
340 lines
11 KiB

package cliui
import (
var errAgentShuttingDown = xerrors.New("agent is shutting down")
type AgentOptions struct {
FetchInterval time.Duration
Fetch func(ctx context.Context, agentID uuid.UUID) (codersdk.WorkspaceAgent, error)
FetchLogs func(ctx context.Context, agentID uuid.UUID, after int64, follow bool) (<-chan []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLog, io.Closer, error)
Wait bool // If true, wait for the agent to be ready (startup script).
// Agent displays a spinning indicator that waits for a workspace agent to connect.
func Agent(ctx context.Context, writer io.Writer, agentID uuid.UUID, opts AgentOptions) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
if opts.FetchInterval == 0 {
opts.FetchInterval = 500 * time.Millisecond
if opts.FetchLogs == nil {
opts.FetchLogs = func(_ context.Context, _ uuid.UUID, _ int64, _ bool) (<-chan []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLog, io.Closer, error) {
c := make(chan []codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLog)
return c, closeFunc(func() error { return nil }), nil
type fetchAgent struct {
agent codersdk.WorkspaceAgent
err error
fetchedAgent := make(chan fetchAgent, 1)
go func() {
t := time.NewTimer(0)
defer t.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-t.C:
agent, err := opts.Fetch(ctx, agentID)
select {
case <-fetchedAgent:
if err != nil {
fetchedAgent <- fetchAgent{err: xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace agent: %w", err)}
fetchedAgent <- fetchAgent{agent: agent}
fetch := func() (codersdk.WorkspaceAgent, error) {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return codersdk.WorkspaceAgent{}, ctx.Err()
case f := <-fetchedAgent:
if f.err != nil {
return codersdk.WorkspaceAgent{}, f.err
return f.agent, nil
agent, err := fetch()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
logSources := map[uuid.UUID]codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLogSource{}
for _, source := range agent.LogSources {
logSources[source.ID] = source
sw := &stageWriter{w: writer}
showStartupLogs := false
for {
// It doesn't matter if we're connected or not, if the agent is
// shutting down, we don't know if it's coming back.
if agent.LifecycleState.ShuttingDown() {
return errAgentShuttingDown
switch agent.Status {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnecting, codersdk.WorkspaceAgentTimeout:
// Since we were waiting for the agent to connect, also show
// startup logs if applicable.
showStartupLogs = true
stage := "Waiting for the workspace agent to connect"
for agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnecting {
if agent, err = fetch(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
if agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentTimeout {
now := time.Now()
sw.Log(now, codersdk.LogLevelInfo, "The workspace agent is having trouble connecting, wait for it to connect or restart your workspace.")
sw.Log(now, codersdk.LogLevelInfo, troubleshootingMessage(agent, ""))
for agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentTimeout {
if agent, err = fetch(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
sw.Complete(stage, agent.FirstConnectedAt.Sub(agent.CreatedAt))
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentConnected:
if !showStartupLogs && agent.LifecycleState == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady {
// The workspace is ready, there's nothing to do but connect.
return nil
stage := "Running workspace agent startup scripts"
follow := opts.Wait
if !follow {
stage += " (non-blocking)"
err = func() error { // Use func because of defer in for loop.
logStream, logsCloser, err := opts.FetchLogs(ctx, agent.ID, 0, follow)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace agent startup logs: %w", err)
defer logsCloser.Close()
var lastLog codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLog
fetchedAgentWhileFollowing := fetchedAgent
if !follow {
fetchedAgentWhileFollowing = nil
for {
// This select is essentially and inline `fetch()`.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case f := <-fetchedAgentWhileFollowing:
if f.err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", f.err)
agent = f.agent
// If the agent is no longer starting, stop following
// logs because FetchLogs will keep streaming forever.
// We do one last non-follow request to ensure we have
// fetched all logs.
if !agent.LifecycleState.Starting() {
_ = logsCloser.Close()
fetchedAgentWhileFollowing = nil
logStream, logsCloser, err = opts.FetchLogs(ctx, agent.ID, lastLog.ID, false)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch workspace agent startup logs: %w", err)
// Logs are already primed, so we can call close.
_ = logsCloser.Close()
case logs, ok := <-logStream:
if !ok {
return nil
for _, log := range logs {
source, hasSource := logSources[log.SourceID]
output := log.Output
if hasSource && source.DisplayName != "" {
output = source.DisplayName + ": " + output
sw.Log(log.CreatedAt, log.Level, output)
lastLog = log
if err != nil {
return err
for follow && agent.LifecycleState.Starting() {
if agent, err = fetch(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
switch agent.LifecycleState {
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleReady:
sw.Complete(stage, safeDuration(sw, agent.ReadyAt, agent.StartedAt))
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartTimeout:
sw.Fail(stage, 0)
sw.Log(time.Time{}, codersdk.LogLevelWarn, "Warning: A startup script timed out and your workspace may be incomplete.")
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentLifecycleStartError:
sw.Fail(stage, safeDuration(sw, agent.ReadyAt, agent.StartedAt))
// Use zero time (omitted) to separate these from the startup logs.
sw.Log(time.Time{}, codersdk.LogLevelWarn, "Warning: A startup script exited with an error and your workspace may be incomplete.")
sw.Log(time.Time{}, codersdk.LogLevelWarn, troubleshootingMessage(agent, ""))
switch {
case agent.LifecycleState.Starting():
// Use zero time (omitted) to separate these from the startup logs.
sw.Log(time.Time{}, codersdk.LogLevelWarn, "Notice: The startup scripts are still running and your workspace may be incomplete.")
sw.Log(time.Time{}, codersdk.LogLevelWarn, troubleshootingMessage(agent, ""))
// Note: We don't complete or fail the stage here, it's
// intentionally left open to indicate this stage didn't
// complete.
case agent.LifecycleState.ShuttingDown():
// We no longer know if the startup script failed or not,
// but we need to tell the user something.
sw.Complete(stage, safeDuration(sw, agent.ReadyAt, agent.StartedAt))
return errAgentShuttingDown
return nil
case codersdk.WorkspaceAgentDisconnected:
// If the agent was still starting during disconnect, we'll
// show startup logs.
showStartupLogs = agent.LifecycleState.Starting()
stage := "The workspace agent lost connection"
sw.Log(time.Now(), codersdk.LogLevelWarn, "Wait for it to reconnect or restart your workspace.")
sw.Log(time.Now(), codersdk.LogLevelWarn, troubleshootingMessage(agent, ""))
disconnectedAt := agent.DisconnectedAt
for agent.Status == codersdk.WorkspaceAgentDisconnected {
if agent, err = fetch(); err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("fetch: %w", err)
sw.Complete(stage, safeDuration(sw, agent.LastConnectedAt, disconnectedAt))
func troubleshootingMessage(agent codersdk.WorkspaceAgent, url string) string {
m := "For more information and troubleshooting, see " + url
if agent.TroubleshootingURL != "" {
m += " and " + agent.TroubleshootingURL
return m
// safeDuration returns a-b. If a or b is nil, it returns 0.
// This is because we often dereference a time pointer, which can
// cause a panic. These dereferences are used to calculate durations,
// which are not critical, and therefor should not break things
// when it fails.
// A panic has been observed in a test.
func safeDuration(sw *stageWriter, a, b *time.Time) time.Duration {
if a == nil || b == nil {
if sw != nil {
// Ideally the message includes which fields are <nil>, but you can
// use the surrounding log lines to figure that out. And passing more
// params makes this unwieldy.
sw.Log(time.Now(), codersdk.LogLevelWarn, "Warning: Failed to calculate duration from a time being <nil>.")
return 0
return a.Sub(*b)
type closeFunc func() error
func (c closeFunc) Close() error {
return c()
func PeerDiagnostics(w io.Writer, d tailnet.PeerDiagnostics) {
if d.PreferredDERP > 0 {
rn, ok := d.DERPRegionNames[d.PreferredDERP]
if !ok {
rn = "unknown"
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "✔ preferred DERP region: %d (%s)\n", d.PreferredDERP, rn)
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "✘ not connected to DERP\n")
if d.SentNode {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "✔ sent local data to Coder networking coodinator\n")
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "✘ have not sent local data to Coder networking coordinator\n")
if d.ReceivedNode != nil {
dp := d.ReceivedNode.DERP
dn := ""
// should be where N is the DERP region
ap := strings.Split(dp, ":")
if len(ap) == 2 {
dp = ap[1]
di, err := strconv.Atoi(dp)
if err == nil {
var ok bool
dn, ok = d.DERPRegionNames[di]
if ok {
dn = fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", dn)
} else {
dn = "(unknown)"
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w,
"✔ received remote agent data from Coder networking coordinator\n preferred DERP region: %s %s\n endpoints: %s\n",
dp, dn, strings.Join(d.ReceivedNode.Endpoints, ", "))
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "✘ have not received remote agent data from Coder networking coordinator\n")
if !d.LastWireguardHandshake.IsZero() {
ago := time.Since(d.LastWireguardHandshake)
symbol := "✔"
// wireguard is supposed to refresh handshake on 5 minute intervals
if ago > 5*time.Minute {
symbol = "⚠"
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s Wireguard handshake %s ago\n", symbol, ago.Round(time.Second))
} else {
_, _ = fmt.Fprint(w, "✘ Wireguard is not connected\n")