
48 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script turns many *.sql.go files into a single queries.sql.go file. This
# is due to sqlc's behavior when using multiple sql files to output them to
# multiple Go files. We decided it would be cleaner to move these to a single
# file for readability. We should probably contribute the option to do this
# upstream instead, because this is quite janky.
set -euo pipefail
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# The logic below depends on the exact version being correct :(
[[ $(sqlc version) != "v1.13.0" ]] && go install
sqlc generate
for fi in queries/*.sql.go; do
# Find the last line from the imports section and add 1.
cut=$(grep -n ')' "$fi" | head -n 1 | cut -d: -f1)
cut=$((cut + 1))
# Copy the header from the first file only, ignoring the source comment.
if $first; then
head -n 6 < "$fi" | grep -v "source" > queries.sql.go
# Append the file past the imports section into queries.sql.go.
tail -n "+$cut" < "$fi" >> queries.sql.go
# Move the files we want.
mv queries/querier.go .
mv queries/models.go .
# Remove temporary go files.
rm -f queries/*.go
# Fix struct/interface names.
gofmt -w -r 'Querier -> querier' -- *.go
gofmt -w -r 'Queries -> sqlQuerier' -- *.go
# Ensure correct imports exist. Modules must all be downloaded so we get correct
# suggestions.
go mod download
goimports -w queries.sql.go