
978 lines
33 KiB

package coderd
import (
agplaudit ""
agpldbauthz ""
agplschedule ""
agpltailnet ""
// New constructs an Enterprise coderd API instance.
// This handler is designed to wrap the AGPL Coder code and
// layer Enterprise functionality on top as much as possible.
func New(ctx context.Context, options *Options) (_ *API, err error) {
if options.EntitlementsUpdateInterval == 0 {
options.EntitlementsUpdateInterval = 10 * time.Minute
if options.LicenseKeys == nil {
options.LicenseKeys = Keys
if options.Options == nil {
options.Options = &coderd.Options{}
if options.PrometheusRegistry == nil {
options.PrometheusRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry()
if options.Options.Authorizer == nil {
options.Options.Authorizer = rbac.NewCachingAuthorizer(options.PrometheusRegistry)
ctx, cancelFunc := context.WithCancel(ctx)
if options.ExternalTokenEncryption == nil {
options.ExternalTokenEncryption = make([]dbcrypt.Cipher, 0)
// Database encryption is an enterprise feature, but as checking license entitlements
// depends on the database, we end up in a chicken-and-egg situation. To avoid this,
// we always enable it but only soft-enforce it.
if len(options.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0 {
var keyDigests []string
for _, cipher := range options.ExternalTokenEncryption {
keyDigests = append(keyDigests, cipher.HexDigest())
options.Logger.Info(ctx, "database encryption enabled", slog.F("keys", keyDigests))
cryptDB, err := dbcrypt.New(ctx, options.Database, options.ExternalTokenEncryption...)
if err != nil {
// If we fail to initialize the database, it's likely that the
// database is encrypted with an unknown external token encryption key.
// This is a fatal error.
var derr *dbcrypt.DecryptFailedError
if xerrors.As(err, &derr) {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("database encrypted with unknown key, either add the key or see %w", derr)
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("init database encryption: %w", err)
options.Database = cryptDB
api := &API{
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancelFunc,
AGPL: coderd.New(options.Options),
Options: options,
provisionerDaemonAuth: &provisionerDaemonAuth{
psk: options.ProvisionerDaemonPSK,
authorizer: options.Authorizer,
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = api.Close()
api.AGPL.Options.ParseLicenseClaims = func(rawJWT string) (email string, trial bool, err error) {
c, err := license.ParseClaims(rawJWT, Keys)
if err != nil {
return "", false, err
return c.Subject, c.Trial, nil
api.AGPL.Options.SetUserGroups = api.setUserGroups
api.AGPL.Options.SetUserSiteRoles = api.setUserSiteRoles
api.AGPL.SiteHandler.RegionsFetcher = func(ctx context.Context) (any, error) {
// If the user can read the workspace proxy resource, return that.
// If not, always default to the regions.
actor, ok := agpldbauthz.ActorFromContext(ctx)
if ok && api.Authorizer.Authorize(ctx, actor, rbac.ActionRead, rbac.ResourceWorkspaceProxy) == nil {
return api.fetchWorkspaceProxies(ctx)
return api.fetchRegions(ctx)
api.tailnetService, err = tailnet.NewClientService(
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Fatal(api.ctx, "failed to initialize tailnet client service", slog.Error(err))
oauthConfigs := &httpmw.OAuth2Configs{
Github: options.GithubOAuth2Config,
OIDC: options.OIDCConfig,
apiKeyMiddleware := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: options.Database,
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
Optional: false,
SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior
apiKeyMiddlewareOptional := httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyMW(httpmw.ExtractAPIKeyConfig{
DB: options.Database,
OAuth2Configs: oauthConfigs,
RedirectToLogin: false,
DisableSessionExpiryRefresh: options.DeploymentValues.DisableSessionExpiryRefresh.Value(),
Optional: true,
SessionTokenFunc: nil, // Default behavior
deploymentID, err := options.Database.GetDeploymentID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("failed to get deployment ID: %w", err)
api.AGPL.APIHandler.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/entitlements", api.serveEntitlements)
// /regions overrides the AGPL /regions endpoint
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/regions", api.regions)
r.Route("/replicas", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.replicas)
r.Route("/licenses", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/refresh-entitlements", api.postRefreshEntitlements)
r.Post("/", api.postLicense)
r.Get("/", api.licenses)
r.Delete("/{id}", api.deleteLicense)
r.Route("/applications/reconnecting-pty-signed-token", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.reconnectingPTYSignedToken)
DB: options.Database,
Optional: true,
).Get("/workspaceagents/{workspaceagent}/legacy", api.agentIsLegacy)
r.Route("/workspaceproxies", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postWorkspaceProxy)
r.Get("/", api.workspaceProxies)
r.Route("/me", func(r chi.Router) {
DB: options.Database,
Optional: false,
r.Get("/coordinate", api.workspaceProxyCoordinate)
r.Post("/issue-signed-app-token", api.workspaceProxyIssueSignedAppToken)
r.Post("/app-stats", api.workspaceProxyReportAppStats)
r.Post("/register", api.workspaceProxyRegister)
r.Post("/deregister", api.workspaceProxyDeregister)
r.Route("/{workspaceproxy}", func(r chi.Router) {
httpmw.ExtractWorkspaceProxyParam(api.Database, deploymentID, api.AGPL.PrimaryWorkspaceProxy),
r.Get("/", api.workspaceProxy)
r.Patch("/", api.patchWorkspaceProxy)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteWorkspaceProxy)
r.Route("/organizations/{organization}/groups", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/", api.postGroupByOrganization)
r.Get("/", api.groupsByOrganization)
r.Route("/{groupName}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.groupByOrganization)
// TODO: provisioner daemons are not scoped to organizations in the database, so placing them
// under an organization route doesn't make sense. In order to allow the /serve endpoint to
// work with a pre-shared key (PSK) without an API key, these routes will simply ignore the
// value of {organization}. That is, the route will work with any organization ID, whether or
// not it exits. This doesn't leak any information about the existence of organizations, so is
// fine from a security perspective, but might be a little surprising.
// We may in future decide to scope provisioner daemons to organizations, so we'll keep the API
// route as is.
r.Route("/organizations/{organization}/provisionerdaemons", func(r chi.Router) {
r.With(apiKeyMiddleware).Get("/", api.provisionerDaemons)
r.With(apiKeyMiddlewareOptional).Get("/serve", api.provisionerDaemonServe)
r.Route("/templates/{template}/acl", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/available", api.templateAvailablePermissions)
r.Get("/", api.templateACL)
r.Patch("/", api.patchTemplateACL)
r.Route("/groups/{group}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Patch("/", api.patchGroup)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteGroup)
r.Route("/workspace-quota", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/{user}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.workspaceQuota)
r.Route("/appearance", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
DB: options.Database,
Optional: true,
r.Get("/", api.appearance)
r.Group(func(r chi.Router) {
r.Put("/", api.putAppearance)
r.Route("/users/{user}/quiet-hours", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.userQuietHoursSchedule)
r.Put("/", api.putUserQuietHoursSchedule)
r.Route("/oauth2-provider", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Route("/apps", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderApps)
r.Post("/", api.postOAuth2ProviderApp)
r.Route("/{app}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderApp)
r.Put("/", api.putOAuth2ProviderApp)
r.Delete("/", api.deleteOAuth2ProviderApp)
r.Route("/secrets", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.oAuth2ProviderAppSecrets)
r.Post("/", api.postOAuth2ProviderAppSecret)
r.Route("/{secretID}", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Delete("/", api.deleteOAuth2ProviderAppSecret)
r.Route("/integrations", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/jfrog/xray-scan", api.postJFrogXrayScan)
r.Get("/jfrog/xray-scan", api.jFrogXrayScan)
if len(options.SCIMAPIKey) != 0 {
api.AGPL.RootHandler.Route("/scim/v2", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Post("/Users", api.scimPostUser)
r.Route("/Users", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/", api.scimGetUsers)
r.Post("/", api.scimPostUser)
r.Get("/{id}", api.scimGetUser)
r.Patch("/{id}", api.scimPatchUser)
meshRootCA := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, certificate := range options.TLSCertificates {
for _, certificatePart := range certificate.Certificate {
certificate, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certificatePart)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse certificate %s: %w", certificate.Subject.CommonName, err)
// This TLS configuration spoofs access from the access URL hostname
// assuming that the certificates provided will cover that hostname.
// Replica sync and DERP meshing require accessing replicas via their
// internal IP addresses, and if TLS is configured we use the same
// certificates.
meshTLSConfig := &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
Certificates: options.TLSCertificates,
RootCAs: meshRootCA,
ServerName: options.AccessURL.Hostname(),
api.replicaManager, err = replicasync.New(ctx, options.Logger, options.Database, options.Pubsub, &replicasync.Options{
ID: api.AGPL.ID,
RelayAddress: options.DERPServerRelayAddress,
RegionID: int32(options.DERPServerRegionID),
TLSConfig: meshTLSConfig,
UpdateInterval: options.ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("initialize replica: %w", err)
api.derpMesh = derpmesh.New(options.Logger.Named("derpmesh"), api.DERPServer, meshTLSConfig)
// Moon feature init. Proxyhealh is a go routine to periodically check
// the health of all workspace proxies.
api.ProxyHealth, err = proxyhealth.New(&proxyhealth.Options{
Interval: options.ProxyHealthInterval,
DB: api.Database,
Logger: options.Logger.Named("proxyhealth"),
Client: api.HTTPClient,
Prometheus: api.PrometheusRegistry,
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("initialize proxy health: %w", err)
go api.ProxyHealth.Run(ctx)
// Force the initial loading of the cache. Do this in a go routine in case
// the calls to the workspace proxies hang and this takes some time.
go api.forceWorkspaceProxyHealthUpdate(ctx)
// Use proxy health to return the healthy workspace proxy hostnames.
f := api.ProxyHealth.ProxyHosts
// Wire this up to healthcheck.
var fetchUpdater healthcheck.WorkspaceProxiesFetchUpdater = &workspaceProxiesFetchUpdater{
fetchFunc: api.fetchWorkspaceProxies,
updateFunc: api.ProxyHealth.ForceUpdate,
err = api.PrometheusRegistry.Register(&api.licenseMetricsCollector)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("unable to register license metrics collector")
err = api.updateEntitlements(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("update entitlements: %w", err)
go api.runEntitlementsLoop(ctx)
return api, nil
type Options struct {
RBAC bool
AuditLogging bool
// Whether to block non-browser connections.
BrowserOnly bool
SCIMAPIKey []byte
ExternalTokenEncryption []dbcrypt.Cipher
// Used for high availability.
ReplicaSyncUpdateInterval time.Duration
DERPServerRelayAddress string
DERPServerRegionID int
// Used for user quiet hours schedules.
DefaultQuietHoursSchedule string // cron schedule, if empty user quiet hours schedules are disabled
EntitlementsUpdateInterval time.Duration
ProxyHealthInterval time.Duration
LicenseKeys map[string]ed25519.PublicKey
// optional pre-shared key for authentication of external provisioner daemons
ProvisionerDaemonPSK string
CheckInactiveUsersCancelFunc func()
type API struct {
AGPL *coderd.API
// ctx is canceled immediately on shutdown, it can be used to abort
// interruptible tasks.
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
// Detects multiple Coder replicas running at the same time.
replicaManager *replicasync.Manager
// Meshes DERP connections from multiple replicas.
derpMesh *derpmesh.Mesh
// ProxyHealth checks the reachability of all workspace proxies.
ProxyHealth *proxyhealth.ProxyHealth
entitlementsUpdateMu sync.Mutex
entitlementsMu sync.RWMutex
entitlements codersdk.Entitlements
provisionerDaemonAuth *provisionerDaemonAuth
licenseMetricsCollector license.MetricsCollector
tailnetService *tailnet.ClientService
func (api *API) Close() error {
// Replica manager should be closed first. This is because the replica
// manager updates the replica's table in the database when it closes.
// This tells other Coderds that it is now offline.
if api.replicaManager != nil {
_ = api.replicaManager.Close()
if api.derpMesh != nil {
_ = api.derpMesh.Close()
if api.Options.CheckInactiveUsersCancelFunc != nil {
return api.AGPL.Close()
func (api *API) updateEntitlements(ctx context.Context) error {
defer api.entitlementsUpdateMu.Unlock()
entitlements, err := license.Entitlements(
ctx, api.Database,
api.Logger, len(api.replicaManager.AllPrimary()), len(api.ExternalAuthConfigs), api.LicenseKeys, map[codersdk.FeatureName]bool{
codersdk.FeatureAuditLog: api.AuditLogging,
codersdk.FeatureBrowserOnly: api.BrowserOnly,
codersdk.FeatureSCIM: len(api.SCIMAPIKey) != 0,
codersdk.FeatureMultipleExternalAuth: len(api.ExternalAuthConfigs) > 1,
codersdk.FeatureOAuth2Provider: true,
codersdk.FeatureTemplateRBAC: api.RBAC,
codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption: len(api.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0,
codersdk.FeatureExternalProvisionerDaemons: true,
codersdk.FeatureAdvancedTemplateScheduling: true,
codersdk.FeatureWorkspaceProxy: true,
codersdk.FeatureUserRoleManagement: true,
codersdk.FeatureAccessControl: true,
if err != nil {
return err
if entitlements.RequireTelemetry && !api.DeploymentValues.Telemetry.Enable.Value() {
// We can't fail because then the user couldn't remove the offending
// license w/o a restart.
// We don't simply append to entitlement.Errors since we don't want any
// enterprise features enabled.
api.entitlements.Errors = []string{
"License requires telemetry but telemetry is disabled",
api.Logger.Error(ctx, "license requires telemetry enabled")
return nil
featureChanged := func(featureName codersdk.FeatureName) (initial, changed, enabled bool) {
if api.entitlements.Features == nil {
return true, false, entitlements.Features[featureName].Enabled
oldFeature := api.entitlements.Features[featureName]
newFeature := entitlements.Features[featureName]
if oldFeature.Enabled != newFeature.Enabled {
return false, true, newFeature.Enabled
return false, false, newFeature.Enabled
shouldUpdate := func(initial, changed, enabled bool) bool {
// Avoid an initial tick on startup unless the feature is enabled.
return changed || (initial && enabled)
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAuditLog); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
auditor := agplaudit.NewNop()
if enabled {
auditor = api.AGPL.Options.Auditor
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureBrowserOnly); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
var handler func(rw http.ResponseWriter) bool
if enabled {
handler = api.shouldBlockNonBrowserConnections
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureTemplateRBAC); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
if enabled {
committer := committer{
Log: api.Logger.Named("quota_committer"),
Database: api.Database,
qcPtr := proto.QuotaCommitter(&committer)
} else {
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAdvancedTemplateScheduling); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
if enabled {
templateStore := schedule.NewEnterpriseTemplateScheduleStore(api.AGPL.UserQuietHoursScheduleStore)
templateStoreInterface := agplschedule.TemplateScheduleStore(templateStore)
if api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule == "" {
api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "template autostop requirement will default to UTC midnight as the default user quiet hours schedule. Set a custom default quiet hours schedule using CODER_QUIET_HOURS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE to avoid this warning")
api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule = "CRON_TZ=UTC 0 0 * * *"
quietHoursStore, err := schedule.NewEnterpriseUserQuietHoursScheduleStore(api.DefaultQuietHoursSchedule, api.DeploymentValues.UserQuietHoursSchedule.AllowUserCustom.Value())
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Error(ctx, "unable to set up enterprise user quiet hours schedule store, template autostop requirements will not be applied to workspace builds", slog.Error(err))
} else {
} else {
templateStore := agplschedule.NewAGPLTemplateScheduleStore()
quietHoursStore := agplschedule.NewAGPLUserQuietHoursScheduleStore()
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureHighAvailability); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
var coordinator agpltailnet.Coordinator
if enabled {
haCoordinator, err := tailnet.NewPGCoord(api.ctx, api.Logger, api.Pubsub, api.Database)
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Error(ctx, "unable to set up high availability coordinator", slog.Error(err))
// If we try to setup the HA coordinator and it fails, nothing
// is actually changing.
} else {
coordinator = haCoordinator
api.replicaManager.SetCallback(func() {
addresses := make([]string, 0)
for _, replica := range api.replicaManager.Regional() {
addresses = append(addresses, replica.RelayAddress)
api.derpMesh.SetAddresses(addresses, false)
_ = api.updateEntitlements(ctx)
} else {
coordinator = agpltailnet.NewCoordinator(api.Logger)
api.derpMesh.SetAddresses([]string{}, false)
api.replicaManager.SetCallback(func() {
// If the amount of replicas change, so should our entitlements.
// This is to display a warning in the UI if the user is unlicensed.
_ = api.updateEntitlements(ctx)
// Recheck changed in case the HA coordinator failed to set up.
if coordinator != nil {
oldCoordinator := *api.AGPL.TailnetCoordinator.Swap(&coordinator)
err := oldCoordinator.Close()
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Error(ctx, "close old tailnet coordinator", slog.Error(err))
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureWorkspaceProxy); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
if enabled {
fn := derpMapper(api.Logger, api.ProxyHealth)
} else {
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAccessControl); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
var acs agpldbauthz.AccessControlStore = agpldbauthz.AGPLTemplateAccessControlStore{}
if enabled {
acs = dbauthz.EnterpriseTemplateAccessControlStore{}
if initial, changed, enabled := featureChanged(codersdk.FeatureAppearance); shouldUpdate(initial, changed, enabled) {
if enabled {
f := newAppearanceFetcher(
} else {
// External token encryption is soft-enforced
featureExternalTokenEncryption := entitlements.Features[codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption]
featureExternalTokenEncryption.Enabled = len(api.ExternalTokenEncryption) > 0
if featureExternalTokenEncryption.Enabled && featureExternalTokenEncryption.Entitlement != codersdk.EntitlementEntitled {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s is enabled (due to setting external token encryption keys) but your license is not entitled to this feature.", codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption.Humanize())
api.Logger.Warn(ctx, msg)
entitlements.Warnings = append(entitlements.Warnings, msg)
entitlements.Features[codersdk.FeatureExternalTokenEncryption] = featureExternalTokenEncryption
defer api.entitlementsMu.Unlock()
api.entitlements = entitlements
return nil
// getProxyDERPStartingRegionID returns the starting region ID that should be
// used for workspace proxies. A proxy's actual region ID is the return value
// from this function + it's RegionID field.
// Two ints are returned, the first is the starting region ID for proxies, and
// the second is the maximum region ID that already exists in the DERP map.
func getProxyDERPStartingRegionID(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) (sID int64, mID int64) {
var maxRegionID int64
for _, region := range derpMap.Regions {
rid := int64(region.RegionID)
if rid > maxRegionID {
maxRegionID = rid
if maxRegionID < 0 {
maxRegionID = 0
// Round to the nearest 10,000 with a sufficient buffer of at least 2,000.
// The buffer allows for future "fixed" regions to be added to the base DERP
// map without conflicting with proxy region IDs (standard DERP maps usually
// use incrementing IDs for new regions).
// Example:
// maxRegionID = -2_000 -> startingRegionID = 10_000
// maxRegionID = 8_000 -> startingRegionID = 10_000
// maxRegionID = 8_500 -> startingRegionID = 20_000
// maxRegionID = 12_000 -> startingRegionID = 20_000
// maxRegionID = 20_000 -> startingRegionID = 30_000
const roundStartingRegionID = 10_000
const startingRegionIDBuffer = 2_000
// Add the buffer first.
startingRegionID := maxRegionID + startingRegionIDBuffer
// Round UP to the nearest 10,000. Go's math.Ceil rounds up to the nearest
// integer, so we need to divide by 10,000 first and then multiply by
// 10,000.
startingRegionID = int64(math.Ceil(float64(startingRegionID)/roundStartingRegionID) * roundStartingRegionID)
// This should never be hit but it's here just in case.
if startingRegionID < roundStartingRegionID {
startingRegionID = roundStartingRegionID
return startingRegionID, maxRegionID
var (
lastDerpConflictMutex sync.Mutex
lastDerpConflictLog time.Time
func derpMapper(logger slog.Logger, proxyHealth *proxyhealth.ProxyHealth) func(*tailcfg.DERPMap) *tailcfg.DERPMap {
return func(derpMap *tailcfg.DERPMap) *tailcfg.DERPMap {
derpMap = derpMap.Clone()
// Find the starting region ID that we'll use for proxies. This must be
// deterministic based on the derp map.
startingRegionID, largestRegionID := getProxyDERPStartingRegionID(derpMap)
if largestRegionID >= 1<<32 {
// Enforce an upper bound on the region ID. This shouldn't be hit in
// practice, but it's a good sanity check.
shouldLog := lastDerpConflictLog.IsZero() || time.Since(lastDerpConflictLog) > time.Minute
if shouldLog {
lastDerpConflictLog = time.Now()
if shouldLog {
"existing DERP region IDs are too large, proxy region IDs will not be populated in the derp map. Please ensure that all DERP region IDs are less than 2^32",
slog.F("largest_region_id", largestRegionID),
slog.F("max_region_id", int64(1<<32-1)),
return derpMap
// Add all healthy proxies to the DERP map.
statusMap := proxyHealth.HealthStatus()
for _, status := range statusMap {
if status.Status != proxyhealth.Healthy || !status.Proxy.DerpEnabled {
// Only add healthy proxies with DERP enabled to the DERP map.
u, err := url.Parse(status.Proxy.Url)
if err != nil {
// Not really any need to log, the proxy should be unreachable
// anyways and filtered out by the above condition.
port := u.Port()
if port == "" {
port = "80"
if u.Scheme == "https" {
port = "443"
portInt, err := strconv.Atoi(port)
if err != nil {
// Not really any need to log, the proxy should be unreachable
// anyways and filtered out by the above condition.
// Sanity check that the region ID and code is unique.
// This should be impossible to hit as the IDs are enforced to be
// unique by the database and the computed ID is greater than any
// existing ID in the DERP map.
regionID := int(startingRegionID) + int(status.Proxy.RegionID)
regionCode := fmt.Sprintf("coder_%s", strings.ToLower(status.Proxy.Name))
regionName := status.Proxy.DisplayName
if regionName == "" {
regionName = status.Proxy.Name
for _, r := range derpMap.Regions {
if r.RegionID == regionID || r.RegionCode == regionCode {
// Log a warning if we haven't logged one in the last
// minute.
shouldLog := lastDerpConflictLog.IsZero() || time.Since(lastDerpConflictLog) > time.Minute
if shouldLog {
lastDerpConflictLog = time.Now()
if shouldLog {
"proxy region ID or code conflict, ignoring workspace proxy for DERP map",
slog.F("proxy_id", status.Proxy.ID),
slog.F("proxy_name", status.Proxy.Name),
slog.F("proxy_display_name", status.Proxy.DisplayName),
slog.F("proxy_url", status.Proxy.Url),
slog.F("proxy_region_id", status.Proxy.RegionID),
slog.F("proxy_computed_region_id", regionID),
slog.F("proxy_computed_region_code", regionCode),
continue statusLoop
derpMap.Regions[regionID] = &tailcfg.DERPRegion{
// EmbeddedRelay ONLY applies to the primary.
EmbeddedRelay: false,
RegionID: regionID,
RegionCode: regionCode,
RegionName: regionName,
Nodes: []*tailcfg.DERPNode{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("%da", regionID),
RegionID: regionID,
HostName: u.Hostname(),
DERPPort: portInt,
STUNPort: -1,
ForceHTTP: u.Scheme == "http",
return derpMap
// @Summary Get entitlements
// @ID get-entitlements
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.Entitlements
// @Router /entitlements [get]
func (api *API) serveEntitlements(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
entitlements := api.entitlements
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, entitlements)
func (api *API) runEntitlementsLoop(ctx context.Context) {
eb := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
eb.MaxElapsedTime = 0 // retry indefinitely
b := backoff.WithContext(eb, ctx)
updates := make(chan struct{}, 1)
subscribed := false
defer func() {
// If this function ends, it means the context was canceled and this
// coderd is shutting down. In this case, post a pubsub message to
// tell other coderd's to resync their entitlements. This is required to
// make sure things like replica counts are updated in the UI.
// Ignore the error, as this is just a best effort. If it fails,
// the system will eventually recover as replicas timeout
// if their heartbeats stop. The best effort just tries to update the
// UI faster if it succeeds.
_ = api.Pubsub.Publish(PubsubEventLicenses, []byte("going away"))
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// pass
if !subscribed {
cancel, err := api.Pubsub.Subscribe(PubsubEventLicenses, func(_ context.Context, _ []byte) {
// don't block. If the channel is full, drop the event, as there is a resync
// scheduled already.
select {
case updates <- struct{}{}:
// pass
// pass
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to subscribe to license updates", slog.Error(err))
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(b.NextBackOff()):
// nolint: revive
defer cancel()
subscribed = true
api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "successfully subscribed to pubsub")
api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "syncing licensed entitlements")
err := api.updateEntitlements(ctx)
if err != nil {
api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to get feature entitlements", slog.Error(err))
api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "synced licensed entitlements")
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-time.After(api.EntitlementsUpdateInterval):
case <-updates:
api.Logger.Debug(ctx, "got pubsub update")
func (api *API) Authorize(r *http.Request, action rbac.Action, object rbac.Objecter) bool {
return api.AGPL.HTTPAuth.Authorize(r, action, object)