
127 lines
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package httpmw
import (
// cspDirectives is a map of all csp fetch directives to their values.
// Each directive is a set of values that is joined by a space (' ').
// All directives are semi-colon separated as a single string for the csp header.
type cspDirectives map[CSPFetchDirective][]string
func (s cspDirectives) Append(d CSPFetchDirective, values ...string) {
if _, ok := s[d]; !ok {
s[d] = make([]string, 0)
s[d] = append(s[d], values...)
// CSPFetchDirective is the list of all constant fetch directives that
// can be used/appended to.
type CSPFetchDirective string
const (
cspDirectiveDefaultSrc = "default-src"
cspDirectiveConnectSrc = "connect-src"
cspDirectiveChildSrc = "child-src"
cspDirectiveScriptSrc = "script-src"
cspDirectiveFontSrc = "font-src"
cspDirectiveStyleSrc = "style-src"
cspDirectiveObjectSrc = "object-src"
cspDirectiveManifestSrc = "manifest-src"
cspDirectiveFrameSrc = "frame-src"
cspDirectiveImgSrc = "img-src"
cspDirectiveReportURI = "report-uri"
cspDirectiveFormAction = "form-action"
cspDirectiveMediaSrc = "media-src"
cspFrameAncestors = "frame-ancestors"
cspDirectiveWorkerSrc = "worker-src"
// CSPHeaders returns a middleware that sets the Content-Security-Policy header
// for coderd. It takes a function that allows adding supported external websocket
// hosts. This is primarily to support the terminal connecting to a workspace proxy.
func CSPHeaders(websocketHosts func() []string) func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Content-Security-Policy disables loading certain content types and can prevent XSS injections.
// This site helps eval your policy for syntax and other common issues:
// If we ever want to render something like a PDF, we need to adjust "object-src"
// The list of CSP options:
cspSrcs := cspDirectives{
// All omitted fetch csp srcs default to this.
cspDirectiveDefaultSrc: {"'self'"},
cspDirectiveConnectSrc: {"'self'"},
cspDirectiveChildSrc: {"'self'"},
cspDirectiveScriptSrc: {"'self'"},
cspDirectiveStyleSrc: {"'self' 'unsafe-inline'"},
// data: is used by monaco editor on FE for Syntax Highlight
cspDirectiveFontSrc: {"'self' data:"},
cspDirectiveWorkerSrc: {"'self' blob:"},
// object-src is needed to support code-server
cspDirectiveObjectSrc: {"'self'"},
// blob: for loading the pwa manifest for code-server
cspDirectiveManifestSrc: {"'self' blob:"},
cspDirectiveFrameSrc: {"'self'"},
// data: for loading base64 encoded icons for generic applications.
// https: allows loading images from external sources. This is not ideal
// but is required for the templates page that renders readmes.
// We should find a better solution in the future.
cspDirectiveImgSrc: {"'self' https: data:"},
cspDirectiveFormAction: {"'self'"},
cspDirectiveMediaSrc: {"'self'"},
// Report all violations back to the server to log
cspDirectiveReportURI: {"/api/v2/csp/reports"},
cspFrameAncestors: {"'none'"},
// Only scripts can manipulate the dom. This prevents someone from
// naming themselves something like '<svg onload="alert(/cross-site-scripting/)" />'.
// "require-trusted-types-for" : []string{"'script'"},
// This extra connect-src addition is required to support old webkit
// based browsers (Safari).
// See issue:
// Once webkit browsers support 'self' on connect-src, we can remove this.
// When we remove this, the csp header can be static, as opposed to being
// dynamically generated for each request.
host := r.Host
// It is important r.Host is not an empty string.
if host != "" {
// We can add both ws:// and wss:// as browsers do not let https
// pages to connect to non-tls websocket connections. So this
// supports both http & https webpages.
cspSrcs.Append(cspDirectiveConnectSrc, fmt.Sprintf("wss://%[1]s ws://%[1]s", host))
// The terminal requires a websocket connection to the workspace proxy.
// Make sure we allow this connection to healthy proxies.
extraConnect := websocketHosts()
if len(extraConnect) > 0 {
for _, extraHost := range extraConnect {
if extraHost == "*" {
// '*' means all
cspSrcs.Append(cspDirectiveConnectSrc, "*")
cspSrcs.Append(cspDirectiveConnectSrc, fmt.Sprintf("wss://%[1]s ws://%[1]s", extraHost))
// We also require this to make http/https requests to the workspace proxy for latency checking.
cspSrcs.Append(cspDirectiveConnectSrc, fmt.Sprintf("https://%[1]s http://%[1]s", extraHost))
var csp strings.Builder
for src, vals := range cspSrcs {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(&csp, "%s %s; ", src, strings.Join(vals, " "))
w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", csp.String())
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)