
1349 lines
48 KiB

package coderd
import (
httpSwagger ""
agentproto ""
_ "" // Used for swagger docs.
// We must only ever instantiate one httpSwagger.Handler because of a data race
// inside the handler. This issue is triggered by tests that create multiple
// coderd instances.
// See
var globalHTTPSwaggerHandler http.HandlerFunc
func init() {
globalHTTPSwaggerHandler = httpSwagger.Handler(httpSwagger.URL("/swagger/doc.json"))
var expDERPOnce = sync.Once{}
// Options are requires parameters for Coder to start.
type Options struct {
AccessURL *url.URL
// AppHostname should be the wildcard hostname to use for workspace
// applications INCLUDING the asterisk, (optional) suffix and leading dot.
// It will use the same scheme and port number as the access URL.
// E.g. "*" or "*" or "*".
AppHostname string
// AppHostnameRegex contains the regex version of options.AppHostname as
// generated by appurl.CompileHostnamePattern(). It MUST be set if
// options.AppHostname is set.
AppHostnameRegex *regexp.Regexp
Logger slog.Logger
Database database.Store
Pubsub pubsub.Pubsub
// CacheDir is used for caching files served by the API.
CacheDir string
Auditor audit.Auditor
AgentConnectionUpdateFrequency time.Duration
AgentInactiveDisconnectTimeout time.Duration
AWSCertificates awsidentity.Certificates
Authorizer rbac.Authorizer
AzureCertificates x509.VerifyOptions
GoogleTokenValidator *idtoken.Validator
GithubOAuth2Config *GithubOAuth2Config
OIDCConfig *OIDCConfig
PrometheusRegistry *prometheus.Registry
SecureAuthCookie bool
StrictTransportSecurityCfg httpmw.HSTSConfig
SSHKeygenAlgorithm gitsshkey.Algorithm
Telemetry telemetry.Reporter
TracerProvider trace.TracerProvider
ExternalAuthConfigs []*externalauth.Config
RealIPConfig *httpmw.RealIPConfig
TrialGenerator func(ctx context.Context, body codersdk.LicensorTrialRequest) error
// RefreshEntitlements is used to set correct entitlements after creating first user and generating trial license.
RefreshEntitlements func(ctx context.Context) error
// TLSCertificates is used to mesh DERP servers securely.
TLSCertificates []tls.Certificate
TailnetCoordinator tailnet.Coordinator
DERPServer *derp.Server
// BaseDERPMap is used as the base DERP map for all clients and agents.
// Proxies are added to this list.
BaseDERPMap *tailcfg.DERPMap
DERPMapUpdateFrequency time.Duration
SwaggerEndpoint bool
SetUserGroups func(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, tx database.Store, userID uuid.UUID, orgGroupNames map[uuid.UUID][]string, createMissingGroups bool) error
SetUserSiteRoles func(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, tx database.Store, userID uuid.UUID, roles []string) error
TemplateScheduleStore *atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore]
UserQuietHoursScheduleStore *atomic.Pointer[schedule.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore]
AccessControlStore *atomic.Pointer[dbauthz.AccessControlStore]
// AppSecurityKey is the crypto key used to sign and encrypt tokens related to
// workspace applications. It consists of both a signing and encryption key.
AppSecurityKey workspaceapps.SecurityKey
HealthcheckFunc func(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) *codersdk.HealthcheckReport
HealthcheckTimeout time.Duration
HealthcheckRefresh time.Duration
WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater *atomic.Pointer[healthcheck.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater]
// OAuthSigningKey is the crypto key used to sign and encrypt state strings
// related to OAuth. This is a symmetric secret key using hmac to sign payloads.
// So this secret should **never** be exposed to the client.
OAuthSigningKey [32]byte
// APIRateLimit is the minutely throughput rate limit per user or ip.
// Setting a rate limit <0 will disable the rate limiter across the entire
// app. Some specific routes have their own configurable rate limits.
APIRateLimit int
LoginRateLimit int
FilesRateLimit int
MetricsCacheRefreshInterval time.Duration
AgentStatsRefreshInterval time.Duration
DeploymentValues *codersdk.DeploymentValues
// DeploymentOptions do contain the copy of DeploymentValues, and contain
// contextual information about how the values were set.
// Do not use DeploymentOptions to retrieve values, use DeploymentValues instead.
// All secrets values are stripped.
DeploymentOptions clibase.OptionSet
UpdateCheckOptions *updatecheck.Options // Set non-nil to enable update checking.
// SSHConfig is the response clients use to configure config-ssh locally.
SSHConfig codersdk.SSHConfigResponse
HTTPClient *http.Client
UpdateAgentMetrics func(ctx context.Context, labels prometheusmetrics.AgentMetricLabels, metrics []*agentproto.Stats_Metric)
StatsBatcher *batchstats.Batcher
WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions workspaceapps.StatsCollectorOptions
// This janky function is used in telemetry to parse fields out of the raw
// JWT. It needs to be passed through like this because license parsing is
// under the enterprise license, and can't be imported into AGPL.
ParseLicenseClaims func(rawJWT string) (email string, trial bool, err error)
AllowWorkspaceRenames bool
// NewTicker is used for unit tests to replace "time.NewTicker".
NewTicker func(duration time.Duration) (tick <-chan time.Time, done func())
// @title Coder API
// @version 2.0
// @description Coderd is the service created by running coder server. It is a thin API that connects workspaces, provisioners and users. coderd stores its state in Postgres and is the only service that communicates with Postgres.
// @termsOfService
// API Support
// @contact.url
// AGPL-3.0
// @license.url
// @BasePath /api/v2
// @securitydefinitions.apiKey CoderSessionToken
// @in header
// @name Coder-Session-Token
// New constructs a Coder API handler.
func New(options *Options) *API {
if options == nil {
options = &Options{}
if options.NewTicker == nil {
options.NewTicker = func(duration time.Duration) (tick <-chan time.Time, done func()) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(duration)
return ticker.C, ticker.Stop
// Safety check: if we're not running a unit test, we *must* have a Prometheus registry.
if options.PrometheusRegistry == nil && flag.Lookup("test.v") == nil {
panic("developer error: options.PrometheusRegistry is nil and not running a unit test")
if options.DeploymentValues.DisableOwnerWorkspaceExec {
NoOwnerWorkspaceExec: true,
if options.Authorizer == nil {
options.Authorizer = rbac.NewCachingAuthorizer(options.PrometheusRegistry)
if options.AccessControlStore == nil {
options.AccessControlStore = &atomic.Pointer[dbauthz.AccessControlStore]{}
var tacs dbauthz.AccessControlStore = dbauthz.AGPLTemplateAccessControlStore{}
options.Database = dbauthz.New(
experiments := ReadExperiments(
options.Logger, options.DeploymentValues.Experiments.Value(),
if options.AppHostname != "" && options.AppHostnameRegex == nil || options.AppHostname == "" && options.AppHostnameRegex != nil {
panic("coderd: both AppHostname and AppHostnameRegex must be set or unset")
if options.AgentConnectionUpdateFrequency == 0 {
options.AgentConnectionUpdateFrequency = 15 * time.Second
if options.AgentInactiveDisconnectTimeout == 0 {
// Multiply the update by two to allow for some lag-time.
options.AgentInactiveDisconnectTimeout = options.AgentConnectionUpdateFrequency * 2
// Set a minimum timeout to avoid disconnecting too soon.
if options.AgentInactiveDisconnectTimeout < 2*time.Second {
options.AgentInactiveDisconnectTimeout = 2 * time.Second
if options.AgentStatsRefreshInterval == 0 {
options.AgentStatsRefreshInterval = 5 * time.Minute
if options.MetricsCacheRefreshInterval == 0 {
options.MetricsCacheRefreshInterval = time.Hour
if options.APIRateLimit == 0 {
options.APIRateLimit = 512
if options.LoginRateLimit == 0 {
options.LoginRateLimit = 60
if options.FilesRateLimit == 0 {
options.FilesRateLimit = 12
if options.PrometheusRegistry == nil {
options.PrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry()
if options.DERPServer == nil {
options.DERPServer = derp.NewServer(key.NewNode(), tailnet.Logger(options.Logger.Named("derp")))
if options.DERPMapUpdateFrequency == 0 {
options.DERPMapUpdateFrequency = 5 * time.Second
if options.TailnetCoordinator == nil {
options.TailnetCoordinator = tailnet.NewCoordinator(options.Logger)
if options.Auditor == nil {
options.Auditor = audit.NewNop()
if options.SSHConfig.HostnamePrefix == "" {
options.SSHConfig.HostnamePrefix = "coder."
if options.TracerProvider == nil {
options.TracerProvider = trace.NewNoopTracerProvider()
if options.SetUserGroups == nil {
options.SetUserGroups = func(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, _ database.Store, userID uuid.UUID, orgGroupNames map[uuid.UUID][]string, createMissingGroups bool) error {
logger.Warn(ctx, "attempted to assign OIDC groups without enterprise license",
slog.F("user_id", userID),
slog.F("groups", orgGroupNames),
slog.F("create_missing_groups", createMissingGroups),
return nil
if options.SetUserSiteRoles == nil {
options.SetUserSiteRoles = func(ctx context.Context, logger slog.Logger, _ database.Store, userID uuid.UUID, roles []string) error {
logger.Warn(ctx, "attempted to assign OIDC user roles without enterprise license",
slog.F("user_id", userID), slog.F("roles", roles),
return nil
if options.TemplateScheduleStore == nil {
options.TemplateScheduleStore = &atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore]{}
if options.TemplateScheduleStore.Load() == nil {
v := schedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore()
if options.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore == nil {
options.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore = &atomic.Pointer[schedule.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore]{}
if options.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore.Load() == nil {
v := schedule.NewAGPLUserQuietHoursScheduleStore()
if options.StatsBatcher == nil {
panic("developer error: options.StatsBatcher is nil")
siteCacheDir := options.CacheDir
if siteCacheDir != "" {
siteCacheDir = filepath.Join(siteCacheDir, "site")
binFS, binHashes, err := site.ExtractOrReadBinFS(siteCacheDir, site.FS())
if err != nil {
panic(xerrors.Errorf("read site bin failed: %w", err))
metricsCache := metricscache.New(
TemplateDAUs: options.MetricsCacheRefreshInterval,
DeploymentStats: options.AgentStatsRefreshInterval,
oauthConfigs := &httpmw.OAuth2Configs{
Github: options.GithubOAuth2Config,
OIDC: options.OIDCConfig,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
r := chi.NewRouter()
// nolint:gocritic // Load deployment ID. This never changes
depID, err := options.Database.GetDeploymentID(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx))
if err != nil {
panic(xerrors.Errorf("get deployment ID: %w", err))
api := &API{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
DeploymentID: depID,
ID: uuid.New(),
Options: options,
RootHandler: r,
HTTPAuth: &HTTPAuthorizer{
Authorizer: options.Authorizer,
Logger: options.Logger,
WorkspaceAppsProvider: workspaceapps.NewDBTokenProvider(
metricsCache: metricsCache,
Auditor: atomic.Pointer[audit.Auditor]{},
TailnetCoordinator: atomic.Pointer[tailnet.Coordinator]{},
TemplateScheduleStore: options.TemplateScheduleStore,
UserQuietHoursScheduleStore: options.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore,
AccessControlStore: options.AccessControlStore,
Experiments: experiments,
healthCheckGroup: &singleflight.Group[string, *codersdk.HealthcheckReport]{},
Acquirer: provisionerdserver.NewAcquirer(
api.SiteHandler = site.New(&site.Options{
BinFS: binFS,
BinHashes: binHashes,
Database: options.Database,
SiteFS: site.FS(),
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
DocsURL: options.DeploymentValues.DocsURL.String(),
AppearanceFetcher: &api.AppearanceFetcher,
if options.UpdateCheckOptions != nil {
api.updateChecker = updatecheck.New(
if options.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater == nil {
options.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater = &atomic.Pointer[healthcheck.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater]{}
var wpfu healthcheck.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater = &healthcheck.AGPLWorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater{}
if options.HealthcheckFunc == nil {
options.HealthcheckFunc = func(ctx context.Context, apiKey string) *codersdk.HealthcheckReport {
// NOTE: dismissed healthchecks are marked in formatHealthcheck.
// Not here, as this result gets cached.
return healthcheck.Run(ctx, &healthcheck.ReportOptions{
Database: healthcheck.DatabaseReportOptions{
DB: options.Database,
Threshold: options.DeploymentValues.Healthcheck.ThresholdDatabase.Value(),
Websocket: healthcheck.WebsocketReportOptions{
AccessURL: options.AccessURL,
APIKey: apiKey,
AccessURL: healthcheck.AccessURLReportOptions{
AccessURL: options.AccessURL,
DerpHealth: derphealth.ReportOptions{
DERPMap: api.DERPMap(),
WorkspaceProxy: healthcheck.WorkspaceProxyReportOptions{
CurrentVersion: buildinfo.Version(),
WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater: *(options.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater).Load(),
ProvisionerDaemons: healthcheck.ProvisionerDaemonsReportDeps{
CurrentVersion: buildinfo.Version(),
CurrentAPIMajorVersion: proto.CurrentMajor,
Store: options.Database,
// TimeNow and StaleInterval set to defaults, see healthcheck/provisioner.go
if options.HealthcheckTimeout == 0 {
options.HealthcheckTimeout = 30 * time.Second
if options.HealthcheckRefresh == 0 {
options.HealthcheckRefresh = options.DeploymentValues.Healthcheck.Refresh.Value()
var oidcAuthURLParams map[string]string
if options.OIDCConfig != nil {
oidcAuthURLParams = options.OIDCConfig.AuthURLParams
stn, err := NewServerTailnet(api.ctx,
func(context.Context) (tailnet.MultiAgentConn, error) {
return (*api.TailnetCoordinator.Load()).ServeMultiAgent(uuid.New()), nil
if err != nil {
panic("failed to setup server tailnet: " + err.Error())
api.agentProvider = stn
if options.DeploymentValues.Prometheus.Enable {
api.TailnetClientService, err = tailnet.NewClientService(
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Fatal(api.ctx, "failed to initialize tailnet client service", slog.Error(err))
workspaceAppsLogger := options.Logger.Named("workspaceapps")
if options.WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions.Logger == nil {
named := workspaceAppsLogger.Named("stats_collector")
options.WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions.Logger = &named
if options.WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions.Reporter == nil {
options.WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions.Reporter = workspaceapps.NewStatsDBReporter(options.Database, workspaceapps.DefaultStatsDBReporterBatchSize)
api.workspaceAppServer = &workspaceapps.Server{
Logger: workspaceAppsLogger,
DashboardURL: api.AccessURL,
AccessURL: api.AccessURL,
Hostname: api.AppHostname,
HostnameRegex: api.AppHostnameRegex,
RealIPConfig: options.RealIPConfig,
SignedTokenProvider: api.WorkspaceAppsProvider,
AgentProvider: api.agentProvider,
AppSecurityKey: options.AppSecurityKey,
StatsCollector: workspaceapps.NewStatsCollector(options.WorkspaceAppsStatsCollectorOptions),
DisablePathApps: options.DeploymentValues.DisablePathApps.Value(),
SecureAuthCookie: options.DeploymentValues.SecureAuthCookie.Value(),
apiKeyMiddleware := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: options.Database,
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
Optional: false,
SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior
// Same as above but it redirects to the login page.
apiKeyMiddlewareRedirect := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: options.Database,
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
RedirectToLogin: true,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
Optional: false,
SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior
// Same as the first but it's optional.
apiKeyMiddlewareOptional := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: options.Database,
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
Optional: true,
SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior
// API rate limit middleware. The counter is local and not shared between
// replicas or instances of this middleware.
apiRateLimiter := httpmw.RateLimit(options.APIRateLimit, time.Minute)
derpHandler := derphttp.Handler(api.DERPServer)
derpHandler, api.derpCloseFunc = tailnet.WithWebsocketSupport(api.DERPServer, derpHandler)
// Register DERP on expvar HTTP handler, which we serve below in the router, c.f. expvar.Handler()
// These are the metrics the DERP server exposes.
// TODO: export via prometheus
expDERPOnce.Do(func() {
// We need to do this via a global Once because expvar registry is global and panics if we
// register multiple times. In production there is only one Coderd and one DERP server per
// process, but in testing, we create multiple of both, so the Once protects us from
// panicking.
expvar.Publish("derp", api.DERPServer.ExpVar())
cors := httpmw.Cors(options.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowAllCors.Value())
prometheusMW := httpmw.Prometheus(options.PrometheusRegistry)
api.statsBatcher = options.StatsBatcher
// Build-Version is helpful for debugging.
func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add(codersdk.BuildVersionHeader, buildinfo.Version())
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// SubdomainAppMW checks if the first subdomain is a valid app URL. If
// it is, it will serve that application.
// Workspace apps do their own auth and CORS and must be BEFORE the auth
// and CORS middleware.
// This header stops a browser from trying to MIME-sniff the content type and
// forces it to stick with the declared content-type. This is the only valid
// value for this header.
// See:
func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Add("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
r.Get("/healthz", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { _, _ = w.Write([]byte("OK")) })
// Attach workspace apps routes.
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/derp", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", derpHandler.ServeHTTP)
// This is used when UDP is blocked, and latency must be checked via HTTP(s).
r.Get("/latency-check", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Register callback handlers for each OAuth2 provider.
// We must support gitauth and externalauth for backwards compatibility.
for _, route := range []string{"gitauth", "external-auth"} {
r.Route("/"+route, func(r chi.Router) {
for _, externalAuthConfig := range options.ExternalAuthConfigs {
// We don't need to register a callback handler for device auth.
if externalAuthConfig.DeviceAuth != nil {
r.Route(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/callback", externalAuthConfig.ID), func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.ExtractOAuth2(externalAuthConfig, options.HTTPClient, nil),
r.Get("/", api.externalAuthCallback(externalAuthConfig))
r.Route("/api/v2", func(r chi.Router) {
api.APIHandler = r
r.NotFound(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { httpapi.RouteNotFound(rw) })
// Specific routes can specify different limits, but every rate
// limit must be configurable by the admin.
httpmw.ReportCLITelemetry(api.Logger, options.Telemetry),
r.Get("/", apiRoot)
// All CSP errors will be logged
r.Post("/csp/reports", api.logReportCSPViolations)
r.Get("/buildinfo", buildInfo(api.AccessURL, api.DeploymentValues.CLIUpgradeMessage.String()))
// /regions is overridden in the enterprise version
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/regions", api.regions)
r.Route("/derp-map", func(r chi.Router) {
// r.Use(apiKeyMiddleware)
r.Get("/", api.derpMapUpdates)
r.Route("/deployment", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/config", api.deploymentValues)
r.Get("/stats", api.deploymentStats)
r.Get("/ssh", api.sshConfig)
r.Route("/experiments", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/available", handleExperimentsSafe)
r.Get("/", api.handleExperimentsGet)
r.Get("/updatecheck", api.updateCheck)
r.Route("/audit", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.auditLogs)
r.Post("/testgenerate", api.generateFakeAuditLog)
r.Route("/files", func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.RateLimit(options.FilesRateLimit, time.Minute),
r.Get("/{fileID}", api.fileByID)
r.Post("/", api.postFile)
r.Route("/external-auth", func(r chi.Router) {
// Get without a specific external auth ID will return all external auths.
r.Get("/", api.listUserExternalAuths)
r.Route("/{externalauth}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Delete("/", api.deleteExternalAuthByID)
r.Get("/", api.externalAuthByID)
r.Post("/device", api.postExternalAuthDeviceByID)
r.Get("/device", api.externalAuthDeviceByID)
r.Route("/organizations", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postOrganizations)
r.Route("/{organization}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.organization)
r.Post("/templateversions", api.postTemplateVersionsByOrganization)
r.Route("/templates", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postTemplateByOrganization)
r.Get("/", api.templatesByOrganization)
r.Get("/examples", api.templateExamples)
r.Route("/{templatename}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.templateByOrganizationAndName)
r.Route("/versions/{templateversionname}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.templateVersionByOrganizationTemplateAndName)
r.Get("/previous", api.previousTemplateVersionByOrganizationTemplateAndName)
r.Route("/members", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/roles", api.assignableOrgRoles)
r.Route("/{user}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/roles", api.putMemberRoles)
r.Post("/workspaces", api.postWorkspacesByOrganization)
r.Route("/templates/{template}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/daus", api.templateDAUs)
r.Get("/", api.template)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteTemplate)
r.Patch("/", api.patchTemplateMeta)
r.Route("/versions", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/archive", api.postArchiveTemplateVersions)
r.Get("/", api.templateVersionsByTemplate)
r.Patch("/", api.patchActiveTemplateVersion)
r.Get("/{templateversionname}", api.templateVersionByName)
r.Route("/templateversions/{templateversion}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.templateVersion)
r.Patch("/", api.patchTemplateVersion)
r.Patch("/cancel", api.patchCancelTemplateVersion)
r.Post("/archive", api.postArchiveTemplateVersion())
r.Post("/unarchive", api.postUnarchiveTemplateVersion())
// Old agents may expect a non-error response from /schema and /parameters endpoints.
// The idea is to return an empty [], so that the coder CLI won't get blocked accidentally.
r.Get("/schema", templateVersionSchemaDeprecated)
r.Get("/parameters", templateVersionParametersDeprecated)
r.Get("/rich-parameters", api.templateVersionRichParameters)
r.Get("/external-auth", api.templateVersionExternalAuth)
r.Get("/variables", api.templateVersionVariables)
r.Get("/resources", api.templateVersionResources)
r.Get("/logs", api.templateVersionLogs)
r.Route("/dry-run", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postTemplateVersionDryRun)
r.Get("/{jobID}", api.templateVersionDryRun)
r.Get("/{jobID}/resources", api.templateVersionDryRunResources)
r.Get("/{jobID}/logs", api.templateVersionDryRunLogs)
r.Patch("/{jobID}/cancel", api.patchTemplateVersionDryRunCancel)
r.Route("/users", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/first", api.firstUser)
r.Post("/first", api.postFirstUser)
r.Get("/authmethods", api.userAuthMethods)
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
// We use a tight limit for password login to protect against
// audit-log write DoS, pbkdf2 DoS, and simple brute-force
// attacks.
// This value is intentionally increased during tests.
r.Use(httpmw.RateLimit(options.LoginRateLimit, time.Minute))
r.Post("/login", api.postLogin)
r.Route("/oauth2", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/github", func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.ExtractOAuth2(options.GithubOAuth2Config, options.HTTPClient, nil),
r.Get("/callback", api.userOAuth2Github)
r.Route("/oidc/callback", func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.ExtractOAuth2(options.OIDCConfig, options.HTTPClient, oidcAuthURLParams),
r.Get("/", api.userOIDC)
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postUser)
r.Get("/", api.users)
r.Post("/logout", api.postLogout)
// These routes query information about site wide roles.
r.Route("/roles", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.assignableSiteRoles)
r.Route("/{user}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/convert-login", api.postConvertLoginType)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteUser)
r.Get("/", api.userByName)
r.Get("/autofill-parameters", api.userAutofillParameters)
r.Get("/login-type", api.userLoginType)
r.Put("/profile", api.putUserProfile)
r.Route("/status", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/suspend", api.putSuspendUserAccount())
r.Put("/activate", api.putActivateUserAccount())
r.Put("/appearance", api.putUserAppearanceSettings)
r.Route("/password", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/", api.putUserPassword)
// These roles apply to the site wide permissions.
r.Put("/roles", api.putUserRoles)
r.Get("/roles", api.userRoles)
r.Route("/keys", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postAPIKey)
r.Route("/tokens", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postToken)
r.Get("/", api.tokens)
r.Get("/tokenconfig", api.tokenConfig)
r.Route("/{keyname}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.apiKeyByName)
r.Route("/{keyid}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.apiKeyByID)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteAPIKey)
r.Route("/organizations", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.organizationsByUser)
r.Get("/{organizationname}", api.organizationByUserAndName)
r.Route("/workspace/{workspacename}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspaceByOwnerAndName)
r.Get("/builds/{buildnumber}", api.workspaceBuildByBuildNumber)
r.Get("/gitsshkey", api.gitSSHKey)
r.Put("/gitsshkey", api.regenerateGitSSHKey)
r.Route("/workspaceagents", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/azure-instance-identity", api.postWorkspaceAuthAzureInstanceIdentity)
r.Post("/aws-instance-identity", api.postWorkspaceAuthAWSInstanceIdentity)
r.Post("/google-instance-identity", api.postWorkspaceAuthGoogleInstanceIdentity)
DB: options.Database,
Optional: true,
).Get("/connection", api.workspaceAgentConnectionGeneric)
r.Route("/me", func(r chi.Router) {
DB: options.Database,
Optional: false,
r.Get("/rpc", api.workspaceAgentRPC)
r.Get("/manifest", api.workspaceAgentManifest)
// This route is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
// New agents will use /me/manifest instead.
r.Get("/metadata", api.workspaceAgentManifest)
r.Post("/startup", api.postWorkspaceAgentStartup)
r.Patch("/startup-logs", api.patchWorkspaceAgentLogsDeprecated)
r.Patch("/logs", api.patchWorkspaceAgentLogs)
r.Post("/app-health", api.postWorkspaceAppHealth)
// Deprecated: Required to support legacy agents
r.Get("/gitauth", api.workspaceAgentsGitAuth)
r.Get("/external-auth", api.workspaceAgentsExternalAuth)
r.Get("/gitsshkey", api.agentGitSSHKey)
r.Get("/coordinate", api.workspaceAgentCoordinate)
r.Post("/report-stats", api.workspaceAgentReportStats)
r.Post("/report-lifecycle", api.workspaceAgentReportLifecycle)
r.Post("/metadata", api.workspaceAgentPostMetadata)
r.Post("/metadata/{key}", api.workspaceAgentPostMetadataDeprecated)
r.Route("/{workspaceagent}", func(r chi.Router) {
// Allow either API key or external workspace proxy auth and require it.
DB: options.Database,
Optional: true,
r.Get("/", api.workspaceAgent)
r.Get("/watch-metadata", api.watchWorkspaceAgentMetadata)
r.Get("/startup-logs", api.workspaceAgentLogsDeprecated)
r.Get("/logs", api.workspaceAgentLogs)
r.Get("/listening-ports", api.workspaceAgentListeningPorts)
r.Get("/connection", api.workspaceAgentConnection)
r.Get("/coordinate", api.workspaceAgentClientCoordinate)
// PTY is part of workspaceAppServer.
r.Route("/workspaces", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspaces)
r.Route("/{workspace}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspace)
r.Patch("/", api.patchWorkspace)
r.Route("/builds", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspaceBuilds)
r.Post("/", api.postWorkspaceBuilds)
r.Route("/autostart", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/", api.putWorkspaceAutostart)
r.Route("/ttl", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/", api.putWorkspaceTTL)
r.Get("/watch", api.watchWorkspace)
r.Put("/extend", api.putExtendWorkspace)
r.Put("/dormant", api.putWorkspaceDormant)
r.Put("/favorite", api.putFavoriteWorkspace)
r.Delete("/favorite", api.deleteFavoriteWorkspace)
r.Put("/autoupdates", api.putWorkspaceAutoupdates)
r.Get("/resolve-autostart", api.resolveAutostart)
r.Route("/port-share", func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.RequireExperiment(api.Experiments, codersdk.ExperimentSharedPorts),
r.Get("/", api.workspaceAgentPortShares)
r.Post("/", api.postWorkspaceAgentPortShare)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteWorkspaceAgentPortShare)
r.Route("/workspacebuilds/{workspacebuild}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspaceBuild)
r.Patch("/cancel", api.patchCancelWorkspaceBuild)
r.Get("/logs", api.workspaceBuildLogs)
r.Get("/parameters", api.workspaceBuildParameters)
r.Get("/resources", api.workspaceBuildResourcesDeprecated)
r.Get("/state", api.workspaceBuildState)
r.Route("/authcheck", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.checkAuthorization)
r.Route("/applications", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/host", func(r chi.Router) {
// Don't leak the hostname to unauthenticated users.
r.Get("/", api.appHost)
r.Route("/auth-redirect", func(r chi.Router) {
// We want to redirect to login if they are not authenticated.
// This is a GET request as it's redirected to by the subdomain app
// handler and the login page.
r.Get("/", api.workspaceApplicationAuth)
r.Route("/insights", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/daus", api.deploymentDAUs)
r.Get("/user-activity", api.insightsUserActivity)
r.Get("/user-latency", api.insightsUserLatency)
r.Get("/templates", api.insightsTemplates)
r.Route("/debug", func(r chi.Router) {
// Ensure only owners can access debug endpoints.
func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !api.Authorize(r, rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ResourceDebugInfo) {
next.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
r.Get("/coordinator", api.debugCoordinator)
r.Get("/tailnet", api.debugTailnet)
r.Route("/health", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.debugDeploymentHealth)
r.Route("/settings", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.deploymentHealthSettings)
r.Put("/", api.putDeploymentHealthSettings)
r.Get("/ws", (&healthcheck.WebsocketEchoServer{}).ServeHTTP)
r.Route("/{user}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/debug-link", api.userDebugOIDC)
r.Route("/derp", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/traffic", options.DERPServer.ServeDebugTraffic)
r.Method("GET", "/expvar", expvar.Handler()) // contains DERP metrics as well as cmdline and memstats
if options.SwaggerEndpoint {
// Swagger UI requires the URL trailing slash. Otherwise, the browser tries to load /assets
// from http://localhost:8080/assets instead of http://localhost:8080/swagger/assets.
r.Get("/swagger", http.RedirectHandler("/swagger/", http.StatusTemporaryRedirect).ServeHTTP)
// See globalHTTPSwaggerHandler comment as to why we use a package
// global variable here.
r.Get("/swagger/*", globalHTTPSwaggerHandler)
} else {
swaggerDisabled := http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
httpapi.Write(context.Background(), rw, http.StatusNotFound, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Swagger documentation is disabled.",
r.Get("/swagger", swaggerDisabled)
r.Get("/swagger/*", swaggerDisabled)
// Add CSP headers to all static assets and pages. CSP headers only affect
// browsers, so these don't make sense on api routes.
cspMW := httpmw.CSPHeaders(func() []string {
if api.DeploymentValues.Dangerous.AllowAllCors {
// In this mode, allow all external requests
return []string{"*"}
if f := api.WorkspaceProxyHostsFn.Load(); f != nil {
return (*f)()
// By default we do not add extra websocket connections to the CSP
return []string{}
// Static file handler must be wrapped with HSTS handler if the
// StrictTransportSecurityAge is set. We only need to set this header on
// static files since it only affects browsers.
r.NotFound(cspMW(compressHandler(httpmw.HSTS(api.SiteHandler, options.StrictTransportSecurityCfg))).ServeHTTP)
// This must be before all middleware to improve the response time.
// So make a new router, and mount the old one as the root.
rootRouter := chi.NewRouter()
// This is the only route we add before all the middleware.
// We want to time the latency of the request, so any middleware will
// interfere with that timing.
rootRouter.Get("/latency-check", tracing.StatusWriterMiddleware(prometheusMW(LatencyCheck())).ServeHTTP)
rootRouter.Mount("/", r)
api.RootHandler = rootRouter
return api
type API struct {
// ctx is canceled immediately on shutdown, it can be used to abort
// interruptible tasks.
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// DeploymentID is loaded from the database on startup.
DeploymentID string
// ID is a uniquely generated ID on initialization.
// This is used to associate objects with a specific
// Coder API instance, like workspace agents to a
// specific replica.
ID uuid.UUID
Auditor atomic.Pointer[audit.Auditor]
WorkspaceClientCoordinateOverride atomic.Pointer[func(rw http.ResponseWriter) bool]
TailnetCoordinator atomic.Pointer[tailnet.Coordinator]
TailnetClientService *tailnet.ClientService
QuotaCommitter atomic.Pointer[proto.QuotaCommitter]
AppearanceFetcher atomic.Pointer[appearance.Fetcher]
// WorkspaceProxyHostsFn returns the hosts of healthy workspace proxies
// for header reasons.
WorkspaceProxyHostsFn atomic.Pointer[func() []string]
// TemplateScheduleStore is a pointer to an atomic pointer because this is
// passed to another struct, and we want them all to be the same reference.
TemplateScheduleStore *atomic.Pointer[schedule.TemplateScheduleStore]
// UserQuietHoursScheduleStore is a pointer to an atomic pointer for the
// same reason as TemplateScheduleStore.
UserQuietHoursScheduleStore *atomic.Pointer[schedule.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore]
// DERPMapper mutates the DERPMap to include workspace proxies.
DERPMapper atomic.Pointer[func(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) *tailcfg.DERPMap]
// AccessControlStore is a pointer to an atomic pointer since it is
// passed to dbauthz.
AccessControlStore *atomic.Pointer[dbauthz.AccessControlStore]
PortSharer atomic.Pointer[portsharing.PortSharer]
HTTPAuth *HTTPAuthorizer
// APIHandler serves "/api/v2"
APIHandler chi.Router
// RootHandler serves "/"
RootHandler chi.Router
// SiteHandler serves static files for the dashboard.
SiteHandler *site.Handler
WebsocketWaitMutex sync.Mutex
WebsocketWaitGroup sync.WaitGroup
derpCloseFunc func()
metricsCache *metricscache.Cache
updateChecker *updatecheck.Checker
WorkspaceAppsProvider workspaceapps.SignedTokenProvider
workspaceAppServer *workspaceapps.Server
agentProvider workspaceapps.AgentProvider
// Experiments contains the list of experiments currently enabled.
// This is used to gate features that are not yet ready for production.
Experiments codersdk.Experiments
healthCheckGroup *singleflight.Group[string, *codersdk.HealthcheckReport]
healthCheckCache atomic.Pointer[codersdk.HealthcheckReport]
statsBatcher *batchstats.Batcher
Acquirer *provisionerdserver.Acquirer
// Close waits for all WebSocket connections to drain before returning.
func (api *API) Close() error {
if api.updateChecker != nil {
_ = api.workspaceAppServer.Close()
coordinator := api.TailnetCoordinator.Load()
if coordinator != nil {
_ = (*coordinator).Close()
_ = api.agentProvider.Close()
return nil
func compressHandler(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
level := 5
if flag.Lookup("test.v") != nil {
level = 1
cmp := middleware.NewCompressor(level,
cmp.SetEncoder("br", func(w io.Writer, level int) io.Writer {
return brotli.NewWriterLevel(w, level)
cmp.SetEncoder("zstd", func(w io.Writer, level int) io.Writer {
zw, err := zstd.NewWriter(w, zstd.WithEncoderLevel(zstd.EncoderLevelFromZstd(level)))
if err != nil {
panic("invalid zstd compressor: " + err.Error())
return zw
return cmp.Handler(h)
// CreateInMemoryProvisionerDaemon is an in-memory connection to a provisionerd.
// Useful when starting coderd and provisionerd in the same process.
func (api *API) CreateInMemoryProvisionerDaemon(dialCtx context.Context, name string) (client proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient, err error) {
tracer := api.TracerProvider.Tracer(tracing.TracerName)
clientSession, serverSession := drpc.MemTransportPipe()
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = clientSession.Close()
_ = serverSession.Close()
//nolint:gocritic // in-memory provisioners are owned by system
daemon, err := api.Database.UpsertProvisionerDaemon(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(dialCtx), database.UpsertProvisionerDaemonParams{
Name: name,
CreatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
Provisioners: []database.ProvisionerType{
database.ProvisionerTypeEcho, database.ProvisionerTypeTerraform,
Tags: provisionersdk.MutateTags(uuid.Nil, nil),
LastSeenAt: sql.NullTime{Time: dbtime.Now(), Valid: true},
Version: buildinfo.Version(),
APIVersion: proto.CurrentVersion.String(),
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to create in-memory provisioner daemon: %w", err)
mux := drpcmux.New()
api.Logger.Info(dialCtx, "starting in-memory provisioner daemon", slog.F("name", name))
logger := api.Logger.Named(fmt.Sprintf("inmem-provisionerd-%s", name))
srv, err := provisionerdserver.NewServer(
api.ctx, // use the same ctx as the API
OIDCConfig: api.OIDCConfig,
ExternalAuthConfigs: api.ExternalAuthConfigs,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = proto.DRPCRegisterProvisionerDaemon(mux, srv)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
server := drpcserver.NewWithOptions(&tracing.DRPCHandler{Handler: mux},
Log: func(err error) {
if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
logger.Debug(dialCtx, "drpc server error", slog.Error(err))
// in-mem pipes aren't technically "websockets" but they have the same properties as far as the
// API is concerned: they are long-lived connections that we need to close before completing
// shutdown of the API.
go func() {
defer api.WebsocketWaitGroup.Done()
// here we pass the background context, since we want the server to keep serving until the
// client hangs up. If we, say, pass the API context, then when it is canceled, we could
// drop a job that we locked in the database but never passed to the provisionerd. The
// provisionerd is local, in-mem, so there isn't a danger of losing contact with it and
// having a dead connection we don't know the status of.
err := server.Serve(context.Background(), serverSession)
logger.Info(dialCtx, "provisioner daemon disconnected", slog.Error(err))
// close the sessions, so we don't leak goroutines serving them.
_ = clientSession.Close()
_ = serverSession.Close()
return proto.NewDRPCProvisionerDaemonClient(clientSession), nil
func (api *API) DERPMap() *tailcfg.DERPMap {
fn := api.DERPMapper.Load()
if fn != nil {
return (*fn)(api.Options.BaseDERPMap)
return api.Options.BaseDERPMap
// nolint:revive
func ReadExperiments(log slog.Logger, raw []string) codersdk.Experiments {
exps := make([]codersdk.Experiment, 0, len(raw))
for _, v := range raw {
switch v {
case "*":
exps = append(exps, codersdk.ExperimentsAll...)
ex := codersdk.Experiment(strings.ToLower(v))
if !slice.Contains(codersdk.ExperimentsAll, ex) {
log.Warn(context.Background(), "🐉 HERE BE DRAGONS: opting into hidden experiment", slog.F("experiment", ex))
exps = append(exps, ex)
return exps