
616 lines
18 KiB

package peer
import (
var (
// ErrDisconnected occurs when the connection has disconnected.
// The connection will be attempting to reconnect at this point.
ErrDisconnected = xerrors.New("connection is disconnected")
// ErrFailed occurs when the connection has failed.
// The connection will not retry after this point.
ErrFailed = xerrors.New("connection has failed")
// ErrClosed occurs when the connection was closed. It wraps io.EOF
// to fulfill expected read errors from closed pipes.
ErrClosed = xerrors.Errorf("connection was closed: %w", io.EOF)
// The amount of random bytes sent in a ping.
pingDataLength = 64
// Client creates a new client connection.
func Client(servers []webrtc.ICEServer, opts *ConnOptions) (*Conn, error) {
return newWithClientOrServer(servers, true, opts)
// Server creates a new server connection.
func Server(servers []webrtc.ICEServer, opts *ConnOptions) (*Conn, error) {
return newWithClientOrServer(servers, false, opts)
// newWithClientOrServer constructs a new connection with the client option.
// nolint:revive
func newWithClientOrServer(servers []webrtc.ICEServer, client bool, opts *ConnOptions) (*Conn, error) {
if opts == nil {
opts = &ConnOptions{}
logger := logging.NewDefaultLoggerFactory()
logger.DefaultLogLevel = logging.LogLevelDisabled
opts.SettingEngine.LoggerFactory = logger
api := webrtc.NewAPI(webrtc.WithSettingEngine(opts.SettingEngine))
rtc, err := api.NewPeerConnection(webrtc.Configuration{
ICEServers: servers,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("create peer connection: %w", err)
conn := &Conn{
pingChannelID: 1,
pingEchoChannelID: 2,
rtc: rtc,
offerer: client,
closed: make(chan struct{}),
closedRTC: make(chan struct{}),
closedICE: make(chan struct{}),
dcOpenChannel: make(chan *webrtc.DataChannel, 8),
dcDisconnectChannel: make(chan struct{}),
dcFailedChannel: make(chan struct{}),
localCandidateChannel: make(chan webrtc.ICECandidateInit),
localSessionDescriptionChannel: make(chan webrtc.SessionDescription, 1),
remoteSessionDescriptionChannel: make(chan webrtc.SessionDescription, 1),
settingEngine: opts.SettingEngine,
if client {
// If we're the client, we want to flip the echo and
// ping channel IDs so pings don't accidentally hit each other.
conn.pingChannelID, conn.pingEchoChannelID = conn.pingEchoChannelID, conn.pingChannelID
err = conn.init()
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("init: %w", err)
return conn, nil
type ConnOptions struct {
Logger slog.Logger
// Enables customization on the underlying WebRTC connection.
SettingEngine webrtc.SettingEngine
// Conn represents a WebRTC peer connection.
// This struct wraps webrtc.PeerConnection to add bidirectional pings,
// concurrent-safe webrtc.DataChannel, and standardized errors for connection state.
type Conn struct {
rtc *webrtc.PeerConnection
// Determines whether this connection will send the offer or the answer.
offerer bool
closed chan struct{}
closedRTC chan struct{}
closedRTCMutex sync.Mutex
closedICE chan struct{}
closedICEMutex sync.Mutex
closeMutex sync.Mutex
closeError error
dcOpenChannel chan *webrtc.DataChannel
dcDisconnectChannel chan struct{}
dcDisconnectListeners atomic.Uint32
dcFailedChannel chan struct{}
dcFailedListeners atomic.Uint32
dcClosedWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
localCandidateChannel chan webrtc.ICECandidateInit
localSessionDescriptionChannel chan webrtc.SessionDescription
remoteSessionDescriptionChannel chan webrtc.SessionDescription
negotiateMutex sync.Mutex
hasNegotiated bool
loggerValue atomic.Value
settingEngine webrtc.SettingEngine
pingChannelID uint16
pingEchoChannelID uint16
pingEchoChan *Channel
pingEchoOnce sync.Once
pingEchoError error
pingMutex sync.Mutex
pingOnce sync.Once
pingChan *Channel
pingError error
func (c *Conn) logger() slog.Logger {
log, valid := c.loggerValue.Load().(slog.Logger)
if !valid {
return slog.Logger{}
return log
func (c *Conn) init() error {
// The negotiation needed callback can take a little bit to execute!
c.rtc.OnICEConnectionStateChange(func(iceConnectionState webrtc.ICEConnectionState) {
defer c.closedICEMutex.Unlock()
select {
case <-c.closedICE:
// Don't log more state changes if we've already closed.
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "ice connection state updated",
slog.F("state", iceConnectionState))
if iceConnectionState == webrtc.ICEConnectionStateClosed {
// pion/webrtc can update this state multiple times.
// A connection can never become un-closed, so we
// close the channel if it isn't already.
c.rtc.OnICEGatheringStateChange(func(iceGatherState webrtc.ICEGathererState) {
defer c.closedICEMutex.Unlock()
select {
case <-c.closedICE:
// Don't log more state changes if we've already closed.
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "ice gathering state updated",
slog.F("state", iceGatherState))
if iceGatherState == webrtc.ICEGathererStateClosed {
// pion/webrtc can update this state multiple times.
// A connection can never become un-closed, so we
// close the channel if it isn't already.
c.rtc.OnConnectionStateChange(func(peerConnectionState webrtc.PeerConnectionState) {
go func() {
defer c.closeMutex.Unlock()
if c.isClosed() {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "rtc connection updated",
slog.F("state", peerConnectionState))
switch peerConnectionState {
case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateDisconnected:
for i := 0; i < int(c.dcDisconnectListeners.Load()); i++ {
select {
case c.dcDisconnectChannel <- struct{}{}:
case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateFailed:
for i := 0; i < int(c.dcFailedListeners.Load()); i++ {
select {
case c.dcFailedChannel <- struct{}{}:
case webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed:
// pion/webrtc can update this state multiple times.
// A connection can never become un-closed, so we
// close the channel if it isn't already.
defer c.closedRTCMutex.Unlock()
select {
case <-c.closedRTC:
// These functions need to check if the conn is closed, because they can be
// called after being closed.
c.rtc.OnSignalingStateChange(func(signalState webrtc.SignalingState) {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "signaling state updated",
slog.F("state", signalState))
c.rtc.SCTP().Transport().OnStateChange(func(dtlsTransportState webrtc.DTLSTransportState) {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "dtls transport state updated",
slog.F("state", dtlsTransportState))
c.rtc.SCTP().Transport().ICETransport().OnSelectedCandidatePairChange(func(candidatePair *webrtc.ICECandidatePair) {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "selected candidate pair changed",
slog.F("local", candidatePair.Local), slog.F("remote", candidatePair.Remote))
c.rtc.OnICECandidate(func(iceCandidate *webrtc.ICECandidate) {
if iceCandidate == nil {
// Run this in a goroutine so we don't block pion/webrtc
// from continuing.
go func() {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "sending local candidate", slog.F("candidate", iceCandidate.ToJSON().Candidate))
select {
case <-c.closed:
case c.localCandidateChannel <- iceCandidate.ToJSON():
c.rtc.OnDataChannel(func(dc *webrtc.DataChannel) {
go func() {
select {
case <-c.closed:
case c.dcOpenChannel <- dc:
_, err := c.pingChannel()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = c.pingEchoChannel()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// negotiate is triggered when a connection is ready to be established.
// See trickle ICE for the expected exchange:
func (c *Conn) negotiate() {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "negotiating")
// ICE candidates cannot be added until SessionDescriptions have been
// exchanged between peers.
if c.hasNegotiated {
c.hasNegotiated = true
defer c.negotiateMutex.Unlock()
if c.offerer {
offer, err := c.rtc.CreateOffer(&webrtc.OfferOptions{})
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("create offer: %w", err))
// pion/webrtc will panic if Close is called while this
// function is being executed.
err = c.rtc.SetLocalDescription(offer)
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("set local description: %w", err))
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "sending offer", slog.F("offer", offer))
select {
case <-c.closed:
case c.localSessionDescriptionChannel <- offer:
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "sent offer")
var sessionDescription webrtc.SessionDescription
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "awaiting remote description...")
select {
case <-c.closed:
case sessionDescription = <-c.remoteSessionDescriptionChannel:
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "setting remote description")
err := c.rtc.SetRemoteDescription(sessionDescription)
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("set remote description (closed %v): %w", c.isClosed(), err))
if !c.offerer {
answer, err := c.rtc.CreateAnswer(&webrtc.AnswerOptions{})
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("create answer: %w", err))
// pion/webrtc will panic if Close is called while this
// function is being executed.
err = c.rtc.SetLocalDescription(answer)
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("set local description: %w", err))
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "sending answer", slog.F("answer", answer))
select {
case <-c.closed:
case c.localSessionDescriptionChannel <- answer:
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "sent answer")
// AddRemoteCandidate adds a remote candidate to the RTC connection.
func (c *Conn) AddRemoteCandidate(i webrtc.ICECandidateInit) {
if c.isClosed() {
// This must occur in a goroutine to allow the SessionDescriptions
// to be exchanged first.
go func() {
defer c.negotiateMutex.Unlock()
if c.isClosed() {
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "accepting candidate", slog.F("candidate", i.Candidate))
err := c.rtc.AddICECandidate(i)
if err != nil {
if c.rtc.ConnectionState() == webrtc.PeerConnectionStateClosed {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("accept candidate: %w", err))
// SetRemoteSessionDescription sets the remote description for the WebRTC connection.
func (c *Conn) SetRemoteSessionDescription(sessionDescription webrtc.SessionDescription) {
select {
case <-c.closed:
case c.remoteSessionDescriptionChannel <- sessionDescription:
// LocalSessionDescription returns a channel that emits a session description
// when one is required to be exchanged.
func (c *Conn) LocalSessionDescription() <-chan webrtc.SessionDescription {
return c.localSessionDescriptionChannel
// LocalCandidate returns a channel that emits when a local candidate
// needs to be exchanged with a remote connection.
func (c *Conn) LocalCandidate() <-chan webrtc.ICECandidateInit {
return c.localCandidateChannel
func (c *Conn) pingChannel() (*Channel, error) {
c.pingOnce.Do(func() {
c.pingChan, c.pingError = c.dialChannel(context.Background(), "ping", &ChannelOptions{
ID: c.pingChannelID,
Negotiated: true,
OpenOnDisconnect: true,
if c.pingError != nil {
return c.pingChan, c.pingError
func (c *Conn) pingEchoChannel() (*Channel, error) {
c.pingEchoOnce.Do(func() {
c.pingEchoChan, c.pingEchoError = c.dialChannel(context.Background(), "echo", &ChannelOptions{
ID: c.pingEchoChannelID,
Negotiated: true,
OpenOnDisconnect: true,
if c.pingEchoError != nil {
go func() {
for {
data := make([]byte, pingDataLength)
bytesRead, err := c.pingEchoChan.Read(data)
if err != nil {
if c.isClosed() {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("read ping echo channel: %w", err))
_, err = c.pingEchoChan.Write(data[:bytesRead])
if err != nil {
_ = c.CloseWithError(xerrors.Errorf("write ping echo channel: %w", err))
return c.pingEchoChan, c.pingEchoError
// SetConfiguration applies options to the WebRTC connection.
// Generally used for updating transport options, like ICE servers.
func (c *Conn) SetConfiguration(configuration webrtc.Configuration) error {
return c.rtc.SetConfiguration(configuration)
// Accept blocks waiting for a channel to be opened.
func (c *Conn) Accept(ctx context.Context) (*Channel, error) {
var dataChannel *webrtc.DataChannel
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
case <-c.closed:
return nil, c.closeError
case dataChannel = <-c.dcOpenChannel:
return newChannel(c, dataChannel, &ChannelOptions{}), nil
// CreateChannel creates a new DataChannel.
func (c *Conn) CreateChannel(ctx context.Context, label string, opts *ChannelOptions) (*Channel, error) {
if opts == nil {
opts = &ChannelOptions{}
if opts.ID == c.pingChannelID || opts.ID == c.pingEchoChannelID {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("datachannel id %d and %d are reserved for ping", c.pingChannelID, c.pingEchoChannelID)
return c.dialChannel(ctx, label, opts)
func (c *Conn) dialChannel(ctx context.Context, label string, opts *ChannelOptions) (*Channel, error) {
c.logger().Debug(ctx, "creating data channel", slog.F("label", label), slog.F("opts", opts))
var id *uint16
if opts.ID != 0 {
id = &opts.ID
ordered := true
if opts.Unordered {
ordered = false
if opts.OpenOnDisconnect && !opts.Negotiated {
return nil, xerrors.New("OpenOnDisconnect is only allowed for Negotiated channels")
if c.isClosed() {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("closed: %w", c.closeError)
dataChannel, err := c.rtc.CreateDataChannel(label, &webrtc.DataChannelInit{
ID: id,
Negotiated: &opts.Negotiated,
Ordered: &ordered,
Protocol: &opts.Protocol,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("create data channel: %w", err)
return newChannel(c, dataChannel, opts), nil
// Ping returns the duration it took to round-trip data.
// Multiple pings cannot occur at the same time, so this function will block.
func (c *Conn) Ping() (time.Duration, error) {
// Pings are not async, so we need a mutex.
defer c.pingMutex.Unlock()
ping, err := c.pingChannel()
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("get ping channel: %w", err)
pingDataSent := make([]byte, pingDataLength)
_, err = rand.Read(pingDataSent)
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("read random ping data: %w", err)
start := time.Now()
_, err = ping.Write(pingDataSent)
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("send ping: %w", err)
c.logger().Debug(context.Background(), "wrote ping",
slog.F("connection_state", c.rtc.ConnectionState()))
pingDataReceived := make([]byte, pingDataLength)
_, err = ping.Read(pingDataReceived)
if err != nil {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("read ping: %w", err)
end := time.Now()
if !bytes.Equal(pingDataSent, pingDataReceived) {
return 0, xerrors.Errorf("ping data inconsistency sent != received")
return end.Sub(start), nil
func (c *Conn) Closed() <-chan struct{} {
return c.closed
// Close closes the connection and frees all associated resources.
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
return c.CloseWithError(nil)
func (c *Conn) isClosed() bool {
select {
case <-c.closed:
return true
return false
// CloseWithError closes the connection; subsequent reads/writes will return the error err.
func (c *Conn) CloseWithError(err error) error {
defer c.closeMutex.Unlock()
if c.isClosed() {
return c.closeError
logger := c.logger()
logger.Debug(context.Background(), "closing conn with error", slog.Error(err))
if err == nil {
c.closeError = ErrClosed
} else {
c.closeError = err
if ch, _ := c.pingChannel(); ch != nil {
_ = ch.closeWithError(c.closeError)
// If the WebRTC connection has already been closed (due to failure or disconnect),
// this call will return an error that isn't typed. We don't check the error because
// closing an already closed connection isn't an issue for us.
_ = c.rtc.Close()
// Waiting for pion/webrtc to report closed state on both of these
// ensures no goroutine leaks.
if c.rtc.ConnectionState() != webrtc.PeerConnectionStateNew {
logger.Debug(context.Background(), "waiting for rtc connection close...")
if c.rtc.ICEConnectionState() != webrtc.ICEConnectionStateNew {
logger.Debug(context.Background(), "waiting for ice connection close...")
// Waits for all DataChannels to exit before officially labeling as closed.
// All logging, goroutines, and async functionality is cleaned up after this.
// Disable logging!
logger.Debug(context.Background(), "closed")
return err