
205 lines
6.4 KiB

package coderdenttest
import (
const (
testKeyID = "enterprise-test"
var (
testPrivateKey ed25519.PrivateKey
testPublicKey ed25519.PublicKey
Keys = map[string]ed25519.PublicKey{}
func init() {
var err error
testPublicKey, testPrivateKey, err = ed25519.GenerateKey(rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
Keys[testKeyID] = testPublicKey
type Options struct {
AuditLogging bool
BrowserOnly bool
EntitlementsUpdateInterval time.Duration
SCIMAPIKey []byte
UserWorkspaceQuota int
ProxyHealthInterval time.Duration
LicenseOptions *LicenseOptions
NoDefaultQuietHoursSchedule bool
DontAddLicense bool
DontAddFirstUser bool
ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval time.Duration
ExternalTokenEncryption []dbcrypt.Cipher
ProvisionerDaemonPSK string
// New constructs a codersdk client connected to an in-memory Enterprise API instance.
func New(t *testing.T, options *Options) (*codersdk.Client, codersdk.CreateFirstUserResponse) {
client, _, _, user := NewWithAPI(t, options)
return client, user
func NewWithAPI(t *testing.T, options *Options) (
*codersdk.Client, io.Closer, *coderd.API, codersdk.CreateFirstUserResponse,
) {
if options == nil {
options = &Options{}
if options.Options == nil {
options.Options = &coderdtest.Options{}
require.False(t, options.DontAddFirstUser && !options.DontAddLicense, "DontAddFirstUser requires DontAddLicense")
setHandler, cancelFunc, serverURL, oop := coderdtest.NewOptions(t, options.Options)
if !options.NoDefaultQuietHoursSchedule && oop.DeploymentValues.UserQuietHoursSchedule.DefaultSchedule.Value() == "" {
err := oop.DeploymentValues.UserQuietHoursSchedule.DefaultSchedule.Set("0 0 * * *")
require.NoError(t, err)
coderAPI, err := coderd.New(context.Background(), &coderd.Options{
RBAC: true,
AuditLogging: options.AuditLogging,
BrowserOnly: options.BrowserOnly,
DERPServerRelayAddress: oop.AccessURL.String(),
DERPServerRegionID: oop.BaseDERPMap.RegionIDs()[0],
ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval: options.ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval,
Options: oop,
EntitlementsUpdateInterval: options.EntitlementsUpdateInterval,
LicenseKeys: Keys,
ProxyHealthInterval: options.ProxyHealthInterval,
DefaultQuietHoursSchedule: oop.DeploymentValues.UserQuietHoursSchedule.DefaultSchedule.Value(),
ProvisionerDaemonPSK: options.ProvisionerDaemonPSK,
ExternalTokenEncryption: options.ExternalTokenEncryption,
require.NoError(t, err)
var provisionerCloser io.Closer = nopcloser{}
if options.IncludeProvisionerDaemon {
provisionerCloser = coderdtest.NewProvisionerDaemon(t, coderAPI.AGPL)
t.Cleanup(func() {
_ = provisionerCloser.Close()
_ = coderAPI.Close()
client := codersdk.New(serverURL)
client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
var user codersdk.CreateFirstUserResponse
if !options.DontAddFirstUser {
user = coderdtest.CreateFirstUser(t, client)
if !options.DontAddLicense {
lo := LicenseOptions{}
if options.LicenseOptions != nil {
lo = *options.LicenseOptions
// The pgCoord is not supported by the fake DB & in-memory Pubsub. It only works on a real postgres.
if lo.AllFeatures || (lo.Features != nil && lo.Features[codersdk.FeatureHighAvailability] != 0) {
// we check for the in-memory test types so that the real types don't have to exported
_, ok := coderAPI.Pubsub.(*pubsub.MemoryPubsub)
require.False(t, ok, "FeatureHighAvailability is incompatible with MemoryPubsub")
_, ok = coderAPI.Database.(*dbmem.FakeQuerier)
require.False(t, ok, "FeatureHighAvailability is incompatible with dbmem")
_ = AddLicense(t, client, lo)
return client, provisionerCloser, coderAPI, user
type LicenseOptions struct {
AccountType string
AccountID string
Trial bool
AllFeatures bool
GraceAt time.Time
ExpiresAt time.Time
Features license.Features
// AddFullLicense generates a license with all features enabled.
func AddFullLicense(t *testing.T, client *codersdk.Client) codersdk.License {
return AddLicense(t, client, LicenseOptions{AllFeatures: true})
// AddLicense generates a new license with the options provided and inserts it.
func AddLicense(t *testing.T, client *codersdk.Client, options LicenseOptions) codersdk.License {
l, err := client.AddLicense(context.Background(), codersdk.AddLicenseRequest{
License: GenerateLicense(t, options),
require.NoError(t, err)
return l
// GenerateLicense returns a signed JWT using the test key.
func GenerateLicense(t *testing.T, options LicenseOptions) string {
if options.ExpiresAt.IsZero() {
options.ExpiresAt = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
if options.GraceAt.IsZero() {
options.GraceAt = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
c := &license.Claims{
RegisteredClaims: jwt.RegisteredClaims{
ID: uuid.NewString(),
Issuer: "test@testing.test",
ExpiresAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(options.ExpiresAt),
NotBefore: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(-time.Minute)),
IssuedAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(time.Now().Add(-time.Minute)),
LicenseExpires: jwt.NewNumericDate(options.GraceAt),
AccountType: options.AccountType,
AccountID: options.AccountID,
Trial: options.Trial,
Version: license.CurrentVersion,
AllFeatures: options.AllFeatures,
Features: options.Features,
tok := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodEdDSA, c)
tok.Header[license.HeaderKeyID] = testKeyID
signedTok, err := tok.SignedString(testPrivateKey)
require.NoError(t, err)
return signedTok
type nopcloser struct{}
func (nopcloser) Close() error { return nil }