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coder v0.0.0-devel
coder templates
Manage templates
Aliases: template
Templates are written in standard Terraform and describe the infrastructure
for workspaces
- Make changes to your template, and plan the changes:
$ coder templates plan my-template
- Create or push an update to the template. Your developers can update their
$ coder templates push my-template
archive Archive unused or failed template versions from a given
create DEPRECATED: Create a template from the current directory or as
specified by flag
delete Delete templates
edit Edit the metadata of a template by name.
init Get started with a templated template.
list List all the templates available for the organization
pull Download the active, latest, or specified version of a template
to a path.
push Create or update a template from the current directory or as
specified by flag
versions Manage different versions of the specified template
Run `coder --help` for a list of global options.