.
* @param ws workspace
* @returns the latest datetime at which the workspace can be automatically shut down.
export function getMaxDeadline(ws: Workspace | undefined): dayjs.Dayjs {
// note: we count runtime from updated_at as started_at counts from the start of
// the workspace build process, which can take a while.
if (ws === undefined) {
throw Error("Cannot calculate max deadline because workspace is undefined");
const startedAt = dayjs(ws.latest_build.updated_at);
return startedAt.add(deadlineExtensionMax);
* Depends on the current time and a global constant.
* @returns the earliest datetime at which the workspace can be automatically shut down.
export function getMinDeadline(): dayjs.Dayjs {
return dayjs().add(deadlineExtensionMin);
export const getDeadline = (workspace: Workspace): dayjs.Dayjs =>
* Get number of hours you can add or subtract to the current deadline before hitting the max or min deadline.
* @param deadline
* @param workspace
* @returns number, in hours
export const getMaxDeadlineChange = (
deadline: dayjs.Dayjs,
extremeDeadline: dayjs.Dayjs,
): number => Math.abs(deadline.diff(extremeDeadline, "hours"));
export const validTime = (time: string): boolean => {
return /^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]$/.test(time);
export const timeToCron = (time: string, tz?: string) => {
if (!validTime(time)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid time: ${time}`);
const [HH, mm] = time.split(":");
let prefix = "";
if (tz) {
prefix = `CRON_TZ=${tz} `;
return `${prefix}${Number(mm)} ${Number(HH)} * * *`;
export const quietHoursDisplay = (
time: string,
tz: string,
now: Date | undefined,
): string => {
if (!validTime(time)) {
return "Invalid time";
// The cron-parser package doesn't accept a timezone in the cron string, but
// accepts it as an option.
const cron = timeToCron(time);
const parsed = cronParser.parseExpression(cron, {
currentDate: now,
iterator: false,
utc: false,
const today = dayjs(now).tz(tz);
const day = dayjs(;
let display = day.format("h:mmA");
if (day.isSame(today, "day")) {
display += " today";
} else if (day.isSame(today.add(1, "day"), "day")) {
display += " tomorrow";
} else {
// This case will rarely ever be hit, as we're dealing with only times and
// not dates, but it can be hit due to mismatched browser timezone to cron
// timezone or due to daylight savings changes.
display += ` on ${day.format("dddd, MMMM D")}`;
display += ` (${day.from(today)}) in ${tz}`;
return display;
export type TemplateAutostartRequirementDaysValue =
| "monday"
| "tuesday"
| "wednesday"
| "thursday"
| "friday"
| "saturday"
| "sunday";
export type TemplateAutostopRequirementDaysValue =
| "off"
| "daily"
| "saturday"
| "sunday";
export const calculateAutostopRequirementDaysValue = (
value: TemplateAutostopRequirementDaysValue,
): Template["autostop_requirement"]["days_of_week"] => {
switch (value) {
case "daily":
return [
case "saturday":
return ["saturday"];
case "sunday":
return ["sunday"];
return [];