
710 lines
21 KiB

package rbac
import (
// subject is required because rego needs
type subject struct {
UserID string `json:"id"`
// For the unit test we want to pass in the roles directly, instead of just
// by name. This allows us to test custom roles that do not exist in the product,
// but test edge cases of the implementation.
Roles []Role `json:"roles"`
type fakeObject struct {
Owner uuid.UUID
OrgOwner uuid.UUID
Type string
Allowed bool
func (w fakeObject) RBACObject() Object {
return Object{
Owner: w.Owner.String(),
OrgID: w.OrgOwner.String(),
Type: w.Type,
func TestFilterError(t *testing.T) {
auth, err := NewAuthorizer()
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = Filter(context.Background(), auth, uuid.NewString(), []string{}, ActionRead, []Object{ResourceUser, ResourceWorkspace})
require.ErrorContains(t, err, "object types must be uniform")
// TestFilter ensures the filter acts the same as an individual authorize.
// It generates a random set of objects, then runs the Filter batch function
// against the singular ByRoleName function.
func TestFilter(t *testing.T) {
orgIDs := make([]uuid.UUID, 10)
userIDs := make([]uuid.UUID, len(orgIDs))
for i := range orgIDs {
orgIDs[i] = uuid.New()
userIDs[i] = uuid.New()
objects := make([]fakeObject, 0, len(userIDs)*len(orgIDs))
for i := range userIDs {
for j := range orgIDs {
objects = append(objects, fakeObject{
Owner: userIDs[i],
OrgOwner: orgIDs[j],
Type: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Allowed: false,
testCases := []struct {
Name string
SubjectID string
Roles []string
Action Action
ObjectType string
Name: "NoRoles",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{},
ObjectType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "Admin",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[0]), "auditor", RoleOwner(), RoleMember()},
ObjectType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "OrgAdmin",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[0]), RoleOrgAdmin(orgIDs[0]), RoleMember()},
ObjectType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "OrgMember",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[0]), RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[1]), RoleMember()},
ObjectType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "ManyRoles",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{
RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[0]), RoleOrgAdmin(orgIDs[0]),
RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[1]), RoleOrgAdmin(orgIDs[1]),
RoleOrgMember(orgIDs[2]), RoleOrgAdmin(orgIDs[2]),
ObjectType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "SiteMember",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{RoleMember()},
ObjectType: ResourceUser.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
Name: "ReadOrgs",
SubjectID: userIDs[0].String(),
Roles: []string{
ObjectType: ResourceOrganization.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
localObjects := make([]fakeObject, len(objects))
copy(localObjects, objects)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitShort)
defer cancel()
auth, err := NewAuthorizer()
require.NoError(t, err, "new auth")
// Run auth 1 by 1
var allowedCount int
for i, obj := range localObjects {
obj.Type = tc.ObjectType
err := auth.ByRoleName(ctx, tc.SubjectID, tc.Roles, ActionRead, obj.RBACObject())
obj.Allowed = err == nil
if err == nil {
localObjects[i] = obj
// Run by filter
list, err := Filter(ctx, auth, tc.SubjectID, tc.Roles, tc.Action, localObjects)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, allowedCount, len(list), "expected number of allowed")
for _, obj := range list {
require.True(t, obj.Allowed, "expected allowed")
// TestAuthorizeDomain test the very basic roles that are commonly used.
func TestAuthorizeDomain(t *testing.T) {
defOrg := uuid.New()
unuseID := uuid.New()
user := subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
testAuthorize(t, "Member", user, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other us
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{{
Name: "deny-all",
// List out deny permissions explicitly
Site: []Permission{
Negate: true,
ResourceType: WildcardSymbol,
Action: WildcardSymbol,
testAuthorize(t, "DeletedMember", user, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
testAuthorize(t, "OrgAdmin", user, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: false},
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
testAuthorize(t, "SiteAdmin", user, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), actions: allActions(), allow: true},
// In practice this is a token scope on a regular subject.
// So this unit test does not represent a practical role. It is just
// testing the capabilities of the RBAC system.
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
Name: "WorkspaceToken",
// This is at the site level to prevent the token from losing access if the user
// is kicked from the org
Site: []Permission{
Negate: false,
ResourceType: ResourceWorkspace.Type,
Action: ActionRead,
testAuthorize(t, "WorkspaceToken", user,
// Read Actions
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = []Action{ActionRead}
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), allow: true},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), allow: true},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
// Not read actions
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = []Action{ActionCreate, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete}
c.allow = false
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All()},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID)},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
// In practice this is a token scope on a regular subject
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
Name: "ReadOnlyOrgAndUser",
Site: []Permission{},
Org: map[string][]Permission{
defOrg.String(): {{
Negate: false,
ResourceType: "*",
Action: ActionRead,
User: []Permission{
Negate: false,
ResourceType: "*",
Action: ActionRead,
testAuthorize(t, "ReadOnly", user,
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = []Action{ActionRead}
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Read
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), allow: false},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), allow: false},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
// Pass non-read actions
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = []Action{ActionCreate, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete}
c.allow = false
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Read
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All()},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID)},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unuseID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
// TestAuthorizeLevels ensures level overrides are acting appropriately
func TestAuthorizeLevels(t *testing.T) {
defOrg := uuid.New()
unusedID := uuid.New()
user := subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
Name: "org-deny:" + defOrg.String(),
Org: map[string][]Permission{
defOrg.String(): {
Negate: true,
ResourceType: "*",
Action: "*",
Name: "user-deny-all",
// List out deny permissions explicitly
User: []Permission{
Negate: true,
ResourceType: WildcardSymbol,
Action: WildcardSymbol,
testAuthorize(t, "AdminAlwaysAllow", user,
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = allActions()
c.allow = true
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All()},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID).WithOwner(user.UserID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID)},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID).WithOwner("not-me")},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID)},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me")},
user = subject{
UserID: "me",
Roles: []Role{
Name: "site-noise",
Site: []Permission{
Negate: true,
ResourceType: "random",
Action: WildcardSymbol,
Name: "user-deny-all",
// List out deny permissions explicitly
User: []Permission{
Negate: true,
ResourceType: WildcardSymbol,
Action: WildcardSymbol,
testAuthorize(t, "OrgAllowAll", user,
cases(func(c authTestCase) authTestCase {
c.actions = allActions()
return c
}, []authTestCase{
// Org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.All(), allow: false},
// Other org + me
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID).WithOwner(user.UserID), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID), allow: false},
// Other org + other user
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(defOrg).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: true},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
// Other org + other use
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID).WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.InOrg(unusedID), allow: false},
{resource: ResourceWorkspace.WithOwner("not-me"), allow: false},
// cases applies a given function to all test cases. This makes generalities easier to create.
func cases(opt func(c authTestCase) authTestCase, cases []authTestCase) []authTestCase {
if opt == nil {
return cases
for i := range cases {
cases[i] = opt(cases[i])
return cases
type authTestCase struct {
resource Object
actions []Action
allow bool
func testAuthorize(t *testing.T, name string, subject subject, sets ...[]authTestCase) {
authorizer, err := NewAuthorizer()
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, cases := range sets {
for _, c := range cases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, a := range c.actions {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), testutil.WaitShort)
authError := authorizer.Authorize(ctx, subject.UserID, subject.Roles, a, c.resource)
// Logging only
if authError != nil {
var uerr *UnauthorizedError
xerrors.As(authError, &uerr)
d, _ := json.Marshal(uerr.Input())
t.Logf("input: %s", string(d))
t.Logf("internal error: %+v", uerr.Internal().Error())
t.Logf("output: %+v", uerr.Output())
} else {
d, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{
"subject": subject,
"object": c.resource,
"action": a,
if c.allow {
assert.NoError(t, authError, "expected no error for testcase action %s", a)
} else {
assert.Error(t, authError, "expected unauthorized")
partialAuthz, err := authorizer.Prepare(ctx, subject.UserID, subject.Roles, a, c.resource.Type)
require.NoError(t, err, "make prepared authorizer")
// Also check the rego policy can form a valid partial query result.
// This ensures we can convert the queries into SQL WHERE clauses in the future.
// If this function returns 'Support' sections, then we cannot convert the query into SQL.
if len(partialAuthz.partialQueries.Support) > 0 {
d, _ := json.Marshal(partialAuthz.input)
t.Logf("input: %s", string(d))
for _, q := range partialAuthz.partialQueries.Queries {
t.Logf("query: %+v", q.String())
for _, s := range partialAuthz.partialQueries.Support {
t.Logf("support: %+v", s.String())
require.Equal(t, 0, len(partialAuthz.partialQueries.Support), "expected 0 support rules")
partialErr := partialAuthz.Authorize(ctx, c.resource)
if authError != nil {
assert.Error(t, partialErr, "partial error blocked valid request (false negative)")
} else {
assert.NoError(t, partialErr, "partial allowed invalid request (false positive)")
// allActions is a helper function to return all the possible actions types.
func allActions() []Action {
return []Action{ActionCreate, ActionRead, ActionUpdate, ActionDelete}
func must[T any](value T, err error) T {
if err != nil {
return value