
52 lines
1.5 KiB

"title": "Tokens",
"description": "Tokens are used to authenticate with the Coder API. You can create a token on this page or with the Coder CLI using the <1>{{cliCreateCommand}}</1> command.",
"emptyState": "No tokens found",
"tokenActions": {
"addToken": "Add token",
"deleteToken": {
"delete": "Delete Token",
"deleteCaption": "Are you sure you want to delete this token?<br/><br/><4>{{tokenId}}</4>",
"deleteSuccess": "Token has been deleted",
"deleteFailure": "Failed to delete token"
"table": {
"id": "ID",
"name": "Name",
"lastUsed": "Last Used",
"expiresAt": "Expires At",
"createdAt": "Created At"
"createToken": {
"title": "Create Token",
"detail": "All tokens are unscoped and therefore have full resource access.",
"nameSection": {
"title": "Name",
"description": "What is this token for?"
"lifetimeSection": {
"title": "Expiration",
"description": "The token will expire on {{date}}.",
"emptyDescription": "Please set a token expiration.",
"7": "7 days",
"30": "30 days",
"60": "60 days",
"90": "90 days",
"custom": "Custom",
"noExpiration": "No expiration",
"expiresOn": "Expires on"
"fields": {
"name": "Name",
"lifetime": "Lifetime"
"footer": {
"retry": "Retry",
"submit": "Create token"
"createSuccess": "Token has been created",
"createError": "Failed to create token"