
305 lines
9.3 KiB

package workspacetraffic_test
import (
func TestRun(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
t.Skip("Test not supported on windows.")
if testutil.RaceEnabled() {
t.Skip("Race detector enabled, skipping time-sensitive test.")
t.Run("PTY", func(t *testing.T) {
// We need to stand up an in-memory coderd and run a fake workspace.
var (
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true})
firstUser = coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
authToken = uuid.NewString()
agentName = "agent"
version = coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: echo.PlanComplete,
ProvisionApply: []*proto.Response{{
Type: &proto.Response_Apply{
Apply: &proto.ApplyComplete{
Resources: []*proto.Resource{{
Name: "example",
Type: "aws_instance",
Agents: []*proto.Agent{{
// Agent ID gets generated no matter what we say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Name: agentName,
Auth: &proto.Agent_Token{
Token: authToken,
Apps: []*proto.App{},
template = coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, version.ID)
_ = coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJob(t, client, version.ID)
// In order to be picked up as a scaletest workspace, the workspace must be named specifically
ws = coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, template.ID, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.Name = "scaletest-test"
_ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJob(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
// We also need a running agent to run this test.
agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL)
agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: agentClient,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = agentCloser.Close()
// Make sure the agent is connected before we go any further.
resources := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, ws.ID)
var agentID uuid.UUID
for _, res := range resources {
for _, agt := range res.Agents {
agentID = agt.ID
require.NotEqual(t, uuid.Nil, agentID, "did not expect agentID to be nil")
// Now we can start the runner.
var (
bytesPerTick = 1024
tickInterval = 1000 * time.Millisecond
cancelAfter = 1500 * time.Millisecond
fudgeWrite = 12 // The ReconnectingPTY payload incurs some overhead
readMetrics = &testMetrics{}
writeMetrics = &testMetrics{}
runner := workspacetraffic.NewRunner(client, workspacetraffic.Config{
AgentID: agentID,
BytesPerTick: int64(bytesPerTick),
TickInterval: tickInterval,
Duration: testutil.WaitLong,
ReadMetrics: readMetrics,
WriteMetrics: writeMetrics,
SSH: false,
var logs strings.Builder
// Stop the test after one 'tick'. This will cause an EOF.
go func() {
require.NoError(t, runner.Run(ctx, "", &logs), "unexpected error calling Run()")
t.Logf("read errors: %.0f\n", readMetrics.Errors())
t.Logf("write errors: %.0f\n", writeMetrics.Errors())
t.Logf("bytes read total: %.0f\n", readMetrics.Total())
t.Logf("bytes written total: %.0f\n", writeMetrics.Total())
// We want to ensure the metrics are somewhat accurate.
assert.InDelta(t, bytesPerTick+fudgeWrite, writeMetrics.Total(), 0.1)
// Read is highly variable, depending on how far we read before stopping.
// Just ensure it's not zero.
assert.NotZero(t, readMetrics.Total())
// Latency should report non-zero values.
assert.NotEmpty(t, readMetrics.Latencies())
for _, l := range readMetrics.Latencies()[1:] { // skip the first one, which is always zero
assert.NotZero(t, l)
for _, l := range writeMetrics.Latencies()[1:] { // skip the first one, which is always zero
assert.NotZero(t, l)
assert.NotEmpty(t, writeMetrics.Latencies())
// Should not report any errors!
assert.Zero(t, readMetrics.Errors())
assert.Zero(t, writeMetrics.Errors())
t.Run("SSH", func(t *testing.T) {
// We need to stand up an in-memory coderd and run a fake workspace.
var (
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true})
firstUser = coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
authToken = uuid.NewString()
agentName = "agent"
version = coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: echo.PlanComplete,
ProvisionApply: []*proto.Response{{
Type: &proto.Response_Apply{
Apply: &proto.ApplyComplete{
Resources: []*proto.Resource{{
Name: "example",
Type: "aws_instance",
Agents: []*proto.Agent{{
// Agent ID gets generated no matter what we say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Name: agentName,
Auth: &proto.Agent_Token{
Token: authToken,
Apps: []*proto.App{},
template = coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, version.ID)
_ = coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJob(t, client, version.ID)
// In order to be picked up as a scaletest workspace, the workspace must be named specifically
ws = coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, firstUser.OrganizationID, template.ID, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.Name = "scaletest-test"
_ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJob(t, client, ws.LatestBuild.ID)
// We also need a running agent to run this test.
agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL)
agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: agentClient,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = agentCloser.Close()
// Make sure the agent is connected before we go any further.
resources := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, ws.ID)
var agentID uuid.UUID
for _, res := range resources {
for _, agt := range res.Agents {
agentID = agt.ID
require.NotEqual(t, uuid.Nil, agentID, "did not expect agentID to be nil")
// Now we can start the runner.
var (
bytesPerTick = 1024
tickInterval = 1000 * time.Millisecond
cancelAfter = 1500 * time.Millisecond
fudgeWrite = 2 // We send \r\n, which is two bytes
readMetrics = &testMetrics{}
writeMetrics = &testMetrics{}
runner := workspacetraffic.NewRunner(client, workspacetraffic.Config{
AgentID: agentID,
BytesPerTick: int64(bytesPerTick),
TickInterval: tickInterval,
Duration: testutil.WaitLong,
ReadMetrics: readMetrics,
WriteMetrics: writeMetrics,
SSH: true,
var logs strings.Builder
// Stop the test after one 'tick'. This will cause an EOF.
go func() {
require.NoError(t, runner.Run(ctx, "", &logs), "unexpected error calling Run()")
t.Logf("read errors: %.0f\n", readMetrics.Errors())
t.Logf("write errors: %.0f\n", writeMetrics.Errors())
t.Logf("bytes read total: %.0f\n", readMetrics.Total())
t.Logf("bytes written total: %.0f\n", writeMetrics.Total())
// We want to ensure the metrics are somewhat accurate.
assert.InDelta(t, bytesPerTick+fudgeWrite, writeMetrics.Total(), 0.1)
// Read is highly variable, depending on how far we read before stopping.
// Just ensure it's not zero.
assert.NotZero(t, readMetrics.Total())
// Latency should report non-zero values.
assert.NotEmpty(t, readMetrics.Latencies())
for _, l := range readMetrics.Latencies()[1:] { // skip the first one, which is always zero
assert.NotZero(t, l)
for _, l := range writeMetrics.Latencies()[1:] { // skip the first one, which is always zero
assert.NotZero(t, l)
assert.NotEmpty(t, writeMetrics.Latencies())
// Should not report any errors!
assert.Zero(t, readMetrics.Errors())
assert.Zero(t, writeMetrics.Errors())
type testMetrics struct {
errors float64
latencies []float64
total float64
var _ workspacetraffic.ConnMetrics = (*testMetrics)(nil)
func (m *testMetrics) AddError(f float64) {
defer m.Unlock()
m.errors += f
func (m *testMetrics) ObserveLatency(f float64) {
defer m.Unlock()
m.latencies = append(m.latencies, f)
func (m *testMetrics) AddTotal(f float64) {
defer m.Unlock() += f
func (m *testMetrics) Total() float64 {
defer m.Unlock()
func (m *testMetrics) Errors() float64 {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.errors
func (m *testMetrics) Latencies() []float64 {
defer m.Unlock()
return m.latencies