
174 lines
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# coder -- Primary configuration for `coder server`.
# coder.replicaCount -- The number of Kubernetes deployment replicas.
# This should only be increased if High Availability is enabled.
# This is an Enterprise feature. Contact
replicaCount: 1
# coder.image -- The image to use for Coder.
# coder.image.repo -- The repository of the image.
repo: ""
# coder.image.tag -- The tag of the image, defaults to {{.Chart.AppVersion}}
# if not set. If you're using the chart directly from git, the default
# app version will not work and you'll need to set this value. The helm
# chart helpfully fails quickly in this case.
tag: ""
# coder.image.pullPolicy -- The pull policy to use for the image. See:
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# coder.image.pullSecrets -- The secrets used for pulling the Coder image from
# a private registry.
pullSecrets: []
# - name: "pull-secret"
# coder.annotations -- The Deployment annotations. See:
annotations: {}
# coder.serviceAccount -- Configuration for the automatically created service
# account. Creation of the service account cannot be disabled.
# coder.serviceAccount.workspacePerms -- Whether or not to grant the coder
# service account permissions to manage workspaces. This includes
# permission to manage pods and persistent volume claims in the deployment
# namespace.
# It is recommended to keep this on if you are using Kubernetes templates
# within Coder.
workspacePerms: true
# coder.serviceAccount.annotations -- The Coder service account annotations.
annotations: {}
# coder.env -- The environment variables to set for Coder. These can be used
# to configure all aspects of `coder server`. Please see `coder server --help`
# for information about what environment variables can be set.
# Note: The following environment variables are set by default and cannot be
# overridden:
# - CODER_HTTP_ADDRESS: set to and cannot be changed.
# - CODER_TLS_ADDRESS: set to if tls.secretName is not empty.
# - CODER_TLS_ENABLE: set if tls.secretName is not empty.
# - CODER_TLS_CERT_FILE: set if tls.secretName is not empty.
# - CODER_TLS_KEY_FILE: set if tls.secretName is not empty.
# - CODER_PROMETHEUS_ADDRESS: set to and cannot be changed.
# Prometheus must still be enabled by setting CODER_PROMETHEUS_ENABLE.
env: []
# coder.tls -- The TLS configuration for Coder.
# coder.tls.secretNames -- A list of TLS server certificate secrets to mount
# into the Coder pod. The secrets should exist in the same namespace as the
# Helm deployment and should be of type "". The secrets
# will be automatically mounted into the pod if specified, and the correct
# "CODER_TLS_*" environment variables will be set for you.
secretNames: []
# coder.resources -- The resources to request for Coder. These are optional
# and are not set by default.
# limits:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 100m
# memory: 128Mi
# coder.certs -- CA bundles to mount inside the Coder pod.
# coder.certs.secrets -- A list of CA bundle secrets to mount into the Coder
# pod. The secrets should exist in the same namespace as the Helm
# deployment.
# The given key in each secret is mounted at
# `/etc/ssl/certs/{secret_name}.crt`.
# - name: "my-ca-bundle"
# key: "ca-bundle.crt"
# coder.affinity -- Allows specifying an affinity rule for the `coder` deployment.
# The default rule prefers to schedule coder pods on different
# nodes, which is only applicable if coder.replicaCount is greater than 1.
- podAffinityTerm:
- key:
operator: In
- "true"
weight: 1
# coder.tolerations -- Tolerations for tainted nodes.
# See:
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
# coder.nodeSelector -- Node labels for constraining coder pods to nodes.
# See:
nodeSelector: {}
# linux
# coder.service -- The Service object to expose for Coder.
# coder.service.enable -- Whether to create the Service object.
enable: true
# coder.service.type -- The type of service to expose. See:
type: LoadBalancer
# coder.service.sessionAffinity -- Must be set to ClientIP or None
# AWS ELB does not support session stickiness based on ClientIP, so you must set this to None.
# The error message you might see: "Unsupported load balancer affinity: ClientIP"
sessionAffinity: ClientIP
# coder.service.externalTrafficPolicy -- The external traffic policy to use.
# You may need to change this to "Local" to preserve the source IP address
# in some situations.
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
# coder.service.loadBalancerIP -- The IP address of the LoadBalancer. If not
# specified, a new IP will be generated each time the load balancer is
# recreated. It is recommended to manually create a static IP address in
# your cloud and specify it here in production to avoid accidental IP
# address changes.
loadBalancerIP: ""
# coder.service.annotations -- The service annotations. See:
annotations: {}
# coder.ingress -- The Ingress object to expose for Coder.
# coder.ingress.enable -- Whether to create the Ingress object. If using an
# Ingress, we recommend not specifying coder.tls.secretNames as the Ingress
# will handle TLS termination.
enable: false
# coder.ingress.className -- The name of the Ingress class to use.
className: ""
# -- The hostname to match on.
host: ""
# coder.ingress.wildcardHost -- The wildcard hostname to match on. Should be
# in the form "*" or "*". If you are using a
# suffix after the wildcard, the suffix will be stripped from the created
# ingress to ensure that it is a legal ingress host. Optional if not using
# applications over subdomains.
wildcardHost: ""
# coder.ingress.annotations -- The ingress annotations.
annotations: {}
# coder.ingress.tls -- The TLS configuration to use for the Ingress.
# coder.ingress.tls.enable -- Whether to enable TLS on the Ingress.
enable: false
# coder.ingress.tls.secretName -- The name of the TLS secret to use.
secretName: ""
# coder.ingress.tls.wildcardSecretName -- The name of the TLS secret to
# use for the wildcard host.
wildcardSecretName: ""