
221 lines
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package coderd_test
import (
func TestWorkspaceActivityBump(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
// deadline allows you to forcibly set a max_deadline on the build. This
// doesn't use template restart requirements and instead edits the
// max_deadline on the build directly in the database.
setupActivityTest := func(t *testing.T, deadline ...time.Duration) (client *codersdk.Client, workspace codersdk.Workspace, assertBumped func(want bool)) {
const ttl = time.Minute
maxTTL := time.Duration(0)
if len(deadline) > 0 {
maxTTL = deadline[0]
db, pubsub := dbtestutil.NewDB(t)
client = coderdtest.New(t, &coderdtest.Options{
Database: db,
Pubsub: pubsub,
IncludeProvisionerDaemon: true,
// Agent stats trigger the activity bump, so we want to report
// very frequently in tests.
AgentStatsRefreshInterval: time.Millisecond * 100,
TemplateScheduleStore: schedule.MockTemplateScheduleStore{
GetFn: func(ctx context.Context, db database.Store, templateID uuid.UUID) (schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions, error) {
return schedule.TemplateScheduleOptions{
UserAutostopEnabled: true,
DefaultTTL: ttl,
// We set max_deadline manually below.
RestartRequirement: schedule.TemplateRestartRequirement{},
}, nil
user := coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
ttlMillis := int64(ttl / time.Millisecond)
agentToken := uuid.NewString()
version := coderdtest.CreateTemplateVersion(t, client, user.OrganizationID, &echo.Responses{
Parse: echo.ParseComplete,
ProvisionPlan: echo.PlanComplete,
ProvisionApply: echo.ProvisionApplyWithAgent(agentToken),
template := coderdtest.CreateTemplate(t, client, user.OrganizationID, version.ID)
coderdtest.AwaitTemplateVersionJob(t, client, version.ID)
workspace = coderdtest.CreateWorkspace(t, client, user.OrganizationID, template.ID, func(cwr *codersdk.CreateWorkspaceRequest) {
cwr.TTLMillis = &ttlMillis
coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceBuildJob(t, client, workspace.LatestBuild.ID)
// Update the max deadline.
if maxTTL != 0 {
dbBuild, err := db.GetWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, workspace.LatestBuild.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = db.UpdateWorkspaceBuildByID(ctx, database.UpdateWorkspaceBuildByIDParams{
ID: workspace.LatestBuild.ID,
UpdatedAt: database.Now(),
ProvisionerState: dbBuild.ProvisionerState,
Deadline: dbBuild.Deadline,
MaxDeadline: database.Now().Add(maxTTL),
require.NoError(t, err)
agentClient := agentsdk.New(client.URL)
agentCloser := agent.New(agent.Options{
Client: agentClient,
Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil).Named("agent"),
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = agentCloser.Close()
coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, workspace.ID)
// Sanity-check that deadline is near.
workspace, err := client.Workspace(ctx, workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
firstDeadline := workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time
if maxTTL != 0 {
} else {
require.True(t, workspace.LatestBuild.MaxDeadline.Time.IsZero())
_ = coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, workspace.ID)
return client, workspace, func(want bool) {
if !want {
// It is difficult to test the absence of a call in a non-racey
// way. In general, it is difficult for the API to generate
// false positive activity since Agent networking event
// is required. The Activity Bump behavior is also coupled with
// Last Used, so it would be obvious to the user if we
// are falsely recognizing activity.
workspace, err = client.Workspace(ctx, workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, firstDeadline)
// The Deadline bump occurs asynchronously.
func() bool {
workspace, err = client.Workspace(ctx, workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
return workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time != firstDeadline
testutil.WaitLong, testutil.IntervalFast,
"deadline %v never updated", firstDeadline,
// If the workspace has a max deadline, the deadline must not exceed
// it.
if maxTTL != 0 && database.Now().Add(ttl).After(workspace.LatestBuild.MaxDeadline.Time) {
require.Equal(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, workspace.LatestBuild.MaxDeadline.Time)
require.WithinDuration(t, database.Now().Add(ttl), workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, 3*time.Second)
t.Run("Dial", func(t *testing.T) {
client, workspace, assertBumped := setupActivityTest(t)
resources := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, workspace.ID)
conn, err := client.DialWorkspaceAgent(ctx, resources[0].Agents[0].ID, &codersdk.DialWorkspaceAgentOptions{
Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil),
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
// Must send network traffic after a few seconds to surpass bump threshold.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
sshConn, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = sshConn.Close()
t.Run("NoBump", func(t *testing.T) {
client, workspace, assertBumped := setupActivityTest(t)
// Benign operations like retrieving workspace must not
// bump the deadline.
_, err := client.Workspace(ctx, workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("NotExceedMaxDeadline", func(t *testing.T) {
// Set the max deadline to be in 61 seconds. We bump by 1 minute, so we
// should expect the deadline to match the max deadline exactly.
client, workspace, assertBumped := setupActivityTest(t, 61*time.Second)
// Bump by dialing the workspace and sending traffic.
resources := coderdtest.AwaitWorkspaceAgents(t, client, workspace.ID)
conn, err := client.DialWorkspaceAgent(ctx, resources[0].Agents[0].ID, &codersdk.DialWorkspaceAgentOptions{
Logger: slogtest.Make(t, nil),
require.NoError(t, err)
defer conn.Close()
// Must send network traffic after a few seconds to surpass bump threshold.
time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
sshConn, err := conn.SSHClient(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
_ = sshConn.Close()
// Double check that the workspace build's deadline is equal to the
// max deadline.
workspace, err = client.Workspace(ctx, workspace.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, workspace.LatestBuild.Deadline.Time, workspace.LatestBuild.MaxDeadline.Time)